List of English words of Anglo-Saxon origin
This is a list of English words of native origin, in other words, words inherited and derived directly from the Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, stage of the language. This list also includes neologisms formed from Anglo-Saxon roots and/or particles in later forms of English, and words borrowed into other languages (e.g. French, Anglo-French, etc.) then borrowed back into English (e.g. bateau, chiffon, gourmet, nordic, etc.). Foreign words borrowed into Old English from Old Norse, Latin, and Greek are excluded, as are words borrowed into English from Ancient British languages.
- a
- a-
- A-1
- A-frame
- A-line
- a.k.a.
- a.s.a.p.
- aback
- abaft
- abeam
- abear
- abed
- abide
- ablaze
- able-bodied
- aboard
- abode
- about
- above
- aboveboard
- abovementioned
- abraid
- abreast
- abroad
- absentminded
- abuzz
- accursed
- ach
- ache
- ack
- acknowledge
- acorn
- acre
- addeem
- adder
- addle
- ado
- adrift
- adware
- adwesch
- adze
- afar
- afeared
- afford
- affright
- afield
- afire
- afloat
- afoot
- afore
- aforesaid
- aforethought
- afoul
- afresh
- aft
- after
- afterglow
- afterlife
- aftermath
- afterthought
- afterward
- afterwards
- afterword
- again
- against
- aghast
- aglow
- ago
- aground
- ah
- aha
- ahead
- ahem
- ail
- ain't
- air freshener
- air raid
- airborne
- aircraft
- airedale
- airhead
- airline
- airtight
- ait
- ajar
- akimbo
- akin
- alack
- albeit
- alder
- alderman
- ale
- alehouse
- alewife
- Alfred
- alight (v)
- alight (adj)
- alike
- alit
- alive
- all
- allay
- allright (all right)
- almighty
- almost
- almshouse
- alone
- along
- alongside
- aloud
- already
- alright
- also
- although
- altogether
- always
- am
- amain
- amaze
- amid
- amiss
- among
- amongst
- an
- and
- anent
- anew
- angle (v)
- Angle
- Anglo
- ankle
- anneal
- anon
- another
- answer
- anthill
- antsy
- anvil
- any
- anybody
- anyhow
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- anyways
- anywhere
- anywise
- ape
- apple
- aquiver
- archfiend
- are
- aren't
- aright
- arise
- arm (anatomical)
- armpit
- arms-length
- arm "poor, pitiful"
- arrow
- arse
- arsehole
- arseling
- art (v)
- artwork
- as
- asap
- Ascot
- asea
- ash
- ash (Bot.)
- ashamed
- Ashley
- ashore
- ashtray
- aside
- ask
- asleep
- aspen
- astern
- astir
- astride
- asunder
- at
- at all
- at bay
- ate
- athel
- atheling
- atop
- attaboy
- attercop
- atwitter
- Audrey
- auger
- aught (something)
- aught (zero)
- auld
- autoharp
- automaker
- aw
- awake (v)
- awake (adj)
- awaken
- aware
- awash
- away
- awe
- awhile
- awl
- awry
- ax
- axe
- axle
- ay
- aye (yes)
- babble
- babe
- baby
- baby boom
- babysit
- back (n)
- back (v)
- back (adj)
- back down
- back off
- back up
- back-talk
- backbencher
- backbiting
- backbone
- backdoor
- backdrop
- backfill
- backfire
- backgammon
- background
- backhand
- backing
- backlash
- backside
- backslide
- backstab
- backstop
- backup
- backward
- backwards
- backwash
- backwater
- backyard
- bad
- bad-mouth
- badass
- bade
- badge
- badger (n)
- badger (v)
- baff
- baffle
- bairn
- bake
- bald
- bale
- balk
- ball
- ballast
- ballocks
- ballpark
- ballroom
- balls
- ballsy
- bally
- bam
- ban (v)
- ban (n)
- band (ties)
- bandwidth
- bane
- bank (mass, heap)
- bann
- banns
- bare
- barefoot
- barely
- bark (v)
- barley
- barm
- barmy
- barn
- barroom
- barrow (wheelbarrow)
- barrow (mound)
- baseball
- baseline
- bass (fish)
- bast
- batch
- bateau
- bated breath
- bath
- bathe
- bathroom
- bathtub
- batman
- battle-axe
- battlefield
- battleship
- baulk
- be
- be-
- beach
- beachhead
- beacon
- bead
- beadle
- beady
- beam
- bean
- bean bag
- beanery
- beanie
- beano
- bear (v)
- bear (n)
- beard
- bearing
- bearings
- bearish
- beat
- beat up
- beatnik
- beaver
- beck
- beckon
- becloud
- become
- bed
- bedbug
- bedding
- bedeen
- bedizen
- bedridden
- bedrock
- bedroom
- bedspread
- bedstead
- bedtime
- bee
- bee's knees
- beech
- beefeater
- beehive
- beek
- beeline
- been
