List of Chibi Maruko-chan episodes
This is a list of episodes from the anime series Chibi Maruko-chan.
The first series run ran from January 7, 1990 to September 27, 1992, airing a total of 142 episodes, one opening theme, and two ending themes.[1]
The second run began on January 8, 1995 and is still currently airing today. Currently, 1203 episodes have aired.[2]
Series 1 (1990–1992)
# | Title | Original Airdate |
1 | "Maru-chan's Sibling Rivalry!" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんきょうだいげんかをする」の巻) "Maru-chan's in the New Year Mood!" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんはまだおとそ気分」の巻) | January 7, 1990 |
2 | "Here Comes the Tutor!" (Japanese: 「家庭教師がやってきた」の巻) "Maru-chan buys an Alarm Clock!" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん目覚まし時計を買う」の巻) | January 14, 1990 |
3 | "Today is Sensei's Home Visit!" (Japanese: 「今日は家庭訪問」の巻) "Let's Meet the Pretentious Kid!" (Japanese: 「生き物係のキザ野郎参上」の巻) | January 21, 1990 |
4 | "Maru-Chan Learns to Ride a Bike (part 1)" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん自転車の練習をする」の巻(前編)) "Maru-Chan Learns to Ride a Bike (part 2)" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん自転車の練習をする」の巻(後編)) | January 28, 1990 |
5 | "Maru-Chan Gets a Certificate" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん賞状をもらう」の巻) "Maru-Chan Catches a Cold" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんカゼをひく」の巻) | February 4, 1990 |
6 | "Maru-Chan And Friends Find a Puppy" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんたち犬をひろう」の巻) | February 11, 1990 |
7 | "My Family Eats French Cuisine" (Japanese: 「みんなでフランス料理を食べに行く」の巻) "Maru-Chan Hates Marathons" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんはマラソンがイヤ」の巻) | February 18, 1990 |
8 | "The Valentine's Day of Sadness" (Japanese: 「悲しきバレンタインデー」の巻) "Hanawa Enters a Singing Contest" (Japanese: 「花輪君子供歌合戦に出場する」の巻) | February 25, 1990 |
9 | "Maru-Chan Practises The Recorder" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん笛の練習をする」の巻) "I Want To Eat Snow" (Japanese: 「雪を食べたい」の巻) | March 4, 1990 |
10 | "Maru-Chan Visits Faraway Relatives" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん遠くのしんせきの家に行く」の巻) | March 11, 1990 |
11 | (Japanese: 「避難訓練に余念のない県民」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃん通信簿をもらう」の巻) | March 18, 1990 |
12 | (Japanese: 「まぼろしの“ツチノコ株式会社”」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃんは遠足の準備が好き」の巻) | March 25, 1990 |
13 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん遠足に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 1, 1990 |
14 | (Japanese: 「あこがれの鼻血」の巻) (Japanese: 「ふたりだけの留守番」の巻) | April 8, 1990 |
15 | (Japanese: 「丸尾君学級委員選挙いよいよ出馬」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 15, 1990 |
16 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん盲腸になる」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃん占いをされる」の巻) | April 22, 1990 |
17 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん小鳥がほしくなる」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃんお誕生会を開く」の巻) | April 29, 1990 |
18 | (Japanese: 「おかあさんの宝物」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃん深夜の宴会」の巻) | May 6, 1990 |
19 | (Japanese: 「おかあさんの日」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 13, 1990 |
20 | (Japanese: 「5月のオリエンタル小僧」の巻) (Japanese: 「ゆううつな参観日」の巻) | May 20, 1990 |
21 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん学芸会に出る」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 27, 1990 |
22 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん文通をはじめる」の巻) (Japanese: 「自習時間大好き」の巻) | June 3, 1990 |
23 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの町は大洪水」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 10, 1990 |
24 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん虫歯が痛い」の巻) (Japanese: 「ああ身体検査」の巻) | June 17, 1990 |
25 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん学校でお腹が痛くなる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 24, 1990 |
26 | (Japanese: 「プールびらき」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 1, 1990 |
27 | (Japanese: 「七夕の願い事」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 8, 1990 |
