List of Unicode characters
This is a list of Unicode characters; there are 143,859 characters, with Unicode 13.0, covering 154 modern and historical scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets. As it is not technically possible to list all of these characters in a single Wikipedia page, this list is limited to a subset of the most important characters for English-language readers, with links to other pages which list the supplementary characters. This page includes the 1062 characters in the Multilingual European Character Set 2 (MES-2) subset, and some additional related characters.

Character reference overview
An HTML or XML numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set/Unicode code point, and uses the format
where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form. The x must be lowercase in XML documents. The nnnn or hhhh may be any number of digits and may include leading zeros. The hhhh may mix uppercase and lowercase, though uppercase is the usual style.
In contrast, a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text. The entity must either be predefined (built into the markup language) or explicitly declared in a Document Type Definition (DTD). The format is the same as for any entity reference:
where name is the case-sensitive name of the entity. The semicolon is required.
Control codes
65 characters, including DEL. All belong to the common script.
Code | Decimal | Octal | Description | Abbreviation / Key | |
C0 | U+0000 | 0 | 000 | Null character | NUL |
U+0001 | 1 | 001 | Start of Heading | SOH / Ctrl-A | |
U+0002 | 2 | 002 | Start of Text | STX / Ctrl-B | |
U+0003 | 3 | 003 | End-of-text character | ETX / Ctrl-C1 | |
U+0004 | 4 | 004 | End-of-transmission character | EOT / Ctrl-D2 | |
U+0005 | 5 | 005 | Enquiry character | ENQ / Ctrl-E | |
U+0006 | 6 | 006 | Acknowledge character | ACK / Ctrl-F | |
U+0007 | 7 | 007 | Bell character | BEL / Ctrl-G3 | |
U+0008 | 8 | 010 | Backspace | BS / Ctrl-H | |
U+0009 | 9 | 011 | Horizontal tab | HT / Ctrl-I | |
U+000A | 10 | 012 | Line feed | LF / Ctrl-J4 | |
U+000B | 11 | 013 | Vertical tab | VT / Ctrl-K | |
U+000C | 12 | 014 | Form feed | FF / Ctrl-L | |
U+000D | 13 | 015 | Carriage return | CR / Ctrl-M5 | |
U+000E | 14 | 016 | Shift Out | SO / Ctrl-N | |
U+000F | 15 | 017 | Shift In | SI / Ctrl-O6 | |
U+0010 | 16 | 020 | Data Link Escape | DLE / Ctrl-P | |
U+0011 | 17 | 021 | Device Control 1 | DC1 / Ctrl-Q7 | |
U+0012 | 18 | 022 | Device Control 2 | DC2 / Ctrl-R | |
U+0013 | 19 | 023 | Device Control 3 | DC3 / Ctrl-S8 | |
U+0014 | 20 | 024 | Device Control 4 | DC4 / Ctrl-T | |
U+0015 | 21 | 025 | Negative-acknowledge character | NAK / Ctrl-U9 | |
U+0016 | 22 | 026 | Synchronous Idle | SYN / Ctrl-V | |
U+0017 | 23 | 027 | End of Transmission Block | ETB / Ctrl-W | |
U+0018 | 24 | 030 | Cancel character | CAN / Ctrl-X10 | |
U+0019 | 25 | 031 | End of Medium | EM / Ctrl-Y | |
U+001A | 26 | 032 | Substitute character | SUB / Ctrl-Z11 | |
U+001B | 27 | 033 | Escape character | ESC | |
U+001C | 28 | 034 | File Separator | FS | |
U+001D | 29 | 035 | Group Separator | GS | |
U+001E | 30 | 036 | Record Separator | RS | |
U+001F | 31 | 037 | Unit Separator | US | |
U+007F | 127 | 0177 | Delete | DEL | |
C1 | U+0080 | 128 | 0302 0200 | Padding Character | PAD |
U+0081 | 129 | 0302 0201 | High Octet Preset | HOP | |
U+0082 | 130 | 0302 0202 | Break Permitted Here | BPH | |
U+0083 | 131 | 0302 0203 | No Break Here | NBH | |
U+0084 | 132 | 0302 0204 | Index | IND | |
U+0085 | 133 | 0302 0205 | Next Line | NEL | |
U+0086 | 134 | 0302 0206 | Start of Selected Area | SSA | |
U+0087 | 135 | 0302 0207 | End of Selected Area | ESA | |
U+0088 | 136 | 0302 0210 | Character Tabulation Set | HTS | |
U+0089 | 137 | 0302 0211 | Character Tabulation with Justification | HTJ | |
U+008A | 138 | 0302 0212 | Line Tabulation Set | VTS | |
U+008B | 139 | 0302 0213 | Partial Line Forward | PLD | |
U+008C | 140 | 0302 0214 | Partial Line Backward | PLU | |
U+008D | 141 | 0302 0215 | Reverse Line Feed | RI | |
U+008E | 142 | 0302 0216 | Single-Shift Two | SS2 | |
U+008F | 143 | 0302 0217 | Single-Shift Three | SS3 | |
U+0090 | 144 | 0302 0220 | Device Control String | DCS | |
U+0091 | 145 | 0302 0221 | Private Use 1 | PU1 | |
U+0092 | 146 | 0302 0222 | Private Use 2 | PU2 | |
U+0093 | 147 | 0302 0223 | Set Transmit State | STS | |
U+0094 | 148 | 0302 0224 | Cancel character | CCH | |
U+0095 | 149 | 0302 0225 | Message Waiting | MW | |
U+0096 | 150 | 0302 0226 | Start of Protected Area | SPA | |
U+0097 | 151 | 0302 0227 | End of Protected Area | EPA | |
U+0098 | 152 | 0302 0230 | Start of String | SOS | |
U+0099 | 153 | 0302 0231 | Single Graphic Character Introducer | SGCI | |
U+009A | 154 | 0302 0232 | Single Character Intro Introducer | SCI | |
U+009B | 155 | 0302 0233 | Control Sequence Introducer | CSI | |
U+009C | 156 | 0302 0234 | String Terminator | ST | |
U+009D | 157 | 0302 0235 | Operating System Command | OSC | |
U+009E | 158 | 0302 0236 | Private Message | PM | |
U+009F | 159 | 0302 0237 | Application Program Command | APC | |
Code | Decimal | Octal | Description | Abbreviation |
- 1 Control-C has typically been used as a "break" or "interrupt" key.
- 2 Control-D has been used to signal "end of file" for text typed in at the terminal on Unix / Linux systems. Windows, DOS, and older minicomputers used Control-Z for this purpose.
- 3 Control-G is an artifact of the days when teletypes were in use. Important messages could be signalled by striking the bell on the teletype. This was carried over on PCs by generating a buzz sound.
- 4 Line feed is used for "end of line" in text files on Unix / Linux systems.
- 5 Carriage Return (accompanied by line feed) is used as "end of line" character by Windows, DOS, and most minicomputers other than Unix- / Linux-based systems
- 6 Control-O has been the "discard output" key on minicomputers. Output is not sent to the terminal, but discarded, until another Control-o is typed.
- 7 Control-Q has been used to tell a host computer to resume sending output after it was stopped by Control-S.
- 8 Control-S has been used to tell a host computer to postpone sending output to the terminal. Output is suspended until restarted by the Control-Q key.
- 9 Control-U was originally used by Digital Equipment Corporation computers to cancel a line of typed-in text. Other manufacturers used Control-X for this purpose.
- 10 Control-X was commonly used to cancel a line of input typed in at the terminal.
- 11 Control-Z has commonly been used on minicomputers, Windows and DOS systems to indicate "end of file" either on a terminal or in a text file. Unix / Linux systems use Control-D to indicate end-of-file at a terminal.
Latin script
The Unicode Standard (version 13.0) classifies 1,374 characters as belonging to the Latin script.
Basic Latin
95 characters; the 52 alphabet characters belong to the Latin script. The remaining 43 belong to the common script.
The 33 characters classified as ASCII Punctuation & Symbols are also sometimes referred to as ASCII special characters. See § Latin-1 Supplement and § Unicode symbols for additional "special characters".
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Octal | Description | # | |
ASCII Punctuation & Symbols | U+0020 | |
32 | 040 | Space | 0001 |
U+0021 | ! | 33 | 041 | Exclamation mark | 0002 | |
U+0022 | " | 34 | 042 | Quotation mark | 0003 | |
U+0023 | # | 35 | 043 | Number sign, Hashtag, Octothorpe, Sharp | 0004 | |
U+0024 | $ | 36 | 044 | Dollar sign | 0005 | |
U+0025 | % | 37 | 045 | Percent sign | 0006 | |
U+0026 | & | 38 | 046 | Ampersand | 0007 | |
U+0027 | ' | 39 | 047 | Apostrophe | 0008 | |
U+0028 | ( | 40 | 050 | Left parenthesis | 0009 | |
U+0029 | ) | 41 | 051 | Right parenthesis | 0010 | |
U+002A | * | 42 | 052 | Asterisk | 0011 | |
U+002B | + | 43 | 053 | Plus sign | 0012 | |
U+002C | , | 44 | 054 | Comma | 0013 | |
U+002D | - | 45 | 055 | Hyphen-minus | 0014 | |
U+002E | . | 46 | 056 | Full stop | 0015 | |
U+002F | / | 47 | 057 | Slash (Solidus) | 0016 | |
ASCII Digits | U+0030 | 0 | 48 | 060 | Digit Zero | 0017 |
U+0031 | 1 | 49 | 061 | Digit One | 0018 | |
U+0032 | 2 | 50 | 062 | Digit Two | 0019 | |
U+0033 | 3 | 51 | 063 | Digit Three | 0020 | |
U+0034 | 4 | 52 | 064 | Digit Four | 0021 | |
U+0035 | 5 | 53 | 065 | Digit Five | 0022 | |
U+0036 | 6 | 54 | 066 | Digit Six | 0023 | |
U+0037 | 7 | 55 | 067 | Digit Seven | 0024 | |
U+0038 | 8 | 56 | 070 | Digit Eight | 0025 | |
U+0039 | 9 | 57 | 071 | Digit Nine | 0026 | |
ASCII Punctuation & Symbols | U+003A | : | 58 | 072 | Colon | 0027 |
U+003B | ; | 59 | 073 | Semicolon | 0028 | |
U+003C | < | 60 | 074 | Less-than sign | 0029 | |
U+003D | = | 61 | 075 | Equal sign | 0030 | |
U+003E | > | 62 | 076 | Greater-than sign | 0031 | |
U+003F | ? | 63 | 077 | Question mark | 0032 | |
U+0040 | @ | 64 | 0100 | At sign | 0033 | |
Latin Alphabet: Uppercase | U+0041 | A | 65 | 0101 | Latin Capital letter A | 0034 |
U+0042 | B | 66 | 0102 | Latin Capital letter B | 0035 | |
U+0043 | C | 67 | 0103 | Latin Capital letter C | 0036 | |
U+0044 | D | 68 | 0104 | Latin Capital letter D | 0037 | |
U+0045 | E | 69 | 0105 | Latin Capital letter E | 0038 | |
U+0046 | F | 70 | 0106 | Latin Capital letter F | 0039 | |
U+0047 | G | 71 | 0107 | Latin Capital letter G | 0040 | |
U+0048 | H | 72 | 0110 | Latin Capital letter H | 0041 | |
U+0049 | I | 73 | 0111 | Latin Capital letter I | 0042 | |
U+004A | J | 74 | 0112 | Latin Capital letter J | 0043 | |
U+004B | K | 75 | 0113 | Latin Capital letter K | 0044 | |
U+004C | L | 76 | 0114 | Latin Capital letter L | 0045 | |
U+004D | M | 77 | 0115 | Latin Capital letter M | 0046 | |
U+004E | N | 78 | 0116 | Latin Capital letter N | 0047 | |
U+004F | O | 79 | 0117 | Latin Capital letter O | 0048 | |
U+0050 | P | 80 | 0120 | Latin Capital letter P | 0049 | |
U+0051 | Q | 81 | 0121 | Latin Capital letter Q | 0050 | |
U+0052 | R | 82 | 0122 | Latin Capital letter R | 0051 | |
U+0053 | S | 83 | 0123 | Latin Capital letter S | 0052 | |
U+0054 | T | 84 | 0124 | Latin Capital letter T | 0053 | |
U+0055 | U | 85 | 0125 | Latin Capital letter U | 0054 | |
U+0056 | V | 86 | 0126 | Latin Capital letter V | 0055 | |
U+0057 | W | 87 | 0127 | Latin Capital letter W | 0056 | |
U+0058 | X | 88 | 0130 | Latin Capital letter X | 0057 | |
U+0059 | Y | 89 | 0131 | Latin Capital letter Y | 0058 | |
U+005A | Z | 90 | 0132 | Latin Capital letter Z | 0059 | |
ASCII Punctuation & Symbols | U+005B | [ | 91 | 0133 | Left Square Bracket | 0060 |
U+005C | \ | 92 | 0134 | Backslash | 0061 | |
U+005D | ] | 93 | 0135 | Right Square Bracket | 0062 | |
U+005E | ^ | 94 | 0136 | Circumflex accent | 0063 | |
U+005F | _ | 95 | 0137 | Low line | 0064 | |
U+0060 | ` | 96 | 0140 | Grave accent | 0065 | |
Latin Alphabet: Lowercase | U+0061 | a | 97 | 0141 | Latin Small Letter A | 0066 |
U+0062 | b | 98 | 0142 | Latin Small Letter B | 0067 | |
U+0063 | c | 99 | 0143 | Latin Small Letter C | 0068 | |
U+0064 | d | 100 | 0144 | Latin Small Letter D | 0069 | |
U+0065 | e | 101 | 0145 | Latin Small Letter E | 0070 | |
U+0066 | f | 102 | 0146 | Latin Small Letter F | 0071 | |
U+0067 | g | 103 | 0147 | Latin Small Letter G | 0072 | |
U+0068 | h | 104 | 0150 | Latin Small Letter H | 0073 | |
U+0069 | i | 105 | 0151 | Latin Small Letter I | 0074 | |
U+006A | j | 106 | 0152 | Latin Small Letter J | 0075 | |
U+006B | k | 107 | 0153 | Latin Small Letter K | 0076 | |
U+006C | l | 108 | 0154 | Latin Small Letter L | 0077 | |
U+006D | m | 109 | 0155 | Latin Small Letter M | 0078 | |
U+006E | n | 110 | 0156 | Latin Small Letter N | 0079 | |
U+006F | o | 111 | 0157 | Latin Small Letter O | 0080 | |
U+0070 | p | 112 | 0160 | Latin Small Letter P | 0081 | |
U+0071 | q | 113 | 0161 | Latin Small Letter Q | 0082 | |
U+0072 | r | 114 | 0162 | Latin Small Letter R | 0083 | |
U+0073 | s | 115 | 0163 | Latin Small Letter S | 0084 | |
U+0074 | t | 116 | 0164 | Latin Small Letter T | 0085 | |
U+0075 | u | 117 | 0165 | Latin Small Letter U | 0086 | |
U+0076 | v | 118 | 0166 | Latin Small Letter V | 0087 | |
U+0077 | w | 119 | 0167 | Latin Small Letter W | 0088 | |
U+0078 | x | 120 | 0170 | Latin Small Letter X | 0089 | |
U+0079 | y | 121 | 0171 | Latin Small Letter Y | 0090 | |
U+007A | z | 122 | 0172 | Latin Small Letter Z | 0091 | |
ASCII Punctuation & Symbols | U+007B | { | 123 | 0173 | Left Curly Bracket | 0092 |
U+007C | | | 124 | 0174 | Vertical bar | 0093 | |
U+007D | } | 125 | 0175 | Right Curly Bracket | 0094 | |
U+007E | ~ | 126 | 0176 | Tilde | 0095 | |
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Octal | Description | # |
Latin-1 Supplement
96 characters; the 62 letters, and two ordinal indicators belong to the Latin script. The remaining 32 belong to the common script.
