Camillo Rama

Camillo Rama (1586 – c. 1627) was an Italian painter, active in his native city of Brescia.

He was the pupil of Palma il Giovane, and painted several altarpieces in Brescia. He also painted works for the refectory of the Carmelites, and for the churches of San Giuseppe and San Francesco. In 1610, he also painted for the Stanze of the Palazzo del Capitano in Brescia.

He died in Brescia.


  • Bryan, Michael (1889). Walter Armstrong & Robert Edmund Graves (ed.). Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, Biographical and Critical (Volume II L-Z). York St. #4, Covent Garden, London; Original from Fogg Library, Digitized May 18, 2007: George Bell and Sons. p. 344.CS1 maint: location (link)
  • Federico Nicoli Cristiani (1807). Della Vita delle pitture di Lattanzio Gambara; Memorie Storiche aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' più celebri ed eccelenti pittori Bresciani. Spinelli e Valgiti, Brescia. pp. 178.

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