28 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん傘を買ってもらう」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの夏の思い出」の巻) | July 15, 1990 |
29 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの家のお風呂がこわれた」の巻) (Japanese: 「おっちゃんの魔法カード」の巻) | July 22, 1990 |
30 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんは夏休みも学校へ通う」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 29, 1990 |
31 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん南の島へ行く」の巻 (前編)) "continued (no title)" | August 5, 1990 |
32 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん南の島へ行く」の巻 (後編)) "continued (no title)" | August 12, 1990 |
33 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんお化け屋敷に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 19, 1990 |
34 | (Japanese: 「宿題をためたまる子ちゃん」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 26, 1990 |
35 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん写真屋さんに行く」の巻) (Japanese: 「嵐の夜の出来事」の巻) | September 2, 1990 |
36 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん熱帯魚を買う」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 9, 1990 |
37 | (Japanese: 「おかっぱ・かっぱ」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 16, 1990 |
38 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんハイキングに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 23, 1990 |
39 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんお金を見つける」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 30, 1990 |
40 | (Japanese: 「男子対女子大戦争」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 7, 1990 |
41 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん席替えをする」の巻) (Japanese: 「まるちゃん飲み屋さんに行く」の巻) | October 14, 1990 |
42 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんブロマイドをなくす」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 21, 1990 |
43 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん実験をする」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 28, 1990 |
44 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの“星に願いを”」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 4, 1990 |
45 | (Japanese: 「いとこの七五三」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 11, 1990 |
46 | (Japanese: 「恐怖のにわとり小屋そうじ」の巻) (Japanese: 「一人っきりの日曜日」の巻) | November 18, 1990 |
47 | (Japanese: 「お父さんとお母さん けんかする」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 25, 1990 |
48 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん自分の部屋が欲しくなる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 2, 1990 |
49 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん年賀状を書く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 9, 1990 |
50 | (Japanese: 「うちはびんぼう」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 16, 1990 |
51 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんクリスマス会に参加する」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 23, 1990 |
52 | (Japanese: 「年越し まる子ちゃん」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 30, 1990 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
53 | (Japanese: 「いつものお正月」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 6, 1991 |
54 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 眠れない夜」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 13, 1991 |
55 | (Japanese: 「子供は風の子」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 20, 1991 |
56 | "Maru-chan's Happy Day" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん ご機嫌な一日」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 27, 1991 |
57 | (Japanese: 「まる子 豆まきをする」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 3, 1991 |
58 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんデパートで迷子になる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 10, 1991 |
59 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの風船物語」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 17, 1991 |
60 | (Japanese: 「憧れの学級閉鎖」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 24, 1991 |
61 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんおひな祭りに呼ばれる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 3, 1991 |
62 | (Japanese: 「口笛が聞こえる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 10, 1991 |
63 | (Japanese: 「放課後の学級会」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 17, 1991 |