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Octal | HTML | Description | # | |
Latin-1 Punctuation & Symbols | U+00A0 | |
0160 | 0302 0240 | | Non-breaking space | 0096 |
U+00A1 | ¡ | 0161 | 0302 0241 | ¡ | Inverted Exclamation Mark | 0097 | |
U+00A2 | ¢ | 0162 | 0302 0242 | ¢ | Cent sign | 0098 | |
U+00A3 | £ | 0163 | 0302 0243 | £ | Pound sign | 0099 | |
U+00A4 | ¤ | 0164 | 0302 0244 | ¤ | Currency sign | 0100 | |
U+00A5 | ¥ | 0165 | 0302 0245 | ¥ | Yen sign | 0101 | |
U+00A6 | ¦ | 0166 | 0302 0246 | ¦ | Broken bar | 0102 | |
U+00A7 | § | 0167 | 0302 0247 | § | Section sign | 0103 | |
U+00A8 | ¨ | 0168 | 0302 0250 | ¨ | Diaeresis (Umlaut) | 0104 | |
U+00A9 | © | 0169 | 0302 0251 | © | Copyright sign | 0105 | |
U+00AA | ª | 0170 | 0302 0252 | ª | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | 0106 | |
U+00AB | « | 0171 | 0302 0253 | « | Left-pointing double angle quotation mark | 0107 | |
U+00AC | ¬ | 0172 | 0302 0254 | ¬ | Not sign | 0108 | |
U+00AD | 0173 | 0302 0255 | ­ | Soft hyphen | 0109 | ||
U+00AE | ® | 0174 | 0302 0256 | ® | Registered sign | 0110 | |
U+00AF | ¯ | 0175 | 0302 0257 | ¯ | macron | 0111 | |
U+00B0 | ° | 0176 | 0302 0260 | ° | Degree sign | 0112 | |
U+00B1 | ± | 0177 | 0302 0261 | ± | Plus-minus sign | 0113 | |
U+00B2 | ² | 0178 | 0302 0262 | ² | Superscript two | 0114 | |
U+00B3 | ³ | 0179 | 0302 0263 | ³ | Superscript three | 0115 | |
U+00B4 | ´ | 0180 | 0302 0264 | ´ | Acute accent | 0116 | |
U+00B5 | µ | 0181 | 0302 0265 | µ | Micro sign | 0117 | |
U+00B6 | ¶ | 0182 | 0302 0266 | ¶ | Pilcrow sign | 0118 | |
U+00B7 | · | 0183 | 0302 0267 | · | Middle dot | 0119 | |
U+00B8 | ¸ | 0184 | 0302 0270 | ¸ | Cedilla | 0120 | |
U+00B9 | ¹ | 0185 | 0302 0271 | ¹ | Superscript one | 0121 | |
U+00BA | º | 0186 | 0302 0272 | º | Masculine ordinal indicator | 0122 | |
U+00BB | » | 0187 | 0302 0273 | » | Right-pointing double angle quotation mark | 0123 | |
U+00BC | ¼ | 0188 | 0302 0274 | ¼ | Vulgar fraction one quarter | 0124 | |
U+00BD | ½ | 0189 | 0302 0275 | ½ | Vulgar fraction one half | 0125 | |
U+00BE | ¾ | 0190 | 0302 0276 | ¾ | Vulgar fraction three quarters | 0126 | |
U+00BF | ¿ | 0191 | 0302 0277 | ¿ | Inverted Question Mark | 0127 | |
Uppercase |
U+00C0 | À | 0192 | 0303 0200 | À | Latin Capital Letter A with grave | 0128 |
U+00C1 | Á | 0193 | 0303 0201 | Á | Latin Capital letter A with acute | 0129 | |
U+00C2 | Â | 0194 | 0303 0202 | Â | Latin Capital letter A with circumflex | 0130 | |
U+00C3 | Ã | 0195 | 0303 0203 | Ã | Latin Capital letter A with tilde | 0131 | |
U+00C4 | Ä | 0196 | 0303 0204 | Ä | Latin Capital letter A with diaeresis | 0132 | |
U+00C5 | Å | 0197 | 0303 0205 | Å | Latin Capital letter A with ring above | 0133 | |
U+00C6 | Æ | 0198 | 0303 0206 | Æ | Latin Capital letter Æ | 0134 | |
U+00C7 | Ç | 0199 | 0303 0207 | Ç | Latin Capital letter C with cedilla | 0135 | |
U+00C8 | È | 0200 | 0303 0210 | È | Latin Capital letter E with grave | 0136 | |
U+00C9 | É | 0201 | 0303 0211 | É | Latin Capital letter E with acute | 0137 | |
U+00CA | Ê | 0202 | 0303 0212 | Ê | Latin Capital letter E with circumflex | 0138 | |
U+00CB | Ë | 0203 | 0303 0213 | Ë | Latin Capital letter E with diaeresis | 0139 | |
U+00CC | Ì | 0204 | 0303 0214 | Ì | Latin Capital letter I with grave | 0140 | |
U+00CD | Í | 0205 | 0303 0215 | Í | Latin Capital letter I with acute | 0141 | |
U+00CE | Î | 0206 | 0303 0216 | Î | Latin Capital letter I with circumflex | 0142 | |
U+00CF | Ï | 0207 | 0303 0217 | Ï | Latin Capital letter I with diaeresis | 0143 | |
U+00D0 | Ð | 0208 | 0303 0220 | Ð | Latin Capital letter Eth | 0144 | |
U+00D1 | Ñ | 0209 | 0303 0221 | Ñ | Latin Capital letter N with tilde | 0145 | |
U+00D2 | Ò | 0210 | 0303 0222 | Ò | Latin Capital letter O with grave | 0146 | |
U+00D3 | Ó | 0211 | 0303 0223 | Ó | Latin Capital letter O with acute | 0147 | |
U+00D4 | Ô | 0212 | 0303 0224 | Ô | Latin Capital letter O with circumflex | 0148 | |
U+00D5 | Õ | 0213 | 0303 0225 | Õ | Latin Capital letter O with tilde | 0149 | |
U+00D6 | Ö | 0214 | 0303 0226 | Ö | Latin Capital letter O with diaeresis | 0150 | |
Math | U+00D7 | × | 0215 | 0303 0227 | × | Multiplication sign | 0151 |
Uppercase |
U+00D8 | Ø | 0216 | 0303 0230 | Ø | Latin Capital letter O with stroke | 0152 |
U+00D9 | Ù | 0217 | 0303 0231 | Ù | Latin Capital letter U with grave | 0153 | |
U+00DA | Ú | 0218 | 0303 0232 | Ú | Latin Capital letter U with acute | 0154 | |
U+00DB | Û | 0219 | 0303 0233 | Û | Latin Capital Letter U with circumflex | 0155 | |
U+00DC | Ü | 0220 | 0303 0234 | Ü | Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis | 0156 | |
U+00DD | Ý | 0221 | 0303 0235 | Ý | Latin Capital Letter Y with acute | 0157 | |
U+00DE | Þ | 0222 | 0303 0236 | Þ | Latin Capital Letter Thorn | 0158 | |
Lowercase |
U+00DF | ß | 0223 | 0303 0237 | ß | Latin Small Letter sharp S | 0159 |
U+00E0 | à | 0224 | 0303 0240 | à | Latin Small Letter A with grave | 0160 | |
U+00E1 | á | 0225 | 0303 0241 | á | Latin Small Letter A with acute | 0161 | |
U+00E2 | â | 0226 | 0303 0242 | â | Latin Small Letter A with circumflex | 0162 | |
U+00E3 | ã | 0227 | 0303 0243 | ã | Latin Small Letter A with tilde | 0163 | |
U+00E4 | ä | 0228 | 0303 0244 | ä | Latin Small Letter A with diaeresis | 0164 | |
U+00E5 | å | 0229 | 0303 0245 | å | Latin Small Letter A with ring above | 0165 | |
U+00E6 | æ | 0230 | 0303 0246 | æ | Latin Small Letter Æ | 0166 | |
U+00E7 | ç | 0231 | 0303 0247 | ç | Latin Small Letter C with cedilla | 0167 | |
U+00E8 | è | 0232 | 0303 0250 | è | Latin Small Letter E with grave | 0168 | |
U+00E9 | é | 0233 | 0303 0251 | é | Latin Small Letter E with acute | 0169 | |
U+00EA | ê | 0234 | 0303 0252 | ê | Latin Small Letter E with circumflex | 0170 | |
U+00EB | ë | 0235 | 0303 0253 | ë | Latin Small Letter E with diaeresis | 0171 | |
U+00EC | ì | 0236 | 0303 0254 | ì | Latin Small Letter I with grave | 0172 | |
U+00ED | í | 0237 | 0303 0255 | í | Latin Small Letter I with acute | 0173 | |
U+00EE | î | 0238 | 0303 0256 | î | Latin Small Letter I with circumflex | 0174 | |
U+00EF | ï | 0239 | 0303 0257 | ï | Latin Small Letter I with diaeresis | 0175 | |
U+00F0 | ð | 0240 | 0303 0260 | ð | Latin Small Letter Eth | 0176 | |
U+00F1 | ñ | 0241 | 0303 0261 | ñ | Latin Small Letter N with tilde | 0177 | |
U+00F2 | ò | 0242 | 0303 0262 | ò | Latin Small Letter O with grave | 0178 | |
U+00F3 | ó | 0243 | 0303 0263 | ó | Latin Small Letter O with acute | 0179 | |
U+00F4 | ô | 0244 | 0303 0264 | ô | Latin Small Letter O with circumflex | 0180 | |
U+00F5 | õ | 0245 | 0303 0265 | õ | Latin Small Letter O with tilde | 0181 | |
U+00F6 | ö | 0246 | 0303 0266 | ö | Latin Small Letter O with diaeresis | 0182 | |
Math | U+00F7 | ÷ | 0247 | 0303 0267 | ÷ | Division sign | 0183 |
Lowercase |
U+00F8 | ø | 0248 | 0303 0270 | ø | Latin Small Letter O with stroke | 0184 |
U+00F9 | ù | 0249 | 0303 0271 | ù | Latin Small Letter U with grave | 0185 | |
U+00FA | ú | 0250 | 0303 0272 | ú | Latin Small Letter U with acute | 0186 | |
U+00FB | û | 0251 | 0303 0273 | û | Latin Small Letter U with circumflex | 0187 | |
U+00FC | ü | 0252 | 0303 0274 | ü | Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis | 0188 | |
U+00FD | ý | 0253 | 0303 0275 | ý | Latin Small Letter Y with acute | 0189 | |
U+00FE | þ | 0254 | 0303 0276 | þ | Latin Small Letter Thorn | 0190 | |
U+00FF | ÿ | 0255 | 0303 0277 | ÿ | Latin Small Letter Y with diaeresis | 0191 | |
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Octal | HTML | Description | # |
Latin Extended-A
128 characters; all belong to the Latin script.
Code | Glyph | Decimal | HTML | Description | # | |
European Latin | U+0100 | Ā | 256 | Ā | Latin Capital Letter A with macron | 0192 |
U+0101 | ā | 257 | ā | Latin Small Letter A with macron | 0193 | |
U+0102 | Ă | 258 | Ă | Latin Capital Letter A with breve | 0194 | |
U+0103 | ă | 259 | ă | Latin Small Letter A with breve | 0195 | |
U+0104 | Ą | 260 | Ą | Latin Capital Letter A with ogonek | 0196 | |
U+0105 | ą | 261 | ą | Latin Small Letter A with ogonek | 0197 | |
U+0106 | Ć | 262 | Ć | Latin Capital Letter C with acute | 0198 | |
U+0107 | ć | 263 | ć | Latin Small Letter C with acute | 0199 | |
U+0108 | Ĉ | 264 | Ĉ | Latin Capital Letter C with circumflex | 0200 | |
U+0109 | ĉ | 265 | ĉ | Latin Small Letter C with circumflex | 0201 | |
U+010A | Ċ | 266 | Ċ | Latin Capital Letter C with dot above | 0202 | |
U+010B | ċ | 267 | ċ | Latin Small Letter C with dot above | 0203 | |
U+010C | Č | 268 | Č | Latin Capital Letter C with caron | 0204 | |
U+010D | č | 269 | č | Latin Small Letter C with caron | 0205 | |
U+010E | Ď | 270 | Ď | Latin Capital Letter D with caron | 0206 | |
U+010F | ď | 271 | ď | Latin Small Letter D with caron | 0207 | |
U+0110 | Đ | 272 | Đ | Latin Capital Letter D with stroke | 0208 | |
U+0111 | đ | 273 | đ | Latin Small Letter D with stroke | 0209 | |
U+0112 | Ē | 274 | Ē | Latin Capital Letter E with macron | 0210 | |
U+0113 | ē | 275 | ē | Latin Small Letter E with macron | 0211 | |
U+0114 | Ĕ | 276 | &Ebreve; | Latin Capital Letter E with breve | 0212 | |
U+0115 | ĕ | 277 | &ebreve; | Latin Small Letter E with breve | 0213 | |
U+0116 | Ė | 278 | Ė | Latin Capital Letter E with dot above | 0214 | |
U+0117 | ė | 279 | ė | Latin Small Letter E with dot above | 0215 | |
U+0118 | Ę | 280 | Ę | Latin Capital Letter E with ogonek | 0216 | |
U+0119 | ę | 281 | ę | Latin Small Letter E with ogonek | 0217 | |
U+011A | Ě | 282 | Ě | Latin Capital Letter E with caron | 0218 | |
U+011B | ě | 283 | ě | Latin Small Letter E with caron | 0219 | |
U+011C | Ĝ | 284 | Ĝ | Latin Capital Letter G with circumflex | 0220 | |
U+011D | ĝ | 285 | ĝ | Latin Small Letter G with circumflex | 0221 | |
U+011E | Ğ | 286 | Ğ | Latin Capital Letter G with breve | 0222 | |
U+011F | ğ | 287 | ğ | Latin Small Letter G with breve | 0223 | |
U+0120 | Ġ | 288 | Ġ | Latin Capital Letter G with dot above | 0224 | |
U+0121 | ġ | 289 | ġ | Latin Small Letter G with dot above | 0225 | |
U+0122 | Ģ | 290 | Ģ | Latin Capital Letter G with cedilla | 0226 | |
U+0123 | ģ | 291 | Latin Small Letter G with cedilla | 0227 | ||
U+0124 | Ĥ | 292 | Ĥ | Latin Capital Letter H with circumflex | 0228 | |
U+0125 | ĥ | 293 | ĥ | Latin Small Letter H with circumflex | 0229 | |
U+0126 | Ħ | 294 | Ħ | Latin Capital Letter H with stroke | 0230 | |
U+0127 | ħ | 295 | ħ | Latin Small Letter H with stroke | 0231 | |
U+0128 | Ĩ | 296 | Ĩ | Latin Capital Letter I with tilde | 0232 | |
U+0129 | ĩ | 297 | ĩ | Latin Small Letter I with tilde | 0233 | |
U+012A | Ī | 298 | Ī | Latin Capital Letter I with macron | 0234 | |
U+012B | ī | 299 | ī | Latin Small Letter I with macron | 0235 | |
U+012C | Ĭ | 300 | &Ibreve; | Latin Capital Letter I with breve | 0236 | |
U+012D | ĭ | 301 | &ibreve; | Latin Small Letter I with breve | 0237 | |
U+012E | Į | 302 | Į | Latin Capital Letter I with ogonek | 0238 | |
U+012F | į | 303 | į | Latin Small Letter I with ogonek | 0239 | |
U+0130 | İ | 304 | İ | Latin Capital Letter I with dot above | 0240 | |
U+0131 | ı | 305 | ı | Latin Small Letter dotless I | 0241 | |
U+0132 | IJ | 306 | IJ | Latin Capital Ligature IJ | 0242 | |
U+0133 | ij | 307 | ij | Latin Small Ligature IJ | 0243 | |
U+0134 | Ĵ | 308 | Ĵ | Latin Capital Letter J with circumflex | 0244 | |
U+0135 | ĵ | 309 | ĵ | Latin Small Letter J with circumflex | 0245 | |
U+0136 | Ķ | 310 | Ķ | Latin Capital Letter K with cedilla | 0246 | |
U+0137 | ķ | 311 | ķ | Latin Small Letter K with cedilla | 0247 | |
U+0138 | ĸ | 312 | Latin Small Letter Kra | 0248 | ||
U+0139 | Ĺ | 313 | Ĺ | Latin Capital Letter L with acute | 0249 | |
U+013A | ĺ | 314 | ĺ | Latin Small Letter L with acute | 0250 | |
U+013B | Ļ | 315 | Ļ | Latin Capital Letter L with cedilla | 0251 | |
U+013C | ļ | 316 | ļ | Latin Small Letter L with cedilla | 0252 | |
U+013D | Ľ | 317 | Ľ | Latin Capital Letter L with caron | 0253 | |
U+013E | ľ | 318 | ľ | Latin Small Letter L with caron | 0254 | |
U+013F | Ŀ | 319 | Latin Capital Letter L with middle dot | 0255 | ||
U+0140 | ŀ | 320 | Latin Small Letter L with middle dot | 0256 | ||