- beer
- beeswax
- beetle (n)
- beetle (v)
- befall
- befang
- befit
- before
- beforehand
- befoul
- befriend
- befuddle
- beg
- beget
- begin
- begone
- begorra
- begripe
- behalf
- behave
- behavior, behaviour
- behaviorism
- behead
- behelm
- behest
- behind
- behold
- beholden
- behoof
- behoove, behove
- being (n)
- belated
- belay
- belch
- belead
- beleave
- belie
- belief
- believe
- belittle
- belive "to remain"
- bell
- bell bottoms
- bellboy
- bellhop
- bellow
- bellowing
- bellows
- bellwether
- belly (n)
- belly (v)
- belly button
- belly dance
- bellyache
- bellyful
- belong
- belongings
- beloved
- beltway
- bemoan
- bench
- bench-warmer
- benchmark
- bend
- bender
- beneath
- benight
- bent
- bent (bent-grass)
- benumb
- Beowulf
- bequeath
- bequest
- bereave
- bereavement
- Berkshire
- berry
- berth
- beseech
- beseeching
- beset
- beshield
- beshrew
- beside
- besides
- besom
- bespeak
- bespeckled
- bespoke (made to order)
- best
- bestest
- bestir
- bestow
- bestride
- bet
- betide
- betimes
- betoken
- betroth
- betrothed
- better
- between
- betwixt
- beware
- bewilder
- bewitch
- beyond
- bid
- bidden
- bide
- bier
- Big Apple
- Big Brother
- Big Dipper
- bight
- bigot
- bill (beak)
- billboard
- billfold
- billingsgate
- bimonthly
- bind
- binder
- binding
- bindle
- bine
- binge
- bingo
- biofeedback
- bippy
- birch
- bird
- bird (young lady)
- birdie
- Birmingham
- birthday
- birthday suit
- birthright
- bishopric
- bit
- bitch
- bite
- bitter
- bitterness
- bittersweet
- bitsy
- bitty
- biweekly
- blab
- blabber
- black
- black box
- black code
- Black Death
- black dwarf
- Black English
- black eye
- Black Hand
- black hole
- black market
- Black Panther
- black sheep
- Black Shirt
- blackball
- blackberry
- blackbird
- blackboard
- blackguard
- blackjack
- blacklist
- blackmail
- blackout
- blacksmith
- bladder
- blade
- blain
- blanch (turn aside)
- blare
- blaring
- blast
- blasted
- blatant
- blaxploitation
- blaze (fire)
- blazer (jacket)
- blazing
- bleach
- bleacher
- blear
- bleat
- blee "colour"
- bleed
- bleeding (n)
- blench
- blend
- bless
- blessed, blest
- blessing
- blew
- blight
- blighter
- blimey
- blind
- blind date
- blind spot
- blinded
- blindfold
- blindness
- blinds
- blindside
- blink
- blinkered
- blinkers
- bliss
- blissful
- blithe
- blithesome
- blizzard
- blob
- blockbuster
- blockhead
- blood
- blood pressure
- blood type
- bloodcurdling
- bloodletting
- bloodlust
- bloodshed
- bloodshot
- bloodstream
- bloodsucker
- bloodthirsty
- bloody
- Bloomsbury
- blossom
- blow (move air)
- blow (bloom)
- blow (hard hit)
- blow job
- blow out
- blow up
- blowfish
- blowhard
- blowhole
- blown
- blubber
- blubbering
- blue blood
- blue chip
- blue moon
- blueberry
- bluebird
- bluegrass
- bluestocking
- blur
- blurry
- blurt
- blush
- bo tree
- boar
- board (plank)
- board (side of a ship)
- boarder
- boardroom
- boardwalk
- boat
- boatswain
- bob (v)
- bobble
- bobcat
- bod
- bodacious
- bode
- bodice
- bodily
- bodkin
- body
- bodyguard
- bogeyman
- boil (cyst, tumor)
- bold
- boll
- bollix
- bollock
- Bollywood
- bolster
- bolt
- bombshell
- bond
- bondage
- bondman
- bondsman
- bone (n)
- bone (v)
- bonehead
- boner
- bonfire
- book
- bookcase
- bookie
- bookish
- bookkeeper
- booklet
- bookmark
- bookstaff
- bookstave
- bookstore
- bookworm
- boom (v)
- boot (profit, use)
- bootless
- bore
- boredom
- born
- borne
- borough
- borrow
- bosom
- Boston
- Boston tea party
- bottleneck
- bottom
- bottom line
- bough
- bought
- boughten
- bound (tied, fastened)
- bourn (small stream)
- bout
- bow (v)
- bow (n)
- bower
- bowie knife
- bowl
- bowler (hat)
- bowtie
- box (strike blows)
- boxing
- boy
- boyfriend
- boyish
- boysenberry
- braid
- brain
- brain child
- brainiac
- brainstorm
- brainwashing
- brainy
- bramble
- brand
- brand new
- brash
- brass
- braze (to cover with brass)
- brazen
- brb
- breach
- bread
- bread-basket
- breadth
- breadwinner
- break
- break dancing
- breakage
- breakdown
- breaker (wave)
