COBISS (short for Co-operative Online Bibliographic System & Services) is the Slovenian library information system, developed by the Institute of Information Science (IZUM) in Maribor, Slovenia. COBISS is the organizational model of connecting libraries into a national library information system with shared cataloging, the COBIB union bibliographic/catalog database and local databases of participating libraries, the COLIB database on libraries, the CONOR authority database, and several other resources and functionalities.
Slovenian users of the system can, along with having access to the abovementioned databases, also access the SGC, CORES and ELINKS databases, as well as have separate access to the databases that are otherwise integrated into the COBISS system, i.e. JCR, SNIP, DOK/UKM, and ZAL/ISBN.
The COBISS system is used in the library systems of Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro. All these systems are integrated into the network.
The end-users can use the COBISS+ web application and its mobile version mCOBISS to search for material in databases of all libraries included in the national COBISS system.
Example of a COBISS record, accessible through the COBISS+ web app: