Haitian Creole vocabulary
Haitian Creole is a French-based creole spoken in Haiti, located on the western three-eighths of the island known as Hispaniola.[1][2] The façon de parler (manner of speaking) is a result of the gradual change of the French dialect of Franco-European colonists by African and Creole slaves (African slaves native to the island). This change includes the speaking of French vocabulary in an African (Fon) syntax.
Standard French | Fongbe | Haitian Creole |
Ma poule (my chicken) | Koklo che (Koklo = chicken / che = my) | Poul mwen (Poul = chicken / mwen = my) |
As well as the addition of a pluralization marker like the Fongbe word le.
Standard French | Fongbe | Haitian Creole |
Mes bécanes (my bikes) | Keke che le (my bikes) | Bekann mwen yo (my bikes) |
This practice of using a pluralizing marker can also be found in Jamaican (English) Patois.
Standard English | Jamaican Patois |
My friends | Mi fren dem |
The gradual abbreviation of the early French patois also included the shortening of certain French phrases into tense markers such as:
M'ape manje / M'ap manje - I'm eating (Which comes from the Old Phrase: Je suis après manger, creolized as Moi après manger, Then: Mouen apé manjé, also appearing as: M’ape manje, M’ap manje or Mwen ap manje). Ape comes from the phrase: être après; the abbreviated form ap is more common.
In addition to the African syntax and the use of tense and pluralizing markers, a practice of West African languages, Haitian Creole also has a considerable amount of lexical Items from many languages, most notably from various West African languages, Old and Norman French, Taino, Spanish and Portuguese amongst others (English, Arab etc.). These entered Creole through interaction between various people who spoke these languages from colonial times to modern time.
# | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole | # | Haitian Creole |
0 | zero [zèwo] | 10 | dis | 20 | ven | 30 | trant | 40 | karant | 50 | senkant | 60 | swasant | 70 | swasanndis | 80 | katreven | 90 | katrevendis [katreven-dis] |
1 | en / yon | 11 | onz | 21 | venteyen | 31 | tranteyen | 41 | karanteyen | 51 | senkanteyen | 61 | swasanteyen | 71 | swasantonz | 81 | katreven en | 91 | katrevenonz |
2 | de | 12 | douz | 22 | vennde | 32 | trannde | 42 | karannde | 52 | senkannde | 62 | swasannde | 72 | swasanndouz | 82 | katrevende | 92 | katrevendouz |
3 | twa | 13 | trèz | 23 | venntwa | 33 | tranntwa | 43 | karanntwa | 53 | senkanntwa | 63 | swasanntwa | 73 | swasanntrèz | 83 | katreventwa | 93 | katreventrèz |
4 | kat | 14 | katòz | 24 | vennkat | 34 | trannkat | 44 | karannkat | 54 | senkannkat | 64 | swasannkat | 74 | swasannkatòz | 84 | katrevenkat | 94 | katrevenkatòz |
5 | senk | 15 | kenz | 25 | vennsenk | 35 | trannsenk | 45 | karannsenk | 55 | senkannsenk | 65 | swasannsenk | 75 | swasannkenz | 85 | katrevensenk | 95 | katrevenkenz |
6 | sis | 16 | sèz | 26 | vennsis | 36 | trannsis | 46 | karannsis | 56 | senkannsis | 66 | swasannsis | 76 | swasannsèz | 86 | katrevensis | 96 | katrevensèz |
7 | sèt | 17 | disèt | 27 | vennsèt | 37 | trannsèt | 47 | karannsèt | 57 | senkannsèt | 67 | swasannsèt | 77 | swasanndisèt | 87 | katrevensèt | 97 | katrevendisèt |
8 | uit [wit] / iwit [ywit] | 18 | dizuit [dizwit] | 28 | ventuit | 38 | trantuit | 48 | karantuit | 58 | senkantuit | 68 | swasantuit | 78 | swasanndizuit | 88 | katreven uit | 98 | katrevendizuit |
9 | nèf | 19 | diznèf | 29 | ventnèf | 39 | trantnèf | 49 | karantnèf | 59 | senkantnèf | 69 | swasantnèf | 79 | swasanndiznèf | 89 | katrevennèf | 99 | katrevendiznèf |
# | Haitian Creole |
100 | san |
1.000 | mil |
10.000 | dimil |
100.000 | sanmil |
1'000.000 | milyon [youn milyon] |
1.000'000.000 | milya |
# | nimewo / chif |
# | Haitian Creole |
1st - first | premyè [premye / pwemye] |
2nd - second | dezyèm |
3rd - third | twazyèm |
4th - fourth | katriyèm |
5th - fifth | senkyèm |
# | Haitian Creole |
1/2 | demi |
1/3 | yon tyè |
1/4 | yon ka |
% | pousan [pousantaj] |
[]: another way of writing it, with a similar or identical pronunciation
Haitian Creole | English |
koulè | Colour |
jòn | Yellow |
ble | Blue |
wouj [rouj] | Red |
vèt (vè) | Green |
vyolèt | Purple |
oranj [zoranj] | Orange |
blan | White |
nwa | Black |
woz / roz [ròz] | Pink |
mawon | Brown |
gri | Grey |
bèj | Beige |
turkwaz | Turquoise |
ble maren | Navy blue |
mov | Mauve |
krèm | Cream |
vèt oliv | Olive |
wouj grena | Maroon |
(): short form
Time and Date
Time and Date
Haitian creole | English |
lè (è) / zè / tan / èdtan | Hour, Time |
dat | Date |
jounen | Working day |
semèn / senmenn | Week |
wikenn / fen semèn | Weekend |
ane (an) / lamen / lane | Year |
segonn [segond / sekond] | Second |
minit [minui] | Minute |
jodi a (jodi) / jodiya | Today |
ayè (yè) | Yesterday |
demen [denmen] | Tomorrow |
maten | Morning |
midi | Noon |
aprè | Then |
ta [reta / an reta] / apremidi [aprèmidi] | Afternoon, Late |
aswè / sware (swa) / leswa | Evening |
lannwit [lannuit] (nwit) / lanuit / lan nuit [nan nuit] | Night, Night time |
minwi [minui] | Midnight |
vakans | Vacation |
pita | Later |
kounye a [kounya] | Now |
lepase | Past |
avni | Future |
prezan / la | Present |
bone / bonè [byen bonè] / annavans | Early |
lè sa a / epi / alò / ebyen | So |
laj | Age |
kòmansman | Beginning |
fen | End |
toujou | Forever |
pa janm / janmen | Never |
ankò | Yet, Still |
fwa | Time |
pafwa | Sometimes |
souvan | Often |
tandiske / pandan / alòske | While |
byento / vit / rapid | Soon |
deseni | Decade |
syèk | Century |
Days of the week
Haitian creole | English |
jou | Day |
lendi | Monday |
madi | Tuesday |
mèkredi | Wednesday |
jedi | Thursday |
vandredi | Friday |
samdi | Saturday |
dimanch | Sunday |
Months of the year
Haitian creole | English |
mwa | Month |
janvye | January |
fevriye | February |
mas | March |
avril | April |
me | May |
jen | June |
jiyè | July |
out / dawou (daou) | August |
septanm | September |
oktòb | October |
novanm | November |
desanm | December |
Haitian creole | English |
sezon | Season |
sezon sèk | dry season |
fevriye | rainy season |
Haitian creole | English |
vèb | verb |
se | to be (copula) |
ye | to be (only in the end of the sentence) |
genyen (gen) / posede / fè lajan | to have, to earn, to win |
touche / manyen | to touch |
chita | to sit |
di | to tell |
malad | to sick |
manje | to eat |
rete (ret) | to stop, to stay |
kouri | to run |
kouche | to lie down (to sleep) |
vini (vin) / reveni | to come, to become |
ale (al) / prale (pral) | to go |
rete trankil | to be quiet |
pran | to take |
pase | to pass |
leve | to get up |
rekonèt | to recognize |
sede | to give up |
touye / tiye | to kill |
frape | to hit |
retounen | to return |
lave | to wash |
kwè | to believe |
louwe | to praise |
dwe | to must |
kache | to hide |
benyen | to bath |
melanje | to mix |
redwi | to reduce |
retire | to remove |
konnen (konn) | to know, to know how |
manti | to lie (to say untruth) |
respire | to breathe |
chanje | to change |
egzije [ekzije] | to demand |
ede | to help |
remèsye | to thank |
vote | to vote |
boule | to be managing |
santi | to feel |
gade | to look, to watch |
doule | to hurt |
choute | to kick |
koupe | to cut |
kwit manje / fè manje | to cook (food), to prepare (food) |