- breakeven
- breakfast
- breakneck
- breakout
- breakthrough
- breakup
- breakwater
- breast
- breastbone
- breastwork
- breath
- breathalyzer
- breathe
- breather
- breathless
- breathtaking
- breech
- breeches
- breed
- brew
- briar
- bridal
- bride
- bridegroom
- bridesmaid
- bridewell
- bridge
- bridle
- brier
- bright
- brighten
- brightness
- brim
- brimful
- brimming
- brimstone
- brinded
- brindle
- brine
- bring
- brinkmanship
- briny
- bristle
- bristly
- Bristol
- britches
- brite
- British
- brittle
- bro
- broad
- broad-minded
- broadband
- broadcast
- broaden
- broadside
- broadsword
- Broadway
- broke
- brood
- brook (small stream)
- brook (tolerate, endure)
- broom
- broth
- brothel
- brother
- brother in law
- brotherhood
- brought
- brow
- browbeat
- brown
- Brown Shirt
- brown-nose
- brownfield
- brownie
- bruise
- brunch
- brung
- BS
- btw
- bub
- bubba
- bubble
- bubbly
- buck
- buck-eye
- buckboard
- bucket
- Buckinghamshire
- bucko
- buckshot
- buckskin
- bucktooth
- bud
- buddy
- bug
- bugbear
- build
- buildup
- bulkhead
- bull
- bulldoze
- bulletin board
- bullfinch
- bullheaded
- bullish
- bullock
- bullpen
- bullseye
- bullshit
- bulrush
- bum (buttocks, bottom)
- bumble
- bumblebee
- bumf
- bunch
- bunghole
- Bunsen burner
- bunt
- burd
- burden
- burdensome
- burial
- Burke
- burly
- burn
- burnout
- burrow
- burst
- burthen
- bury
- busboy
- bush
- business
- businessman
- bust (burst)
- bustle
- busy
- busybody
- busyness
- but
- butt (end)
- butterfly
- buttermilk
- butternut
- butthead
- butthole
- buttock
- buttonhole
- buxom
- buy
- buy-in
- buyer
- buyout
- buzz
- buzz saw
- buzzer
- buzzword
- by
- bye (sporting)
- bye (good-bye)
- bygone
- bygones
- bylaw
- byline
- byre
- bystander
- byspel
- byword
- c/o
- cade
- cadge
- cadger
- cakewalk
- calf
- call
- call girl
- caller
- callow
- calve
- Cambridge
- cammock
- campfire
- can (v)
- can (n)
- can't
- candlelight
- canebreak
- cannery
- cannot
- canny
- Canterbury
- care
- care package
- carefree
- careful
- caregiver
- careless
- caretaker
- careworn
- caring
- cartwheel
- carve
- cast iron
- castaway
- cat
- catbird
- catcall
- catchall
- catchword
- caterwaul
- cattail
- catwalk
- ceasefire
- centerfold
- cesspool
- chafer
- chaff
- chaffer
- chaffinch
- chain gang
- chairman
- chalkboard
- champ (v)
- chap (v)
- chapbook
- char (chore)
- char (burn)
- charcoal
- chare
- Charles's Wain
- Charleston
- charley horse
- charlock
- charwoman
- chary
- chat
- chat room
- chatter
- chatterbox
- chatty
- chaw
- checkout
- checkup
- cheddar
- cheek
- cheep
- cheerleader
- Chelsea
- Cheshire
- Chesterfield
- chestnut
- chew
- chick
- chicken
- chicken lobster
- chicken pox
- chide
- chifferobe
- chiffon
- chifforobe
- chiffrobe
- chilblain
- child
- child abuse
- childbearing
- childcare
- childe
- childhood
- childish
- childlike
- chill
- chilly
- chime (rim of a barrel)
- chin
- chink (slit)
- chip
- chippy
- chirp
- chirpy
- chitchat
- chock-full
- chode
- choke
- chomp
- choose
- choosy
- chop (cut)
- chopper
- chops
- chopstick
- chore
- chose
- chuckle
- churl
- churlish
- churn
- cinder
- Cinderella
- clad
- clam
- clamber
- clammy
- clamp
- clap
- clapboard
- claptrap
- clash
- clasp
- classroom
- clatter
- claw
- clay
- clean
- cleanliness
- cleanse
- cleansing
- cleanup
- clearinghouse
- cleat
- cleavage
- cleave (split)
- cleave (stick to)
- cleaver
- cleft
- clench
- Cleveland
- clever
- clew
- cliff
- cliffhanger
- climb
- climber
- clinch
- clincher
- cling
- clingy
- clip (fasten)
- clip-on
- clipboard
- clockwise
- clockwork
- clod
- clodhopper
- clot
- cloth
- clothe
- clothes
- clothesline
- clothespin
- cloud
- Cloud Cuckoo Land
- cloud nine
- cloudburst
- cloudy
- clout
- clove (wedge of garlic)
- cloven
- clover
- clowder
- clubhouse
- cluck
- clue
- clueless
- cluster
- clutch (clench)
- clutter
- Clydesdale
- co-star
- coal
- coaming
- coastline
- coattails
- coax
- cob
- cobble (n)
- cobble (v)
- cobbler
- cobblestone
- cobweb
- cock (bird)
- cock (Mech.)
