Jäniskoski-Niskakoski territory
The Jäniskoski-Niskakoski area is a 176 square kilometer area in Russian Lapland, east of Lake Inari, along the Paatsjoki River. Finland sold the area to the Soviet Union on 18 April 1947[1] due to the Jäniskoski hydroelectric plant in the area and the Niskakoski reservoir. The Jäniskoski-Niskakoski area was not part of the Soviet Union's original territorial requirements.

In order to secure the electricity supply of the nickel mine in Petsamo, Finland agreed to give up the area of Jäniskoski-Niskakoski. The previous power plant had been destroyed in the war, and it was considered that Finland could not afford rebuilding it at that time. The area was annexed to the German Accounts Payments Agreement and was estimated at 700 million Finnish marks.[2]
Earlier, while the area belonged to Finland, it was part of the Inari municipality. Now the area belongs to the Nikel district of the Petsamo district.
- Asetus Jäniskosken ja Niskakosken alueen liittämisestä Neuvostoliiton alueeseen sekä Suomessa olevien, Neuvostoliitolle siirtyneiden entisten saksalaisten rahavarojen käytöstä tehtyjen sopimusten voimaansaattamisesta. 9/1947, Valtiosopimukset, Finlex (in Finnish)
- Kosonen, Matti & Pohjonen, Juha: Isänmaan portinvartijat: Suomen rajojen vartiointi 1918-1994, s. 343-345. Rajavartiolaitoksen julkaisu. Helsinki: Otava, 1994. ISBN 951-1-13106-0. (in Finnish)