prepare | to prepare |
fimen | to smoke |
atake | to attack |
otorize | to authorize |
kriye | to cry |
achte | to buy |
rale | to pull |
pouse | to push |
rele | to call |
netwaye | to clean |
chwazi | to choose |
louvri | to open |
fèmen | to close |
gouvène | to govern |
fòse | to coerce, to force |
eseye / pwouve | to try |
fini (fin) | to finish |
obeyi | to obey |
pini | to punish |
fè konfyans / konfye | to trust |
konsole | to comfort |
priye | to pray |
pataje | to share |
pwofite | to take advantage of |
pati / kite | to leave, to depart |
mouri | to die |
fè desen / trase | to draw, to sketch |
bwè | to drink |
tonbe | to drop, to fall |
anbake | to embark |
chaje | to load |
desann | to go down |
monte | to board |
seche / sèk | to dry |
antoure | to surround |
kore | to support, to reinforce |
mande | to ask |
pale | to speak |
wè | to see |
fèt (fè) | to do, to make, to be born |
fabrike | to make |
padone | to forgive |
konprann | to understand |
vle | to want |
etidye | to study |
aprann | to learn |
bezwen | to need |
abite | to live somewhere, to inhabit |
viv | to live |
enprime | to print |
vann | to sell |
chache [chèche] | to search, to look for |
fatige | to tire out |
travay | to work |
aksepte | to accept |
vizite | to visit |
renmen / damou | to like, to love |
peye | to pay |
resevwa | to receive |
tande | to hear |
panse | to think |
ekri | to write |
bay / ban (ba) | to give |
jwi / jiwi / rejwi / benefisye | to enjoy |
dòmi | to sleep |
antre | to enter |
ri | to laugh |
manke | to lack |
manti | to lie |
move / fache | to upset |
vòlè | to steal |
vwayaje | to travel |
li | to read |
pèdi | to lose |
pote / mennen | to bring |
lave | to wash |
anpeche | to forbid, to prevent |
chante | to sing |
koze | to cause |
rive | to arrive |
repoze | to rest |
depanse | to spend |
tès | to test |
katyoule | to calculate |
kole | to paste |
rayi | to hate |
sove | to save |
sonje | to remember |
voye | to send |
boule | to burn |
soti | to exit |
dezire | to wish |
pwomèt | to promise |
reklame | to request |
blame / joure | to blame |
nye | to denie |
konsèy | to advice |
souri | to smile |
vole | to fly |
naje | to swim |
kenbe | to hold, to be hanging on |
swete | to hope |
jwenn / twouve / rankontre | to find, to get |
mòde | to bite |
kap / kapab (ka) | to be able, to can |
mete (met) | to put, to insert |
mache | to walk |
dòlote | to pamper |
jwe | to play |
kondwi | to drive |
tradwi | to translate |
kòmanse / stat | to start |
bwose | to brush |
efase | to delete |
koute | to listen |
plen | to fill |
swiv [suiv] / kontinye | to follow |
mezire | to measure |
kiltive | to cultivate |
grandi | to grow |
aji | to act |
touse | to cough |
ofri | to offer |
reponn | to respond |
refize [refise] | to refuse |
Opinion and personality
Haitian Creole | English |
adjektif | adjective |
bon | good |
move | bad, groggy, sulky |
fasil | easy |
difisil | hard, difficult |
vre [vrè] | true |
fo | false |
kòrèk | right |
kapab | able |
mal | wrong |
lis / mou | soft |
itil | useful |
lan / lant | slow |
initil | useless |
bonmache | cheap |
chè | expensive |
selèb | famous |
enkoni | unknown |
diferan | different |
enteresan | interesting |
amizan / taken | funny, playful |
anwiye | boring, dull |
neglijans / enpridan | careless |
atantif | careful |
malonèt | dishonest |
pesimism | pessimistic |
chich | miserly |
lach | coward |
egoyis | selfish |
parese | lazy |
enpasyan | impatient |
saf / anvi | greedy, eager |
rankinye | resentful |
anvye | envious |
jalou | jealous |
teti | stubborn |
nayif | gullible |
rechiya | fussy |
awogan [arogan] | arrogant |
pretansye | conceited |
posesif | possessive |
emab | kind |
anbisye | ambitious |
fèrvan | fervent |
atantif | attentive |
sòs | saucy |
avantur | adventurous |
file | sharp |
klè | bright |
entelijan | cantankerous |
prevnan | thoughtful |
mat | blunt |
san pitye | callous |
fèb | weak |
depann | dependent |
diskrè | discreet |
distan | distant |
ezite | hesitant |
poli | polite |
chaman | charming |
tripòt | nosy |
balanse | balanced |
fò | boisterous |
twou | flaky |
serye | picky, serious |
eksperyans | experienced |
sortan | outgoing |
konfyans | reliable |
jenere | generous |
imajinatif | imaginative |
entèlijan | smart |
san reflechi | impulsive |
anfans | childish |
sanzarè | restless |
malveyan | spiteful |
deplezan | nasty |
mechan | mean |
fyè | proud |
pasyone | passionate |
sasi | sassy |
pozitif | positive |
snobbi | snobby |
rechiya | fussy |
pèsuade | confident |
sansib | sensible |
siseptib | sensitive |
emosyone | emotional |
janti / zanmitay | friendly |
timid | shy |
maladwa | clumsy |
trankil | quiet |
vakabon | naughty |
brav | brave |
vif / vivan | lively |
sensè | sincere |
onèt | honest |
sonm | somber |
bon gou | delicious |
degoutan | disgusting |
pwòp / netwaye | clean |
sal | dirty |
bèl / joli / bo | beautiful, nice, handsome |
lèd | ugly |
espesyal | special |
etranj / ra | strange, rare |
fre | fresh |
pi bon | best |
pi mal | worst |
reyèl | real |
aktyèl | current |
sekrè | secret |
valab | valuable |
senp | simple |
efikas | efficient |
danjere | dangerous |
pèsonèl | personal |
terib | terrible |
enkwayab | amazing |
supèrb | magnificent |
nòmal | normal |
bwi | noisy |
atire | attractive |
saj | wise |
fou | crazy |
eksite | excited |
elokan | eloquent |
grav | serious |
kouraj | courage |
kyiyèl / mechan | cruel |
avèg | blind |
klè | clear, light, bright |
vyèyfi | spinster |
Haitian Creole | English |
kantite | quantity |
anpil / plizyè / pakèt | many, much, a lot of, so, so much |
kèk | some |
nenpòt | any |
okenn | none |
kelke | a few |
yon ti kras [ti kras / ti kal / ti / ti piti] | a little |
plen | full |
vid | empty |
ase | enough / quite |
trè | very |
anyen | nothing |
jis | fair |
mwens | less |
apèn | barely |
kèk bagay | something |
twòp | too |
preskè | almost |
konsa | so |
sèlman | only |
plis ou mwens | more or less |
ti kras pa ti kras | slowly |
omwen | at least |
Haitian Creole | English |
espò | sport |
jwè | player |
twofe | trophy |
meday | medal |
foutbòl | soccer |
bezbòl | baseball |
lit | wrestling |
abit | referee |
foutbòl ameriken | football |
volebòl | volleyball |
tenis | tennis |
rigbi | rugby |
boksè | boxing |
naje | swimming |
baskètbòl | basketball |
bilyar | billiards |
altewofili | weightlifting |
gòlf | golf |
krikèt | cricket |
viktwa | victory |
defèt | defeat |
skorbord | marker |
echèk | chess |
atlèt | athlete |
chanpyon | champion |
chanpyona | championship |
lig | league |
ekip | team |
konpetisyon | tournament |
prim | prize |
People and family
Haitian Creole | English |
fanmi [fanmiy] | family |
pitit gason | son, son-in-law |
pitit fi | daughter |
pitit / timoun | children, child |
papa | father |
manman | mother |
frè | brother |
sè | sister |
matant | aunt |
tonton / monnonk | uncle |
kouzen | cousin (male) |
kouzin | cousin (female) |
neve | nephew |
niwès / nyès | niece |
granpapa / granpè | grandfather |
grann | grandmother |
mari / mouche | husband |
madanm | wife |
ti bebe (bebe) | baby |
parenn | godfather |
marenn | godmother |
paran | parent |
pitit pitit | grandchild |
pitit pitit gason | grandson |
pitit pitit fi | granddaughter |
bofrè | brother-in-law, stepbrother |