- cock (v)
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- cockerel
- cockeyed
- cockney
- cockpit
- cockscomb
- cocksucker
- cocksure
- cocktail
- cocky
- coconut
- cod
- codger
- codpiece
- codswallop
- coke
- cold
- cold blooded
- cold feet
- cold front
- cold turkey
- cold war
- collard
- collarbone
- collie
- collier
- colliery
- collywobbles
- color blindness
- colt
- coltish
- comb
- come
- comeback
- comely
- comer
- comeupance
- comeuppance
- comingle
- commingle
- common good
- commonwealth
- con (study)
- congressman
- Connor
- continental drift
- cookout
- cool
- coolant
- cooler
- coolness
- coolth
- coot
- cop (v)
- copper (v)
- cop (n)
- cop (mass of thread)
- cop out
- copout
- copperhead
- copycat
- copyright
- copywriter
- core
- corn (grain)
- corn row
- cornerstone
- cornhole
- cornmeal
- Cornwall
- corny
- cot (hut)
- cote
- cotquean
- cough
- could
- couldn't
- countdown
- counterclockwise
- countryside
- courthouse
- courtyard
- couth
- cove
- Coventry
- cow (n)
- cowboy
- cowlick
- coworker
- cowslip
- Cox
- coxcomb
- crab
- crabby
- crack
- crackdown
- cracker
- cracker-jack
- crackhead
- crackle
- crackpot
- cradle
- craft
- craftsman
- crafty
- cram
- cranberry
- crane
- crank
- crankshaft
- craps
- crash
- crave
- craw
- creak
- creep
- creeper
- creepy
- cress
- crestfallen
- crib
- cribbage
- crick
- crimp
- cringe
- crinkle
- Crip
- cripple
- croak
- crock
- crockery
- croft
- crop
- cross-eye
- cross-fire
- cross-stitch
- crossbow
- crossover
- crossroad
- crossroads
- crossword
- crow (n)
- crow (v)
- crowd
- crud
- crumb
- crumble
- crumby
- crummy
- crumpet
- crumple
- cruise
- crutch
- cubbyhole
- cucking stool
- cud
- cuddle
- cudgel
- cum
- Cumberland
- cun
- cunning
- cunt
- cupboard
- curd
- curdle
- curl
- curly
- curse
- cuss
- cut
- cutoff
- cutpurse
- cutter
- cutthroat
- cutting edge
- cuttlefish
- D-day
- dab
- dabble
- dad
- daffy
- daft
- daily
- dairy
- daisy
- dale
- Dallas
- Dalton
- dam
- damp
- dander (dandruff)
- dandruff
- dandy
- Dane
- dare
- daredevil
- dark
- Dark Ages
- dark horse
- darken
- darkling
- darkness
- darling
- darn (conceal a hole)
- Darwin
- dashboard
- dat
- dateline
- daughter
- davenport
- daw
- dawdle
- dawg
- dawn
- day
- day care
- Day-Glo
- daybreak
- daydream
- daylight
- daytime
- dead
- dead end
- dead man's hand
- dead reckoning
- Dead Sea
- deadbeat
- deaden
- Deadhead
- deadline
- deadlock
- deadly
- deadpan
- deadweight
- deadwood
- deaf
- deafen
- deal
- dear
- dearborn
- dearie
- dearth
- deary
- death
- death camp
- death wish
- deathbed
- deathly
- debug
- deed
- deem
- deep
- deep six
- deep-seated
- deepen
- deeply
- deer
- defilade
- defile
- defrost
- deft
- delf
- delftware
- dell
- delouse
- delve
- demean
- den
- dene
- Denmark
- dent
- Denver
- depth
- derby
- derring-do
- derth
- desktop
- devil-may-care
- Devon
- Devonian
- dew
- dewlap
- dewy
- dey
- dibble
- dibs
- dickhead
- did
- diddle
- didn't
- didst
- die ( < AS *dīegan)
- diehard
- dig (ME diggen ?< AS dīcian)
- digs
- dike
- dill
- dim
- dimmer
- dimple
- dimwit
- din
- dingle
- dingy
- dinky
- dint
- dip
- disbelief
- disbelieve
- disembodied
- disgruntle
- dishearten
- dislike
- Disneyland
- disown
- distaff
- ditch
- dither
- dive
- dizzy
- do
- do-gooder
- docket
- dodder
- dodge
- doe
- doff
- dog (n)
- dog (v)
- dog days
- dog leg
- dogfight
- dogger
- doggerel
- doggone
- doghouse
- doldrums
- dole
- doleful
- dollop
- dolt
- Domesday book
- don
- doom
- Doomsday
- door
- dot
- dough
- doughboy
- doughnut
- doughty
- dove (n)
- dove (v)
- dow
- down (adv)
- down (n)
- downbeat
- downcast
- downer
- download
- downscale
- draft
- dragnet
- dragonfly
- drain
- drake (male duck)
- drat
- draught
- draw
- drawback
- drawbridge
- drawer
- drawers
- drawing room
- drawn
- dray
- dread
- Dreadnought
- dream
- dreamt
- dreary
- drench
- drew
- dribble
- drift
- drink
- drip
- drive
- drivel
- drizzle
- drone
- drool
- drop
- dross
- drought
- drove (n)
- drove (v)
- drown
- drowsy
- drudge
- Drummond light
- drunk
- drunkard
- druthers
- dry
- dub
- duck (bird)
- duck (v)
- ducky
- dud
- dugout
- dull
- dumb
- dumbbell
- dumbfound
- dumbfounded
- dumbledore
- dummy
- dun (v)
- dun (adj)
- dung
- Durham
- dusk
- dust
- dwarf
- dwell
- dwindle
- dye
- dying
- 'em
- -ed
- -er (agent suffux)
- -er (comparative suffix)
- e'en
- e'er
- e.t.a.
