Janysh Kulmambetov
Janysh Osmonovich Kulmambetov (Kyrgyz and Russian: Жаныш Осмонович Кулмамбетов;) (born 1955) — Kyrgyz writer-screenwriter, playwright and prosaist, theatrical and Director, screenwriter, producer, editor, journalist, stage historian and theater critic. Honored culture worker of Kyrgyzstan, laureate of national and ad international literature awards.
Janysh Kulmambetov Жаныш Кулмамбетов | |
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Born | |
Nationality | Kyrgyz |
Alma mater | Tashkent State Institute of Theatre and Arts named after A.N. Ostrovsky |
Occupation | Kyrgyz writer-screenwriter, playwright and prosaist, theatrical and Director, screenwriter, producer, editor, journalist, stage historian and theater critic. |
Years active | 1975 — present |
After graduating in its native village high school, Janysh entered the theatre school at Kyrgyz State Academic Drama Theater in Frunze, from which it graduated in 1974 from with honors “Actor of Drama and Film”. From 1975 to 1982 studied first at the dramatic faculty, and from the third course[1] -Department of Theater at the Tashkent Theatre and Arts Institute of A.N.Ostrovsky (Tashkent), who also graduated with honors. In 1989 - 1992 was in graduate school Research Institute for Art History (Moscow).
At the end of the theater institute worked in the art department of the newspaper "Kyrgyzstan madaniyaty" ("Culture of Kyrgyzstan"). Later theatrees says and critical reviews of Kulmambetov were published in various national media. In total, it has written more than 200 book reviews, it has repeatedly, since 1982, been named the best theater critic of Kyrgyzstan. Simultaneously with the work of the critic and writer (see Creativity), it taught theater history and the or of drama in theater school (later – the school) at Kyrgyz State Academic Drama Theatre, and from 1992-faculty of Philology Kyrgyz National University and at the Kyrgyz State Institute of Arts. The author of the monograph Manas "- an epic drama and epic theater of the Kyrgyz people and the book "In the world of the theater" (published in 1987 in Frunze). It conducted broadcast on television (2004) and radio (2006). From 1985 to 1988 Kulmambetov served as the senior editor of the combined repertoire and the editorial board of the Ministry of Culture of Kyrgyzstan. In 1988- 1989 s- Deputy Chairman of the Union of the atrical figures of the Kirgiz SSR. In 1992, after the return from Moscow, Kulmambetov created a private theater "Jaisan", which led to 1993. In 1997 it became the founder of the publishing and information and cultural and entertainment center "Kyrgyz Caravan", and in 2005 at the private theater of nations "Ademi". In the same year it was appointed the First Vice-President of the Union of theatrical figures of art and the President of the Union of Kyrgyz playwrights and theater critics.
September 25, 2013 Janish Kulmambetov elected president of the Union of theatrical figures of Kyrgyzstan.
In 2006 - 2010 Kulmambetov, in addition to the work at newspapers and theater, became the editor and translator of the first Kyrgyz animated children's television series "Keremetketch" ("The Magic migrations"). In 2007, the senior editor of the National Film Studio "Kirgizfilm."
According to the memoirs of Kulmambetov, it began to try its hand at writing theatrical scenes already in sixth grade [1] Serious work as a screenwriter began in the student years. The first play of Kulmambetov "Stolen Fire" in 1976 in the Republican radio broadcast of Kyrgyzstan, and was later staged in the State Puppet Theatre of the Kirgiz SSR. Since then it has written more than a dozen plays for radio, and a total of more than 50 dramatic works. Plays of Kulmambetov put theaters of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Its plays were published in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Armenia.[2][3] In addition to plays, work of Kulmambetov includes novels, stories and screenplays. In its translations published works of Molière, Oscar Wilde, Viktor Rozov and other authors. Central to the work of Kulmambetov is the theme of fate of figures of Kyrgyz history-the governor Kurmandjan Datka ("the Queen of Alai"), folk storyteller Tynybek "Manas, my dear!" Actresses Tattybübü Tursunbayeva ("The fate of an actress") and Baken Kydykeeva ("Talent and Destiny"), a writer Chinghiz Aitmatov and dancers Bubusara Beishenalieva ("Chingiz and Byubyusara").Latter of these plays were written by the request of the Aitmatov[4] Plays, "When was the Manas Manas ...", "The hidden secret of Chingiz Khan," "Just Mayrash", "Chingiz and Bubusara", "The talent and destiny", "Kanat and Zarina", "Shooting in the Aqsy or blackdays of Bospiek", " Damn you, Janyl Myrza - Salome! "and the screenplay" The stone of my Motherland »[5] received awards of Kyrgyz and international competitions and festivals. Janish Kulmambetov also works as a director. It staged a number of performances, including in its own theaters "Jaisan" and "Ademi", as well as at the Kyrgyz State Drama Theatre and the Kyrgyz State Youth Theater. At the beginning of the new century, it directed several feature films: "Bloody Love", "Chingiz and Bubusara", "Wounded cranes", "I believe in you", "Stir of younger wives» [6] In 2012 he won first prize at the international competition scenarios, based on fairy tales, legends and epics of the peoples of Asia - Asia 2012, with a script full-length feature film "Stone of my country."
