Heinrich Christian Burckhardt
Heinrich Christian Burckhardt (26 February 1811, Adelebsen – 14 December 1879, Hannover) was a German forester and entomologist.

Heinrich Christian Burckhardt
In 1853 Burckhardt became the first civil director of forest administration in the Kingdom of Hanover (after 1866 a province of Prussia. He wrote Säen und Pflanzen nach forstlicher Praxis: ein Beitrag zur Holzerziehung (Sowing and planting in forestry practice: a contribution to forest education) published in Hannover by Rümpler in 1855. This work contains sections on pest insects.
- Knopf, H. E. 1996 [Burckhardt, H. W. C.] Rozsnyay, Z. J. D. Forstarchiv 67(4) 139-147, Portrait.
- Ratzeburg, J. T. C. 1874 Forstwissenschaftliches Schriftsteller-Lexikon. Berlin, Nicolai'sche Buchhandlung : X+1-516.
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