Camilla Løw

Camilla Løw (1976-) is a contemporary Norwegian an artist currently living and working in Oslo. She graduated from Asker Kunstskole in Norway in 1998. After this, she left for Glasgow, where she graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2001 with a BA in Fine Art and lived for 8 years.[1]


Selected Solo Exhibitions

2016 Eye in the Sky, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo[2]

2015 Nerves and Muscles, Elastic Gallery, Stockholm[3]

2014 Chain On Chain, Belmacz Gallery, London[4]

2013 Spring Rain, Elastic Gallery, Malmø[5]

2013 Camilla Løw:One Night Only, UKS, Oslo[6]

2012 The Space of Shape-Time, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo[7]

2010 Culture & Leisure, New Art Centre, Roche Court, Salisbury[8]

2010 Social Geometry, Schmidt & Handrup, Cologne[9]

2009 M, Gallery AHO, Oslo[10]

2008 New Ruins, Bergen Kunsthall No.5[11]

2008 Embraced Open Reassembled, Sutton Lane, London[12]

2008 Straight Letters, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee[13]

2008 Straight Letters, Pier Arts Centre, Orkney[14]

2007 Broken Windows, Elastic Gallery, Malmø[15]

2005 Camilla Løw, Jack Hanley Gallery, San Francisco[16]

Selected Group Exhibitions

2016 NN-A NN-A NN-A: New Norwegian Abstraction, Stavanger Kunstmuseum[17]

2015 Fattig kunst-rik arv. Arte Povera og parallel praksiser 1968-2015, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo[18]

2015 NN-A NN-A NN-A New Norwegian Abstraction, Astrup Fearnley, Oslo[19]

2015 Vibrant Matter, Kiosk, Ghent[20]

2014 Hordur Agustsson, Camilla Løw, Sergio Sister, Thor Vigfusson, I8 Gallery, Reykjavik[21]

2013 Dumb Rocks, Belmacz, London[22]

2012 Graff, Løw and Sandbeck, The Vigeland Museum, Oslo[23]

2012 See Through, Belmacz, London[24]

2012 Dave Allen/Camilla Løw, Frieze Focus, Frieze Art Fair, London[25]

2012 Dialogue of Hands, City of Glasgow College, Glasgow International, Glasgow[26]

2011 Modern British Sculptors, Gimpel Fils, London[27]

2011 Specific Collisions, Cosar Hmt, Düsseldorf

2010 The discrete charme of the blind spot, Westfalishcher Kunstverein, Münster[28]

2010 You and Now, Balice Hertling, Paris[29]

2010 X, Y and Z, Landings, Vestfossen[30]

2009 This is the Score, Malmø[31]

2009 The Thing, Mechelen, Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp

2009 Constructivismes, Almine Rech, Brussels[32]

2009 Almost Always is Nearly Enough, Tauba Auerbach, Camilla Løw, Emily Wardill, Standard, Oslo[33]

2008 Idealismusstudio, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz[34]

2007 Wild West, Galerie Gebr. Lehmann, Berlin[35]

2007 Language of Vision, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art[36]

2007 The Corny Show – AKA The Art is in the Heart, Karma International, Zurich[37]


Publications, Reviews and Articles

2013 Camilla Løw's "Spring Rain", Matthew Rana, Art Agenda (22.2) Matematik med Fysik, Thomas Millroth, Sydsvenskan (15.2)

2012 Henie Onstad Art Centre "The Space of Shape-Time", The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. Aftenposten, Kjetil Røed (4.8) Klassekampen, Mona Gjessing (20.06) D2, Kåre Bulie (08.06)

2009 "Grey Cells. Camilla Løw and Order", Dieter Roelstraete, Mousse Magazine. Vitamin 3-D, New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation, Phaidon. Carnegie Art Award 2010 Aftenposten 2/3 2009: Lotte Sandberg: "Streker i rommet", Camilla Løw. "All That is Solid Melts Into Air", MuHKA, Antwerp.

2008 Art Review December 2008: Martin Coomer: Camilla Løw "Embraced Open Reassembled" Sutton Lane (London) Bergens Tidende 2/12/2008: "New Ruins", Bergen Kunsthall. Klassekampen 19/11 2008: "New Ruins", Bergen Kunsthall. "Straight Letters", Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee, Scotland. The Herald, 9/02/08

The Scotsman 10/02/08: "Highs of Low". The Scotsman 13/02/08: "Finding the beauty in simplicity". The List 14/02: "Camilla Løw, Straight Letters" The Herald 29/02: "An encoded vision of a sinister age".

2007 "Language of Vision”, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, Middlesbrough. StatoilHydro – Art Grant, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo. "DUMP: Postmodern Sculpture in the Dissolved Field", The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo.

