Der tote Preuße

Der tote Preuße ("the dead Prussian") is an unfinished novel by the German writer Ernst von Salomon, published posthumously in 1973. It has the subtitle Roman einer Staatsidee ("novel of a state idea"). The novel was supposed to be in three volumes and explain the concept of Prussia through an epic narrative. Salomon described the project as his "chief work"; however, he only wrote the first volume, which does not go beyond medieval times, and it was published in its unedited manuscript form.[1][2] The book has a preface by Hans Lipinsky-Gottersdorf.[3]

Der tote Preuße
First edition
AuthorErnst von Salomon
CountryWest Germany
PublisherLangen Müller Verlag
Publication date


Der Spiegel described the published material as the "ruins" of the conceived novel, and the content as a "history primer, in which lexicon, historical booklet and rough woodcut verdicts à la Werner Beumelburg amalgamate with double entendres ... and traces of old narrative art".[1]


  1. "Historische Ruins". Der Spiegel (in German). 1973-10-29. Retrieved 2015-07-19. Geschichtsfibel, in der sich Lexikon, historisches Handbuch und markige Holzschnitt-Urteile à la Werner Beumelburg mit Stilblüten ... und Spuren alter Erzählkunst verquicken.
  2. Klein, Markus (2002). "Das Porträt: Ernst von Salomon". (in German). Markus Klein. Retrieved 2015-07-19.
  3. "Der Tote preusse : roman einer Staatsidee". WorldCat. Retrieved 2015-07-19.

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