64 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの水栽培」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 24, 1991 |
65 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんヘルスセンターに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 31, 1991 |
66 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん お花見に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 7, 1991 |
67 | (Japanese: 「まる子達 一年生の世話をやく」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 14, 1991 |
68 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 作文を書く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 21, 1991 |
69 | (Japanese: 「まる子ノストラダムスの予言を気にする」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 28, 1991 |
70 | "Maruko's Children Day!" (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 子供の日」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 5, 1991 |
71 | (Japanese: 「おじいちゃんベルトクイズに出る」の巻 (前編)) "continued (no title)" | May 12, 1991 |
72 | (Japanese: 「おじいちゃんベルトクイズに出る」の巻 (後編)) "continued (no title)" | May 19, 1991 |
73 | (Japanese: 「まる子 プラネタリウムに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 26, 1991 |
74 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 学級新聞を作る」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 2, 1991 |
75 | "Detective Maruko!" (Japanese: 「まるちゃんは名探偵」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 9, 1991 |
76 | (Japanese: 「まる子プリマドンナに憧れる」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 耳かきぐせが直らない」の巻) | June 16, 1991 |
77 | (Japanese: 「まる子 百恵ちゃんのコンサートに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 23, 1991 |
78 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 結婚式に出席する」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 30, 1991 |
79 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんの七夕映画会」の巻) (Japanese: 「賞金27万円の使い道」の巻) | July 7, 1991 |
80 | (Japanese: 「まる子 洋服を作ってもらう」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 かき氷を作る」の巻) | July 14, 1991 |
81 | (Japanese: 「まる子まぼろしの洋館を見る」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 28, 1991 |
82 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんお泊まりに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 4, 1991 |
83 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃんラジオ体操がイヤで仕方無い」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 11, 1991 |
84 | (Japanese: 「まる子双子がうらやましい」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 18, 1991 |
85 | (Japanese: 「まる子 神社の大掃除をする」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 夏休みのお天気調べを忘れる」の巻) | August 25, 1991 |
86 | (Japanese: 「まる子 南の島のおみやげ分配に困る」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 1, 1991 |
87 | (Japanese: 「まる子 はまじとウワサになる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 8, 1991 |
88 | (Japanese: 「おじいちゃんの世界一周」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 15, 1991 |
89 | (Japanese: 「まる子 遊園地に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 22, 1991 |
90 | (Japanese: 「家庭内カルチャー教室」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 29, 1991 |
91 | (Japanese: 「まるちゃん 社会科見学に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 6, 1991 |
92 | (Japanese: 「まる子 松茸を食べる」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 泡風呂に憧れる」の巻) | October 13, 1991 |
93 | (Japanese: 「お楽しみ給食会」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 20, 1991 |
94 | (Japanese: 「誘拐犯に気をつけろ」の巻) "continued (no title)" | October 27, 1991 |
95 | (Japanese: 「お父さん8ミリカメラを借りてくる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 3, 1991 |
96 | "Maruko rides in the festival" (Japanese: 「まる子 お祭りに行く」の巻) "Boys-Girls" (Japanese: 「女の子・男の子」の巻) | November 10, 1991 |
97 | (Japanese: 「まる子みんなにばかにされる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 17, 1991 |
98 | (Japanese: 「まる子 みかん狩りに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | November 24, 1991 |
99 | "Buzzer of school!" (Japanese: 「学校のバザー」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 1, 1991 |
100 | (Japanese: 「花輪邸ついに公開」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 8, 1991 |
101 | (Japanese: 「花輪クンちに来た友人帰る」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 15, 1991 |
102 | (Japanese: 「家庭内クリスマス」の巻) "continued (no title)" | December 22, 1991 |
