Jana Černá
Jana Černá (14 August 1928, Prague – 5 January 1981, Prague), born Krejcarová, called "Honza" ("Jack") by her mother, (1928–1981), was a daughter of the journalist Milena Jesenská and Jaromír Krejcar. She was a Czech poet, writer, and editor of samizdat editions in Czechoslovakia.

Jana Černá
After the communist coup d'état of 1948 she started publishing with her friends Egon Bondy, Ivo Vodsedalek and others in a secret underground edition Půlnoc. She died at the age of 53 in a car accident.
- Clarissa a jiné texty (Clarissa and Other Texts)
- Otisky duší (Imprints of Souls)
External links
- http://www.slovnikceskeliteratury.cz/showContent.jsp?docId=297
- Clarissa a jiné texty
- Otisky duší
- Conference proceedings of "Honza Krejcarová. Internationaler Workshop Wien, 27. – 28.10.2016 VeranstalterInnen Dr. Matteo Colombi / GWZO LeipzigAss.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gertraude Zand / Universität Wien und der tschechische Underground.(Re-)Konstruktion eines Mythos," dedicated to her life and work in the journal Slovo a smysl / Word and Sense with contributions by Matteo Colombi, Natascha Drubek, Xavier Galmiche, Martin Machovec, Anna Militz, Josef Vojvodík, Peter Zajac, Gertraude Zand: 2017 (14) 28. https://wordandsense.ff.cuni.cz/en/magazin/2017-14-28-2/
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