Liberal Jewish Movement of France
The Liberal Jewish Movement of France or MJLF is a Jewish liberal cultural and religious association affiliated with the World Union for Progressive Judaism. Founded in 1977, the movement promotes Jewish religious and cultural life through its two synagogues. The MJLF was created in June 1977 by fifty families under the leadership of Rabbi Daniel Farhi, first President Roger Benarrosh and Colette Kessler, head of education. Many rabbis have contributed to the development of MJLF, including Daniel Farhi(1977-2009)[[Micha Koenig|Stephen Berkowitz, (1989-92;1995-1997; 2004-2013)], Oren Postel, Pauline Bebe (1990-1995), Gabriel Farhi (1995-2007) and Célia Surget. Three rabbis currently provide the leadership for the movement:Floriane Chinsky, Yann Boissière and Delphine Horvilleur.
The MJLF operates a Synagogue/Community House on 11 rue Gaston de Cavaillet in the 15th arrondissement, on the Front de Seine, a few hundred meters from the old "Vel d'Hiv". A second synagogue (MJLF created in 1983) to expand in eastern Paris, located at 24 rue du Surmelin in the 20th arrondissement.

See also
- Communauté Juive Libérale
- Union Libérale Israélite de France
- Alliance pour un Judaïsme Traditionnel et Moderne /AJTM