Galaktion and Episteme
Saint Galation or Galaktion was supposedly a martyr with his wife, Episteme, whom he converted. He was the son of Saints Kletophon and Leukippe, who were a rich and distinguished, but initially childless, pagan couple.[1] When the couple was converted after being evangelized by a travelling monk/priest/beggar on the promise that the One true God would hear their prayers and grant them a child, Galaction was conceived and born. Galaction hoped from the beginning to live the monastic life, but he submitted in obedience to his parents and was betrothed to the beautiful pagan woman Episteme. During the course of their engagement, over subsequent visits Galaction converted first his fiancée and then her servant, Eutolmius. The couple went away to the mountain of Publion, Galaction to a men's monastery and Episteme to a women's. They did not leave their monasteries, and neither saw the other until the time of their death. A fierce persecution arose, and they were both brought to trial. When Galation was martyred under Decius at Emesa (now Homs, Syria) on 251 AD, Episteme went to his side and died with him. His feast day is November 5.[2]
- "Martyrs Galaction and his wife, Epistemis, at Emesa". Retrieved 2019-11-05.
- Bunson, Matthew and Bunson, Stephen. "Galatian", Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2003 ISBN 9781931709750