103 | (Japanese: 「自家製洗濯石鹸」の巻) (Japanese: 「お母さん鮎の甘露煮を作る」の巻) | December 29, 1991 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
104 | (Japanese: 「まる子 凧上げをする」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 七草がゆが食べたい」の巻) | January 5, 1992 |
105 | (Japanese: 「まる子の貯金通帳」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 編み物をする」の巻) | January 12, 1992 |
106 | (Japanese: 「まる子 湯たんぽを欲しがる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 19, 1992 |
107 | "School Skating Competition" (Japanese: 「学校のスケート教室」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 26, 1992 |
108 | (Japanese: 「町にへび屋がやって来た」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 甘酒ばかり飲む」の巻) | February 2, 1992 |
109 | (Japanese: 「みどりちゃんのバレンタインデー」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 9, 1992 |
110 | (Japanese: 「まる子星の砂が欲しい」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 雀の餌づけをする」の巻) | February 16, 1992 |
111 | (Japanese: 「みやこお姉ちゃんの赤ちゃん」の巻) "continued (no title)" | February 23, 1992 |
112 | (Japanese: 「先生の家に遊びに行こう」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 1, 1992 |
113 | (Japanese: 「まる子ノラ犬に追いかけられる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 8, 1992 |
114 | (Japanese: 「丸尾君と花輪君」の巻) (Japanese: 「我が家に白アリが!」の巻) | March 15, 1992 |
115 | (Japanese: 「まる子 鯉の放流に参加する」の巻) (Japanese: 「花粉症騒動」の巻) | March 22, 1992 |
116 | (Japanese: 「永沢君の家、火事になる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | March 29, 1992 |
117 | (Japanese: 「永沢君ちの火事見舞い」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 5, 1992 |
118 | (Japanese: 「まる子 不幸の手紙をもらう」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 12, 1992 |
119 | (Japanese: 「ノートはきれいに!」の巻) (Japanese: 「ボンヤリまる子」の巻) | April 19, 1992 |
120 | (Japanese: 「まる子 お茶の味にうるさい」の巻) "continued (no title)" | April 26, 1992 |
121 | (Japanese: 「まる子 ふれあいの一人旅」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 3, 1992 |
122 | (Japanese: 「ツバメよ来い来い」の巻) (Japanese: 「クラスのお誕生日会」の巻) | May 10, 1992 |
123 | (Japanese: 「動物園の写生大会」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 17, 1992 |
124 | (Japanese: 「しゃっくりが止まらない」の巻) (Japanese: 「お父さん 北海道へ行く」の巻) | May 24, 1992 |
125 | (Japanese: 「ヨッちゃんの彼女」の巻) "continued (no title)" | May 31, 1992 |
126 | (Japanese: 「食用ガエルで大騒ぎ」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 7, 1992 |
127 | (Japanese: 「フタが開かない」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子 砂時計が欲しい」の巻) | June 14, 1992 |
128 | (Japanese: 「まる子 大パニック」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 21, 1992 |
129 | (Japanese: 「うれしい お中元」の巻) "continued (no title)" | June 28, 1992 |
130 | (Japanese: 「商店街の七夕祭り」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 5, 1992 |
131 | (Japanese: 「まる子 バーゲンの広告につられる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 12, 1992 |
132 | (Japanese: 「明日から夏休み」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 19, 1992 |
133 | (Japanese: 「金魚すくいに情熱を」の巻) "continued (no title)" | July 26, 1992 |
134 | (Japanese: 「夏休みの登校日」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 2, 1992 |
135 | (Japanese: 「まる子 海水浴に行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 9, 1992 |
136 | (Japanese: 「蚊がうるさい」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 16, 1992 |
137 | (Japanese: 「巴川の花火大会」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 23, 1992 |
138 | (Japanese: 「まる子 ゴキブリをこわがる」の巻) "continued (no title)" | August 30, 1992 |
139 | (Japanese: 「まる子花輪クンに英会話を習う」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 6, 1992 |
140 | (Japanese: 「まる子 つりに行く」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 13, 1992 |
141 | (Japanese: 「花輪クンに恋人が!」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 20, 1992 |
142 | (Japanese: 「さくら家のお月見」の巻) "continued (no title)" | September 27, 1992 |
Series 2 (1995–present)
# | Title | Original Airdate | |
1 | "Soccer Boy Kenta" (Japanese: 「サッカー少年ケン太」の巻) | January 8, 1995 | |
Maruko’s classmate Kenta is good at soccer and trains harder than anyone. His dream is to become a pro, and Maruko quietly cheers him on. | |||
2 | January 15, 1995 | ||
Blowfish is for dinner, but Maruko is unimpressed until Tamachan expresses her envy. Maruko begins to worry after learning the delicacy is poisonous. | |||
3 | January 22, 1995 | ||