bèlsè | sister in law |
bopè | father in law |
bèlmè | mother in law |
entèferi | stepsister |
jimo | twin (man) |
jimêl | twin (woman) |
relatif | relative |
Haitian Creole | English |
moun / pèp | person, people |
limanite | humanity |
maskilen | masculine |
feminen | feminine |
non | name |
siyati | surname, family name, signature |
granmoun | adult |
jèn | young |
ansyen | old |
nouvo | new |
zanmi | friend |
lènmi (lenmi) / lennmi (ennmi) | enemy |
vwazen | neighbour (male) |
vwazin | neighbor (female) |
amoure / menaj | boyfriend |
amourèz / menaj | girlfriend |
ti gason [jèn gason] / bway | boy |
ti fi / djal | girl |
gason / nonm / nèg / zòm | man |
fanm / fi | woman |
mesye | sir |
dam | mrs, lady |
madam | miss |
endijèn | indigenous |
maryaj | marriage |
koup / pè | couple |
sèl / selibatè | single |
marye | married |
divòse | divorced |
manm | member |
Haitian Creole | English |
pwofesyon | profession |
travayè | employee |
ouvriye | worker |
avoka | attorney, lawyer |
mizisyen | musician |
doktè | doctor |
ekriven | writer |
konpozitè | composer |
jij | judge |
bòs | boss |
aktè | actor |
aktris | actress |
chofè | driver |
sikològ | psychologist |
desinatè | cartoonist, draftsman |
kwafè | hairdresser |
enfimyè | nurse |
atizan | craftsman, artisan |
pilòt | pilot |
ponpye | firefighter |
atis | artist |
achitèk | architect |
jounalis | journalist |
gardyen | concierge |
enjenyè | engineer |
fotograf | photographer |
sòlda | soldier |
polisye | police (member) |
chantè | singer |
dansè | dancer |
tayè | tailor |
kòdonye | shoemaker |
politik | politician |
vandè | seller |
anonse | announcer |
antreprenè | businessman |
eskòt | shooting guard |
dantis | dentist |
politisyen | politician |
mesaje | delivery courier |
kizinye | cook (male) |
kizinyè | cook (female) |
powèt | poet |
Haitian Creole | English |
santiman | feeling |
anfòm | well |
byen | fine |
tris | sad |
kontan | happy |
fache | angry |
egare / gaga / mele | confused |
poukont | lonely |
fristrasyon | frustration |
konfòtab | comfortable |
cheri | sweetie |
plezi | pleasure |
rankin | grudge |
kòlè | rage |
tristès | sadness |
Haitian Creole | English |
relijyon | religion |
legliz | church |
syèl | heaven |
lanfè | hell |
katedral | cathedral |
tanp | temple |
lamès | mass |
pè | priest |
kwa | cross |
Nwèl | Christmas |
sovè | savior |
sinagòg | synagogue |
moske | mosque |
ounsi | Vaudou practitioner |
oungan | male Vaudou priest |
manbo | female Vaudou priest |
wanga | Vaudou charm or relic |
Dye [Bondye] | God (in Catholicism and Vaudou) |
loa [lwa] / mistè | spirits in Vaudou that act as intermediaries between Bondye and humanity |
zanj | angel |
demon | demon |
dyab | devil |
pak | easter |
majik | magic |
sòsyè | witch |
majisyen | sorcerer |
pwofèt | prophet |
seremoni | ritual |
nanm | soul |
lespri | spirit |
fantom | ghost |
ke Bondye beni ou | God bless you |
amèn | amen |
Kretyen | Christian |
Haitian Creole | English |
peyi | country, homeland |
konstitisyon | constitution |
konstitisyonèl | constitutional |
repiblik | republic |
repibliken | republican |
souverènte | sovereignty |
souveren | sovereign |
ideoloji | ideology |
ideolojik | ideological |
kominote | community |
teritwa | territory |
teritoryal | territorial |
senbòl | symbol |
lapè | peace |
dwa | rights |
lalwa (lwa) | law |
leta (eta) | state |
inite | unity |
nasyon | nation |
nasyonal | national |
nasyonalite | nationality |
liberasyon | liberation |
drapo | flag |
im | anthem |
deviz | motto |
libetè | liberty |
egalite | equality |
fratènite | fraternity |
istorik | historical |
rad de bra | coat of arms |
pouvwa | power |
legal | legal |
tribinal [tribinèl] / lakou | court, tribunal |
palè | palace |
pouvwa egzekitif | executive power |
pouvwa lejislatif | legislative power |
pouvwa jidisyè | power of attorney |
koperativ | cooperative |
mouvman | movement |
pati politik | party |
patispasyon | participation |
sosyete | society |
sitwayen | citizen |
elektrik | electric |
imigrasyon | immigration |
emigrasyon | emigration |
paspò | passport |
teritwa | territory |
eleksyon | election |
kanpagn | campaign |
kandida | candidate |
rediksyon | reduction |
ogmante | increase |
grèv | strike |
janti [jantile] | demonym |
fwontyè | border |
rejyon | region |
gouvènman | government |
kabinè | cabinet |
gouvènmantal | governmental |
administrasyon | administration |
kapital | capital |
demokrasi | democracy |
piblik | public |
prive | private |
lokal | local |
etranje | foreign |
prezidan | president |
pwemye minis | prime minister |
minis | minister |
ministè | ministry |
jistis | justice |
kilti | culture |
kominikasyon | communication |
afè etranjè | foreign affairs |
sendika | labor union |
defans | defense |
edikasyon | education |
fòmasyon pwofesyonèl | vocational training |
sekirite sosyal | social security |
afè sosyal | social affairs |
travo piblik | public works |
enteryè | interior |
resous natirel | natural resources |
enstiti | institute |
agrikilti | farming, agriculture |
depatman | department |
awondisman | arrondissement |
komin | commune |
palman | parliament |
sena | senate |
chanm depite | chamber of deputies |
senatè | senator |
depite | deputy |
lagè | war |
diktatè | dictator |
diktati | dictatorship |
koudeta | coup d'état |
koripsyon | corruption |
laprès | press |
nouvèl | news |
ijans | emergency |
kriz | crisis |
oligachi | oligarchy |
aristokrasi | aristocracy |
kontaminasyon | contamination |
polisyon | pollution |
endijan | indigent |
ilegal | illegal |
Haitian Creole | English |
istwa | history |
endepandans | independence |
endepandan | independent |
revolisyon | revolution |
revolisyonè | revolutionary |
ewo | hero |
eritaj | heritage |
liberatè | liberator |
fondatè | founder |
dekouvèt | discovery |
konkèt | conquest |
wayòm | kingdom |
wa | king |
larenn | queen |
anpi | empire |
anperè | emperor |
abolisyon | abolition |
esklav | slave |
esklavaj | slavery |
batay | battle |
emansipasyon | emancipation |
liberasyon | liberation |
Haitian Creole | English |
ekonomi | economy |
lajan | currency |
kredi | credit |
salè | salary |
travay | work |
devlopman | development |
rabè | discount |
rich | rich |
pòv | poor |
pansyon | pension |
pwodwi | product |
dèt | debt |
enpòte | importation |
ekspòtasyon | exportation |
taks | tax |
pwofi | gain, profit |
bidjè | budget |
povrete | poverty |
lib / gratis | free |
pri | price |
petwòl | petroleum |
enflasyon | inflation |
koutim | customs |
finans | finance |
chomaj | unemployment |
monopoli | monopoly |
Haitian Creole | English |
sekirite | security |
lame | army |
lamarin (marin) | navy |
fòs de lè | air force |
fòs lame | armed forces |
lapolis (polis) | police |
kòmandan | commander |
amiral | admiral |
lyetnan | lieutenant |
sèjan | sergeant |
krim | crime |
vòl | stole |
vyolans | violence |
vyolans seksyèl | gender violence |
vyolans domestik | domestic violence |
pinisyon | punishment |
zam | weapon |
teworis | terrorism, terrorist |
ensekirite | insecurity |
Haitian Creole | English |
Ayiti | Haiti |
Afganistan | Afghanistan |
Ajantin | Argentina |
Albani [Albany] | Albania |
Almay [Lalmay] | Germany |
Angola | Angola |
Azerbaydjan | Azerbaijan |
Beliz | Belize |
Bèljik | Belgium |
