Kiss Me Twice

"Kiss Me Twice" is a science fiction police procedural short story, by Mary Robinette Kowal. It was first published in Asimov's Science Fiction in June 2011.


When a police station is attacked and the computer storing the department's artificial intelligence is stolen, detective Scott Huang suspects a connection to a murder whose investigation the attack disrupted.


"Kiss Me Twice" was a finalist for the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Novella,[1] the Nebula Award for Best Novella of 2011,[2] and the 2012 Locus Award for Best Novella.[3]

Ken Liu praised Kowal's "dialogue that sparkles with wit".[4] Jim C. Hines found the story reminiscent of the Elijah Baley stories, and lauded Huang as a "decent, determined, well-developed character who treats Metta [the AI] more like a partner than a machine".[5]


Kowal began the story as a project for NaNoWriMo.[6]


  1. 2012 Hugo Awards, at; retrieved November 12, 2020
  2. Kiss Me Twice, at Science Fiction Writers of America; retrieved November 12, 2020
  3. Announcing the 2012 Locus Award Winners, at; published June 16, 2012; retrieved November 12, 2020
  4. Kiss Me Twice, by Ken Liu; at; published February 26, 2012; retrieved November 12, 2020
  5. Hugo Novellas, Part 1 , by Jim C. Hines; at; published June 14, 2012; retrieved November 12, 2020
  6. Sale! Kiss Me Twice to Asimov’s plus a word about NaNoWriMo, by Mary Robinette Kowal, at; published December 12, 2010 ; retrieved November 12, 2020
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