Khouloud Al-Gamal
Khouloud ElGamal (born in [Cairo, Egypt) (also spelled Khouloud Al-Gamal and خلود الجمل) is an Egyptian journalist/TV producer based in London since 2001. She started as reporter for French speaking outlets like Al-Ahram Hebdo and Radio Cairo and also for Youm7 She received few awards on her reporting on citizen journalism, current affairs, Foreign Policy, sufism, bedouins, Islamic extremism and her Grand reportages and travel writings. She is consultant and guest speaker on citizen journalism, social medias and filmmaking.
She was married to Hosam El Sokkari, the former head of the BBC Arabic and Former head of Yahoo Inc in the Middle East.
Published articles :
Hésitations à Londres - Al-Ahram Hebdo by Khouloud Al-Gamal
Le dossier | Sud-Liban - Al-Ahram Hebdo by Khouloud Al-Gamal
Que se passe-t-il à Kocheh ? by Khouloud Al-Gamal
La vie d'avant le Haut-Barrage by Khouloud Elgamal
Iraq, Une décennie perdue, Le handicap des médecins iraqiens by Khouloud Elgamal
Coptes-Musulmans, Une sagesse ancestrale inébranlable by Khouloud Elgamal
Libye, «le peuple féminin armé» by Khouloud Elgamal
Bagdad, Le fiasco humanitaire by Khouloud Elgamal
Khouloud Elgamal's Interview with Peter Hansen
Interview with Ahron Bregman
Interview with Peter Hansen, UNRWA, UN, [ [[
The Metropolitan Police and the three water cannons plan, by Khouloud Elgamal
FCO's Barry Marston in an Interview with Khouloud Elgamal
Cited in The Real (Arab) World: Is Reality TV Democratizing the Middle East?
Documentaries by Khouloud Elgamal
Cited in The Yom Kippur War: Politics, Legacy, Diplomacy The Yom Kippur War: Politics, Legacy, Diplomacy
Khouloud Elgamal is Cited in The Spy Who Fell to Earth: My Relationship with the Secret Agent Who Rocked the Middle East
by Ahron Bregman
Cited in Electoral Institutions in Non-Democratic Regimes: The Impact of the 1990 Electoral Reform on Patterns of Party Development in Mubarak’s Egypt by Hendrik Jan Kratzschmar
Cited in The Long Wait: Reform in Egypt’s State- Owned Broadcasting Service, by Issandr El Amrani
Cited in The Real (Arab) World: Is Reality TV Democratizing the Middle East?
Cited in Chronique d'une guerre d'Orient by Kepel, Gilles []