- ea
- each
- each other
- ealdorman
- ear
- ear (of corn)
- earache
- eardrum
- earful
- earl
- earldom
- earlobe
- early
- earmark
- earn
- earnest
- earnings
- earring
- earshot
- earth
- Earth Day
- earth-mother
- earthen
- earthenware
- earthlight
- earthling
- earthly
- earthquake
- earthwork
- earthworm
- earthy
- earwax
- earwig
- east
- Easter
- Easter Island
- eastern
- Eastlake
- easy-going
- eat
- eatery
- eats (n)
- eave
- eavesdrop
- ebb
- eco-friendly
- eddy
- Edgar
- edge (n)
- edge (v)
- edgeways
- edgewise
- edging
- edgy
- Edinburgh
- Edith
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- eel
- eerie
- eff
- eft
- eftsoons
- egad
- Egbert
- egghead
- eh
- eight
- eighteen
- eighth
- eighty
- eighty-six
- either
- eke
- elbow
- eld
- elder (berry)
- elder
- elderly
- eldest
- eldritch
- eleven
- elf
- Eliot (< Æðelgeat)
- elk
- ell
- Ellis Island
- elm
- else
- elsewhere
- embankment
- embed
- ember
- ember days
- embitter
- embody
- embroider
- emmet
- empty
- end
- endear
- endearment
- endlong
- Enfield
- enfold
- England
- English
- enlighten
- enlist
- enliven
- enough
- entrapment
- entwine
- enwrap
- ere
- Erin
- Erl-king
- erne
- Ernest
- errand
- erst
- erstwhile
- ettin
- eve
- even
- evening
- ever
- every
- evil
- ewe
- eye
- eyesore
- eyetooth
- eyewash
- eyot
- -fold
- -ful
- fain
- fair (adj)
- fairing
- faith healer
- fall
- fallow (n)
- fallow (adj)
- fang
- far
- fare (n)
- fare (v)
- farewell
- farm
- farrow
- fart
- farther
- farthing
- fast (adj)
- fast (v)
- fasten
- fastness
- fat (n)
- fat (adj)
- father
- fathom
- fawn (v)
- fay "to fit, join, unite"
- faze
- fear
- feather
- fed up
- feed
- feel
- feelings
- feet
- fell (v)
- fell (adj)
- felt (n)
- fen
- fere
- fern
- Ferris wheel
- ferry (n)
- ferry (v)
- fetch
- fetlock
- fetter
- fettle
- few
- fey
- fickle
- fiddle
- field
- fiend
- fifteen
- fifth
- fifty
- fight
- figurehead
- filch
- file ("metal tool")
- fill
- film
- filth
- fin
- finch
- find
- finew
- finger
- fir
- fire
- first
- fish
- fist
- fit (n)
- fit ("sudden attack")
- five
- fizzle
- flab
- flabbergasted
- flabby
- flagstone
- flap
- flapper
- flash
- flashback
- flasher
- flashlight
- flashy
- flask
- flat ("apartment, floor")
- flatter
- flax
- flay
- flea
- fledge
- fledgling
- flee
- fleece
- fleet (n)
- fleet ("swift")
- fleeting
- Fleming
- flesh
- fleshpot
- fleshy
- flew
- flibbertigibbet
- flick (n)
- flicker (n)
- flicker (v)
- flight ("act of flying")
- flight ("act of fleeing")
- flint
- flip (v)
- flip (n)
- flip-flop
- flippant
- flipper
- flirt
- flitch
- float
- flock
- flood
- floor
- flop
- floss
- flow
- flue
- fluke ("flatfish")
- flurry
- flush (v)
- flush (adj)
- flutter
- fly ("flying insect")
- fly ("fare through the air")
- fly ("flee")
- fly-by-night
- flyer
- foal
- foam
- fodder
- foe
- fold
- fold ("pen for animals")
- folk
- folklore
- follow
- fond
- fondle
- food
- foot
- footage
- football
- foothill
- footing
- footloose
- footpad
- footsie
- footstep
- for
- forbear
- forbear ("ancestor")
- forbid
- ford
- fordo
- fordrive
- fore
- forebode
- forechoose
- foredoom
- forefather
- forego
- foreground
- forehand
- forehead
- forelead
- forelock
- foreman
- foremost
- foreplay
- forerunner
- foresaid
- foresee
- foreshadow
- foreshorten
- forestall
- foretell
- forethought
- foretoken
- forever
- forewarn
- forewit
- foreword
- forget
- forgive
- forgo
- forlorn
- former
- forsake
- forsooth
- forswear
- forth
- forthfare
- forthgoing
- fortnight
- forty
- forward
- forwhy
- foster
- fought
- foul
- foundling
- four
- fourth estate
- fowl
- fox
- fraidy-cat
