Bageecha is a 2018 Maldivian 3D computer-animated comedy film directed by Yamin Rasheed. Produced under Cellmin Animation Studio, it marks the first Maldivian 3D animated cartoon film release for cinema. The film revolves around a man's adventure to sustain a happy family with his four wives. It was released on 10 November 2018.
Bageecha | |
Official film poster | |
Directed by | Yamin Rasheed |
Screenplay by | Yamin Rasheed Mohamed Waheed |
Story by | Yamin Rasheed |
Production company | Cellmin Animation Studio |
Release date |
Running time | 50 minutes |
Country | Maldives |
Language | Dhivehi |
Budget | MVR 1,200,000[1] |
Voice cast
- Mohamed Waheed[3]
- Inayath Ali
- Aishath Shanaz
- Aminath Shama
- Raniya Mohamed
- Kama Najeeb
Story of the film was being written by Yamin Rasheed during 2010, before it was stalled due to the tight schedule of then ongoing animated comedy TV series Maakana Show which is also written and directed by Yamin.[4] After quitting the latter, Yamin resumed the story from where it was left and developed the story to a screenplay before the animation process begins.[4]
The trailer of the film was released on 11 September 2012.[4] The film was premiered on 10 November 2018 at Schwack Cinema by then president-elect of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.
It was initially planned to release the film in October 2012, though the release date was later postponed since the cinema was closed for renovation during the time.References
- Adhushan, Ahmed (4 November 2018). "First Maldivian animated film to be released on November 10". Mihaaru (in Divehi). Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 12 November 2018.
- Adhushan, Ahmed (10 November 2018). "Premier of "Bageecha" to be held today". Mihaaru (in Divehi). Archived from the original on 12 November 2018. Retrieved 12 November 2018.
- Nadheem, Ahmed (2 September 2012). "Post "Maakana Show" Yamin is ready to bring "Bageecha" as a feature film". Haveeru (in Divehi). Archived from the original on 13 February 2013. Retrieved 12 November 2018.