Bolivi | Bolivia |
Bosni | Bosnia |
Brezil | Brazil |
Chili | Chile |
Dànmak | Denmark |
Ejip [Lejip] | Egypt |
Ekwatè | Ecuador |
Emira Arab | UAE |
Endonezi | Indonesia |
Etazini [Lèzetazini / Ozetazini] | USA |
Etyopi | Ethiopia |
Filipin (Filipinn) | Philippines |
Frans [Lafrans] | France |
Giyàn | Guyana |
Gana | Ghana |
Groenlann | Groenland |
Gwatemala | Guatemala |
Ondiras | Honduras |
Ikrèn | Ucraine |
Irak | Irak |
Iran | Iran |
Irigwe | Uruguay |
Izrayèl [Izaryèl / Izrayel] | Israel |
Itali | Italy |
Jamayik | Jamaica |
Japon | Japan |
Jòdani | Jordan |
Kanada | Canada |
Kanbòdj | Cambodia |
Katar | Qatar |
Kazakstan | Kazakhstan |
Kenya | Kenya |
Kiba [Kuba] | Cuba |
Kolonbi | Colombia |
Kongo | DROC |
Kore dinò | DPRK |
Kostarika | Costa Rica |
Lachin | China |
Lagrès | Greece |
Liban | Lebanon |
Liberya | Liberia |
Libi | Libya |
Lityani | Lithuania |
Meksik | Mexico |
Monako | Monaco |
Mongoli | Mongolia |
Montenegwo | Montenegro |
Mozanbik | Mozambique |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Namibi | Namibia |
Nepal | Nepal |
Nijè / Nijerya | Nigeria |
Nikaragwa | Nicaragua |
Noriega | Norway |
Ongri | Hungary |
Ostrali | Australia |
Ouganda | Uganda |
Ouzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Palestin | Palestine |
Panama | Panama |
Paragwe | Paraguay |
Pewou | Peru |
Peyiba [Peyi-Ba] | Netherlands |
Polòy | Poland |
Pòtigal | Portugal |
Potorik [Pòtoriko] | Puerto Rico |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
Sengapour | Singapur |
Sid-Koreyen | South Korea |
Slovaki | Slovakia |
Sloveni [Sloven] | Slovenia |
Somali | Somalia |
Soudan | Sudan |
Soudan disid | South Sudan |
Swis | Switzerland |
Tadjikistan | Tajikistan |
Tahiti | Tahiti |
Taywann [Taywann] | Taiwan |
Tanzani [Tannzani] | Tanzania |
Tayiland | Thailand |
Tinizi | Tunisia |
Tirkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
Togo | Togo |
Vatikan | Vatican |
Vyetna | Vietnam |
Venezwela [Venezyela] | Venezuela |
Wayòm Ini | UK |
Yemèn | Yemen |
Zanbi | Zambia |
Haitian Creole | English |
Kontinan | Continent |
Afrik [Lafrik] | Africa |
Ewop [Ewòp / Lewòp] | Europe |
Lamerik | America |
Oseani [Oseyani] | Oceania |
Azi | Asia |
Haitian Creole | English |
direksyon | direction |
adrès | address |
devan | in front of |
apre / dèyè | after, behind |
anvan [avan] | before |
dwat | right |
gòch | left |
soutèt / anlè / anyo / anro [anwo] | above, up, over |
anba / desann | below, down, under |
deyò | outside |
anndan [andedan] | inside, in |
alantou / otou / anviron [anviwon] | around |
sou | on |
akote | beside |
isit | here |
la / laba | there |
lwen | far |
prè [touprè] | near |
anfas | in front |
nò | north |
sid | south |
lwès | west |
lès | east |
nòdwès | north west |
nòdès | north east |
sidwès | south west |
sidès | south east |
Haitian Creole | English |
nati | nature |
zeklè | lightning |
rivyè | river |
lanmè | sea |
loseyan (oseyan) | ocean |
lak | lake |
mòn / montany | mountain |
marekaj | swamp |
plaj | beach |
forè | forest, jungle |
dezè | desert |
bwa | wood |
ròch [wòch] | stone, rock |
tanpèt / loraj | storm |
latè (tè) / teren | earth, ground |
etwal [zetwal / setwal] | star |
rivaj / kòt | coast |
labè (bè) / rad / gòlf | bay, gulf |
lonbraj [lonbray] | shadow |
lil (il) / zile | island |
limyè | light |
vòlkan | volcano |
lemonn [monn / mond] | world |
siklòn / tònad | hurricane, tornado |
tranbleman tè | earthquake |
tranbleman | tremor |
sechrès | drought |
inondasyon | flood |
dife | fire |
atmosfè | atmosphere |
anviwònman | environment |
savann / plato | valley, plateau |
labou | mud |
lakansyèl (akansyèl) | rainbow |
Haitian Creole | English |
plant | plant |
touf | bush |
kaktis | cactus |
foujè | fern, bracken |
chanpiyon | fungus |
zèb | grass, herb |
mous | moss |
lyè | ivy |
kann | sugar cane |
orti | nettle |
pikan | thistle, thorn |
raje | weed |
tabak | tobacco |
kreson frans | watercress |
trèfl | clover |
mant | peppermint, mint |
flè sovaj | wild flower |
Parts of a plant
Haitian Creole | English |
boujon | bud |
fèy | leaf |
polèn | pollen |
petal | petal |
rasin | root |
pye | stalk |
tij | stem |
Haitian Creole | English |
flè | flower, blossom |
eyè | carnation |
krizantèm | chrysanthemum |
krokus | crocus |
jonkiyis | daffodil |
dalya | dahlia |
pisanli | dandelion |
jeranyom | geranium |
tilip | tulip |
flè solèy | sunflower |
Haitian Creole | English |
pyebwa | tree |
sann | ash |
sèd | cedar |
pichpen | fir |
epin | hawthorn |
lacho | lime |
chèn [bwa chèn / bwadchèn / pye bwadchenn] | oak |
palmye | palm |
pye pen | pine |
sikomò | sycamore |
Parts of a tree
Haitian Creole | English |
ekòs / po | bark |
branch | branch |
sèv | sap |
chouk | stump |
kòf | trunk |
Haitian Creole | English |
klima | weather, climate |
lete (ete) | summer |
prentan | spring |
lotòn (otòn) | autumn |
livè (ivè) / fredi | winter |
solèy (sole) | sun |
lalin | moon |
nwaj | cloud |
lapli | rain |
syèl | sky |
nèj | snow |
cho / tyèd | warm |
chalè | warmth, heat |
frèt | cold |
van | wind |
bwouya | fog |
vag | wave |
glase / konjile | freeze |
tanperati | temperature |
degre sèlsiyis | celsius degrees |
lè solèy kouche | sunset |
solèy leve | sunrise |
fè nwa | dark |
nwasè | darkness |
lajounen [lajounin] | daytime |
douvanjou | dawn |
Minerals and metals
Haitian Creole | English |
mineral | mineral |
metal | metal |
lò | gold |
ajan | silver |
kwiv | copper |
asye | steel |
fè | iron |
chabon | carbon |
dyaman | diamond |
aliminyòm | aluminum |
zenk | zinc |
plon | lead |
fèblan | tin |
nikèl | nickel |
iranyòm | uranium |
Haitian Creole | English |
bèt / zannimo [animal] | animal |
chòvsourit | bat |
bourik | donkey |
goril | gorilla |
kochon | pig |
badyèr | badger |
leza | lizard |
krapo / grenouy | frog |
gazèl | gazelle |
toro [towo / towo bèf] | bull |
igwanana | iguana |
kalmason [kalmanson] | snail |
sourit | mouse |
ekirèy | chipmunk, squirrel |
vè | worm |
rena | fox |
fòk | seal |
rat | rat |
gine kochon | guinea pig |
chamo | camel |
zandolit | anolis |
Domestic animals
Haitian Creole | English |
bèt kay | domestic animal |
maskot | pet |
chen [chyen] | dog |
ti bourik | foal |
poul / manman poul | chicken, hen |
bèf [manman bèf] / vach | cow, ox |
ti bèf | calf |
mouton | sheep |
ti mouton / ayo | lamb |
kodenn | turkey |
kanna | duck |
kanèt | duckling |
kòk | rooster, cock |
chat | cat |
kabrit | goat |
ti kabrit | kid |
chwal [cheval / chival] | horse |
lapen | rabbit |
zwa | goose |
amstè | hamster |
milèt | mule |
Wild animals
Haitian Creole | English |
bèt sovaj | wild animal |
tig | tiger |
lous | bear |
sèf | deer |
zèb | zebra |
koulèv | snake |
lou | wolf |
kangouwou | kangaroo |
jiraf | giraffe |
elefan | elephant |
makak | monkey |
lyon | lion |
kwokodil [krokodil] | crocodile |
rinoseròs | rhino |
ipopotam | hippopotamus |
leyopa | leopard |
Marine animals
Haitian Creole | English |
bèt lanmè | marine animal |
pwason | fish |
reken | shark |
lanmè tòti | sea turtle |
tòti / tchòtchòt | tortoise |
woma / nòvèj woma | lobster |
zetwal / etwal lanmè | starfish |
mors | walrus |
kribich | shrimp |
dofen | dolphin |
balèn | whale |
ton | tuna |
somon | salmon |
sardin | sardine |
poulp | octopus |
krab | crab |
aran | herring |
Haitian Creole | English |
zwazo | bird |
