Ithaca Intersystems
Ithaca Intersystems was a microcomputer manufacturer in the 1970s and 1980s, located in Ithaca, New York. The early years drew on engineering talent from Cornell University when the founders worked in a small rented space in the Collegtown neighborhood adjacent to the university campus. They initially produced the Ithaca Intersystems DPS-1 S-100 bus, Z80-based computer. As a large commercial success, the company moved to larger spaces outside of town, and designed and produced a larger system, the Zilog Z8002-based DPS-8000. This used the Coherent Unix operating system from Mark Williams Company. The company languished in the 1980s, not being part of the domination of the IBM PC and PC clones.

They had an important role in the finalisation of the S-100 IEEE-696 Standard for S-100 [ref to be added] and worked closely with Digicomp Research in Terrace Hill, who also drew from Cornell Engineering. The Pascal-Z compiler [reference and picture to be added] was supplied with a DPS-1 front panel [bitsavers dps-1 manual ref to be added] and an Ithaca S-100 box.
External links
- Marcus Bennett's InterSystems Datastore
- page on the DPS-1
- Johnson Ithaca Audio page
- YouTube video of a working Ithaca InterSystems DPS-1