Dallam's Decisions

Dallam's Decisions is a case law reporter that was published by James Wilmer Dallam in Texas that included opinions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Texas, with the exception of the final year of the court (1845).[1] It has the only record of opinions for the court, as no official reporter was published.[2] The opinions were first printed in 1845, in "Dallam's Digest of Texas Laws" on pages 357-632.[3] It was reprinted in 1881, using the same pagination as the original.[4]


  1. James L. Haley, The Texas Supreme Court: A Narrative History, 1836–1986 51-52 (2013) (The final year was not published until 1986 by James Paulsen).
  2. Haley, at 263 n.31 (According to Paulsen, the statute authorizing an official reporter required that it not be published until it was at least 400 pages, which was not reached); Brief Making and the Use of Law Books 158 (Nathan Abbott ed. 1906).
  3. Charles Carroll Soule, The Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations 58-59 (1882).
  4. Soule, at 59 n.2.
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