Cuticura soap
Cuticura soap, manufactured by the Potter Drug and Chemical company, is an antibacterial medicated soap in use since 1865. Noted Boston philanthropist George Robert White (1847-1922) was once the president and owner of Potter Drug and Chemical. Cuticura soap has been in use, and is relatively unchanged, since 1865.

In 1908 the British Medical Journal investigated the advertising of nostrums for the treatment of skin diseases. As reported by the American Medical Association[1] it was implied that Cuticura soap could be effective in the treatment of syphilis when prepared as an internal remedy known as Cuticura Resolvent. The medical community considered the proposed remedy to contain insufficient potassium iodide to be effective in the treatment of the disease.[2]
In 1914 the Good Housekeeping Magazine ran an analysis of a large number of household products including Cuticura soap. They concluded that Cuticura was,
- "A good grade of soap containing a small quantity of prussian blue and probably a little phenol. Prussian blue has been recommended for skin diseases. Excessive claims made for Cuticura as to the prevention and treatment of skin eruptions, are not warranted by its composition."[3]
External links
- Nostrums and Quackery. Chicago: American Medical Association Press. 1912. pp. 594.
cuticura soap.
- Nostrums p 595
- Wiley, Harvey W (1914). 1001 Tests of Foods, Beverages and Toilet Accessories, Good and Otherwise. New York: Hearst's International Library Co. pp. 214.
potter drug cuticura.