International Christian Medical and Dental Association
The International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA ) is an international organisation of Christians in medicine and dentistry. Its slogan is "Sharing God's grace at the growing edges of Christian medicine". Its declared aim is "To provide National Christian Medical and Dental Organisations with a regular means of exchange of views, information and experiences in the fields of medicine and dentistry, particularly where these concern Christian faith and ethics."[1]

ICMDA is interdenominational and has member organisations in over 60 countries, such as the British Christian Medical Fellowship.[2][3]
The ICMDA UK Trust is a registered charity in the United Kingdom. The ICMDA's International Office is in India.[4]
Its logo shows a basin and towel in front of a cross, reflecting Christ washing and drying the feet of his disciples.[5]
- "Home page". ICMDA. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
- "About us". ICMDA. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
- "ICMDA". Christian Medical Fellowship. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
- "Contact". ICMDA. Retrieved 22 July 2016.
- "ICMDA logo". ICMDA. Retrieved 22 July 2016.