U+0141 | Ł | 321 | Ł | Latin Capital Letter L with stroke | 0257 | |
U+0142 | ł | 322 | ł | Latin Small Letter L with stroke | 0258 | |
U+0143 | Ń | 323 | Ń | Latin Capital Letter N with acute | 0259 | |
U+0144 | ń | 324 | ń | Latin Small Letter N with acute | 0260 | |
U+0145 | Ņ | 325 | Ņ | Latin Capital Letter N with cedilla | 0261 | |
U+0146 | ņ | 326 | ņ | Latin Small Letter N with cedilla | 0262 | |
U+0147 | Ň | 327 | Ň | Latin Capital Letter N with caron | 0263 | |
U+0148 | ň | 328 | ň | Latin Small Letter N with caron | 0264 | |
Deprecated | U+0149 | ʼn | 329 | Latin Small Letter N preceded by apostrophe[1] | 0265 | |
European Latin | U+014A | Ŋ | 330 | Ŋ | Latin Capital Letter Eng | 0266 |
U+014B | ŋ | 331 | ŋ | Latin Small Letter Eng | 0267 | |
U+014C | Ō | 332 | Ō | Latin Capital Letter O with macron | 0268 | |
U+014D | ō | 333 | ō | Latin Small Letter O with macron | 0269 | |
U+014E | Ŏ | 334 | &Obreve; | Latin Capital Letter O with breve | 0270 | |
U+014F | ŏ | 335 | &obreve; | Latin Small Letter O with breve | 0271 | |
U+0150 | Ő | 336 | Ő | Latin Capital Letter O with double acute | 0272 | |
U+0151 | ő | 337 | ő | Latin Small Letter O with double acute | 0273 | |
U+0152 | Œ | 338 | Œ | Latin Capital Ligature OE | 0274 | |
U+0153 | œ | 339 | œ | Latin Small Ligature OE | 0275 | |
U+0154 | Ŕ | 340 | Ŕ | Latin Capital Letter R with acute | 0276 | |
U+0155 | ŕ | 341 | ŕ | Latin Small Letter R with acute | 0277 | |
U+0156 | Ŗ | 342 | Ŗ | Latin Capital Letter R with cedilla | 0278 | |
U+0157 | ŗ | 343 | ŗ | Latin Small Letter R with cedilla | 0279 | |
U+0158 | Ř | 344 | Ř | Latin Capital Letter R with caron | 0280 | |
U+0159 | ř | 345 | ř | Latin Small Letter R with caron | 0281 | |
U+015A | Ś | 346 | Ś | Latin Capital Letter S with acute | 0282 | |
U+015B | ś | 347 | ś | Latin Small Letter S with acute | 0283 | |
U+015C | Ŝ | 348 | Ŝ | Latin Capital Letter S with circumflex | 0284 | |
U+015D | ŝ | 349 | ŝ | Latin Small Letter S with circumflex | 0285 | |
U+015E | Ş | 350 | Ş | Latin Capital Letter S with cedilla | 0286 | |
U+015F | ş | 351 | ş | Latin Small Letter S with cedilla | 0287 | |
U+0160 | Š | 352 | Š | Latin Capital Letter S with caron | 0288 | |
U+0161 | š | 353 | š | Latin Small Letter S with caron | 0289 | |
U+0162 | Ţ | 354 | Ţ | Latin Capital Letter T with cedilla | 0290 | |
U+0163 | ţ | 355 | ţ | Latin Small Letter T with cedilla | 0291 | |
U+0164 | Ť | 356 | Ť | Latin Capital Letter T with caron | 0292 | |
U+0165 | ť | 357 | ť | Latin Small Letter T with caron | 0293 | |
U+0166 | Ŧ | 358 | Ŧ | Latin Capital Letter T with stroke | 0294 | |
U+0167 | ŧ | 359 | ŧ | Latin Small Letter T with stroke | 0295 | |
U+0168 | Ũ | 360 | Ũ | Latin Capital Letter U with tilde | 0296 | |
U+0169 | ũ | 361 | ũ | Latin Small Letter U with tilde | 0297 | |
U+016A | Ū | 362 | Ū | Latin Capital Letter U with macron | 0298 | |
U+016B | ū | 363 | ū | Latin Small Letter U with macron | 0299 | |
U+016C | Ŭ | 364 | Ŭ | Latin Capital Letter U with breve | 0300 | |
U+016D | ŭ | 365 | ŭ | Latin Small Letter U with breve | 0301 | |
U+016E | Ů | 366 | Ů | Latin Capital Letter U with ring above | 0302 | |
U+016F | ů | 367 | ů | Latin Small Letter U with ring above | 0303 | |
U+0170 | Ű | 368 | Ű | Latin Capital Letter U with double acute | 0304 | |
U+0171 | ű | 369 | ű | Latin Small Letter U with double acute | 0305 | |
U+0172 | Ų | 370 | Ų | Latin Capital Letter U with ogonek | 0306 | |
U+0173 | ų | 371 | ų | Latin Small Letter U with ogonek | 0307 | |
U+0174 | Ŵ | 372 | Ŵ | Latin Capital Letter W with circumflex | 0308 | |
U+0175 | ŵ | 373 | ŵ | Latin Small Letter W with circumflex | 0309 | |
U+0176 | Ŷ | 374 | Ŷ | Latin Capital Letter Y with circumflex | 0310 | |
U+0177 | ŷ | 375 | ŷ | Latin Small Letter Y with circumflex | 0311 | |
U+0178 | Ÿ | 376 | Ÿ | Latin Capital Letter Y with diaeresis | 0312 | |
U+0179 | Ź | 377 | Ź | Latin Capital Letter Z with acute | 0313 | |
U+017A | ź | 378 | ź | Latin Small Letter Z with acute | 0314 | |
U+017B | Ż | 379 | Ż | Latin Capital Letter Z with dot above | 0315 | |
U+017C | ż | 380 | ż | Latin Small Letter Z with dot above | 0316 | |
U+017D | Ž | 381 | Ž | Latin Capital Letter Z with caron | 0317 | |
U+017E | ž | 382 | ž | Latin Small Letter Z with caron | 0318 | |
U+017F | ſ | 383 | Latin Small Letter long S | 0319 | ||
Code | Glyph | Decimal | HTML | Description | # |
Latin Extended-B
208 characters; all belong to the Latin script; 33 in the MES-2 subset.
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale | |
Non-European & historic Latin | U+0180 | 384 | Latin Small Letter B with stroke | · | ||
U+0181 | 385 | Latin Capital Letter B with hook | ||||
U+0182 | 386 | Latin Capital Letter B with top bar | ||||
U+0183 | 387 | Latin Small Letter B with top bar | ||||
U+0184 | 388 | Latin Capital Letter Tone Six | ||||
U+0185 | 389 | Latin Small Letter Tone Six | ||||
U+0186 | 390 | Latin Capital Letter Open O | ||||
U+0187 | 391 | Latin Capital Letter C with hook | ||||
U+0188 | 392 | Latin Small Letter C with hook | ||||
U+0189 | 393 | Latin Capital Letter African D | ||||
U+018A | 394 | Latin Capital Letter D with hook | ||||
U+018B | 395 | Latin Capital Letter D with top bar | ||||
U+018C | 396 | Latin Small Letter D with top bar | ||||
U+018D | 397 | Latin Small Letter Turned Delta | ||||
U+018E | 398 | Latin Capital Letter Reversed E | ||||
U+018F | 399 | Latin Capital Letter Schwa | 0320 | for Azerbaijani | ||
U+0190 | 400 | Latin Capital Letter Open E | · | |||
U+0191 | 401 | Latin Capital Letter F with hook | ||||
U+0192 | 402 | Latin Small Letter F with hook | 0321 | in WGL4 | ||
U+0193 | 403 | Latin Capital Letter G with hook | · | |||
U+0194 | 404 | Latin Capital Letter Gamma | ||||
U+0195 | 405 | Latin Small Letter HV | ||||
U+0196 | 406 | Latin Capital Letter Iota | ||||
U+0197 | 407 | Latin Capital Letter I with stroke | ||||
U+0198 | 408 | Latin Capital Letter K with hook | ||||
U+0199 | 409 | Latin Small Letter K with hook | ||||
U+019A | 410 | Latin Small Letter L with bar | ||||
U+019B | 411 | Latin Small Letter Lambda with stroke | ||||
U+019C | 412 | Latin Capital Letter Turned M | ||||
U+019D | 413 | Latin Capital Letter N with left hook | ||||
U+019E | 414 | Latin Small Letter N with long right leg | ||||
U+019F | 415 | Latin Capital Letter O with middle tilde | ||||
U+01A0 | 416 | Latin Capital Letter O with horn | ||||
U+01A1 | 417 | Latin Small Letter O with horn | ||||
U+01A2 | 418 | Latin Capital Letter OI (= Latin Capital Letter Gha) | ||||
U+01A3 | 419 | Latin Small Letter OI (= Latin Small Letter Gha) | ||||
U+01A4 | 420 | Latin Capital Letter P with hook | ||||
U+01A5 | 421 | Latin Small Letter P with hook | ||||
U+01A6 | 422 | Latin Letter YR | ||||
U+01A7 | 423 | Latin Capital Letter Tone Two | ||||
U+01A8 | 424 | Latin Small Letter Tone Two | ||||
U+01A9 | 425 | Latin Capital Letter Esh | ||||
U+01AA | 426 | Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop | ||||
U+01AB | 427 | Latin Small Letter T with palatal hook | ||||
U+01AC | 428 | Latin Capital Letter T with hook | ||||
U+01AD | 429 | Latin Small Letter T with hook | ||||
U+01AE | 430 | Latin Capital Letter T with retroflex hook | ||||
U+01AF | 431 | Latin Capital Letter U with horn | ||||
U+01B0 | 432 | Latin Small Letter U with horn | ||||
U+01B1 | 433 | Latin Capital Letter Upsilon | ||||
U+01B2 | 434 | Latin Capital Letter V with hook | ||||
U+01B3 | 435 | Latin Capital Letter Y with hook | ||||
U+01B4 | 436 | Latin Small Letter Y with hook | ||||
U+01B5 | 437 | Latin Capital Letter Z with stroke | ||||
U+01B6 | 438 | Latin Small Letter Z with stroke | ||||
U+01B7 | 439 | Latin Capital Letter Ezh | 0322 | for Sami | ||
U+01B8 | 440 | Latin Capital Letter Ezh reversed | · | |||
U+01B9 | 441 | Latin Small Letter Ezh reversed | ||||
U+01BA | 442 | Latin Small Letter Ezh with tail | ||||
U+01BB | 443 | Latin Letter Two with stroke | ||||
U+01BC | 444 | Latin Capital Letter Tone Five | ||||
U+01BD | 445 | Latin Small Letter Tone Five | ||||
U+01BE | 446 | Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop with stroke | ||||
U+01BF | 447 | Latin Letter Wynn | ||||
African clicks | U+01C0 | 448 | Latin Letter Dental Click | |||
U+01C1 | 449 | Latin Letter Lateral Click | ||||
U+01C2 | 450 | Latin Letter Alveolar Click | ||||
U+01C3 | 451 | Latin Letter Retroflex Click | ||||
Croatian | U+01C4 | 452 | Latin Capital Letter DZ with caron | |||
U+01C5 | 453 | Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z with caron | ||||
U+01C6 | 454 | Latin Small Letter DZ with caron | ||||
U+01C7 | 455 | Latin Capital Letter LJ | ||||
U+01C8 | 456 | Latin Capital Letter L with Small Letter J | ||||
U+01C9 | 457 | Latin Small Letter LJ | ||||
U+01CA | 458 | Latin Capital Letter NJ | ||||
U+01CB | 459 | Latin Capital Letter N with Small Letter J | ||||
U+01CC | 460 | Latin Small Letter NJ | ||||
Pinyin | U+01CD | 461 | Latin Capital Letter A with caron | |||
U+01CE | 462 | Latin Small Letter A with caron | ||||
U+01CF | 463 | Latin Capital Letter I with caron | ||||
U+01D0 | 464 | Latin Small Letter I with caron | ||||
U+01D1 | 465 | Latin Capital Letter O with caron | ||||
U+01D2 | 466 | Latin Small Letter O with caron | ||||
U+01D3 | 467 | Latin Capital Letter U with caron | ||||
U+01D4 | 468 | Latin Small Letter U with caron | ||||
U+01D5 | 469 | Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and macron | ||||
U+01D6 | 470 | Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and macron | ||||
U+01D7 | 471 | Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and acute | ||||
U+01D8 | 472 | Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and acute | ||||
U+01D9 | 473 | Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and caron | ||||
U+01DA | 474 | Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and caron | ||||
U+01DB | 475 | Latin Capital Letter U with diaeresis and grave | ||||
U+01DC | 476 | Latin Small Letter U with diaeresis and grave | ||||
Phonetic & historic letters | U+01DD | 477 | Latin Small Letter Turned E | |||
U+01DE | 478 | Latin Capital Letter A with diaeresis and macron | 0323 | for Sami | ||
U+01DF | 479 | Latin Small Letter A with diaeresis and macron | 0324 | |||
U+01E0 | 480 | Latin Capital Letter A with dot above and macron | 0325 | |||
U+01E1 | 481 | Latin Small Letter A with dot above and macron | 0326 | |||
U+01E2 | 482 | Latin Capital Letter Æ with macron | 0327 | |||
U+01E3 | 483 | Latin Small Letter Æ with macron | 0328 | |||
U+01E4 | 484 | Latin Capital Letter G with stroke | 0329 | |||
U+01E5 | 485 | Latin Small Letter G with stroke | 0330 | |||
U+01E6 | 486 | Latin Capital Letter G with caron | 0331 | |||
U+01E7 | 487 | Latin Small Letter G with caron | 0332 | |||
U+01E8 | 488 | Latin Capital Letter K with caron | 0333 | |||
U+01E9 | 489 | Latin Small Letter K with caron | 0334 | |||
U+01EA | 490 | Latin Capital Letter O with ogonek | 0335 | |||
U+01EB | 491 | Latin Small Letter O with ogonek | 0336 | |||
U+01EC | 492 | Latin Capital Letter O with ogonek and macron | 0337 | |||
U+01ED | 493 | Latin Small Letter O with ogonek and macron | 0338 | |||
U+01EE | 494 | Latin Capital Letter Ezh with caron | 0339 | |||
U+01EF | 495 | Latin Small Letter Ezh with caron | 0340 | |||
U+01F0 | 496 | Latin Small Letter J with caron | · | |||
U+01F1 | 497 | Latin Capital Letter DZ | ||||
U+01F2 | 498 | Latin Capital Letter D with Small Letter Z | ||||
U+01F3 | 499 | Latin Small Letter DZ | ||||
U+01F4 | 500 | Latin Capital Letter G with acute | ||||
U+01F5 | 501 | Latin Small Letter G with acute | ||||
U+01F6 | 502 | Latin Capital Letter Hwair | ||||
U+01F7 | 503 | Latin Capital Letter Wynn | ||||
U+01F8 | 504 | Latin Capital Letter N with grave | ||||
U+01F9 | 505 | Latin Small Letter N with grave | ||||
U+01FA | 506 | Latin Capital Letter A with ring above and acute | 0341 | in WGL4 | ||
U+01FB | 507 | Latin Small Letter A with ring above and acute | 0342 | |||
U+01FC | 508 | Latin Capital Letter Æ with acute | 0343 | |||
U+01FD | 509 | Latin Small Letter Æ with acute | 0344 | |||
U+01FE | 510 | Latin Capital Letter O with stroke and acute | 0345 | |||
