Ghosi is a town in Mau district, Uttar Pradesh, India with PIN code 275304.
Ghosi is a town in Mau district, Uttar Pradesh, India, and had a population of around 25,589 in the 2011 census.[1] Ghosi has a mixed community, with 61% Muslims and 38% Hindus.
Ghosi pin code 275304
As at the 2011 census, out of total population, 12,387 were engaged in work or business activity. Of this 8,850 were males while 3,537 were females. In census survey, worker is defined as person who does business, job, service, and cultivator and labour activity. Of total 12387 working population, 86.62% were engaged in Main Work while 13.38% of total workers were engaged in Marginal Work.

At Ghosi Railway Station the train route goes from Ghosi to Doharighaat & Indara Junction.

Ghosi is one of the best underdeveloping city of Uttar Pradesh. It's known for its Islamic educational centre's which are popular in India. It is also famous for maintaining peace and harmony among the different rituals.