chwèt / koukou | owl |
rosiyòl [wosiyòl] | nightingale |
sigòy | stork |
pelikan | pelican |
otrich | ostrich |
grigri | falcon |
jako | parrot |
kolibri / kolobrit | hummingbird |
èg / malfini | eagle |
pijon | dove |
pengwen | penguin |
kònèy / kaw / boustabak | raven |
pentad | helmeted guineafowl |
perich | parakeet |
Haitian Creole | English |
ensèk | insect |
foumi | ant |
gèp | wasp |
myèl | bee |
ravèt | cockroach |
moustik / marengwen | mosquito |
papiyon | butterfly |
zariyen [zaryen / zarenyen] / anasi | spider |
koksinèl | ladybird |
mouch | fly |
papiyon lanp | moth |
sotrèl | grasshopper |
eskòpyon | scorpion |
skarabe | beetle |
koukouy | firefly |
cheni [chini] | caterpillar |
Haitian Creole | English |
plas / espas | space |
planèt | planet |
galaksi | galaxy |
meteyorit | meteorite |
mèki | mercury |
venis | venus |
mas | mars |
jipitè | jupiter |
satin | saturn |
iranis | uranus |
neptin | neptune |
pliton | pluto |
gravite | gravity |
atmosfè | atmosphere |
State of matter
Haitian Creole | English |
eta matyè | state of matter |
solid | solid |
likid | liquid |
gaz | gas |
plasma | plasma |
Foods of the day
Haitian Creole | English |
repa / lamanjay / manje | food |
manje maten / dejnen [dejne] / kolasyon | breakfast, appetizer |
manje midi / dejene | lunch |
dine | dinner |
goute | snack |
desè | dessert |
Haitian Creole | English |
gou | flavor |
dous | sweet |
sale | salty |
asid | sour, acid |
anmè | bitter |
pikant | spicy |
natirèl | natural |
atifisyèl | artificial |
Cooking method
Haitian Creole | English |
metòd pou kwit manje | cooking method |
fri | fried |
griye | roast, toast |
blanchi | milled |
fimen | smoked |
Haitian Creole | English |
diri | rice |
espageti | spaghetti |
makawoni | macaroon |
avwan | oat |
Meats and legumes
Haitian Creole | English |
vyann / chè | meat, flesh |
pwa nouris (pwa) | bean, pea |
nèj pwa | snow pea |
ze | egg |
janbon | ham |
bekonn / la | bacon |
boulèt | meatball |
vyann bèf atè | ground beef |
sosis | sausage, salami |
sosis san | blood sausage |
Dairy products
Haitian Creole | English |
letye | dairy products |
fwomaj | cheese |
Oils and fats
Haitian Creole | English |
lwil [luil] | oil |
bè | butter |
sòs / sokoup | sauce |
vinèg | vinegar |
grès | grease |
moutad | mustard |
mayonèz | mayonnaise |
kètchòp / sòs tomat | ketchup |
sòs soya | soy sauce |
biskit [biswit] | cookie, biscuit |
sirèt / bonbon | candy |
Haitian Creole | English |
soya | soy |
jenjanm | ginger |
konfiti | jam |
marinad | dressing, adobo |
bouyon | broth |
babekyou | barbecue |
koupe frèt | stiff |
sandwich | sandwich |
djondjon | mushroom |
soup [lasoup] | soup |
fwidmè | shellfish |
fwi lanmè | seafood |
salad | salade |
chokola | chocolate |
vaniy | vanilla |
epis [zepis] | spice |
sèl | salt |
sik | sugar |
karamèl | caramel |
jele | jelly |
pouding | pudding |
kannèl | cinnamon |
chiklèt | bubble gum |
gato | cake |
pòmdetè kraze / pire ponmdetè | mashed potatoes |
pitza | pizza |
manje vit | fast food |
anmbègè | hamburger |
chen cho | hot dog |
tat | pie |
siwo | syrup |
gimov | marshmallow |
beye | donut |
konpòte | compote |
pòpkòn / pètpèt mayi | popcorn |
Fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes
Haitian Creole | English |
fwi | fruit |
pòm / ponm | apple |
bannann [bannan] | banana, plantain |
chadèk | grapefruit |
zoranj | orange |
rezen [rezon] | grape |
sitwon [sitron] | lemon |
pwa [pwar] / pou | pear |
prin / sigwal | plum |
grenad | pomegranate |
papay | papaya |
mandaren | mandarin |
gavav [gwayav] | guava |
kiwi | kiwi |
mango (mang) | mango |
temaren [tamaren] | tamarind |
frèz | strawberry |
franbwaz | raspberry |
lich | lychee |
seriz | cherry |
mitiy | blueberry |
melon frans | muskmelon |
melon dlo | watermelon |
karanbòl | carambola, star fruit |
zabriko | apricot |
anana | pineapple |
aryere | blackberry |
kokoye / kòk | coconut |
pèch | peach |
kajou | cashew nut |
fig frans [fig] | fig |
gwarana | guarana |
kachiman kanèl | sugar-apple |
cherimoya | kachiman |
dat | date |
grenadya [grenadja] | passion fruit |
loni | noni |
kakawo | cacao |
labapen / ab-a-pen | marang |
kowosòl [korosòl] | soursop |
kenèp | genip |
woukou | achiote |
Haitian Creole | English |
nwa | nuts |
zanmann | almond |
nwazèt | hazelnut |
pistach | pistachio, peanut |
pinèz nwa | pine nut |
noutmèg / miskad | nutmeg |
karnaye | caraway |
Haitian Creole | English |
legim / vejetal | vegetable, legume |
tomat | tomato |
silantro | cilantro, coriander |
pèsi | parsley |
leti | lettuce |
chou | cabbage |
epina [zepina] | spinach |
kawòt | carrot |
oliv [zoliv] | olive |
gonbo, kalalou | gumbo, okra |
zonyon | onion |
lay | garlic |
aspèj | asparagus |
konkonb [konkonm] | cucumber |
chou flè | cauliflower |
zaboka | avocado |
berejenn [berejèn] | eggplant |
zukèini | zucchini |
pòmdetè [ponmdètè] | potato |
joumou | pumpkin |
tchili | chili |
kapsikom | capsicum |
pwav / piman | pepper, paprika |
bwokoli | broccoli |
patat / patat dous / pòmdetè dous | potato (sweet potato) |
kasav / manyòk | yucca |
sèlri [seleri] | celery |
yanm | yam |
aticho | artichoke |
radi | radish |
militon | chayote |
kè palmis | heart of palm |
bètrav / bètwouj | beet, beetroot |
pwaro [pwawo] | leek |
pwa vèt | green bean |
navèt (nave) | turnip |
gonbo | okro |
tawo | taro |
Grains and legumes
Haitian Creole | English |
grenn | grain, berry, seed |
ble | wheat |
nouy | noodles |
pen | bread |
meyi [mayi] | corn |
lòj (òj) | barley |
lantiy | lentils |
farin | fluor |
sereyal | cereal |
oublions | hop |
malt | malt |
Haitian Creole | English |
bwason [bweson / breson] | beverage, cocktail |
dlo | water |
ji | juice |
lèt | milk |
byè | beer |
diven | wine |
soda | soda |
bwason gazez / kola | pop, soft drink |
limonad | lemonade |
kafe | coffee |
te | tea |
likè | liqueur |
yogout | yogurt |
krèm | cream |
krèm glase | ice cream |
malte | milk shake |
alkòl | alcohol |
glas | ice |
poud ji | powdered juice |
konyak | cognac |
wonm [ronm] | rhum |
City and places
Haitian Creole | English |
lavil (vil) | city |
iben | urban |
popilasyon | population |
distri | district |
meri [mèri] | townhall |
majistra | mayor |
otorite | authority |
bouk / vilaj | village |
lakay | home |
ibanizasyon | urbanization |
katye | neighborhood |
lari (ri) | street |
avnu | avenue |
wout [rout] | route |
chimen | road |
gran wout / otowout | freeway |
platfòm | platform |
akduk | aqueduct |
koneksyon wifi | wifi connection |
modpas wifi | wifi password |
rezo wifi | wifi network |
gaz natirèl | natural gas |
sèvis | service |
komès | commerce |
endistri | industry |
kompanyi (konpayi) | company |
touris | tourism |
destine | destination |
zòn | zone |
parye | bet |
jwèt chans | gaming |
elektrisite | electricity |
kat | map |
sèvis twalèt | toilet, sanitary service |
fatra | trash |
kanpman (kan) | camp |
Haitian Creole | English |
kote | place |
plas [laplas] | square |
lopital | hospital |
klinik | clinic |
famasi | pharmacy |
lekòl segondè | high school, lyceum |
inivèsite | university |
akademi | academy |
bibliyotèk | library |
libreri | bookstore |
atelye | workshop |
depo | depot |
pak | park |
pwovizyon | grocery |
chapantye | carpentry |
lòtel (otèl) | hotel |
konstwiksyon | construction |
faktori / izin | factory |