U+01FF | 511 | Latin Small Letter O with stroke and acute | 0346 | |||
Slovenian & Croatian | U+0200 | 512 | Latin Capital Letter A with double grave | · | ||
U+0201 | 513 | Latin Small Letter A with double grave | ||||
U+0202 | 514 | Latin Capital Letter A with inverted breve | ||||
U+0203 | 515 | Latin Small Letter A with inverted breve | ||||
U+0204 | 516 | Latin Capital Letter E with double grave | ||||
U+0205 | 517 | Latin Small Letter E with double grave | ||||
U+0206 | 518 | Latin Capital Letter E with inverted breve | ||||
U+0207 | 519 | Latin Small Letter E with inverted breve | ||||
U+0208 | 520 | Latin Capital Letter I with double grave | ||||
U+0209 | 521 | Latin Small Letter I with double grave | ||||
U+020A | 522 | Latin Capital Letter I with inverted breve | ||||
U+020B | 523 | Latin Small Letter I with inverted breve | ||||
U+020C | 524 | Latin Capital Letter O with double grave | ||||
U+020D | 525 | Latin Small Letter O with double grave | ||||
U+020E | 526 | Latin Capital Letter O with inverted breve | ||||
U+020F | 527 | Latin Small Letter O with inverted breve | ||||
U+0210 | 528 | Latin Capital Letter R with double grave | ||||
U+0211 | 529 | Latin Small Letter R with double grave | ||||
U+0212 | 530 | Latin Capital Letter R with inverted breve | ||||
U+0213 | 531 | Latin Small Letter R with inverted breve | ||||
U+0214 | 532 | Latin Capital Letter U with double grave | ||||
U+0215 | 533 | Latin Small Letter U with double grave | ||||
U+0216 | 534 | Latin Capital Letter U with inverted breve | ||||
U+0217 | 535 | Latin Small Letter U with inverted breve | ||||
Romanian | U+0218 | 536 | Latin Capital Letter S with comma below | 0347 | for Romanian | |
U+0219 | 537 | Latin Small Letter S with comma below | 0348 | |||
U+021A | 538 | Latin Capital Letter T with comma below | 0349 | |||
U+021B | 539 | Latin Small Letter T with comma below | 0350 | |||
Miscellaneous | U+021C | 540 | Latin Capital Letter Yogh | · | ||
U+021D | 541 | Latin Small Letter Yogh | ||||
U+021E | 542 | Latin Capital Letter H with caron | 0351 | for Finnish Romani, Scots | ||
U+021F | 543 | Latin Small Letter H with caron | 0352 | |||
U+0220 | 544 | Latin Capital Letter N with long right leg | · | |||
U+0221 | 545 | Latin Small Letter D with curl | ||||
U+0222 | 546 | Latin Capital Letter OU | ||||
U+0223 | 547 | Latin Small Letter OU | ||||
U+0224 | 548 | Latin Capital Letter Z with hook | ||||
U+0225 | 549 | Latin Small Letter Z with hook | ||||
U+0226 | 550 | Latin Capital Letter A with dot above | ||||
U+0227 | 551 | Latin Small Letter A with dot above | ||||
U+0228 | 552 | Latin Capital Letter E with cedilla | ||||
U+0229 | 553 | Latin Small Letter E with cedilla | ||||
Livonian | U+022A | 554 | Latin Capital Letter O with diaeresis and macron | |||
U+022B | 555 | Latin Small Letter O with diaeresis and macron | ||||
U+022C | 556 | Latin Capital Letter O with tilde and macron | ||||
U+022D | 557 | Latin Small Letter O with tilde and macron | ||||
U+022E | 558 | Latin Capital Letter O with dot above | ||||
U+022F | 559 | Latin Small Letter O with dot above | ||||
U+0230 | 560 | Latin Capital Letter O with dot above and macron | ||||
U+0231 | 561 | Latin Small Letter O with dot above and macron | ||||
U+0232 | 562 | Latin Capital Letter Y with macron | ||||
U+0233 | 563 | Latin Small Letter Y with macron | ||||
Sinology | U+0234 | 564 | Latin Small Letter L with curl | |||
U+0235 | 565 | Latin Small Letter N with curl | ||||
U+0236 | 566 | Latin Small Letter T with curl | ||||
Miscellaneous | U+0237 | 567 | Latin Small Letter Dotless J | |||
U+0238 | 568 | Latin Small Letter DB Digraph | ||||
U+0239 | 569 | Latin Small Letter QP Digraph | ||||
U+023A | 570 | Latin Capital Letter A with stroke | ||||
U+023B | 571 | Latin Capital Letter C with stroke | ||||
U+023C | 572 | Latin Small Letter C with stroke | ||||
U+023D | 573 | Latin Capital Letter L with bar | ||||
U+023E | 574 | Latin Capital Letter T with diagonal stroke | ||||
U+023F | 575 | Latin Small Letter S with swash tail | ||||
U+0240 | 576 | Latin Small Letter Z with swash tail | ||||
U+0241 | 577 | Latin Capital Letter Glottal Stop | ||||
U+0242 | 578 | Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop | ||||
U+0243 | 579 | Latin Capital Letter B with stroke | ||||
U+0244 | 580 | Latin Capital Letter U bar | ||||
U+0245 | 581 | Latin Capital Letter Turned V | ||||
U+0246 | 582 | Latin Capital Letter E with stroke | ||||
U+0247 | 583 | Latin Small Letter E with stroke | ||||
U+0248 | 584 | Latin Capital Letter J with stroke | ||||
U+0249 | 585 | Latin Small Letter J with stroke | ||||
U+024A | 586 | Latin Capital Letter Q with hook tail | ||||
U+024B | 587 | Latin Small Letter Q with hook tail | ||||
U+024C | 588 | Latin Capital Letter R with stroke | ||||
U+024D | 589 | Latin Small Letter R with stroke | ||||
U+024E | 590 | Latin Capital Letter Y with stroke | ||||
U+024F | 591 | Latin Small Letter Y with stroke | ||||
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
Latin Extended Additional
256 characters; all belong to the Latin script; 23 in the MES-2 subset. For the rest, see Latin Extended Additional (Unicode block).
Code | Glyph | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
U+1E02 | Ḃ | Latin Capital Letter B with dot above | 0647 | ISO 8859-14 |
U+1E03 | ḃ | Latin Small Letter B with dot above | 0648 | |
U+1E0A | Ḋ | Latin Capital Letter D with dot above | 0649 | |
U+1E0B | ḋ | Latin Small Letter D with dot above | 0650 | |
U+1E1E | Ḟ | Latin Capital Letter F with dot above | 0651 | |
U+1E1F | ḟ | Latin Small Letter F with dot above | 0652 | |
U+1E40 | Ṁ | Latin Capital Letter M with dot above | 0653 | |
U+1E41 | ṁ | Latin Small Letter M with dot above | 0654 | |
U+1E56 | Ṗ | Latin Capital Letter P with dot above | 0655 | |
U+1E57 | ṗ | Latin Small Letter P with dot above | 0656 | |
U+1E60 | Ṡ | Latin Capital Letter S with dot above | 0657 | |
U+1E61 | ṡ | Latin Small Letter S with dot above | 0658 | |
U+1E6A | Ṫ | Latin Capital Letter T with dot above | 0659 | |
U+1E6B | ṫ | Latin Small Letter T with dot above | 0660 | |
U+1E80 | Ẁ | Latin Capital Letter W with grave | 0661 | in WGL4 |
U+1E81 | ẁ | Latin Small Letter W with grave | 0662 | |
U+1E82 | Ẃ | Latin Capital Letter W with acute | 0663 | |
U+1E83 | ẃ | Latin Small Letter W with acute | 0664 | |
U+1E84 | Ẅ | Latin Capital Letter W with diaeresis | 0665 | |
U+1E85 | ẅ | Latin Small Letter W with diaeresis | 0666 | |
U+1E9B | ẛ | Latin Small Letter Long S with dot above | 0667 | for Fraktur, Irish Gaelic, Old English |
U+1EF2 | Ỳ | Latin Capital Letter Y with grave | 0668 | in WGL4 |
U+1EF3 | ỳ | Latin Small Letter Y with grave | 0669 | |
Code | Glyph | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
Additional Latin Extended
Phonetic scripts
IPA Extensions
96 characters; all belong to the Latin script; three in the MES-2 subset. For the rest, see IPA Extensions (Unicode block).
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
U+0259 | 601 | Latin Small Letter Schwa | 0353 | for Azerbaijani | |
U+027C | 636 | Latin Small Letter R with long leg | 0354 | for Irish Gaelic | |
U+0292 | 658 | Latin Small Letter Ezh | 0355 | for Sami | |
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
Spacing modifier letters
80 characters; 15 in the MES-2 subset.
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
U+02B0 | ʰ | 688 | Modifier Letter Small H | · | |
U+02B1 | ʱ | 689 | Modifier Letter Small H with hook | ||
U+02B2 | ʲ | 690 | Modifier Letter Small J | ||
U+02B3 | ʳ | 691 | Modifier Letter Small R | ||
U+02B4 | ʴ | 692 | Modifier Letter Small Turned R | ||
U+02B5 | ʵ | 693 | Modifier Letter Small Turned R with hook | ||
U+02B6 | ʶ | 694 | Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted R | ||
U+02B7 | ʷ | 695 | Modifier Letter Small W | ||
U+02B8 | ʸ | 696 | Modifier Letter Small Y | ||
U+02B9 | ʹ | 697 | Modifier Letter Prime | ||
U+02BA | ʺ | 698 | Modifier Letter Double Prime | ||
U+02BB | ʻ | 699 | Modifier Letter Turned Comma | 0356 | in Sami |
U+02BC | ʼ | 700 | Modifier Letter Apostrophe | 0357 | in ISO/IEC 8859-7 |
U+02BD | ʽ | 701 | Modifier Letter Reversed Comma | 0358 | |
U+02BE | ʾ | 702 | Modifier Letter Right Half Ring | · | |
U+02BF | ʿ | 703 | Modifier Letter Left Half Ring | ||
U+02C0 | ˀ | 704 | Modifier Letter Glottal Stop | ||
U+02C1 | ˁ | 705 | Modifier Letter Reversed Glottal Stop | ||
U+02C2 | ˂ | 706 | Modifier Letter Left Arrowhead | ||
U+02C3 | ˃ | 707 | Modifier Letter Right Arrowhead | ||
U+02C4 | ˄ | 708 | Modifier Letter Up Arrowhead | ||
U+02C5 | ˅ | 709 | Modifier Letter Down Arrowhead | ||
U+02C6 | ˆ | 710 | Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent | 0359 | in WGL4 |
U+02C7 | ˇ | 711 | Caron | 0360 | |
U+02C8 | ˈ | 712 | Modifier Letter Vertical Line | · | |
U+02C9 | ˉ | 713 | Modifier Letter Macron | 0361 | in WGL4 |
U+02CA | ˊ | 714 | Modifier Letter Acute Accent | · | |
U+02CB | ˋ | 715 | Modifier Letter Grave Accent | ||
U+02CC | ˌ | 716 | Modifier Letter Low Vertical Line | ||
U+02CD | ˍ | 717 | Modifier Letter Low Macron | ||
U+02CE | ˎ | 718 | Modifier Letter Low Grave Accent | ||
U+02CF | ˏ | 719 | Modifier Letter Low Acute Accent | ||
U+02D0 | ː | 720 | Modifier Letter Triangular Colon | ||
U+02D1 | ˑ | 721 | Modifier Letter Half Triangular Colon | ||
U+02D2 | ˒ | 722 | Modifier Letter Centered Right Half Ring | ||
U+02D3 | ˓ | 723 | Modifier Letter Centered Left Half Ring | ||
U+02D4 | ˔ | 724 | Modifier Letter Up Tack | ||
U+02D5 | ˕ | 725 | Modifier Letter Down Tack | ||
U+02D6 | ˖ | 726 | Modifier Letter Plus Sign | 0362 | in WGL4 (?) |
U+02D7 | ˗ | 727 | Modifier Letter Minus Sign | · | |
U+02D8 | ˘ | 728 | Breve | 0363 | in WGL4 |
U+02D9 | ˙ | 729 | Dot Above | 0364 | |
U+02DA | ˚ | 730 | Ring Above | 0365 | |
U+02DB | ˛ | 731 | Ogonek | 0366 | |
U+02DC | ˜ | 732 | Small Tilde | 0367 | |
U+02DD | ˝ | 733 | Double Acute Accent | 0368 | |
U+02DE | ˞ | 734 | Modifier Letter Rhotic Hook | · | |
U+02DF | ˟ | 735 | Modifier Letter Cross Accent | 0369 | for Swedish dictionary use |
U+02E0 | ˠ | 736 | Modifier Letter Small Gamma | · | |
U+02E1 | ˡ | 737 | Modifier Letter Small L | ||
U+02E2 | ˢ | 738 | Modifier Letter Small S | ||
U+02E3 | ˣ | 739 | Modifier Letter Small X | ||
U+02E4 | ˤ | 740 | Modifier Letter Small Reversed Glottal Stop | ||
U+02E5 | ˥ | 741 | Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar | ||
U+02E6 | ˦ | 742 | Modifier Letter High Tone Bar | ||
U+02E7 | ˧ | 743 | Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar | ||
U+02E8 | ˨ | 744 | Modifier Letter Low Tone Bar | ||
U+02E9 | ˩ | 745 | Modifier Letter Extra-Low Tone Bar | ||
U+02EA | ˪ | 746 | Modifier Letter Yin Departing Tone Mark | ||
U+02EB | ˫ | 747 | Modifier Letter Yang Departing Tone Mark | ||
U+02EC | ˬ | 748 | Modifier Letter Voicing | ||
U+02ED | ˭ | 749 | Modifier Letter Unaspirated | ||
U+02EE | ˮ | 750 | Modifier Letter Double Apostrophe | 0370 | for Nenets |
U+02EF | ˯ | 751 | Modifier Letter Low Down Arrowhead | · | |
U+02F0 | ˰ | 752 | Modifier Letter Low Up Arrowhead | ||
U+02F1 | ˱ | 753 | Modifier Letter Low Left Arrowhead | ||
U+02F2 | ˲ | 754 | Modifier Letter Low Right Arrowhead | ||
U+02F3 | ˳ | 755 | Modifier Letter Low Ring | ||
U+02F4 | ˴ | 756 | Modifier Letter Middle Grave Accent | ||
U+02F5 | ˵ | 757 | Modifier Letter Middle Double Grave Accent | ||
U+02F6 | ˶ | 758 | Modifier Letter Middle Double Acute Accent | ||
U+02F7 | ˷ | 759 | Modifier Letter Low Tilde | ||
U+02F8 | ˸ | 760 | Modifier Letter Raised Colon | ||
U+02F9 | ˹ | 761 | Modifier Letter Begin High Tone | ||
U+02FA | ˺ | 762 | Modifier Letter End High Tone | ||
U+02FB | ˻ | 763 | Modifier Letter Begin Low Tone | ||
U+02FC | ˼ | 764 | Modifier Letter End Low Tone | ||
U+02FD | ˽ | 765 | Modifier Letter Shelf | ||
U+02FE | ˾ | 766 | Modifier Letter Open Shelf | ||
U+02FF | ˿ | 767 | Modifier Letter Low Left Arrow | ||
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # | MES-2 Rationale |
Phonetic Extensions
Combining Marks
Greek and Coptic
144 code points; 135 assigned characters; 85 in the MES-2 subset.