2006 "How to Improve the World – British Art 1946-2006", Hayward Gallery. Momentum, Moss: "Try again. Fail again. Fail better"., July: Nicolas Bauche: "Henriette Grahnert et Camilla Løw".

2005 "Contemporary Nordic Sculpture 1980 – 2005", Wanås Foundation. Artforum, April 2005: Michael Archer: "Camilla Løw: Sutton Lane". MAP, issue 1: Diana Baldon: "Camilla Løw" The Wallpaper, Januar/Februar, s.44-49 Morgenbladet, Tommy Olsson "Blankness is not a void", Standard (Oslo) 2004 O2, n.32: Vincent Honore, "Future of Ecstasy". The British Council, Athen, "Britannia Works".

2003 Norwich School of Art and Design: "East International". Tramway, Glasgow: "The Echo Show". NIFCA: "Greyscale/CMYK ".


2010 Colab Art & Architecture, Bangalore - Office for Contemporary Art, Oslo.

2002 Sirius Art Centre, Cobh, Cork,[38]


The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway,[39]

The British Arts Council Collection, UK[40]

The Government Art Collection, UK[41]

The Piers Art Collection, Orkney[42]

Region Skåne, Sweden[43]

The Ruppert Collection of post-1945 Concrete Art Museum in Kultuspeicher, Wurzberg, Germany[44]

The Statoil Art Collection, Norway[45]

The Storebrand Art Collection, Norway


  1. "Oslo's Camilla Løw on Her Graphic, Geometric Sculptures". Sight Unseen.
  2. "Kunstnerforbundet". Kunstnerforbundet.
  3. Vandringslust. "Exhibition - Elastic gallery". Archived from the original on 2016-08-25. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  4. "Belmacz – Gallery – Past – Chain on Chain". Archived from the original on 2016-05-02. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  5. Vandringslust. "Exhibition - Elastic gallery". Archived from the original on 2016-08-25. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  6. "One Night Only (Oslo) — Underskog".
  7. "Camilla Løw. The Space of Shape-Time".
  8. "Camilla Løw - NewArtCentre".
  9. "COLOGNE - Schmidt&Handrup".
  10. "AHO Gallery - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design".
  13. "Straight Letters - Dundee Contemporary Arts". Dundee Contemporary Arts.
  14. "Camilla Løw". Pier Arts Centre.
  15. Vandringslust. "Exhibition - Elastic gallery". Archived from the original on 2016-08-25. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  16. "Camilla Løw - Exhibitions - Jack Hanley Gallery".
  17. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-12-22. Retrieved 2016-08-04.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  18. "Fattig kunst – rik arv. Arte povera og parallelle praksiser 1968–2015".
  19. Museet, Astrup Fearnley. "NN-A NN-A NN-A – New Norwegian Abstraction".
  20. "KIOSK".
  21. "-". Archived from the original on 2016-12-21. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  22. "Belmacz – Gallery – Past – Dumb Rocks". Archived from the original on 2016-05-02. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  23. "Graff, Løw and Sandbeck". Archived from the original on 2016-04-04. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  24. "Belmacz – Gallery – Past – See Through". Archived from the original on 2016-05-02. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  25. "Frieze London".
  26. "Chris Johanson, Camilla Low, Mary Redmond, Corin Sworn - Glasgow International 2018".
  27. "Gimpel Fils - Modern British Sculpture/ Gallery 2: Giles Eldridge Black".
  28. "Der diskrete Charme des blinden Flecks - Westfälischer Kunstverein".
  29. "You and Now". 2 December 2010.
  31. Archived 2016-08-25 at the Wayback Machine, Elastic
  32. "Constructivismes - Group Show - Almine Rech Gallery". Almine Rech Gallery.
  33. "Exhibitions - STANDARD (OSLO)".
  34. Administrator. "Grazer Kunstverein - 04.10. - 20.12.2008 - Idealismusstudio (co-production steirischer Herbst)".
  35. "Galerie Gebr. Lehmann / Lara Schnitger / cv".
  37. "The Corny Show a.k.a The Art is in The Heart - likeyou - the artnetwork".
  38. "Home - Sirius Arts Centre Cobh".
  39. "Norway's largest collection of art, architecture and design".
  40. "Welcome to Arts Council Collection - Arts Council Collection".
  41. Collection, Government Art. "Government Art Collection - The Collection". Archived from the original on 2016-08-20. Retrieved 2016-08-04.
  42. "Collection". Pier Arts Centre.
  43. "Region Skåne - Region Skåne".
  44. kultur/collections/index.html
  45. IACCCA. "Statoil art programme - Norway".
  • Mousse Magazine
  • Sight Unseen
  • Art-Agenda
  • Map Magazine
  • Camilla Løw
  • Camilla Løw
  • Camilla Løw
  • Artist website
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