bank | bank |
boulva | boulevard |
pon | bridge |
sinema | cinema |
sous dlo | fount |
fa | lighthouse |
biwo [biro] | office |
jije | court |
èpòt / ayeropò [ayewopò / aryopò] | airport |
jaden botanik | botanical garden |
pati / fèt | party |
kanaval | carnival |
kwafeur | barber shop |
pisin | swimming pool |
sirk | circus |
pò | port |
makèt [mache] | market |
sipèmakèt | supermarket |
lapèch | fishery |
simetyèr [simtyè] | graveyard |
mize | museum |
teyat [teat] | theatre, theater |
biwo lapòs | post office |
nayklib | nightclub |
kazino | casino |
enprime | printing |
echanj valè | stock exchange |
kafeterya | cafeteria |
estati | statue |
moniman | monument |
sitadèl | citadel |
chato | castle |
palè | palace |
restoran | restaurant |
sant komèsyal | mall |
kafe / bistro | pub |
komisarya | commissariat |
motèl | motel |
pakin | parking lot |
kantin | canteen |
jeryatrik | geriatric |
boulanje | bakery |
magazen / boutik | store, shop |
estasyon ponpye | fire station |
estasyon lapolis | police station |
estasyon tren | train station |
estasyon gaz / ponp gaz | fuel station |
anbasad | embassy |
bwasri | brewery |
konsè | concert |
jaden | garden |
pepinyè | kindergarten |
zwolòjik (zou) | zoo |
veterinè | veterinarian |
estad | stadium |
zòn gratis | free zone |
bilding / gro kay / edifis / batiman | building |
boutik bouche | butcher shop |
magazen jwèt | toy store |
magazen bijou | jewelry store |
magazen soulye | shoe store |
magazen mizik | music store |
magazen rad | clothing store |
magazen mèb | furniture store |
prizon | jail |
Haitian Creole | English |
transpò [transpè] | transport |
machin / oto / vwati | vehicle, car |
bisiklèt | bike |
motosiklèt | motorcycle |
taksi | taxi |
bato | ship, boat |
tren | train |
wagon | wagon |
avyon | airplane |
elikoptè | helicopter |
kamyon | truck, lorry |
vwalye | sailboat |
otobis | bus |
fize | rocket |
anbilans | ambulance |
veso | vessel |
kamyonèt | van |
distans | distance |
siyal trafik | traffic signal |
limyè trafik [limyè sikilasyon] / semafò | traffic light |
konjesyon trafik | traffic congestion |
aksidan | accident |
pave / asfalt | pavement |
tinèl | tunnel |
stasyon bis | bus stop |
tikè | ticket |
kawotchou | tire, hose |
pasaje | passenger |
kòn | horn |
Haitian creole | English |
lekòl | school |
salklas | classroom |
pwofesè | teacher |
etidyan [etidyant] / elèv | student |
direktè | director |
apranti | apprentice |
aprantisaj | learning |
diplòm | diploma |
kreyon | pencil |
plim | pen |
glòb | globe |
sak | bag |
sèrvyèt | briefcase |
malèt / valiz | suitcase |
liv | book |
kreyon koulè | crayon |
katon | cardboard, paperboard |
règ | ruler |
valiz lekòl | backpack |
kaye | notebook |
kalifikasyon | qualification |
diksyonè | dictionary |
ansiklopedi | encyclopedia |
devwa | homework |
agraf | stapler |
taye | sharpener |
likid koreksyon | correction fluid |
sizo | scissors |
baton lakòl | glue stick |
twonbòn | paperclip |
gòm [gonm] | eraser |
papye / wòl | paper |
tablo | chalkboard |
plim makè | marker pen |
penti | painting |
memwa | memory |
ar [la] | art |
filozofi | philosophy |
edikasyon fizik | physical education |
biyoloji | biology |
jewografi | geography |
trignometri | trigonometry |
aritmetik | arithmetic |
kalkli | calculus |
aljèb | algebra |
lank | ink |
ekspresyon | expression |
nitrisyon | nutrition |
manje | feeding |
lide (ide) | idea |
Reading and language
Haitian creole | English |
lekti | reading |
langaj | language |
lèt | letter |
mo / pawòl | word |
vokal / vwayèl | vowel |
vokabilè | vocabulary |
alfabè | alphabet |
konsòn | consonant |
dot / pwon | point |
aksan | accent |
koma / vigil | coma |
vwa | voice |
son | sound |
tèks | text |
òtograf | spelling, orthography |
kaligrafi | calligraphy |
konjigezon | conjugation |
silab | syllable |
roman | novel |
powèm | poem |
pwezi | poetry |
kont / istwa | tale, story |
sinonim | synonymous |
antonim | antonym |
gramè | grammar |
Haitian creole | English |
matematik | maths |
sòm | sum |
fè soustraksyon | subtraction |
miltiplikasyon | multiplication |
divizyon | division |
plis | plus (+) |
mwens | minus (-) |
fwa | times (x) |
divize pa | divided by (÷) |
egal a... | is equal to... (=) |
se pa egal a... | is not equal to... (≠) |
pi gran pase | is greater than (>) |
gen mwens pase | is less than (<) |
fraksyon | fraction |
rasin kare | square root |
kouche | set |
pwobabilite | probability |
mwatye | half, medium |
kantite | quantity |
minimòm | minimum |
maksimòm | maximum |
mwatye | half |
estatistik | statistic |
Haitian creole | English |
jeometri | geometry |
fòm / fason | shape |
sèk / won | circle |
kare | square |
triyang [triangil] | triangle |
rektang [rèktang] | rectangle |
lozanj | rhombus |
piramid | pyramid |
oval | oval |
kib | cube |
esfè | sphere |
silenn | cylinder |
flèch | arrow |
paralelogram | parallelogram |
trapèz | trapezium |
pentagòn [pentagon] | pentagon |
egzagòn [ekzagon] | hexagon |
oktagòn | octagon |
ang | angle |
kre | hollow |
solid | solid |
apik | steep |
plat | flat |
koube | curved |
kwochi [krochi] | crooked |
tou dwat | straight |
konik | conical |
esferik | spherical |
silendrik | cylindrical |
kabinè | cubicle |
ron | round |
Measures and sizes
Haitian creole | English |
mezi | measure |
gwosè | size |
gwo [gro] / grand | big, great |
piti | little |
ti / tou piti | tiny |
enòm | enormous, huge |
wotè (ro / wo) / granntay | height, tall |
kilomèt | kilometer |
mèt | metre |
santimèt | centimetre |
milimèt | millimeter |
pous | inch |
longè | length |
lajè | width |
gra [gro] | fat |
mens [mins] / mèg | skinny, thin |
volim | volume |
ons | ounce |
lit | litre |
galon | gallon |
kilo | kilo |
gram | gram |
laj [lajè] | large, wide, broad |
lou | heavy |
leje | light |
pwès | thick |
wo | high |
ba | low |
kout | short |
long / lontan | long |
etwat [etwa] | narrow |
fon / plat | deep, shallow |
Haitian creole | English |
mizik | music, musical |
enstriman | instrument |
enstriman kòd | string instrument |
enstriman van | wind instrument |
enstriman pèkisyon | percussion instrument |
òkès | orchestra |
akòdeyon | accordion |
violon [vyolon] | violin |
gita | guitar |
hap | harp |
tanbouren | tambourine |
saksofòn | saxophone |
klavye | keyboard |
trombon | trombone |
pyano | piano |
twonpèt [tronpèt] | trumpet |
ksilofòn | xylophone |
obe | oboe |
flit | flute |
tanbou | drum |
klòch | bell |
òg | organ |
mikwofòn | microphone |
Haitian creole | English |
syans | science |
selil | cellule |
bakteri | bacterium |
jèm | germ |
atòm | atom |
nwayo | nucleus |
etensèl | spark |
Haitian creole | English |
kay | house |
lojman | living place |
devwa | duty |
apatman | apartment |
bagay | thing, object |
pòt | door |
fenèt | window |
chèz | chair |
tab | table |
plafon / do kay | roof |
chanm | room |
sal manje [sal a manje] | dining room |
lasal (sal) | living room |
patyo / lakou | playground |
kabann | bed |
vansilatè | fan |
zòrye | pillow |
balkon | balcony |
tab li | nightstand |
anpoul limyè | light bulb |
lanp | lamp |
kamera fotografi (kamera) / kodak | photographic camera, camera |
revèy / lòlòj [lòlòy / òlòj] | clock |
klozèt / plaka | closet |
griyaj | grid |
kle | key |
radyo | radio |
televizyon | television |
entènèt | internet |