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # |
U+0370 | Ͱ | 880 | Greek Capital Letter Heta | · |
U+0371 | ͱ | 881 | Greek Small Letter Heta | |
U+0372 | Ͳ | 882 | Greek Capital Letter Archaic Sampi | |
U+0373 | ͳ | 883 | Greek Small Letter Archaic Sampi | |
U+0374 | ʹ | 884 | Greek Numeral Sign | 0371 |
U+0375 | ͵ | 885 | Greek Lower Numeral Sign | 0372 |
U+0376 | Ͷ | 886 | Greek Capital Letter Pamphylian Digamma | · |
U+0377 | ͷ | 887 | Greek Small Letter Pamphylian Digamma | |
U+037A | ͺ | 890 | Greek Ypogegrammeni | 0373 |
U+037B | ͻ | 891 | Greek Small Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol | · |
U+037C | ͼ | 892 | Greek Small Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+037D | ͽ | 893 | Greek Small Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+037E | ; | 894 | Greek Question Mark | 0374 |
U+037F | Ϳ | 895 | Greek Capital Letter Yot | · |
U+0384 | ΄ | 900 | Greek acute accent (tonos) | 0375 |
U+0385 | ΅ | 901 | Greek diaeresis with acute accent | 0376 |
U+0386 | Ά | 902 | Greek Capital Letter A with acute accent | 0377 |
U+0387 | · | 903 | Greek Ano Teleia | 0378 |
U+0388 | Έ | 904 | Greek Capital Letter Epsilon with acute accent | 0379 |
U+0389 | Ή | 905 | Greek Capital Letter Eta with acute accent | 0380 |
U+038A | Ί | 906 | Greek Capital Letter Iota with acute accent | 0381 |
U+038C | Ό | 908 | Greek Capital Letter Omicron with acute accent | 0382 |
U+038E | Ύ | 910 | Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with acute accent | 0383 |
U+038F | Ώ | 911 | Greek Capital Letter Omega with acute accent | 0384 |
U+0390 | ΐ | 912 | Greek Small Letter Iota with diaeresis and acute accent | 0385 |
U+0391 | Α | 913 | Greek Capital Letter Alpha | 0386 |
U+0392 | Β | 914 | Greek Capital Letter Beta | 0387 |
U+0393 | Γ | 915 | Greek Capital Letter Gamma | 0388 |
U+0394 | Δ | 916 | Greek Capital Letter Delta | 0389 |
U+0395 | Ε | 917 | Greek Capital Letter Epsilon | 0390 |
U+0396 | Ζ | 918 | Greek Capital Letter Zeta | 0391 |
U+0397 | Η | 919 | Greek Capital Letter Eta | 0392 |
U+0398 | Θ | 920 | Greek Capital Letter Theta | 0393 |
U+0399 | Ι | 921 | Greek Capital Letter Iota | 0394 |
U+039A | Κ | 922 | Greek Capital Letter Kappa | 0395 |
U+039B | Λ | 923 | Greek Capital Letter Lambda | 0396 |
U+039C | Μ | 924 | Greek Capital Letter Mu | 0397 |
U+039D | Ν | 925 | Greek Capital Letter Nu | 0398 |
U+039E | Ξ | 926 | Greek Capital Letter Xi | 0399 |
U+039F | Ο | 927 | Greek Capital Letter Omicron | 0400 |
U+03A0 | Π | 928 | Greek Capital Letter Pi | 0401 |
U+03A1 | Ρ | 929 | Greek Capital Letter Rho | 0402 |
U+03A3 | Σ | 931 | Greek Capital Letter Sigma | 0403 |
U+03A4 | Τ | 932 | Greek Capital Letter Tau | 0404 |
U+03A5 | Υ | 933 | Greek Capital Letter Upsilon | 0405 |
U+03A6 | Φ | 934 | Greek Capital Letter Phi | 0406 |
U+03A7 | Χ | 935 | Greek Capital Letter Chi | 0407 |
U+03A8 | Ψ | 936 | Greek Capital Letter Psi | 0408 |
U+03A9 | Ω | 937 | Greek Capital Letter Omega | 0409 |
U+03AA | Ϊ | 938 | Greek Capital Letter Iota with diaeresis | 0410 |
U+03AB | Ϋ | 939 | Greek Capital Letter Upsilon with diaeresis | 0411 |
U+03AC | ά | 940 | Greek Small Letter Alpha with acute accent | 0412 |
U+03AD | έ | 941 | Greek Small Letter Epsilon with acute accent | 0413 |
U+03AE | ή | 942 | Greek Small Letter Eta with acute accent | 0414 |
U+03AF | ί | 943 | Greek Small Letter Iota with acute accent | 0415 |
U+03B0 | ΰ | 944 | Greek Small Letter Upsilon with diaeresis and acute accent | 0416 |
U+03B1 | α | 945 | Greek Small Letter Alpha | 0417 |
U+03B2 | β | 946 | Greek Small Letter Beta | 0418 |
U+03B3 | γ | 947 | Greek Small Letter Gamma | 0419 |
U+03B4 | δ | 948 | Greek Small Letter Delta | 0420 |
U+03B5 | ε | 949 | Greek Small Letter Epsilon | 0421 |
U+03B6 | ζ | 950 | Greek Small Letter Zeta | 0422 |
U+03B7 | η | 951 | Greek Small Letter Eta | 0423 |
U+03B8 | θ | 952 | Greek Small Letter Theta | 0424 |
U+03B9 | ι | 953 | Greek Small Letter Iota | 0425 |
U+03BA | κ | 954 | Greek Small Letter Kappa | 0426 |
U+03BB | λ | 955 | Greek Small Letter Lambda | 0427 |
U+03BC | μ | 956 | Greek Small Letter Mu | 0428 |
U+03BD | ν | 957 | Greek Small Letter Nu | 0429 |
U+03BE | ξ | 958 | Greek Small Letter Xi | 0430 |
U+03BF | ο | 959 | Greek Small Letter Omicron | 0431 |
U+03C0 | π | 960 | Greek Small Letter Pi | 0432 |
U+03C1 | ρ | 961 | Greek Small Letter Rho | 0433 |
U+03C2 | ς | 962 | Greek Small Letter Final Sigma | 0434 |
U+03C3 | σ | 963 | Greek Small Letter Sigma | 0435 |
U+03C4 | τ | 964 | Greek Small Letter Tau | 0436 |
U+03C5 | υ | 965 | Greek Small Letter Upsilon | 0437 |
U+03C6 | φ | 966 | Greek Small Letter Phi | 0438 |
U+03C7 | χ | 967 | Greek Small Letter Chi | 0439 |
U+03C8 | ψ | 968 | Greek Small Letter Psi | 0440 |
U+03C9 | ω | 969 | Greek Small Letter Omega | 0441 |
U+03CA | ϊ | 970 | Greek Small Letter Iota with diaeresis | 0442 |
U+03CB | ϋ | 971 | Greek Small Letter Upsilon with diaeresis | 0443 |
U+03CC | ό | 972 | Greek Small Letter Omicron with acute accent | 0444 |
U+03CD | ύ | 973 | Greek Small Letter Upsilon with acute accent | 0445 |
U+03CE | ώ | 974 | Greek Small Letter Omega with acute accent | 0446 |
U+03CF | Ϗ | 975 | Greek Capital Kai Symbol | · |
U+03D0 | ϐ | 976 | Greek Beta Symbol | · |
U+03D1 | ϑ | 977 | Greek Theta Symbol | |
U+03D2 | ϒ | 978 | Greek Upsilon with hook Symbol | |
U+03D3 | ϓ | 979 | Greek Upsilon with acute and hook Symbol | |
U+03D4 | ϔ | 980 | Greek Upsilon with diaeresis and hook Symbol | |
U+03D5 | ϕ | 981 | Greek Phi Symbol | |
U+03D6 | ϖ | 982 | Greek Pi Symbol | |
U+03D7 | ϗ | 983 | Greek Kai Symbol | 0447 |
U+03D8 | Ϙ | 984 | Greek Letter Qoppa | · |
U+03D9 | ϙ | 985 | Greek Small Letter Qoppa | |
U+03DA | Ϛ | 986 | Greek Letter Stigma | 0448 |
U+03DB | ϛ | 987 | Greek Small Letter Stigma | 0449 |
U+03DC | Ϝ | 988 | Greek Letter Digamma | 0450 |
U+03DD | ϝ | 989 | Greek Small Letter Digamma | 0451 |
U+03DE | Ϟ | 990 | Greek Letter Koppa | 0452 |
U+03DF | ϟ | 991 | Greek Small Letter Koppa | 0453 |
U+03E0 | Ϡ | 992 | Greek Letter Sampi | 0454 |
U+03E1 | ϡ | 993 | Greek Small Letter Sampi | 0455 |
U+03E2 | Ϣ | 994 | Coptic Capital Letter Shei | · |
U+03E3 | ϣ | 995 | Coptic Small Letter Shei | |
U+03E4 | Ϥ | 996 | Coptic Capital Letter Fei | |
U+03E5 | ϥ | 997 | Coptic Small Letter Fei | |
U+03E6 | Ϧ | 998 | Coptic Capital Letter Khei | |
U+03E7 | ϧ | 999 | Coptic Small Letter Khei | |
U+03E8 | Ϩ | 1000 | Coptic Capital Letter Hori | |
U+03E9 | ϩ | 1001 | Coptic Small Letter Hori | |
U+03EA | Ϫ | 1002 | Coptic Capital Letter Gangia | |
U+03EB | ϫ | 1003 | Coptic Small Letter Gangia | |
U+03EC | Ϭ | 1004 | Coptic Capital Letter Shima | |
U+03ED | ϭ | 1005 | Coptic Small Letter Shima | |
U+03EE | Ϯ | 1006 | Coptic Capital Letter Dei | |
U+03EF | ϯ | 1007 | Coptic Small Letter Dei | |
U+03F0 | ϰ | 1008 | Greek Kappa Symbol | |
U+03F1 | ϱ | 1009 | Greek Rho Symbol | |
U+03F2 | ϲ | 1010 | Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+03F3 | ϳ | 1011 | Greek Letter Yot | |
U+03F4 | ϴ | 1012 | Greek Capital Theta Symbol | |
U+03F5 | ϵ | 1013 | Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol | |
U+03F6 | ϶ | 1014 | Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol | |
U+03F7 | Ϸ | 1015 | Greek Capital Sho | |
U+03F8 | ϸ | 1016 | Greek Small Letter Sho | |
U+03F9 | Ϲ | 1017 | Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+03FA | Ϻ | 1018 | Greek Capital San | |
U+03FB | ϻ | 1019 | Greek Small Letter San | |
U+03FC | ϼ | 1020 | Greek Rho with stroke Symbol | |
U+03FD | Ͻ | 1021 | Greek Capital Reversed Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+03FE | Ͼ | 1022 | Greek Capital Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
U+03FF | Ͽ | 1023 | Greek Capital Reversed Dotted Lunate Sigma Symbol | |
Code | Glyph | Decimal | Description | # |
Greek Extended
For polytonic orthography. 256 code points; 233 assigned characters, all in the MES-2 subset (#670 – 902).
Greek Extended[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+1F0x | ἀ | ἁ | ἂ | ἃ | ἄ | ἅ | ἆ | ἇ | Ἀ | Ἁ | Ἂ | Ἃ | Ἄ | Ἅ | Ἆ | Ἇ |
U+1F1x | ἐ | ἑ | ἒ | ἓ | ἔ | ἕ | Ἐ | Ἑ | Ἒ | Ἓ | Ἔ | Ἕ | ||||
U+1F2x | ἠ | ἡ | ἢ | ἣ | ἤ | ἥ | ἦ | ἧ | Ἠ | Ἡ | Ἢ | Ἣ | Ἤ | Ἥ | Ἦ | Ἧ |
U+1F3x | ἰ | ἱ | ἲ | ἳ | ἴ | ἵ | ἶ | ἷ | Ἰ | Ἱ | Ἲ | Ἳ | Ἴ | Ἵ | Ἶ | Ἷ |
U+1F4x | ὀ | ὁ | ὂ | ὃ | ὄ | ὅ | Ὀ | Ὁ | Ὂ | Ὃ | Ὄ | Ὅ | ||||
U+1F5x | ὐ | ὑ | ὒ | ὓ | ὔ | ὕ | ὖ | ὗ | Ὑ | Ὓ | Ὕ | Ὗ | ||||
U+1F6x | ὠ | ὡ | ὢ | ὣ | ὤ | ὥ | ὦ | ὧ | Ὠ | Ὡ | Ὢ | Ὣ | Ὤ | Ὥ | Ὦ | Ὧ |
U+1F7x | ὰ | ά | ὲ | έ | ὴ | ή | ὶ | ί | ὸ | ό | ὺ | ύ | ὼ | ώ | ||
U+1F8x | ᾀ | ᾁ | ᾂ | ᾃ | ᾄ | ᾅ | ᾆ | ᾇ | ᾈ | ᾉ | ᾊ | ᾋ | ᾌ | ᾍ | ᾎ | ᾏ |
U+1F9x | ᾐ | ᾑ | ᾒ | ᾓ | ᾔ | ᾕ | ᾖ | ᾗ | ᾘ | ᾙ | ᾚ | ᾛ | ᾜ | ᾝ | ᾞ | ᾟ |
U+1FAx | ᾠ | ᾡ | ᾢ | ᾣ | ᾤ | ᾥ | ᾦ | ᾧ | ᾨ | ᾩ | ᾪ | ᾫ | ᾬ | ᾭ | ᾮ | ᾯ |
U+1FBx | ᾰ | ᾱ | ᾲ | ᾳ | ᾴ | ᾶ | ᾷ | Ᾰ | Ᾱ | Ὰ | Ά | ᾼ | ᾽ | ι | ᾿ | |
U+1FCx | ῀ | ῁ | ῂ | ῃ | ῄ | ῆ | ῇ | Ὲ | Έ | Ὴ | Ή | ῌ | ῍ | ῎ | ῏ | |
U+1FDx | ῐ | ῑ | ῒ | ΐ | ῖ | ῗ | Ῐ | Ῑ | Ὶ | Ί | ῝ | ῞ | ῟ | |||
U+1FEx | ῠ | ῡ | ῢ | ΰ | ῤ | ῥ | ῦ | ῧ | Ῠ | Ῡ | Ὺ | Ύ | Ῥ | ῭ | ΅ | ` |
U+1FFx | ῲ | ῳ | ῴ | ῶ | ῷ | Ὸ | Ό | Ὼ | Ώ | ῼ | ´ | ῾ | ||||
Notes |
256 characters; 191 in the MES-2 subset.