- frame
- framework
- frazzle
- freak
- free
- free verse
- freedom
- freelance
- Freemason
- freewheeling
- freeze
- fremd (also fremmit, frempt) "strange, foreign, alien"
- French
- fresh
- freshman
- fret
- Friday
- friend
- friendship
- fright
- frog
- from
- frost
- frostbitten
- frosting
- froward
- frowzy
- frumpy
- fuck (informal)
- fudge
- Fulbright
- fulfill
- full
- fun
- furlong
- furrow
- further
- furze
- fuzz
- G-man
- G-string
- gad
- gadfly
- gadzooks
- gaffer
- gainsay
- gal
- gale
- gall ("bile")
- gall ("sore spot")
- gallows
- Gallup poll
- gamble
- game
- gammer
- gander
- gang
- gang-bang
- gangster
- gannet
- gar
- garlic
- gat
- gate
- gather
- Gatling gun
- gavel
- gefilte fish
- geld
- gemstone
- ghost
- Gibson girl
- giddy
- gild
- gimcrack
- gimp
- gingerbread
- gird
- girdle
- girl
- girlfriend
- girlie
- git
- give
- glad
- glass
- Glastonbury
- glaze
- gleam
- glee
- gleeman
- glide
- glimmer
- glimpse
- glisten
- gloaming
- global warming
- gloom
- glory hole
- glove
- glow
- glum
- gnarled
- gnat
- gnaw
- go
- go-cart
- go-go
- goad
- goal
- goat
- goatee
- goatherd
- god
- godless
- goddess
- godhead
- Godiva
- godsend
- gofer
- goggle
- gold
- Goldilocks
- golliwog
- golly
- good
- Good Friday
- good-bye
- goody
- goof
- goon
- goose
- gooseberry
- Gordian knot
- gore (n)
- gore (v)
- gorse
- gory
- gosh
- goshawk
- gosling
- gospel
- gossamer
- gossip
- gotcha
- Gotham
- gourmet
- Graham
- grandfather
- grandstand
- grasp
- grass
- grave ("ditch, burial plot")
- grave ("to dig")
- gray
- graze ("to eat grass")
- graze ("to make contact")
- great
- greedy
- green
- greenback
- Greenland
- greens
- Greenwich
- greet ("to meet")
- greet ("to cry")
- gremlin
- grey
- greyhound
- grill "to anger, provoke"
- grill "harsh"
- grim
- grime
- grin
- grind
- grip
- gripe
- grisly
- grist
- gristle
- grit
- grits
- groan
- groats
- groin
- groom ("youth")
- groom ("bridegroom")
- groove
- grope
- ground
- grout
- grove
- grow
- grub
- grubstreet
- grump
- grunge
- grunt
- guild
- guilt
- guilty
- Guinea pig
- gulch
- gum ("membranes of the mouth")
- gunwale
- gut
- -hood
- ha
- hack ("chop")
- hack ("hireling")
- hacker
- hackle
- hackney
- had
- haft
- hag
- hag-ridden
- haggaday
- haggle
- hail ("frozen rain")
- hair
- hake
- hale ("healthy")
- half
- half seas over
- half-assed
- half-life
- half-wit
- halibut
- halidom
- hall
- hallmark
- hallow
- Halloween
- halmote
- halt ("lame")
- halter
- halve
- ham
- hammer
- Hampshire
- hamstring
- hand
- hand of glory
- handbook
- handcuff
- handfast
- handicap
- handicraft
- handiwork
- handkerchief
- handle
- handmaid
- handout
- handsome
- handwriting
- hang
- hang-dog
- hanging
- hangnail
- hangover
- hansom
- hantle
- harbor (also harbour)
- hard
- hardly
- hardtack
- hardware
- hardwood
- hare
- hark
- harlequin
- harm
- harp
- harrow ("rake")
- harrow ("to wound")
- harry
- hart
- Harvard
- harvest
- has-been
- hasp
- hassle
- hassock
- Hastings
- hat
- hat trick
- hatch ("emerge from an egg")
- hatch ("gate")
- hate
- hath
- hatred
- have
- haven
- hawse
- hawthorn
- hay
- Hayward
- haywire
- haze
- hazel
- he
- he-he
- head
- headache
- headless
- headline
- headlong
- headway
- headwound
- heady
- heal
- health
- heap
- hear
- hearken
- heart
- hearth
- heat
- heath
- heathen
- heather
- heave
- heaven
- heavy
- heck
- hedge
- heed
- heel
- heel ("of a ship")
- heel ("bad person")
- heft
- heifer
- heigh-ho
- height
- heinie ("buttocks")
- heirloom
- held
- hell
- Hell's Angels
- hellcat
- hellfire
- hellhole
- helm
- help
- helpmate
- helve
- hem
- hemlock
- hemp
- hen