Maruko finds a wicker hamper in the closet and thinks it might hold ghouls like in an old fairy tale. She begs her family to open it, but no one will. | |||
4 | January 29, 1995 | ||
Maruko has a great time singing in the tub with her dad. Grandpa is moved to tears when she sings along to a record the next day. | |||
5 | February 5, 1995 | ||
Maruko and Tamachan make a time capsule with letters for each other to read in 20 years’ time. Unfortunately, things don’t turn out as planned. | |||
6 | February 12, 1995 | ||
It’s Valentine’s Day. Maruko goes to buy chocolate for her dad because Tamachan said it would make him happy, but she’s out of cash for Grandpa. | |||
7 | February 19, 1995 | ||
It’s so cold, Maruko is glued to the kotatsu heater and won’t even go play with Tamachan. She finally gets up when Mom yells at her to take a bath. | |||
8 | February 26, 1995 | ||
Worried about Maruko’s laziness, her mom asks her sister to tutor her. Sakiko does nothing but berate Maruko as she shows no intention of studying. | |||
9 | March 5, 1995 | ||
The picture story showman is in town. Maruko loves the sweets you can buy before the show, so she empties her piggy bank and heads over to the park. | |||
10 | March 12, 1995 | ||
After Maruko learns Sakiko is exchanging a diary with her classmate, she starts doing the same with Tamachan. Then Misuzu says she wants to join in. | |||
11 | March 19, 1995 | ||
Nagasawa is happy to be at the center of attention for once at his housewarming party, but Yamada comes over uninvited and ruins his good mood. | |||
12 | March 26, 1995 | ||
Grandpa worries that his friend will never pay him back. Soon after he follows Maruko’s suggestion to send his friend a letter, a package arrives. | |||
13 | April 2, 1995 | ||
Maruko gets tricked by her sister when she forgets about April Fool’s Day. She tries to fool others, but her schemes don’t go according to plan. | |||
14 | April 9, 1995 | ||
Hiroshi makes the rest of his family unhappy with his obsession when he starts hogging the TV to watch professional baseball. | |||
15 | April 16, 1995 | ||
Maruko talks to her friends about giving books to the people they like after learning about San Jordi’s Day customs from her sister. | |||
40 | October 8, 1995 | ||
Maruko wants to stop Sekiguchi from bullying Takashi, who loves dogs and puppies. |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
53 | January 7, 1996 | |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
102 | January 5, 1997 | |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
154 | January 4, 1998 | |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
205 | January 3, 1999 | |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
254 | January 9, 2000 | |
# | Title | Original Airdate | |
341 | October 7, 2001 | ||
Maruko’s next-door neighbor practices piano for a company event, but his lack of talent proves stressful for the Sakura household. | |||
342 | October 14, 2001 | ||
Maruko is shocked to be named as alternate for the team relay on Sports Day. Things only get worse when she has to replace an injured team member. | |||
343 | October 21, 2001 | ||
Crybaby Midori has a crush on Fujiki, so she asks Maruko to bring Fujiki along with her to her birthday party. Maruko isn’t exactly happy about this. | |||
344 | October 28, 2001 | ||
Maruko is envious of Tamachan’s photos of her recent trip to see fall scenery. The Sakuras plan their own outing, but traffic gets in their way. | |||
345 | November 4, 2001 | ||
The ceiling in Maruko’s room leaks! When the carpenter who fixes it extols the view from the roof, Maruko and Tamachan decide to see for themselves. | |||
346 | November 11, 2001 | ||
Maruko is upset to find her winter knits have moth holes. Her sister fixes them with appliqués, but that comes with its own set of problems. | |||
347 | November 18, 2001 | ||
One day Migiwa’s unfriendly-looking dog runs off. Maruko and friends are recruited to help find it and bring it home. | |||
348 | November 25, 2001 | ||
Maruko’s class decides on its performance for the arts festival. They pick the story of a samurai-era battle, and Maruko is given a leading role. | |||
