Billy Tripp

William Blevins Tripp (born 1955 in Jackson, Tennessee), is an American outsider artist, as well as the author of numerous poems and a novel, The Mindfield Years (1996).

The Mindfield
Billy Tripp (2011)

Biography and works

Billy Tripp is the creator of The Mindfield, the largest outdoor sculpture in Tennessee. A work in progress, The Mindfield is located in the town of Brownsville in the Mississippi Delta. Many of its individual sections reach heights of more than 125 feet. One of the latest additions, a huge, spherical water tower salvaged from a defunct factory in Kentucky, was transported and reconstructed single-handedly by the artist. The Mindfield continues to grow and evolve, most recently with the inclusion of several silhouettes depicting Billy's birth and death, and his "Mindfield Interpreter." In 2011, the artist added a 17 ft. canoe, used by author William Least Heat-Moon in his cross-country navigation of the United States inland waterways.

Tripp has given numerous interviews over the years to newspapers, television stations, and radio programs, including National Public Radio. His artwork has been exhibited at the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, as well as the Dixie Carter Performing Arts Center (photographic representation). It has been documented by the Smithsonian Institution.

Billy Tripp (2007)


    • Marc Décimo, Les Jardins de l'art brut, Dijon, Les presses du réel, 2017, "Les autofictions de Billy Tripp", p. 232-250. ISBN 978-2-84066-912-8
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