Annelie Grund
Annelie Grund (born 28 June 1953, Berlin) is a German artist, stained glass artist, artist and musician. She lives in Wandlitz and is married to the architect Manfred Thon.


1976 she acquired the diplom at the Humboldt University of Berlin in the subjects of art, painting and German language and literature studies.[1] 1983 she got the master craftsman's diploma as stained-glass artist. Since 1979 she is a freelance artist and stained-glass artist in her own studio and workshop.[2]
Since her childhood she practices overtone singing. She received lessons by the choir director Christian Bollmann in Düsseldorf and for a long time took part in the Berlin Didgeridoo-Orchestra. She performed music in the DUO Bernstein (1996–2001). Nowadays she makes music during projects of art with her husband.[3]
Glass Art

She implemented many projects of glass art which are displayed in public, mostly made of glass, but also of steel and stone, painted windowpanes in churches and freestanding objects of glass and glassware paintings.[4] In 2007 she created the monument (errant block) at the water divide between the rivers Elbe and Oder at the Wandlitzsee.[5] In 2012 she created The blue band of the river Panke, a project of glass art at the staircase of the parking garage in Bernau.
Works in churches

- 2003 glass altarpiece in the church in the village of Lünow in Brandenburg
- 1999–2002 painted windowpanes in the church in Oderberg
- 1999–2016 painted windowpanes in the church in Fürstenberg/Eisenhüttenstadt
- 1999 glass – Sound – Installation in the church in Netzeband
- 1998 painted windowpanes in the church in Helfta
- 1998 Kraftfelder glass – Sound – Installation in Kloster Chorin
- 1997–1999 painted windowpanes in the Catholic church in Malchow/Mecklenburg
- 1996 painted windowpanes in the funeral chapel of the Luisenkirchhof Berlin-Charlottenburg
- 1995 painted windowpanes in a Catholic nurse hostel in Berlin-Biesdorf
- 1994 painted windowpanes in the funeral chapel of the crematory in Berlin-Baumschulenweg
- 1994 painted windowpanes in the New Apostolic Church in Gifhorn
- 1994 painted windowpanes in a chapel in the Hotel Albrechtshof in Berlin
- 1993 painted windowpanes in the church in Teschendorf
- 1991 painted windowpanes in the church in Radeland, Berlin-Spandau
- 2014 Fachwerkkirche Glambeck, messages and symbols
- 2013 Berlin, Inselgalerie, glass objects[6]
- 2012 Cottbus, Städtische Galerie im Rathaus, glass objects
- 2011 Hobrechtsfelde, Acryl – LED – steles of glass and sound
- 2011 Eberswalde, Städtische Galerie, glass objects
- 2010 Bernau, Galerie Schauß, frottages, drawings
- 2009 Potsdam, Galerie Sehmsdorf, glass objects
- 2007 Müncheberg, Stadtpfarrkirche glass objects, frottages, pastels
- 2006 Prenden, Dorfkirche, glass objects, frottages
- 2004 Fürstenwalde Kunstgalerie im Alten Rathaus, frottages and glass paintings
- 2003 Berlin, Galerie Form und Stil, glass paintings
- 2002 Grimme Kunsthof Barna v. Sartory, steles of glass
- 2002 Oderberg, Nikolaikirche, frottages and sound
- 2001 Wiesenburg, Galerie im Schloß, steles of glass
- 1998 Kloster Chorin, Installation Kraftfelder steles of glass and sound
- 1997 Templin Galerie im neuen Gymnasium, objects of glass and sound
- 1997 Berlin, Ölbergkirche, slides and sound
- 1996 Eberswalde, Städtische Galerie, symbols and countryside
- 1995 Berlin, Galerie im Wartesaal, symbols and countryside
Monument for the victims of witch-hunt in Bernau

In 2005 she created the monument for the victims of witch-hunt in Bernau with the support of the state of Brandenburg, the district of Barnim, the city of Bernau and donations of citizens of Bernau.
- Herbert Schirmer: Annelie Grund. Objekt, Grafik, Malerei, in: 38 Künstler in Barnim, Hrsg: Sabine Voerster. Infopunkt Kunst. Netzwerk für Bildende Kunst und Kunsthandwerk in Barnim, Wandlitz–Prenden 2015, no pagination (Annelie Grund. Objet d'art, art design, painting)
- Anita Bauermeister: Die Bleiglasfenster, in: 100 Jahre Kirche Sophienstädt 1914–2014, Hrsg.: Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Ruhlsdorf–Marienwerder–Sophienstädt, 2014, p. 18–20, vgl. (stained glass windows in the church of Sophienstädt)
- Tom Norberg: Glas in Museen fotografieren in: Glashaus/Glasshouse, Internationales Magazin für Studioglas, Krefeld, Nr. 02/ 2013, p. 18 (Taking photos of glass in museums)
- Gunda Hörner: Glück und Glas, in: Handmade Kultur Magazin, Hrsg.: Handmade Kultur Verlag Hamburg (HKV Hamburg GmbH), Hamburg, Nr. 06/ 2012, pp. 52–55 (Happiness and Glass)
- Sabine Horn: Fernsehbeitrag rbb, Enthüllung des Denkmals für die Opfer der Hexenverfolgung Bernau – Ein Jahr danach, 30. Oktober 2006 (television report: One Year after the inauguration of the monument for the victims of witch-hunt in Bernau)
- Thomas Steierkoffer: Hörstück "Hexen" – Der Professor und die Künstlerin, rbb, 19. Februar 2006 (radio feature: Witches – the Professor and the artist)
- Klaus Lampe: Radio Essay zur Enthüllung des Denkmals für die Opfer der Hexenverfolgung Bernau, rbb, 29. Oktober 2005 (radio feature: Inauguration of the monument for the victims of witch-hunt in Bernau)
- Richard H. Gross: Stained glass in Germany, in: Stained Glass, Hrsg.: Stained Glass Association of America, Lee's Summit, Spring 1996, p. 42
External links
- Life and work of Annelie Grund (in German)
- Biography of Annelie Grund and her art courses for aged people (in German)
- In concert playing Didgeridoos by Annelie Grund and Manfred Thon
- A list of some of her works on the homepage of the organisation of artists in Brandenburg (in German)
- "Monument at the water divide (in German) (PDF; (2.1 MB))" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 3 September 2015.
- "Object Wintermond (moon in winter) of Annelie Grund". Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 3 September 2015.