349 | December 2, 2001 | ||
Maruko pours her heart into the class play rehearsals and makes a great warrior. However, Fujiki struggles quite a bit with his role. | |||
350 | (Japanese: 「マンガ禁止令」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子、微熱をだす」の巻) | December 9, 2001 | |
When Maruko doesn’t do her chores, her mother takes away her comic books. Next, Maruko gets a slight fever during gym class and everyone makes a fuss. |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
354 | (Japanese: 「まる子、たまちゃんちにお泊まりする」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子、おみくじに振り回される」の巻) | January 6, 2002 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
404 | (Japanese: 「まる子、初売りに行く」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子、香りを探す」の巻) | January 12, 2003 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
502 | (Japanese: 「まる子、睡眠不足になる」の巻) (Japanese: 「キャッチフレーズを作ろう」の巻) | January 16, 2005 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
598 | (Japanese: 「まる子、おしるこが待ち遠しい」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子のオリジナル」の巻) | January 7, 2007 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
648 | (Japanese: 「新春! カルタ大会」の巻) (Japanese: 「さくら家の鏡びらき」の巻) | January 6, 2008 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
698 | (Japanese: 「まる子、今年の運勢は?」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子、初夢を見たい」の巻) | January 4, 2009 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
790 | "Grandma and a cat" (Japanese: 「「台所で勉強を」の巻) "Maruko caring her skin" (Japanese: 「オトナの女性を目指そう!」の巻) | December 19, 2010 |
No. | English Dub title Original Japanese title | Original air date |
792 | "Maruko wants to be bitten by Shishimai" (Japanese: 「まる子、獅子舞にかまれたい」の巻) "Maruko wishes that the New Year's Holiday Mood would linger" (Japanese: 「お正月気分をもう少し」の巻) | January 9, 2011 |
793 | "Maruko hosts her Uncle" (Japanese: 「「まる子、おじさんをもてなす」の巻) "Friendship in the Marathon Race" (Japanese: 「マラソン大会の友情」の巻) | January 16, 2011 |
794 | "Ways to prevent catching a cold" (Japanese: 「風邪をひかない方法」の巻) "Maruko wants to eat Nabeyaki-Udon" (Japanese: 「まる子、鍋焼きうどんが食べたい」の巻) | January 23, 2011 |
795 | "Mr. Togawa's Birthday" (Japanese: 「戸川先生の誕生日」の巻) "Setsubun Party at Hanawa Residence" (Japanese: 「花輪くんちの節分パーティー」の巻) | January 30, 2011 |
796 | "Dad's secret base" (Japanese: 「お父さんの秘密基地」の巻) "Our Notebook" (Japanese: 「みんなのノート」の巻) | February 6, 2011 |
797 | (Japanese: 「丸尾くんのバレンタイン」の巻) (Japanese: 「冬のごちそう」の巻) | February 13, 2011 |
798 | "Migiwa-san, a girl in Love" (Japanese: 「恋する乙女、みぎわさん」の巻) "Dining out with the Family" (Japanese: 「みんなでレストランに行こう」の巻) | February 20, 2011 |
799 | "Maeda-san's vase" (Japanese: 「前田さんの花びん」の巻) "Maruko wishes to have a lucky one" (Japanese: 「まる子、幸せの一本が欲しい」の巻) | February 27, 2011 |
800 | "Noguchi-san on ice" (Japanese: 「氷上の野口さん」の巻) "I spot a little spring!" (Japanese: 「小さな春、見―つけた!」の巻) | March 6, 2011 |
811 | "I Feel blue on a Parents' Visiting Day" (Japanese: 「ゆううつな参観日」の巻) "A Tutor comes to My House" (Japanese: 「家庭教師がやってきた」の巻) | May 29, 2011 |
No. | English Dub title Original Japanese title | Original air date |
844 | "Maruko wants to give chocolate to someone" (Japanese: 「まる子、だれかにチョコをあげたい」の巻) "Maruko hates woolen panties" (Japanese: 「まる子、毛糸のパンツをいやがる」の巻) | February 5, 2012 |
873 | (Japanese: 「100年後のまる子」の巻) (Japanese: 「花輪くんがいなくなった!?」の巻) | September 16, 2012 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
888 | (Japanese: 「野口さん、羽根つきに燃える?」の巻) | January 6, 2013 |
# | Title | Original Airdate |
937 | (Japanese: 「さくら家の元旦」の巻) | January 5, 2014 |
No. | English Dub title Original Japanese title | Original air date |
1032 | "Maruko buys baked sweet potatoes" (Japanese: 「まる子、いしやきいもを買う」の巻) "The cold weather gets the better of Maruko" (Japanese: 「まる子、寒さに負ける」の巻) | December 6, 2015 |
No. | English Dub title Original Japanese title | Original air date |
1035 | (Japanese: 「まる子、お年玉で蟹を買う」の巻) (Japanese: 「まる子、手帳を使う」の巻) | January 10, 2016 |
No. | English Dub title Original Japanese title | Original air date |
1084 | (Japanese: 「おじいちゃん、年賀状の事を気にする」の巻) "continued (no title)" | January 8, 2017 |
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