- hence
- henchman
- henge
- Henley
- her ("object")
- her ("possessive")
- herd
- here
- Herefordshire
- heriot
- herring
- hers
- Hertfordshire
- hew
- hey
- heyday
- hi
- hi-fi
- hi-jinks
- hiccup
- hide ("to conceal")
- hide ("skin")
- hidebound
- hie
- higgledy-piggledy
- high
- high-falutin'
- high-five
- highball
- highboy
- highbrow
- highlight
- hight
- highway
- hijack
- hike
- hill
- hillbilly
- hilt
- him
- hind ("after")
- hind ("doe")
- hinder ("obstruct")
- hinder ("rear")
- hindmost
- hindrance
- hindsight
- hinge
- hint
- hip
- hip ("rose hip")
- hire
- his
- hiss
- hitch
- hither
- hitherto
- hive
- hives
- ho
- hoar
- hoard
- hoarse
- hoary
- hob
- hobble
- hobnail
- hobnob
- hobo
- hock ("leg joint")
- hog
- hogshead
- hogwash
- hogweed
- hoity-toity
- hold (v)
- hold ("lower part of a ship")
- hole
- holiday
- holiness
- hollow
- holly
- hollyhock
- Hollywood
- holster
- holt
- holy
- holystone
- home
- homeboy
- homecoming
- homely
- homesickness
- homestead
- homework
- hone
- honey
- honeydew
- honeymoon
- honeysuckle
- hood ("covering")
- hood ("neighborhood")
- hoodwink
- hoof
- hook
- hooker
- hoop
- hoot
- Hoover
- hop
- hope
- hopped
- hopper
- hopscotch
- horn
- hornet
- hornswoggle
- horse
- hose
- hoss
- hot
- hound
- hourglass
- house
- housebreak
- housekeeper
- housing "lodging"
- houseleek
- hovel
- hover
- how
- howbeit
- howdy
- however
- howl
- hub
- huckleberry
- hue "blee, colour"
- hull "seed casing"
- hum
- hummock
- Humphrey
- hunch
- hundred
- hung
- hunger
- hunt
- Huntingdon
- hurdle
- hurl
- hurry
- hurst
- hush
- hussy
- hutch "storage chest"
- -in (as in "sit-in")
- -ing (gerund ending)
- -ing (pres. part. ending)
- -ish
- I
- I.O.U.
- ice
- iceberg (partial trans. of Dutch ijsberg)
- icicle
- Icknield Way
- icky
- idle
- if
- ilk
- impound
- in
- in-
- in like Flynn
- inasmuch
- inborn
- income
- indeed
- Indian summer
- indoor
- infare
- infield
- inflight
- infra-red
- ingot
- ingrown
- inhold
- inkhorn
- inkling
- inlaid
- inland
- inlead
- inlet
- inmate
- inn
- innards
- inner
- inning
- input
- inroad
- inset
- inside
- insight
- instead
- instep
- intake
- Internet
- interplay
- into
- inward
- inwit
- Irish
- iron
- Iron Age
- Iron Cross
- Iron Curtain
- ironclad
- Ironside
- Irwin
- is
- island
- it
- itch
- its
- itself
- itsy-bitsy
- ivy
- jab
- jabber
- jack-in-the-box
- jack-knife
- jackanapes
- jackdaw
- jackpot
- jag "sharp edge"
- jar (verb)
- jaw
- jeer
- jerk
- jerry-built
- jersey
- jigsaw
- jimson weed
- jitter
- job
- joe-pye weed
- jog
- jolt
- jowl
- jumble
- jump
- jumper
- Jute
- -less
- -ling
- -ly (adj)
- -ly (adv)
- lack
- lackadaisical
- lackluster ( also lacklustre)
- lad
- ladder
- lade
- ladies
- ladle
- lady
- ladybug
- laid
- laidly
- lain
- lair
- laird
- lake
- lamb
- lame
- lame duck
- Lammas
- land (n)
- land (v)
- land "hit home, make contact"
- landed "owning land"
- landfall
- landfill
- landform
- landing "stow for boats"
- landline
- landlock
- landlord
- landlubber
- landmark
- landslide
- lane
- lang syne
- lank
- lap (n)
- lap (v)
- lap "to fold (over)" (v)
- lapdog
- lapel
- Lapland
- lappet
- laptop
- lapwing
- larboard
- lark
- last (adj./adv.)
- last (v.)
- last "shoemaker's block"
- latch
- late
- lath
- lather
- latter
- latticework
- laugh
- laughter
- lave "the rest" (n.)
- lave "to pout water on" (v.)
- law-abiding
- lawn mower
- lay
- layman
- lea
- leach
- lead (n.)
- lead (v.)
- leaf
- lean (adj.)
- lean (v.)
- leap
- learn
- lease "to gather, collect"
- lease "false, deceptive"
- leasing
- least
- leather
- leave "permission" (n.)
- leave (v.)
