European Rental Association

The ERA - European Rental Association is a trade association representing the equipment rental sector in Europe.

ERA - European Rental Association

SecretariatBrussels, Belgium
Official languagesEnglish,
TypeTrade association
Pierre Boels, Boels Rental
ERA logo

History and Mission

ERA was set up in 2006 to promote and represent the equipment rental industry, which was largely overlooked and seen as an integral part of the construction industry itself. ERA represents over 5,000 rental companies in Europe, either directly or through its 15 rental association members (14 national associations and one international). The key mission of ERA is to promote the rental concept in order to facilitate a continued growth of a sustainable and professional rental industry in Europe.

Its work focuses on 7 main areas:

  • Promotion of the rental concept
  • Technical issues and equipment
  • Statistics on the European rental market
  • Sustainability in the rental industry
  • Harmonisation of national regulations in Europe
  • Awareness of the challenges of the future of the rental industry
  • Support for rental associations


ERA, like most trade associations, uses working committees which meet regularly throughout the year and develop deliverables that may be of use to member companies and associations.

There are currently 5 committees and 2 working groups:

• Technical Committee
• National Associations Committee
• Promotion Committee
• Statistics Committee
• Sustainability Committee

• Future Group

• Cybersecurity working group


Direct members of ERA can either be rental associations or rental companies with operations in Europe. Equipment manufacturers and other suppliers to the rental industry can become associate members.

For a full list of members, see ERA Members

International Exhibitions and events

Every year, ERA organises the ERA Convention, which is a specialized conference dedicated to topics relevant for the equipment rental industry. The conference also includes the European Rental Awards ceremony, which celebrates excellence and innovation in the industry.

ERA is the co-organiser of the International Rental Exhibition, IRE, which takes place every 3 years and is the largest European trade show for the equipment rental business. The event raises the profile of the rental industry in Europe, standing alongside Intermat and Bauma as the two other large European construction exhibitions.

Free online calculators

ERA has developed and published 2 independent online tools which are free to use for anyone.

The ERA Total Cost of Ownership Calculator provides calculation of the total cost of acquiring and operating equipment. It helps anyone seeking to decide whether to rent or to buy equipment by comparing the renting, buying and leasing options.[1]

The ERA Equipment CO2 Calculator determines the carbon footprint of construction equipment over its entire lifecycle. The results provide an estimate of the carbon footprint per hour of use, allowing construction equipment users to, for example, compare different use scenarios, investigate which part of the lifecycle contributes most to the carbon footprint and evaluate the effects of alternative fuel choices.[2]

Other trade associations in rental in Europe

Austria - MAWEV

Denmark - Danish Rental Association

Finland - Association of Finnish Technical Traders

France - DLR

Germany - BBI

Italy – Assodimi

The Netherlands – Verhurend Nederland

Norway - Norwegian Rental Association

Poland - PSBW

Portugal - ANAGREI

Romania - ARI

Russia - NAAST

Scotland - SPOA

Spain – ASEAMAC, Anapat and FANAGRUMAC

Sweden – Swedish Rental Association

Switzerland - Swiss Association of Work Platform Providers (VSAA-ASFP)

Turkey - IMDER

UK – Construction Plant Hire Association and Hire Association Europe

International - International Powered Access Federation

Global - The Global Rental Alliance

USA - American Rental Association

Canada - Canadian Rental Association

Australia - Hire and Rental Industry Association

New Zealand - Hire Industry Association of New Zealand

Brazil - Brazilian Rental Association

Japan - Japan Construction Equipment Rental Association

China - China Construction Machinery Association (rental branch)

India - Construction Equipment Rental Association

South Africa - Contractors Plant Hire Association

See also


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