antèn | antenna |
òdinatè / konpitè | computer |
modepas [mo de pas] | password |
miray | wall |
vaz | flower vase |
telefòn | phone |
entelijan telefòn | smartphone |
telefòn selilè | cell phone |
telefòn mobil | mobile phone |
kadna | lock |
etajè rad | coat rack |
pi lejè | lighter |
kouvèti | blanket |
detèjan | detergent |
ranyon | cloth |
bale | broom |
pyès monnen (monnen) | coin |
bil / bilyè | banknote |
tcheke | check |
jounal | newspaper |
magazin | magazine |
kwaze | crossword |
soup lèt | alphabet soup |
jwèt | toy |
boul | ball |
balon | balloon |
poupe | doll |
mab | marble |
loteri (lotri) | lottery |
devinèt | puzzle |
bengo | bingo |
pokè | poker |
domino | domino |
brik | brick |
siman | cement |
plastik | plastic |
sigarèt | cigarette |
garaj | garage |
ensektisid | insecticide |
èkondisyone / friz / kilmatizè | air conditioner |
bokit | pail |
bwat | box |
ekran | screen |
tiwa | drawer |
kechen | key chain |
resiklaj | recycling |
antre | entrance |
sòti | exit |
konpak disk | compact disc |
ekipman son | stereo |
koridò | hall |
nechèl | stairs |
etaj | floor |
poud / pousyè | powder |
mesaj | message |
pake | package |
bwat postal | mailbox |
kwen | corner |
kado | gift |
siflèt | whistle |
bibon / bibwon | baby bottle |
alam | alarm |
woule | roll |
orneman | ornament |
echèl | ladder |
onbrèl / parapli | umbrella |
odè [lòdè] | odor |
kalandriye / almanak | calendar |
asirans | insurance |
chandèl | candle |
chemine | chimney |
mont (braslè) | (wrist) watch |
Haitian creole | English |
kwizin / kizin [lakizin] | kitchen |
plak / plat / asyèt | plate |
vè / vit | glass |
tas | cup |
sèvyèt / moso twal | napkin, towel |
aparèy kay | household appliance |
krich | pitcher |
fou | oven |
recho [recho a gas] | stove |
frijidè | fridge |
senti | skillet |
bòl | bowl |
po | cooking pot |
kiyè | spoon |
fouchèt | fork |
kouto | knife |
kouver | cutlery |
panye [panyen] | basket |
boutèy | bottle |
plato | tray |
veso | container |
kanistè | can |
tiyè | teapot |
Haitian creole | English |
saldeben / watè / komòd / twalèt | bathroom |
twalèt | cleanliness, toilet |
douch | shower |
tiyo / wobinèt | faucet |
koule | handwash |
savon | soap |
chanpou | shampoo |
razwa | razor |
rido | curtain |
tapi | rug, mat |
miwa / glas | mirror |
papye twalèt / papye ijenik (jenik) | toilet paper |
bwòs dan | toothbrush |
pat dantifris | toothpaste |
peny | hair comb |
dezabiye / moumou / ròb de ben / sak | bathrobe |
beny / ben | bath |
basen | tub |
savon plat | soap holder |
eponj | sponge |
makiyaj | makeup |
deodoran | deodorant |
talk | talcum powder |
pwodui kosmetik | cosmetics |
Haitian creole | English |
zouti | tool |
mato | hammer |
nwa / vis / elis | screw |
pens | pliers |
mayèt | mallet |
mezi tep | measuring tape |
kle | spanner, wrench |
boulon | bolt |
tournevis / tounavis | screwdriver |
rach | axe |
fil | yarn |
zegi | sewing needle |
de / bag | thimble |
machin pou lave | washing machine |
aspiratè | vacuum cleaner |
konpa | compass |
rapòtè | protractor |
soudure | soldering |
asanblaj pwan | stitching awl |
pens | pincers |
klou | nail |
rap | grater |
Haitian creole | English |
seksyon riral | rural |
peyizan | farmer |
fèm | estate |
moulen | windmill, mill |
lwil oliv moulen | oil mill |
traktè | tractor |
lakou | corral |
kostali | sack, bag |
brouèt | wheelbarrow |
kabwa | cart |
bokit | bucket |
Haitian creole | English |
rad | clothes, clothing, dress |
chemiz | shirt |
mayo | t-shirt |
pantalon | pants |
soulye | shoe |
wòb | dress |
chèn | chain |
chosèt | sock |
kout | breeches |
kalson | underpants |
sandal / sapat | sandal |
linèt | glasses |
chanday | sweater |
bikini | bikini |
kilòt | panty |
chòtdeben / kostim de ban / rad pou benyen | swimsuit |
sentiron [sentiwon] (senti) | belt |
bòt | boot |
inifòm | uniform |
slip | underpants |
jip | skirt |
bout pantalon | shorts |
segondè talon / talon kikik / soulye talon | high heeled |
bouchon | cap |
chapo | hat |
jakèt / dyakèt | jacket |
kas | helmet |
gan | gloves |
kolye | necklace |
kagoul | balaclava |
enpèmeyab [enpèrmeabl] / padesi [padsi] | raincoat |
pantouf | slippers |
broch [bròch] | brooch |
brasle [braslè] | bracelet |
bag | ring |
zanno | earrings |
soutyen | bra |
manto | coat |
kouchèt | diaper |
kòsaj / blouz | blouse |
pijama [pidyama] | pajamas |
kravat / kòl | tie |
pòtfèy | wallet |
kostim / vès konplè | suit |
echap | scarf |
survetman | tracksuit |
mouf | mittens |
vèst / jile | vest, cardigan |
degize | costume |
perik / fò cheve | wig |
bonèt [bone] | bonnet |
pòch | |
mouchwa | handkerchief |
lasèt soulye | shoelace |
mask | mask |
kouwòn | crown |
Haitian creole | English |
kò | body |
zo | bone |
pwatrin | chest |
kè | heart |
zo kòt | rib |
zo rèl do [zo do] | spine |
poumon | lung |
bra [bwa] | arm |
koud | elbow |
kòf lestomak [estomak / lestomak] | stomach |
fwa | liver |
vant | abdomen |
ren | kidney |
trip | intestine |
basen | pelvis |
blad pipi (blad) | bladder |
janm | leg |
jenou | knee |
cheviy (chevi) / je pye | ankle |
jenital / pati prive | genital |
penis | penis |
vajen | vagina |
tete | breast |
pye | foot |
talon | heel |
zòtèy | toe |
zepòl | shoulder |
lonbrit [lonbrik] | belly button |
senti | waist |
ranch (anch) | hip |
dèyè | buttock |
skelèt | skeleton |
san | blood |
swe | sweat |
Haitian creole | English |
men | hand |
dwèt | finger |
klou / zong | fingernail |
dwèt pous | thumb |
dwèt endèks | index finger |
dwèt kè | middle finger |
dwèt bag | ring finger |
dwèt ti kras | pinkie, little finger |
jwenti dwèt / oslè | knuckle |
ponyèt | wrist |
Haitian creole | English |
tèt | head |
dan | tooth |
figi | face |
bouch | mouth |
sèvo | brain |
zo tèt [zo bwa tèt] | skull |
po bouch [pobouch] / lèv | lip |
cheve | hair |
lang | tongue |
nen | nose |
zòrèy | ear |
zye [je] | eye |
sousi | eyebrow |
labab (bab) | beard |
moustach | moustache |
manton | chin |
souflèt | cheek |
kalòt | slap |
Senses of the body
Haitian creole | English |
sans kò yo | senses of the body |
gou | taste |
wè | see |
manyen | touch |
santi | smell |
koute | hear |
Haitian creole | English |
sante | health |
lavi (vi) | life |
vaksen | vaccine |
geri | cure |
medikaman | medicament, medicin |
kabinè medikaman | first aid kit |
tèmomèt | thermometer |
pipèt | pipette |
sereng | syringe |
kapòt [kapot] | condom |
odè | ointment |
pwodwi sante | medical devices |
dyagnostik | diagnosis |
antibyotik | antibiotic |
an sante / gaya | healthy |
vitamin | vitamin |
pwoteyin | protein |
Haitian creole | English |
maladi | disease |
malad | sick |
grip | flu |
lafyèv | fever |
kòlè | cholera |
dyare | diarrhea |
epatit | hepatitis |
maladi mantal | mental illness |
lensomni | insomnia |
eskizofreni | schizophrenia |
viris | virus |
malnitrisyon | malnutrition |
obezite | obesity |
boulimi | bulimia |
alèji | allergy |
kansè | cancer |
tous | cough |
swaf | thirst |
grangou | hungry |
doulè | pain |
Others words
Haitian creole | English |
paske | because |
kèlkeswa | whatever |
kòm | as |
depi | from |
nan | in, of |
a | at |
sepandan | however |
te pèdi | lost |
vit / prese | fast |
tou dousman | slowly |
yon ti bagay | a little thing |
tou | also |
mwen menm tou | I also |
wi | yes |
non | no |
si | if |
a mwens ke / sof ke | unless |
