Gairezi River
The Gairezi River has its origin in the Nyamaropa ward of the Nyanga highlands of eastern Zimbabwe. From the Eastern Highlands it flows northwards and for more than 60 km forms the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique, before it enters Manica Province of Mozambique. Downstream of the Gairezi's confluence with the Ruenya River, it becomes the Luenha River, a tributary of the Zambezi.

Miombo vegetation on the banks of the Gairezi, at Nyajiwa Falls

Gairezi River in the Luenha River catchment (bottom right)
The Gairezi's total length is more than 79 km, and it discharges 26,540 cubic centimeters of water per second. In places it is up to 56 metres wide, and 32 metres deep.
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