Literary works
- 2016 - Osmon and Olga ( Osmon menen Olga)
- 2016 - American bride (Amerikalyk kelin)
- 2015 - Mother, my Manas -2 (Kagylayyn Manas -2!)!
- 2015 - Japanese is
- 2014 - Revenge of the girls (Kyzdardyn өchү)
- 2014 - Mountain Girl (Tooluk Kiz)
- 2013 - My homeland Stone
- 2012 - Do not be afraid, Mokocho (Не бойся Мокочо)
- 2012 - Gold jug (inspired by folk tales) (Алтын кумара)
- 2012 - Groom (Күйөө бала)
- 2011 - Three brothers and peri (Үч биртууган менен перизат)
- 2011 – Lovers (Кыз-жигит)
- 2011 - Silent Witness (Тили каткан адам)
- 2011- The Wizard and the dog (Волшебник и пес)
- 2011 - Five younger wives (Беш токол)
- 2011 - History of the suicide bomber (История шахидки)
- 2010 – 2011 - Alai queen (Алай ханышасы)
- 2010 - Wind, wind do not carry away (Шамал, шамал жулба, ыйлатып)
- 2010 - He returned from the city (Ал шаардан келгенде)
- 2009 - The Mystery Cave (Сырдуу үңкүр)
- 2009- Kezkaman and Kekchekez or Traitors (on the epic "Manas") (Көзкаман менен Көкчөкөз)
- 2008 - Han Zhakyp (on the epic "Manas") (Хан Жакып)
- 2008 -Day of the apocalypse (Oh, great Ameterasu, save Antigone!) (Ааламат келген күн же о-о,
улуу Амэтерасу, Антигонуну сакта!)
- 2008 - Iparhan-Xiang Fei (Ипархан – Сянь-Фэй)
- 2007- Scaffold (Эшафот)
- 2007 - People in the twilight (Күүгүмдөгү кишилер)
- 2007- New Journey (Жаңы саякат)
- 2007- You are alive, captain? (Эсенсиңби, есаул?!)
- 2007 - Kurmanbek (for small Kyrgyz epic "Kurmanbek") (Курманбек)
- 2006- Shooting in Aqsy, or black dark days of Bospiek (Аксыдагы атуу же Боспиектеги карантүн)
- 2006 - We are with you ... (Биз, экөөбүз)
- 2006- Southerner (Түштүктүк кыз)
- 2006- On the night (Ошол түнү)
- 2005 - Kanat and Zarina (Канат менен Зарина)
- 2004 - The talent and destiny (Талант жана тагдыр)
- 2003 - Grey Wolf and Goats (based on folk tales) (Серый волк и козлята)
- 2002 - When life goes ... (Өмүр бизден өтүп кетсе...)
- 2000 - And there is an old song over the steppe (Чөл үсүтндө ошол эски ыр калды)
- 2000 - Little Red Riding Hood (by Charles Perrault) (Кызыл топу, Ш.Перронуку боюнча)
- 1998-1999 - Chingiz and Bubusara (Чыңгыз менен Бүбүсайра)
- 1996 - Damn you, JanylMirza - Salome! (Каргыш тийсин сага, Жаңыл Мырза – Саломея!)
- 1994 - The fate of an actress (Актрисанын тагдыры)
- 1993- Just Mayrash (Жөн эле Майраш)
- 1991 - Manas, my dear! (Кагылайын, Манасым!)
- 1990 - The hidden secret of Chingis Khan (Чыңгыз хандын купуя сыры)
- 1990 - Daughter Umaya (Умайдын кызы)
- 1988 - Munabiya (Мунабия, co-authored with K.Akmatov)
- 1988 - When Manas became Manas ... (Манас, Манас болгону...)
- 1987 - Education (Тарбия)
- 1987 - My poor tale (Бечера менин жомогум)
- 1986 - Boomerang (Бумеранг же бир кылмыштын тарыхы)
- 1984 - Croak frog (Чардагыла, бакалар!)
- 1983 - Holy my mother (Ыйыгым менин - апакем)
- 1980 - I brought you a cat (Мен сизге мышык алып келдим)
- 1979 - Beautiful World (Кереметтүү дүйнө)
- 1979 - Bear (Мамалак)
- 1978 - Our Telibay (Биздин Телибай)
- 1978 - Blue mane (Көк кулун)
- 1977 - Mannequins (Манекендер)
- 1977 - Guard (Корукчу)
- 1976 - Welcome the fairy tale! (Жашасын, жомок!)