- lech
- lede "people; tenements, possessions"
- lede "introductory paragraph"
- ledge
- ledger
- lee
- leech "worm"
- leech "physician"
- leek
- leer
- leery
- leeward
- leeway
- left (adj.)
- leftover
- leman
- lend
- length
- Lent
- less
- lest
- let "to allow"
- let "to delay"
- letch
- letterhead
- levelheaded
- lewd
- liar
- lich
- Lichfield
- lick
- lid
- lie "to recline" (v.)
- lie "to speak falsely" (v.)
- lie "an untruth" (n.)
- lief
- life
- liftoff
- light (adj.)
- light (n.)
- light (v.)
- like (adj.)
- like (v.)
- lilt
- lily-livered
- lima bean
- limb
- limber (adj.)
- limp (v.)
- limp (adj.)
- linch
- linchpin
- luscious
- lush (adj.)
- lust
- luv
- lye
- lying
- lynch
- madder
- maiden
- make
- mallow
- malm
- manifold
- manly
- mare
- mark
- marrow
- marsh
- mast
- match
- mate
- mattock
- maund
- May
- maybe
- maze
- me
- meal
- mean
- meanwhile
- meat
- meet
- mellow
- mere
- merry
- mettle
- mickle
- midday
- midnight
- milk
- milt
- minnow
- mint
- mire
- mirth
- mistletoe
- month
- mood
- moon
- moor
- moot
- more
- morrow
- moss
- mote
- moth
- mother
- mug
- mugwort
- must
- rain
- rainbow
- raindrop
- rainworm
- rake
- rame
- rathe
- raw
- raven
- read
- reap
- reard "voice, sound"
- reave
- reckless
- red
- redd
- rede
- reek
- reeve
- rend
- rethe
- rich
- richdom
- riche "kingdom, realm"
- right
- righteousness
- ring
- ripe
- rivel
- road
- roam
- rogh
- roof
- room
- rope
- rother
- rough
- round "to whisper"
- row
- rue
- ruly
- runecraft
- rush
- rust
- rye
- sad
- saddle
- sail
- sake
- sallow
- salve
- same
- sand
- sap
- say
- scathe
- scab
- scop
- seafowl
- seethe
- seldom
- shadow
- shake
- shale
- shall
- shame
- shand
- shape
- shard
- share
- shareware
- shear
- sheepfold
- sheriff
- shield
- ship
- shipshape
- shit (Informal)
- shop
- sprawl
- stalwart or alternatively stalworth
- steven "voice"
- stevvon
- stone, from OE stan
- stound "hour"
- stretch
- strong
- swart
- swath
- tail
- talk
- tallow
- tame
- tarry
- teasel
- teeth
- tell
- ten
- tenfold
- terve
- thane
- thank
- thankfulness
- tharm
- thatch
- thaw
- theft
- there
- thereafter
- therewith
- thicket
- thieve
- thigh
- thimble
- thorn
- thorp
- thou
- thrash
- thread
- threap
- three
- threefold
- threshold
- thrice
- throng
- throw
- thunder
- thus
- thy
- tide
- time
- tinder
- tinker
- today
- together
- token
- town, from OE tun.
- tree, from OE trēow.
- troth
- tumble
- turd (informal)
- twelve
- tusk
- twilight
- two
- udder
- um-
- umbe
- umbe-
- umbecast
- umbedraw
- umbego
- umbeset
- umbethink
- umbraid
- umgang
- umstroke
- umwhile
- unbind
- unbury
- unclean
- uncouth
- undeadliness
- undeadly
- under
- underbear
- undercome
- undergo
- underlay
- underling
- underneath
- underseek
- underset
- understand
- undertake
- underwrite
- undo
- uneath
- uneven
- unfair
- unfold
- unfriendly
- ungird
- unholy
- unknit
- unlike
- unlock
- unseen
- untime
- untold
- unweather
- up
- upbraid
- upheave
- upload
- upon
- upright
- uprise
- upward
- utmost
- wacken
- wade
- wag
- wain
- wake
- wald
- walk
- wallow
- walnut
- wan
- wander
- wane
- wang "cheek, jaw"
- wangtooth "molar"
- want
- wark
- warlock
- warm
- warn
- warry
- wart
- watch
- water
- waterfall
- wathe
- wax
- waybread
- wayfare
- we
- weasel
- weather
- web
- wedge
- wedlock
- weed
- weighty
- weird
- welcome
- weld
- well (noun)
- welkin
- welter
- were "man"
- westy
- wem
- wench
- wend
- whale
- whan
- what
- wheel
- whelp
- when
- where
- white
- who
- why
- wife
- wile
- will
- winter
- wis (also wiss) "certain, sure"
- wish
- wisly
- wit
- woman
- wone
- wonky
- wood
- woodcock
- word
- word-hoard
- work
- workword
- world
- wreak
- wrength
- wrist
- write
- wrong
- wroth
- wuss "juice"
- withbear
- withdraw
- withgo
- withstand "with, back, against, see withhold"
- withsay
- withstay
- withtake
- withhold
See also
- Lists of English loanwords by country or language of origin
- List of Germanic and Latinate equivalents in English
- Linguistic purism in English
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