chak | each |
mwen pa konnen | I don't know |
pa / pou | for, to |
yon kesyon | a question |
tout | all |
yon fwa | once |
men | but |
oswa | or |
yon moun [youn moun] | someone |
okenn bagay | nothing |
okenn moun | no one |
tout moun | everybody |
pèsonn [pèsòn / pèsò] / pa gen moun / okenn moun | nobody |
nenpòt kimoun | anyone |
tanpri | please |
pi gran | higher |
selon | according |
erè | error |
deja | already |
moman | moment |
te jwenn | found |
verite | truth |
petèt | maybe |
sèten / si | safe |
egal | equal |
ak / avèk | with |
sou / de | about |
pi lwen pase / o dela | beyond |
kont | against |
apa de | apart from |
san | without |
san fen | endless |
fot | fault |
jouk / jus / jiska | until |
soti nan | out of |
se pou tèt sa | thus |
mèvèy | wonder |
lòt | other |
menm si / byen ke | although |
ant / antre | between |
tou de | both |
ansanm | together |
menm | sam |
ak / epi / e | and |
atravè | through, across |
vè | toward |
yon randevou | an appointment |
an plis / de tout fason | besides |
dakò | in agreement |
soti isit la | get out |
pwoblèm | problem |
koz | cause |
sajès | wisdom |
rezon | reason |
padon | pardon, forgiveness |
valè | value |
chaj | load |
poz | pause |
siksè | success |
defi | challenge |
pito / olye de | instead of |
sou kont | on account of |
rilaks / detann | relax |
dènye | last |
vye | old |
Creole words of African origin
- Akasan // From Edo – Akasan // n. corn pudding
- Akra n. a malanga fritter
- Anasi // From Asante – Ananse // n. a spider (The French derived term is, zarenyen)
- Bòkò // From Fongbe – Bokono // n. a sorcerer (The French derived term is, sósié)
- Chouk // From Fulani – Chuk // v. to pierce, to poke / n. a poke (The French derived term is, piké)
- Chouc-chouc // From Fulani – Chuk // v. to have sex
- Manbo // From Kikongo – Mambu + Fongbe – Nanbo // n. a Vaudou priestess
- Marasa // From Kikongo – Mabasa // n. twins (The French derived term is, joumo)
- Ouanga/Wanga n. a Vaudou charm or relic
- Oungan // From Fongbe // n. a Vaudou priest
- Ounsi // From Fongbe // n. a Vaudouisant
- Yo // From Fongbe – Ye // pron. They(‘re), them, their (Yo is also placed after a noun for pluralization purposes, from example: Liv – Book / Liv yo – Books. The French derived term, zot, is used in some parts of Haiti)
- Zonbi //From Kikongo – Nzumbi // n. a ghost, a soulless corpse or living dead
Creole words of Old French origin
- Ap // OFr. Être après // - present tense marker (the more common and abbreviated form of the word, apé)
- Ape // OFr. Être après // - present tense marker
- Gouye // Norman Fr. Griller – to slide, to slip // v. to gyrate (one’s waist), to have sex
- Pral // OFr. Être après aller // adj. To be going to / - future tense marker
- Rele / Yele / Ele // OFr. Héler // v. to call, to yell
- T’ap // OFr. Avoir esté après // - Imperfect tense marker
- Te // OFr. Avoir esté // - Past tense marker
Creole words of Taino origin
- Anakaona // Ana kaona – Gold flower // n. a very beautiful woman
- Anana n. a pineapple (Became part of standard French)
- Ayiti n. Haiti
- Babako // Barbakoa – A Taino roasting process // n. a feast
- Bohio // Bohio – Home, house // n. Haiti
- Kako // Buticaco or Heiticaco // n. a bumpkin, someone from the countryside
- Kalalou n. okra, also a soup that includes okra and crab among other ingredients, known as gumbo in Louisiana
- Kanari n. a clay jug
- Kolibri n. a humming bird (Became part of standard French, it is also called, zoizo ouanga or ouanga négès)
- Koukouy // Kokuyo // n. a firefly
- Kounouk // Konuko // n. a shack
- Lanbi/Lambi n. conch, a conch shell
- Mabi n. a type of drink
- Mabouya // Mabuya – a Ghost, evil spirit // n. a lizard
- Sanba/Sanmba n. a musician or poet
Creole words of Portuguese origin
- Ba // Dar – to give // v. to give
- Kachimbo n. a pipe used for smoking tobacco
- Mantèg // Manteiga // n. lard, butter (The French derived term for butter is, bé / beu)
- Pikini // Pequenino // n. a child (The more common French derived terms are, pitit & ti moun)
- Tchipe/Tchwipe / Tchupé // Chupar – to suck // v. to suck one’s teeth (at)
Creole words of Spanish origin
- Bosal // Bozal // adj. to be savage (The French derived term is, sovaj)
- Sapat // Zapatos or zapatillas // n. slippers
- Tchakleta // Chancleta // n. a certain type of sandal
In Haitian creole the Spanish suffix -ador (pronounced in Creole as adò) is sometimes placed in combination with a French verb to describe someone who performs a certain action.
- Abladò // Hablador // n. a speaker (person), someone who talks a lot
- Babiadò / Babyadò // Fr. Babiller + Sp. –ador // n. a constant complainer
- Bliyadò // Fr. Blier + Sp. -ador // n. a forgetful person
- Kouchadò // Fr. Coucher + Sp. –ador // n. a sleepyhead, one who sleeps a lot
- Dardik, Alan, ed. (2016). "Vascular Surgery: A Global Perspective". Springer. p. 341. ISBN 9783319337456. Retrieved 8 May 2017.
- Josh, Jagran, ed. (2016). "Current Affairs November 2016 eBook". p. 93. Retrieved 8 May 2017.
- Bonenfant, Jacques L. (2011). "History of Haitian-Creole: From Pidgin to Lingua Franca and English Influence on the Language" (PDF). Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning. 3 (11). Archived (PDF) from the original on 23 March 2015.
- Langfocus (2017-05-04), Haitian Creole - The World's Most Widely Spoken Creole Language, retrieved 2017-05-05
External links
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Haitian Creole edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Haitian Creole vocabulary test of Wiktionary at Wikimedia Incubator |
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Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Haitian Creole |
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Wikiversity has learning resources about Haitian Creole |
- Haitian Creole materials from the Institute of Haitian Studies at the University of Kansas - Complete pdf versions of books created by Bryant C. Freeman, PhD, as well as the accompanying mp3 audio supplements.
- Microsoft Translator supporting Haitian Creole. Since Carnegie Mellon began to make the data on Haitian Creole publicly available (see external link below), a team at Microsoft Research used it to help develop an experimental, web-based system for translating between English and Haitian Creole.
- Public release of Haitian Creole language data by Carnegie Mellon. In response to the humanitarian crisis in Haiti, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University's Language Technologies Institute (LTI) publicly released spoken and textual data they've compiled on Haitian Creole so that translation tools desperately needed by doctors, nurses and other relief workers on the earthquake-ravaged island could be rapidly developed.
- HMBC - A website entirely in Haitian creole
- Ann pale kreyòl - "Let's speak creole" (Haitian Creole complete course)
- Haitian Creole - English, English - Haitian Creole Dictionary
- Creole Language and Culture - OpenCourseWare from the University of Notre Dame
- UN Declaration of Human Rights in Haitian Creole
- Haitian Kréyòl grammar
- What is Haitian Creole? (By Hugues St.Fort)
- Haitian Creole English Dictionary from Webster's Online Dictionary - The Rosetta Edition
- Projects in Haitian Creole