Computed tomography enterography

Computed Tomography Enterography (CT Enterography, CTE) is a medical imaging technique which uses computed tomography scanner and contrast media to examine the small bowel.[1] It was first introduced by Raptopoulos et al in 1997.[2] CT Enterography is mainly done to assess the severity of Crohn's disease.

CT enterography

The term CT enterography and CT enteroclysis are similar, but in CT enterography contrast media is given orally, and in CT enteroclysis contrast media is administered through the fluoroscopy-guided positioned nasojejunal tube.[3]


CT entereography has proven superior to convention barium studies due to increased speed and resolution of multi–detector row computed tomography.[4]



  • Bowel obstruction
  • Pregnancy

See also


  1. Hodler, Jürg; Schulthess, Gustav K. von; Zollikofer, Ch L. (2010-12-28). Diseases of the abdomen and Pelvis 2010-2013: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 28. ISBN 978-88-470-1637-8.
  2. Neri, Emanuele; Caramella, Davide; Bartolozzi, Carlo (2007-12-31). Image Processing in Radiology: Current Applications. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 33. ISBN 978-3-540-49830-8.
  3. Dave-Verma, Hetal; Moore, Scott; Singh, Ajay; Martins, Noel; Zawacki, John (November 2008). "Computed tomographic enterography and enteroclysis: pearls and pitfalls". Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology. 37 (6): 279–287. doi:10.1067/j.cpradiol.2007.08.007. ISSN 1535-6302. PMID 18823868.
  4. Paulsen, Scott R.; Huprich, James E.; Fletcher, Joel G.; Booya, Fargol; Young, Brett M.; Fidler, Jeff L.; Johnson, C. Daniel; Barlow, John M.; Earnest, Franklin (2006-05-01). "CT Enterography as a Diagnostic Tool in Evaluating Small Bowel Disorders: Review of Clinical Experience with over 700 Cases". RadioGraphics. 26 (3): 641–657. doi:10.1148/rg.263055162. ISSN 0271-5333.
  5. Chapman, Stephen; Nakielny, Richard (2001). A Guide to Radiological Procedures. W.B. Saunders. ISBN 978-0-7020-2565-5.

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