Code | Glyph | Description | # |
U+0400 | Ѐ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie with grave | 0456 |
U+0401 | Ё | Cyrillic Capital Letter Io | 0457 |
U+0402 | Ђ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Dje | 0458 |
U+0403 | Ѓ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Gje | 0459 |
U+0404 | Є | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie | 0460 |
U+0405 | Ѕ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Dze | 0461 |
U+0406 | І | Cyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I | 0462 |
U+0407 | Ї | Cyrillic Capital Letter Yi | 0463 |
U+0408 | Ј | Cyrillic Capital Letter Je | 0464 |
U+0409 | Љ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Lje | 0465 |
U+040A | Њ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Nje | 0466 |
U+040B | Ћ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Tshe | 0467 |
U+040C | Ќ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Kje | 0468 |
U+040D | Ѝ | Cyrillic Capital Letter I with grave | 0469 |
U+040E | Ў | Cyrillic Capital Letter Short U | 0470 |
U+040F | Џ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe | 0471 |
U+0410 | А | Cyrillic Capital Letter A | 0472 |
U+0411 | Б | Cyrillic Capital Letter Be | 0473 |
U+0412 | В | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve | 0474 |
U+0413 | Г | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe | 0475 |
U+0414 | Д | Cyrillic Capital Letter De | 0476 |
U+0415 | Е | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie | 0477 |
U+0416 | Ж | Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe | 0478 |
U+0417 | З | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze | 0479 |
U+0418 | И | Cyrillic Capital Letter I | 0480 |
U+0419 | Й | Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I | 0481 |
U+041A | К | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka | 0482 |
U+041B | Л | Cyrillic Capital Letter El | 0483 |
U+041C | М | Cyrillic Capital Letter Em | 0484 |
U+041D | Н | Cyrillic Capital Letter En | 0485 |
U+041E | О | Cyrillic Capital Letter O | 0486 |
U+041F | П | Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe | 0487 |
U+0420 | Р | Cyrillic Capital Letter Er | 0488 |
U+0421 | С | Cyrillic Capital Letter Es | 0489 |
U+0422 | Т | Cyrillic Capital Letter Te | 0490 |
U+0423 | У | Cyrillic Capital Letter U | 0491 |
U+0424 | Ф | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ef | 0492 |
U+0425 | Х | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha | 0493 |
U+0426 | Ц | Cyrillic Capital Letter Tse | 0494 |
U+0427 | Ч | Cyrillic Capital Letter Che | 0495 |
U+0428 | Ш | Cyrillic Capital Letter Sha | 0496 |
U+0429 | Щ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Shcha | 0497 |
U+042A | Ъ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign | 0498 |
U+042B | Ы | Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru | 0499 |
U+042C | Ь | Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign | 0500 |
U+042D | Э | Cyrillic Capital Letter E | 0501 |
U+042E | Ю | Cyrillic Capital Letter Yu | 0502 |
U+042F | Я | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya | 0503 |
U+0430 | а | Cyrillic Small Letter A | 0504 |
U+0431 | б | Cyrillic Small Letter Be | 0505 |
U+0432 | в | Cyrillic Small Letter Ve | 0506 |
U+0433 | г | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe | 0507 |
U+0434 | д | Cyrillic Small Letter De | 0508 |
U+0435 | е | Cyrillic Small Letter Ie | 0509 |
U+0436 | ж | Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe | 0510 |
U+0437 | з | Cyrillic Small Letter Ze | 0511 |
U+0438 | и | Cyrillic Small Letter I | 0512 |
U+0439 | й | Cyrillic Small Letter Short I | 0513 |
U+043A | к | Cyrillic Small Letter Ka | 0514 |
U+043B | л | Cyrillic Small Letter El | 0515 |
U+043C | м | Cyrillic Small Letter Em | 0516 |
U+043D | н | Cyrillic Small Letter En | 0517 |
U+043E | о | Cyrillic Small Letter O | 0518 |
U+043F | п | Cyrillic Small Letter Pe | 0519 |
U+0440 | р | Cyrillic Small Letter Er | 0520 |
U+0441 | с | Cyrillic Small Letter Es | 0521 |
U+0442 | т | Cyrillic Small Letter Te | 0522 |
U+0443 | у | Cyrillic Small Letter U | 0523 |
U+0444 | ф | Cyrillic Small Letter Ef | 0524 |
U+0445 | х | Cyrillic Small Letter Ha | 0525 |
U+0446 | ц | Cyrillic Small Letter Tse | 0526 |
U+0447 | ч | Cyrillic Small Letter Che | 0527 |
U+0448 | ш | Cyrillic Small Letter Sha | 0528 |
U+0449 | щ | Cyrillic Small Letter Shcha | 0529 |
U+044A | ъ | Cyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign | 0530 |
U+044B | ы | Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru | 0531 |
U+044C | ь | Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign | 0532 |
U+044D | э | Cyrillic Small Letter E | 0533 |
U+044E | ю | Cyrillic Small Letter Yu | 0534 |
U+044F | я | Cyrillic Small Letter Ya | 0535 |
U+0450 | ѐ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ie with grave | 0536 |
U+0451 | ё | Cyrillic Small Letter Io | 0537 |
U+0452 | ђ | Cyrillic Small Letter Dje | 0538 |
U+0453 | ѓ | Cyrillic Small Letter Gje | 0539 |
U+0454 | є | Cyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie | 0540 |
U+0455 | ѕ | Cyrillic Small Letter Dze | 0541 |
U+0456 | і | Cyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I | 0542 |
U+0457 | ї | Cyrillic Small Letter Yi | 0543 |
U+0458 | ј | Cyrillic Small Letter Je | 0544 |
U+0459 | љ | Cyrillic Small Letter Lje | 0545 |
U+045A | њ | Cyrillic Small Letter Nje | 0546 |
U+045B | ћ | Cyrillic Small Letter Tshe | 0547 |
U+045C | ќ | Cyrillic Small Letter Kje | 0548 |
U+045D | ѝ | Cyrillic Small Letter I with grave | 0549 |
U+045E | ў | Cyrillic Small Letter Short U | 0550 |
U+045F | џ | Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe | 0551 |
U+0460 | Ѡ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega | · |
U+0461 | ѡ | Cyrillic Small Letter Omega | |
U+0462 | Ѣ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Yat | |
U+0463 | ѣ | Cyrillic Small Letter Yat | |
U+0464 | Ѥ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified E | |
U+0465 | ѥ | Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified E | |
U+0466 | Ѧ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Little Yus | |
U+0467 | ѧ | Cyrillic Small Letter Little Yus | |
U+0468 | Ѩ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Little Yus | |
U+0469 | ѩ | Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Little Yus | |
U+046A | Ѫ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Big Yus | |
U+046B | ѫ | Cyrillic Small Letter Big Yus | |
U+046C | Ѭ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Iotified Big Yus | |
U+046D | ѭ | Cyrillic Small Letter Iotified Big Yus | |
U+046E | Ѯ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ksi | |
U+046F | ѯ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ksi | |
U+0470 | Ѱ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Psi | |
U+0471 | ѱ | Cyrillic Small Letter Psi | |
U+0472 | Ѳ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Fita | |
U+0473 | ѳ | Cyrillic Small Letter Fita | |
U+0474 | Ѵ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa | |
U+0475 | ѵ | Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa | |
U+0476 | Ѷ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Izhitsa with double grave accent | |
U+0477 | ѷ | Cyrillic Small Letter Izhitsa with double grave accent | |
U+0478 | Ѹ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Uk | |
U+0479 | ѹ | Cyrillic Small Letter Uk | |
U+047A | Ѻ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Round Omega | |
U+047B | ѻ | Cyrillic Small Letter Round Omega | |
U+047C | Ѽ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Omega with Titlo | |
U+047D | ѽ | Cyrillic Small Letter Omega with Titlo | |
U+047E | Ѿ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ot | |
U+047F | ѿ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ot | |
U+0480 | Ҁ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Koppa | |
U+0481 | ҁ | Cyrillic Small Letter Koppa | |
U+0482 | ҂ | Cyrillic Thousands Sign | |
U+0483 | ҃ | Combining Cyrillic Titlo | |
U+0484 | ҄ | Combining Cyrillic Palatalization | |
U+0485 | ҅ | Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata | |
U+0486 | ҆ | Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata | |
U+0487 | ҇ | Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie | |
U+0488 | ҈ | Combining Cyrillic Hundred Thousands Sign | |
U+0489 | ҉ | Combining Cyrillic Millions Sign | |
U+048A | Ҋ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I with tail | |
U+048B | ҋ | Cyrillic Small Letter Short I with tail | |
U+048C | Ҍ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Semisoft Sign | |
U+048D | ҍ | Cyrillic Small Letter Semisoft Sign | |
U+048E | Ҏ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Er with tick | |
U+048F | ҏ | Cyrillic Small Letter Er with tick | |
U+0490 | Ґ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with upturn | 0552 |
U+0491 | ґ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with upturn | 0553 |
U+0492 | Ғ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with stroke | 0554 |
U+0493 | ғ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with stroke | 0555 |
U+0494 | Ҕ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with middle hook | 0556 |
U+0495 | ҕ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with middle hook | 0557 |
U+0496 | Җ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with descender | 0558 |
U+0497 | җ | Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with descender | 0559 |
U+0498 | Ҙ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze with descender | 0560 |
U+0499 | ҙ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ze with descender | 0561 |
U+049A | Қ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with descender | 0562 |
U+049B | қ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with descender | 0563 |
U+049C | Ҝ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with vertical stroke | 0564 |
U+049D | ҝ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with vertical stroke | 0565 |
U+049E | Ҟ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with stroke | 0566 |
U+049F | ҟ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with stroke | 0567 |
U+04A0 | Ҡ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Bashkir Ka | 0568 |
U+04A1 | ҡ | Cyrillic Small Letter Bashkir Ka | 0569 |
U+04A2 | Ң | Cyrillic Capital Letter En with descender | 0570 |
U+04A3 | ң | Cyrillic Small Letter En with descender | 0571 |
U+04A4 | Ҥ | Cyrillic Capital Ligature En Ghe | 0572 |
U+04A5 | ҥ | Cyrillic Small Ligature En Ghe | 0573 |
U+04A6 | Ҧ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe with middle hook | 0574 |
U+04A7 | ҧ | Cyrillic Small Letter Pe with middle hook | 0575 |
U+04A8 | Ҩ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Ha | 0576 |
U+04A9 | ҩ | Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Ha | 0577 |
U+04AA | Ҫ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Es with descender | 0578 |
U+04AB | ҫ | Cyrillic Small Letter Es with descender | 0579 |
U+04AC | Ҭ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Te with descender | 0580 |
U+04AD | ҭ | Cyrillic Small Letter Te with descender | 0581 |
U+04AE | Ү | Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U | 0582 |
U+04AF | ү | Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U | 0583 |
U+04B0 | Ұ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Straight U with stroke | 0584 |
U+04B1 | ұ | Cyrillic Small Letter Straight U with stroke | 0585 |
U+04B2 | Ҳ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with descender | 0586 |
U+04B3 | ҳ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with descender | 0587 |
U+04B4 | Ҵ | Cyrillic Capital Ligature Te Tse | 0588 |
U+04B5 | ҵ | Cyrillic Small Ligature Te Tse | 0589 |
U+04B6 | Ҷ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with descender | 0590 |
U+04B7 | ҷ | Cyrillic Small Letter Che with descender | 0591 |
U+04B8 | Ҹ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with vertical stroke | 0592 |
U+04B9 | ҹ | Cyrillic Small Letter Che with vertical stroke | 0593 |
U+04BA | Һ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Shha | 0594 |
U+04BB | һ | Cyrillic Small Letter Shha | 0595 |
U+04BC | Ҽ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Che | 0596 |
U+04BD | ҽ | Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Che | 0597 |
U+04BE | Ҿ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Che with descender | 0598 |
U+04BF | ҿ | Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Che with descender | 0599 |
U+04C0 | Ӏ | Cyrillic Letter Palochka | 0600 |
U+04C1 | Ӂ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with breve | 0601 |
U+04C2 | ӂ | Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with breve | 0602 |
U+04C3 | Ӄ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka with hook | 0603 |
U+04C4 | ӄ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ka with hook | 0604 |
U+04C5 | Ӆ | Cyrillic Capital Letter El with tail | · |
U+04C6 | ӆ | Cyrillic Small Letter El with tail | |
U+04C7 | Ӈ | Cyrillic Capital Letter En with hook | 0605 |
U+04C8 | ӈ | Cyrillic Small Letter En with hook | 0606 |
U+04C9 | Ӊ | Cyrillic Capital Letter En with tail | · |
U+04CA | ӊ | Cyrillic Small Letter En with tail | |
U+04CB | Ӌ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Khakassian Che | 0607 |
U+04CC | ӌ | Cyrillic Small Letter Khakassian Che | 0608 |
U+04CD | Ӎ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Em with tail | · |
U+04CE | ӎ | Cyrillic Small Letter Em with tail | |
U+04CF | ӏ | Cyrillic Small Letter Palochka | |
U+04D0 | Ӑ | Cyrillic Capital Letter A with breve | 0609 |
U+04D1 | ӑ | Cyrillic Small Letter A with breve | 0610 |
U+04D2 | Ӓ | Cyrillic Capital Letter A with diaeresis | 0611 |
U+04D3 | ӓ | Cyrillic Small Letter A with diaeresis | 0612 |
U+04D4 | Ӕ | Cyrillic Capital Ligature A Ie | 0613 |
U+04D5 | ӕ | Cyrillic Small Ligature A Ie | 0614 |
U+04D6 | Ӗ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie with breve | 0615 |
U+04D7 | ӗ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ie with breve | 0616 |
U+04D8 | Ә | Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa | 0617 |
U+04D9 | ә | Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa | 0618 |
U+04DA | Ӛ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Schwa with diaeresis | 0619 |
U+04DB | ӛ | Cyrillic Small Letter Schwa with diaeresis | 0620 |
U+04DC | Ӝ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe with diaeresis | 0621 |
U+04DD | ӝ | Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe with diaeresis | 0622 |
U+04DE | Ӟ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze with diaeresis | 0623 |
U+04DF | ӟ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ze with diaeresis | 0624 |
U+04E0 | Ӡ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Abkhazian Dze | 0625 |
U+04E1 | ӡ | Cyrillic Small Letter Abkhazian Dze | 0626 |
U+04E2 | Ӣ | Cyrillic Capital Letter I with macron | 0627 |
U+04E3 | ӣ | Cyrillic Small Letter I with macron | 0628 |
U+04E4 | Ӥ | Cyrillic Capital Letter I with diaeresis | 0629 |
U+04E5 | ӥ | Cyrillic Small Letter I with diaeresis | 0630 |
U+04E6 | Ӧ | Cyrillic Capital Letter O with diaeresis | 0631 |
U+04E7 | ӧ | Cyrillic Small Letter O with diaeresis | 0632 |
U+04E8 | Ө | Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O | 0633 |
U+04E9 | ө | Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O | 0634 |
U+04EA | Ӫ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Barred O with diaeresis | 0635 |
U+04EB | ӫ | Cyrillic Small Letter Barred O with diaeresis | 0636 |
U+04EC | Ӭ | Cyrillic Capital Letter E with diaeresis | · |
U+04ED | ӭ | Cyrillic Small Letter E with diaeresis | |
U+04EE | Ӯ | Cyrillic Capital Letter U with macron | 0637 |
U+04EF | ӯ | Cyrillic Small Letter U with macron | 0638 |
U+04F0 | Ӱ | Cyrillic Capital Letter U with diaeresis | 0639 |
U+04F1 | ӱ | Cyrillic Small Letter U with diaeresis | 0640 |
U+04F2 | Ӳ | Cyrillic Capital Letter U with double acute | 0641 |
U+04F3 | ӳ | Cyrillic Small Letter U with double acute | 0642 |
U+04F4 | Ӵ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Che with diaeresis | 0643 |
U+04F5 | ӵ | Cyrillic Small Letter Che with diaeresis | 0644 |
U+04F6 | Ӷ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with descender | · |
U+04F7 | ӷ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with descender | |
U+04F8 | Ӹ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru with diaeresis | 0645 |
U+04F9 | ӹ | Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru with diaeresis | 0646 |
U+04FA | Ӻ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe with stroke and hook | · |
U+04FB | ӻ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe with stroke and hook | |
U+04FC | Ӽ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with hook | |
U+04FD | ӽ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with hook | |
U+04FE | Ӿ | Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha with stroke | |
U+04FF | ӿ | Cyrillic Small Letter Ha with stroke | |
Code | Glyph | Description | # |
Semitic languages
Brahmic (Indic) scripts
The range from U+0900 to U+0DFF includes Devanagari, Bengali script, Gurmukhi, Gujarati script, Odia alphabet, Tamil script, Telugu script, Kannada script, Malayalam script, and Sinhala script.