- 1976 - Stolen Fire (Уурдалган от)
- 1996- The daughter of General (Генералдын кызы)
- 1992- Particularly dangerous criminal (Өтө коркунучтуу кылмышкер)
- 1991- Bloody love (Кандуу сүйүү)
- 1991 - A lone crane (Жалгыз турна)
- 2016 - The childhood of Manas (Manastyn ball chagy, 52 series)
- 2015 - Japanese is
- 2015- Revenge girls (Kyzdardyn өchү)
- 2014 - Wild girl (Жапайы селки)
- 2014 - Dangerous gorge (Коркунучтуу капчыгай)
- 2013 - Our crazy comedy (Биздин боорду эзген комедиябыз)
- 2012 - Stone of my Motherland (Мекенимдин ташы)
- 2012 - Prince of my daughter (Кызымдын ханзадасы)
- 2011 2012 - Curse (Каргыш)
- 2011 - Lovers (Кыз-жигит)
- 2011 - Stir of younger wives (Токолдор тополоңу)
- 2010 - I believe in you (Мен сага ишенем)
- 2010 - Shot on Sonkul (Соңкөлдөгү атуу)
- 2010 - Wounded Cranes (Жараланган турналар)
- 2010 - Train of my hope (Үмүтүмдүн поезди)
- 2009 - Shooting in Aqsy, or black days of Bospiek (Аксыдагы атуу же Боспиектеги карантүн)
- 2008 - Osmon and Olga (Осмон менен Ольга)
- 2008 - Chingiz and Bubusara (Чыңгыз менен Бүбүсайра)
- 2007 - Bloody love (Кандуу сүйүү)
- 2002 - Particularly dangerous criminal (Өтө коркунучтуу кылмышкер)
- 2014-Woody Allen. Death
- 2010 - Lutz Hübner. A matter of honor
- 2010 - Samuel Beckett. Last tape Krepp
- 2010 - Tazhi Muhammad. Butterfly
- 2007 - Chinghiz Aitmatov. White Cloud of Genghis Khan (dramatization K.Ashirov)
- 2006 - 2010 - Magic migrations (Keremet kөch, 440 series)
- 1993 - Oscar Wilde. Salome
- 1993 - Alexandr Volodin. Two arrows
- 1992 - Giovanni Verga. Wolf
- 1983 - Viktor Rozov. Host
- 1980 - A.Tsukanov. Very clever tale
- 1978. - C.A.Naydenov. Children Vanyushina
- 1978 - Moliere. Scapin trickery
- 1978 - Moliere. Funny zhemanitsy
- 1977 - A.Balakaev. The mother's heart
Theatrical production
- 2016 - Once in the village Koshalak (Кошалактагы окуя)
- 2012 - Do not be afraid, Mokocho (Не бойся Мокочо)
- 2011 - The Wizard and the dog (Волшебник и пес)
- 2011 - Alai queen (Алай ханышасы)
- 2010 - He returned from the city (Ал шаардан келгенде)
- 2009 - My Confession (Менин сырым)
- 2008 - Iparhan-Xiang Fei (Ипархан – Сянь - Фэй)
- 2007 - Bloody love (Кандуу сүйүү)
- 2007 - Shooting in Aqsy, or black dark days of Bospiek (Аксыдагы атуу же Боспиектеги карантүн)
- 2006 - On the night (Ошол түнү)
- 2005 - Chingiz and Bubusara (Чыңгыз менен Бүбүсайра)
- 2002 - Bloody love (Кровавая любовь)
- 1997 - Damn you, Janyl Mirza - Salome! (Каргыш тийсин сага, Жаңыл Мырза – Саломея!)
- 2016 - The childhood of Manas (animated film)
- 2015 - Japanese is
- 2015 - Revenge of the girls (Kyzdardyn өchү)
- 2014 - Wild girl (Жапайы селки)
- 2014 - Dangerous gorge (Коркунучтуу капчыгай)
- 2013 - Kamikaze-psychos (Камикадзе - психи)
- 2013 - Prince of my daughter (Kүйөө balls - Water Carrier – Күйөө балам - водовоз)
- 2012-2013 - Wounded cranes 2 (Zharalangan turnalar-2)
- 2012 - Your language - the language of Manas (Senin tiliң-Manastyn Styles, c / m)
- 2012 - An unknown ghost (Beytaanysh arbak)
- 2012 - Return of prodigal daughter (Побег блудной девочки)
- 2011 - Love (Kiz-zhigit)
- 2011 - Dash because younger women (Токолдор тополоңу)
- 2011 - I believe in you (Мен сага ишенем)
- 2010 - Wounded cranes (Zharalangan turnalar)
- 2009 - Bloody Love 2 (Кандуу сүйүү - 2)
- 2008 - Chingiz and Bubusara (Чыңгыз менен Бүбүсайра)
- 2007 - Bloody love (Кандуу сүйүү)
Awards and honors
Janysh Kulmambetov - winner of national literary and theatrical awards named T. Abdumomunov (1993, for the play "Just Mayrash") and the name of A. Tokombaev (2007, for the play "The shooting in Aksy and black days of Bospiek"). Winner of the International Prize Chinghiz Aitmatov for the play and the play "Chingiz and Bubusara" (2008).S.Asanbekov Prize winner (2013). Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, was awarded the medal "Manas-1000" for the play "Manas, my dear!" (1995).
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