- Devanagari in Unicode
- Bengali (Unicode block)
- Gurmukhi (Unicode block)
- Gujarati (Unicode block)
- Oriya (Unicode block)
- Tamil (Unicode block)
- Tamil Supplement (Unicode block)
- Telugu (Unicode block)
- Kannada (Unicode block)
- Malayalam (Unicode block)
- Sinhala (Unicode block)
- Sinhala Archaic Numbers (Unicode block)
Other Brahmic and Indic scripts in Unicode include:
- Ahom (Unicode block)
- Balinese (Unicode block)
- Batak (Unicode block)
- Bhaiksuki (Unicode block)
- Brahmi (Unicode block)
- Buhid (Unicode block)
- Buginese (Unicode block)
- Chakma (Unicode block)
- Cham (Unicode block)
- Common Indic Number Forms (Unicode block)
- Dives Akuru (Unicode block)
- Dogra (Unicode block)
- Grantha (Unicode block)
- Gunjala Gondi (Unicode block)
- Hanunoo (Unicode block)
- Javanese (Unicode block)
- Kaithi (Unicode block)
- Khmer (Unicode block)
- Khmer Symbols (Unicode block)
- Khojki (Unicode block)
- Khudawadi (Unicode block)
- Lao (Unicode block)
- Lepcha (Unicode block)
- Limbu (Unicode block)
- Mahajani (Unicode block)
- Makasar (Unicode block)
- Marchen (Unicode block)
- Meetei Mayek (Unicode block)
- Meetei Mayek Extensions (Unicode block)
- Modi (Unicode block)
- Multani (Unicode block)
- Myanmar (Unicode block)
- New Tai Lue (Unicode block)
- Newa (Unicode block)
- Ol Chiki (Unicode block)
- Phags-pa (Unicode block)
- Rejang (Unicode block)
- Saurashtra (Unicode block)
- Sharada (Unicode block)
- Siddham (Unicode block)
- Sundanese (Unicode block)
- Sundanese Supplement (Unicode block)
- Syloti Nagri (Unicode block)
- Tagalog (Unicode block)
- Tagbanwa (Unicode block)
- Tai Le (Unicode block)
- Tai Tham (Unicode block)
- Tai Viet (Unicode block)
- Takri (Unicode block)
- Thai (Unicode block)
- Tibetan (Unicode block)
- Tirhuta (Unicode block)
Other south and central Asian writing systems
African scripts
- Adlam (Unicode block)
- Bamum (Unicode block)
- Bamum Supplement (Unicode block)
- Bassa Vah (Unicode block)
- Ge'ez/Ethiopic script
- Medefaidrin (Unicode block)
- Mende Kikakui (Unicode block)
- NKo (Unicode block)
- Osmanya (Unicode block)
- Ottoman Siyaq Numbers (Unicode block)
- Tifinagh (Unicode block)
- Vai (Unicode block)
American scripts
Unicode symbols
Code | Glyph | Description | # |
U+2013 | – | En dash | 0903 |
U+2014 | — | Em dash | 0904 |
U+2015 | ― | Horizontal bar | 0905 |
U+2017 | ‗ | Double low line | 0906 |
U+2018 | ‘ | Left single quotation mark | 0907 |
U+2019 | ’ | Right single quotation mark | 0908 |
U+201A | ‚ | Single low-9 quotation mark | 0909 |
U+201B | ‛ | Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark | 0910 |
U+201C | “ | Left double quotation mark | 0911 |
U+201D | ” | Right double quotation mark | 0912 |
U+201E | „ | Double low-9 quotation mark | 0913 |
U+2020 | † | Dagger | 0914 |
U+2021 | ‡ | Double dagger | 0915 |
U+2022 | • | Bullet | 0916 |
U+2026 | … | Horizontal ellipsis | 0917 |
U+2030 | ‰ | Per mille sign | 0918 |
U+2032 | ′ | Prime | 0919 |
U+2033 | ″ | Double prime | 0920 |
U+2039 | ‹ | Single left-pointing angle quotation mark | 0921 |
U+203A | › | Single right-pointing angle quotation mark | 0922 |
U+203C | ‼ | Double exclamation mark | 0923 |
U+203E | ‾ | Overline | 0924 |
U+2044 | ⁄ | Fraction slash | 0925 |
U+204A | ⁊ | Tironian et sign | 0926 |
Code | Glyph | Description | # |
General Punctuation
112 code points; 111 assigned characters; 24 in the MES-2 subset.
General Punctuation[1][2][3] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+200x | NQ SP |
3/M SP |
4/M SP |
6/M SP |
F SP |
P SP |
H SP |
ZW J |
U+201x | ‐ | NB ‑ |
‒ | – | — | ― | ‖ | ‗ | ‘ | ’ | ‚ | ‛ | “ | ” | „ | ‟ |
U+202x | † | ‡ | • | ‣ | ․ | ‥ | … | ‧ | L SEP |
LRE | RLE | LRO | RLO | NNB SP | |
U+203x | ‰ | ‱ | ′ | ″ | ‴ | ‵ | ‶ | ‷ | ‸ | ‹ | › | ※ | ‼ | ‽ | ‾ | ‿ |
U+204x | ⁀ | ⁁ | ⁂ | ⁃ | ⁄ | ⁅ | ⁆ | ⁇ | ⁈ | ⁉ | ⁊ | ⁋ | ⁌ | ⁍ | ⁎ | ⁏ |
U+205x | ⁐ | ⁑ | ⁒ | ⁓ | ⁔ | ⁕ | ⁖ | ⁗ | ⁘ | ⁙ | ⁚ | ⁛ | ⁜ | ⁝ | ⁞ | MM SP |
U+206x | WJ | ƒ() | × | , | + | LRI | RLI | FSI | PDI | I SS |
A SS |
NO DS | |
Notes |
Superscripts and Subscripts
Superscripts and Subscripts[1][2][3] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+207x | ⁰ | ⁱ | ⁴ | ⁵ | ⁶ | ⁷ | ⁸ | ⁹ | ⁺ | ⁻ | ⁼ | ⁽ | ⁾ | ⁿ | ||
U+208x | ₀ | ₁ | ₂ | ₃ | ₄ | ₅ | ₆ | ₇ | ₈ | ₉ | ₊ | ₋ | ₌ | ₍ | ₎ | |
U+209x | ₐ | ₑ | ₒ | ₓ | ₔ | ₕ | ₖ | ₗ | ₘ | ₙ | ₚ | ₛ | ₜ | |||
Currency Symbols
Currency Symbols[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+20Ax | ₠ | ₡ | ₢ | ₣ | ₤ | ₥ | ₦ | ₧ | ₨ | ₩ | ₪ | ₫ | € | ₭ | ₮ | ₯ |
U+20Bx | ₰ | ₱ | ₲ | ₳ | ₴ | ₵ | ₶ | ₷ | ₸ | ₹ | ₺ | ₻ | ₼ | ₽ | ₾ | ₿ |
U+20Cx | ||||||||||||||||
Notes |
Letterlike Symbols
Letterlike Symbols[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+210x | ℀ | ℁ | ℂ | ℃ | ℄ | ℅ | ℆ | ℇ | ℈ | ℉ | ℊ | ℋ | ℌ | ℍ | ℎ | ℏ |
U+211x | ℐ | ℑ | ℒ | ℓ | ℔ | ℕ | № | ℗ | ℘ | ℙ | ℚ | ℛ | ℜ | ℝ | ℞ | ℟ |
U+212x | ℠ | ℡ | ™ | ℣ | ℤ | ℥ | Ω | ℧ | ℨ | ℩ | K | Å | ℬ | ℭ | ℮ | ℯ |
U+213x | ℰ | ℱ | Ⅎ | ℳ | ℴ | ℵ | ℶ | ℷ | ℸ | ℹ | ℺ | ℻ | ℼ | ℽ | ℾ | ℿ |
U+214x | ⅀ | ⅁ | ⅂ | ⅃ | ⅄ | ⅅ | ⅆ | ⅇ | ⅈ | ⅉ | ⅊ | ⅋ | ⅌ | ⅍ | ⅎ | ⅏ |
Number Forms
Number Forms[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+215x | ⅐ | ⅑ | ⅒ | ⅓ | ⅔ | ⅕ | ⅖ | ⅗ | ⅘ | ⅙ | ⅚ | ⅛ | ⅜ | ⅝ | ⅞ | ⅟ |
U+216x | Ⅰ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅳ | Ⅴ | Ⅵ | Ⅶ | Ⅷ | Ⅸ | Ⅹ | Ⅺ | Ⅻ | Ⅼ | Ⅽ | Ⅾ | Ⅿ |
U+217x | ⅰ | ⅱ | ⅲ | ⅳ | ⅴ | ⅵ | ⅶ | ⅷ | ⅸ | ⅹ | ⅺ | ⅻ | ⅼ | ⅽ | ⅾ | ⅿ |
U+218x | ↀ | ↁ | ↂ | Ↄ | ↄ | ↅ | ↆ | ↇ | ↈ | ↉ | ↊ | ↋ | ||||
Notes |
Arrows[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+219x | ← | ↑ | → | ↓ | ↔ | ↕ | ↖ | ↗ | ↘ | ↙ | ↚ | ↛ | ↜ | ↝ | ↞ | ↟ |
U+21Ax | ↠ | ↡ | ↢ | ↣ | ↤ | ↥ | ↦ | ↧ | ↨ | ↩ | ↪ | ↫ | ↬ | ↭ | ↮ | ↯ |
U+21Bx | ↰ | ↱ | ↲ | ↳ | ↴ | ↵ | ↶ | ↷ | ↸ | ↹ | ↺ | ↻ | ↼ | ↽ | ↾ | ↿ |
U+21Cx | ⇀ | ⇁ | ⇂ | ⇃ | ⇄ | ⇅ | ⇆ | ⇇ | ⇈ | ⇉ | ⇊ | ⇋ | ⇌ | ⇍ | ⇎ | ⇏ |
U+21Dx | ⇐ | ⇑ | ⇒ | ⇓ | ⇔ | ⇕ | ⇖ | ⇗ | ⇘ | ⇙ | ⇚ | ⇛ | ⇜ | ⇝ | ⇞ | ⇟ |
U+21Ex | ⇠ | ⇡ | ⇢ | ⇣ | ⇤ | ⇥ | ⇦ | ⇧ | ⇨ | ⇩ | ⇪ | ⇫ | ⇬ | ⇭ | ⇮ | ⇯ |
U+21Fx | ⇰ | ⇱ | ⇲ | ⇳ | ⇴ | ⇵ | ⇶ | ⇷ | ⇸ | ⇹ | ⇺ | ⇻ | ⇼ | ⇽ | ⇾ | ⇿ |
Mathematical symbols
Mathematical Operators[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+220x | ∀ | ∁ | ∂ | ∃ | ∄ | ∅ | ∆ | ∇ | ∈ | ∉ | ∊ | ∋ | ∌ | ∍ | ∎ | ∏ |
U+221x | ∐ | ∑ | − | ∓ | ∔ | ∕ | ∖ | ∗ | ∘ | ∙ | √ | ∛ | ∜ | ∝ | ∞ | ∟ |
U+222x | ∠ | ∡ | ∢ | ∣ | ∤ | ∥ | ∦ | ∧ | ∨ | ∩ | ∪ | ∫ | ∬ | ∭ | ∮ | ∯ |
U+223x | ∰ | ∱ | ∲ | ∳ | ∴ | ∵ | ∶ | ∷ | ∸ | ∹ | ∺ | ∻ | ∼ | ∽ | ∾ | ∿ |
U+224x | ≀ | ≁ | ≂ | ≃ | ≄ | ≅ | ≆ | ≇ | ≈ | ≉ | ≊ | ≋ | ≌ | ≍ | ≎ | ≏ |
U+225x | ≐ | ≑ | ≒ | ≓ | ≔ | ≕ | ≖ | ≗ | ≘ | ≙ | ≚ | ≛ | ≜ | ≝ | ≞ | ≟ |
U+226x | ≠ | ≡ | ≢ | ≣ | ≤ | ≥ | ≦ | ≧ | ≨ | ≩ | ≪ | ≫ | ≬ | ≭ | ≮ | ≯ |
U+227x | ≰ | ≱ | ≲ | ≳ | ≴ | ≵ | ≶ | ≷ | ≸ | ≹ | ≺ | ≻ | ≼ | ≽ | ≾ | ≿ |
U+228x | ⊀ | ⊁ | ⊂ | ⊃ | ⊄ | ⊅ | ⊆ | ⊇ | ⊈ | ⊉ | ⊊ | ⊋ | ⊌ | ⊍ | ⊎ | ⊏ |
U+229x | ⊐ | ⊑ | ⊒ | ⊓ | ⊔ | ⊕ | ⊖ | ⊗ | ⊘ | ⊙ | ⊚ | ⊛ | ⊜ | ⊝ | ⊞ | ⊟ |
U+22Ax | ⊠ | ⊡ | ⊢ | ⊣ | ⊤ | ⊥ | ⊦ | ⊧ | ⊨ | ⊩ | ⊪ | ⊫ | ⊬ | ⊭ | ⊮ | ⊯ |
U+22Bx | ⊰ | ⊱ | ⊲ | ⊳ | ⊴ | ⊵ | ⊶ | ⊷ | ⊸ | ⊹ | ⊺ | ⊻ | ⊼ | ⊽ | ⊾ | ⊿ |
U+22Cx | ⋀ | ⋁ | ⋂ | ⋃ | ⋄ | ⋅ | ⋆ | ⋇ | ⋈ | ⋉ | ⋊ | ⋋ | ⋌ | ⋍ | ⋎ | ⋏ |
U+22Dx | ⋐ | ⋑ | ⋒ | ⋓ | ⋔ | ⋕ | ⋖ | ⋗ | ⋘ | ⋙ | ⋚ | ⋛ | ⋜ | ⋝ | ⋞ | ⋟ |
U+22Ex | ⋠ | ⋡ | ⋢ | ⋣ | ⋤ | ⋥ | ⋦ | ⋧ | ⋨ | ⋩ | ⋪ | ⋫ | ⋬ | ⋭ | ⋮ | ⋯ |
U+22Fx | ⋰ | ⋱ | ⋲ | ⋳ | ⋴ | ⋵ | ⋶ | ⋷ | ⋸ | ⋹ | ⋺ | ⋻ | ⋼ | ⋽ | ⋾ | ⋿ |
Miscellaneous Technical
Miscellaneous Technical[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+230x | ⌀ | ⌁ | ⌂ | ⌃ | ⌄ | ⌅ | ⌆ | ⌇ | ⌈ | ⌉ | ⌊ | ⌋ | ⌌ | ⌍ | ⌎ | ⌏ |
U+231x | ⌐ | ⌑ | ⌒ | ⌓ | ⌔ | ⌕ | ⌖ | ⌗ | ⌘ | ⌙ | ⌚ | ⌛ | ⌜ | ⌝ | ⌞ | ⌟ |
U+232x | ⌠ | ⌡ | ⌢ | ⌣ | ⌤ | ⌥ | ⌦ | ⌧ | ⌨ | 〈 | 〉 | ⌫ | ⌬ | ⌭ | ⌮ | ⌯ |
U+233x | ⌰ | ⌱ | ⌲ | ⌳ | ⌴ | ⌵ | ⌶ | ⌷ | ⌸ | ⌹ | ⌺ | ⌻ | ⌼ | ⌽ | ⌾ | ⌿ |
U+234x | ⍀ | ⍁ | ⍂ | ⍃ | ⍄ | ⍅ | ⍆ | ⍇ | ⍈ | ⍉ | ⍊ | ⍋ | ⍌ | ⍍ | ⍎ | ⍏ |
U+235x | ⍐ | ⍑ | ⍒ | ⍓ | ⍔ | ⍕ | ⍖ | ⍗ | ⍘ | ⍙ | ⍚ | ⍛ | ⍜ | ⍝ | ⍞ | ⍟ |
U+236x | ⍠ | ⍡ | ⍢ | ⍣ | ⍤ | ⍥ | ⍦ | ⍧ | ⍨ | ⍩ | ⍪ | ⍫ | ⍬ | ⍭ | ⍮ | ⍯ |
U+237x | ⍰ | ⍱ | ⍲ | ⍳ | ⍴ | ⍵ | ⍶ | ⍷ | ⍸ | ⍹ | ⍺ | ⍻ | ⍼ | ⍽ | ⍾ | ⍿ |
U+238x | ⎀ | ⎁ | ⎂ | ⎃ | ⎄ | ⎅ | ⎆ | ⎇ | ⎈ | ⎉ | ⎊ | ⎋ | ⎌ | ⎍ | ⎎ | ⎏ |
U+239x | ⎐ | ⎑ | ⎒ | ⎓ | ⎔ | ⎕ | ⎖ | ⎗ | ⎘ | ⎙ | ⎚ | ⎛ | ⎜ | ⎝ | ⎞ | ⎟ |
U+23Ax | ⎠ | ⎡ | ⎢ | ⎣ | ⎤ | ⎥ | ⎦ | ⎧ | ⎨ | ⎩ | ⎪ | ⎫ | ⎬ | ⎭ | ⎮ | ⎯ |
U+23Bx | ⎰ | ⎱ | ⎲ | ⎳ | ⎴ | ⎵ | ⎶ | ⎷ | ⎸ | ⎹ | ⎺ | ⎻ | ⎼ | ⎽ | ⎾ | ⎿ |
U+23Cx | ⏀ | ⏁ | ⏂ | ⏃ | ⏄ | ⏅ | ⏆ | ⏇ | ⏈ | ⏉ | ⏊ | ⏋ | ⏌ | ⏍ | ⏎ | ⏏ |
U+23Dx | ⏐ | ⏑ | ⏒ | ⏓ | ⏔ | ⏕ | ⏖ | ⏗ | ⏘ | ⏙ | ⏚ | ⏛ | ⏜ | ⏝ | ⏞ | ⏟ |
U+23Ex | ⏠ | ⏡ | ⏢ | ⏣ | ⏤ | ⏥ | ⏦ | ⏧ | ⏨ | ⏩ | ⏪ | ⏫ | ⏬ | ⏭ | ⏮ | ⏯ |
U+23Fx | ⏰ | ⏱ | ⏲ | ⏳ | ⏴ | ⏵ | ⏶ | ⏷ | ⏸ | ⏹ | ⏺ | ⏻ | ⏼ | ⏽ | ⏾ | ⏿ |
Notes |
Optical Character Recognition
Enclosed Alphanumerics
Enclosed Alphanumerics[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+246x | ① | ② | ③ | ④ | ⑤ | ⑥ | ⑦ | ⑧ | ⑨ | ⑩ | ⑪ | ⑫ | ⑬ | ⑭ | ⑮ | ⑯ |
U+247x | ⑰ | ⑱ | ⑲ | ⑳ | ⑴ | ⑵ | ⑶ | ⑷ | ⑸ | ⑹ | ⑺ | ⑻ | ⑼ | ⑽ | ⑾ | ⑿ |
U+248x | ⒀ | ⒁ | ⒂ | ⒃ | ⒄ | ⒅ | ⒆ | ⒇ | ⒈ | ⒉ | ⒊ | ⒋ | ⒌ | ⒍ | ⒎ | ⒏ |
U+249x | ⒐ | ⒑ | ⒒ | ⒓ | ⒔ | ⒕ | ⒖ | ⒗ | ⒘ | ⒙ | ⒚ | ⒛ | ⒜ | ⒝ | ⒞ | ⒟ |
U+24Ax | ⒠ | ⒡ | ⒢ | ⒣ | ⒤ | ⒥ | ⒦ | ⒧ | ⒨ | ⒩ | ⒪ | ⒫ | ⒬ | ⒭ | ⒮ | ⒯ |
U+24Bx | ⒰ | ⒱ | ⒲ | ⒳ | ⒴ | ⒵ | Ⓐ | Ⓑ | Ⓒ | Ⓓ | Ⓔ | Ⓕ | Ⓖ | Ⓗ | Ⓘ | Ⓙ |
U+24Cx | Ⓚ | Ⓛ | Ⓜ | Ⓝ | Ⓞ | Ⓟ | Ⓠ | Ⓡ | Ⓢ | Ⓣ | Ⓤ | Ⓥ | Ⓦ | Ⓧ | Ⓨ | Ⓩ |
U+24Dx | ⓐ | ⓑ | ⓒ | ⓓ | ⓔ | ⓕ | ⓖ | ⓗ | ⓘ | ⓙ | ⓚ | ⓛ | ⓜ | ⓝ | ⓞ | ⓟ |
U+24Ex | ⓠ | ⓡ | ⓢ | ⓣ | ⓤ | ⓥ | ⓦ | ⓧ | ⓨ | ⓩ | ⓪ | ⓫ | ⓬ | ⓭ | ⓮ | ⓯ |
U+24Fx | ⓰ | ⓱ | ⓲ | ⓳ | ⓴ | ⓵ | ⓶ | ⓷ | ⓸ | ⓹ | ⓺ | ⓻ | ⓼ | ⓽ | ⓾ | ⓿ |
Box Drawing
Box Drawing[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+250x | ─ | ━ | │ | ┃ | ┄ | ┅ | ┆ | ┇ | ┈ | ┉ | ┊ | ┋ | ┌ | ┍ | ┎ | ┏ |
U+251x | ┐ | ┑ | ┒ | ┓ | └ | ┕ | ┖ | ┗ | ┘ | ┙ | ┚ | ┛ | ├ | ┝ | ┞ | ┟ |
U+252x | ┠ | ┡ | ┢ | ┣ | ┤ | ┥ | ┦ | ┧ | ┨ | ┩ | ┪ | ┫ | ┬ | ┭ | ┮ | ┯ |
U+253x | ┰ | ┱ | ┲ | ┳ | ┴ | ┵ | ┶ | ┷ | ┸ | ┹ | ┺ | ┻ | ┼ | ┽ | ┾ | ┿ |
U+254x | ╀ | ╁ | ╂ | ╃ | ╄ | ╅ | ╆ | ╇ | ╈ | ╉ | ╊ | ╋ | ╌ | ╍ | ╎ | ╏ |
U+255x | ═ | ║ | ╒ | ╓ | ╔ | ╕ | ╖ | ╗ | ╘ | ╙ | ╚ | ╛ | ╜ | ╝ | ╞ | ╟ |
U+256x | ╠ | ╡ | ╢ | ╣ | ╤ | ╥ | ╦ | ╧ | ╨ | ╩ | ╪ | ╫ | ╬ | ╭ | ╮ | ╯ |
U+257x | ╰ | ╱ | ╲ | ╳ | ╴ | ╵ | ╶ | ╷ | ╸ | ╹ | ╺ | ╻ | ╼ | ╽ | ╾ | ╿ |
Block Elements
Code | Glyph | Description |
U+2580 | ▀ | Upper half block |
U+2581 | ▁ | Lower one eighth block |
U+2582 | ▂ | Lower one quarter block |
U+2583 | ▃ | Lower three eighths block |
U+2584 | ▄ | Lower half block |
U+2585 | ▅ | Lower five eighths block |
U+2586 | ▆ | Lower three quarters block |
U+2587 | ▇ | Lower seven eighths block |
U+2588 | █ | Full block |
U+2589 | ▉ | Left seven eighths block |
U+258A | ▊ | Left three quarters block |
U+258B | ▋ | Left five eighths block |
U+258C | ▌ | Left half block |
U+258D | ▍ | Left three eighths block |
U+258E | ▎ | Left one quarter block |
U+258F | ▏ | Left one eighth block |
U+2590 | ▐ | Right half block |
U+2591 | ░ | Light shade |
U+2592 | ▒ | Medium shade |
U+2593 | ▓ | Dark shade |
U+2594 | ▔ | Upper one eighth block |
U+2595 | ▕ | Right one eighth block |
U+2596 | ▖ | Quadrant lower left |
U+2597 | ▗ | Quadrant lower right |
U+2598 | ▘ | Quadrant upper left |
U+2599 | ▙ | Quadrant upper left and lower left and lower right |
U+259A | ▚ | Quadrant upper left and lower right |
U+259B | ▛ | Quadrant upper left and upper right and lower left |
U+259C | ▜ | Quadrant upper left and upper right and lower right |
U+259D | ▝ | Quadrant upper right |
U+259E | ▞ | Quadrant upper right and lower left |
U+259F | ▟ | Quadrant upper right and lower left and lower right |
Geometric Shapes
Code | Glyph | Description |
U+25A0 | ■ | Black square |
U+25A1 | □ | White square |
U+25A2 | ▢ | White square with rounded corners |
U+25A3 | ▣ | White square containing small black square |
U+25A4 | ▤ | Square with horizontal fill |
U+25A5 | ▥ | Square with vertical fill |
U+25A6 | ▦ | Square with orthogonal crosshatch fill |
U+25A7 | ▧ | Square with upper left to lower right fill |
U+25A8 | ▨ | Square with upper right to lower left fill |
U+25A9 | ▩ | Square with diagonal crosshatch fill |
U+25AA | ▪ | Black small square |
U+25AB | ▫ | White small square |
U+25AC | ▬ | Black rectangle |
U+25AD | ▭ | White rectangle |
U+25AE | ▮ | Black vertical rectangle |
U+25AF | ▯ | White vertical rectangle |
U+25B0 | ▰ | Black parallelogram |
U+25B1 | ▱ | White parallelogram |
U+25B2 | ▲ | Black up-pointing triangle |
U+25B3 | △ | White up-pointing triangle |
U+25B4 | ▴ | Black up-pointing small triangle |
U+25B5 | ▵ | White up-pointing small triangle |
U+25B6 | ▶ | Black right-pointing triangle |
U+25B7 | ▷ | White right-pointing triangle |
U+25B8 | ▸ | Black right-pointing small triangle |
U+25B9 | ▹ | White right-pointing small triangle |
U+25BA | ► | Black right-pointing pointer |
U+25BB | ▻ | White right-pointing pointer |
U+25BC | ▼ | Black down-pointing triangle |
U+25BD | ▽ | White down-pointing triangle |
U+25BE | ▾ | Black down-pointing small triangle |
U+25BF | ▿ | White down-pointing small triangle |
U+25C0 | ◀ | Black left-pointing triangle |
U+25C1 | ◁ | White left-pointing triangle |
U+25C2 | ◂ | Black left-pointing small triangle |
U+25C3 | ◃ | White left-pointing small triangle |
U+25C4 | ◄ | Black left-pointing pointer |
U+25C5 | ◅ | White left-pointing pointer |
U+25C6 | ◆ | Black diamond |
U+25C7 | ◇ | White diamond |
U+25C8 | ◈ | White diamond containing small black diamond |
U+25C9 | ◉ | Fisheye |
U+25CA | ◊ | Lozenge |
U+25CB | ○ | White circle |
U+25CC | ◌ | Dotted circle |
U+25CD | ◍ | Circle with vertical fill |
U+25CE | ◎ | Bullseye |
U+25CF | ● | Black circle |
U+25D0 | ◐ | Circle with left half black |
U+25D1 | ◑ | Circle with right half black |
U+25D2 | ◒ | Circle with lower half black |
U+25D3 | ◓ | Circle with upper half black |
U+25D4 | ◔ | Circle with upper right quadrant black |
U+25D5 | ◕ | Circle with all but upper left quadrant black |
U+25D6 | ◖ | Left half circle black |
U+25D7 | ◗ | Right half black circle |
U+25D8 | ◘ | Inverse bullet |
U+25D9 | ◙ | Inverse white circle |
U+25DA | ◚ | Upper half inverse white circle |
U+25DB | ◛ | Lower half inverse white circle |
U+25DC | ◜ | Upper left quadrant circular arc |
U+25DD | ◝ | Upper right quadrant circular arc |
U+25DE | ◞ | Lower right quadrant circular arc |
U+25DF | ◟ | Lower left quadrant circular arc |
U+25E0 | ◠ | Upper half circle |
U+25E1 | ◡ | Lower half circle |
U+25E2 | ◢ | Black lower right triangle |
U+25E3 | ◣ | Black lower left triangle |
U+25E4 | ◤ | Black upper left triangle |
U+25E5 | ◥ | Black upper right triangle |
U+25E6 | ◦ | White bullet |
U+25E7 | ◧ | Square with left half black |
U+25E8 | ◨ | Square with right half black |
U+25E9 | ◩ | Square with upper left diagonal half black |
U+25EA | ◪ | Square with lower right diagonal half black |
U+25EB | ◫ | White square with vertical bisecting line |
U+25EC | ◬ | White up-pointing triangle with dot |
U+25ED | ◭ | Up-pointing triangle with left half black |
U+25EE | ◮ | Up-pointing triangle with right half black |
U+25EF | ◯ | Large circle |
U+25F0 | ◰ | White square with upper left quadrant |
U+25F1 | ◱ | White square with lower left quadrant |
U+25F2 | ◲ | White square with lower right quadrant |
U+25F3 | ◳ | White square with upper right quadrant |
U+25F4 | ◴ | White circle with upper left quadrant |
U+25F5 | ◵ | White circle with lower left quadrant |
U+25F6 | ◶ | White circle with lower right quadrant |
U+25F7 | ◷ | White circle with upper right quadrant |
U+25F8 | ◸ | Upper left triangle |
U+25F9 | ◹ | Upper right triangle |
U+25FA | ◺ | Lower-left triangle |
U+25FB | ◻ | White medium square |
U+25FC | ◼ | Black medium square |
U+25FD | ◽ | White medium small square |
U+25FE | ◾ | Black medium small square |
U+25FF | ◿ | Lower right triangle |
Miscellaneous Symbols
Miscellaneous Symbols[1] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+260x | ☀ | ☁ | ☂ | ☃ | ☄ | ★ | ☆ | ☇ | ☈ | ☉ | ☊ | ☋ | ☌ | ☍ | ☎ | ☏ |
U+261x | ☐ | ☑ | ☒ | ☓ | ☔ | ☕ | ☖ | ☗ | ☘ | ☙ | ☚ | ☛ | ☜ | ☝ | ☞ | ☟ |
U+262x | ☠ | ☡ | ☢ | ☣ | ☤ | ☥ | ☦ | ☧ | ☨ | ☩ | ☪ | ☫ | ☬ | ☭ | ☮ | ☯ |
U+263x | ☰ | ☱ | ☲ | ☳ | ☴ | ☵ | ☶ | ☷ | ☸ | ☹ | ☺ | ☻ | ☼ | ☽ | ☾ | ☿ |
U+264x | ♀ | ♁ | ♂ | ♃ | ♄ | ♅ | ♆ | ♇ | ♈ | ♉ | ♊ | ♋ | ♌ | ♍ | ♎ | ♏ |
U+265x | ♐ | ♑ | ♒ | ♓ | ♔ | ♕ | ♖ | ♗ | ♘ | ♙ | ♚ | ♛ | ♜ | ♝ | ♞ | ♟ |
U+266x | ♠ | ♡ | ♢ | ♣ | ♤ | ♥ | ♦ | ♧ | ♨ | ♩ | ♪ | ♫ | ♬ | ♭ | ♮ | ♯ |
U+267x | ♰ | ♱ | ♲ | ♳ | ♴ | ♵ | ♶ | ♷ | ♸ | ♹ | ♺ | ♻ | ♼ | ♽ | ♾ | ♿ |
U+268x | ⚀ | ⚁ | ⚂ | ⚃ | ⚄ | ⚅ | ⚆ | ⚇ | ⚈ | ⚉ | ⚊ | ⚋ | ⚌ | ⚍ | ⚎ | ⚏ |
U+269x | ⚐ | ⚑ | ⚒ | ⚓ | ⚔ | ⚕ | ⚖ | ⚗ | ⚘ | ⚙ | ⚚ | ⚛ | ⚜ | ⚝ | ⚞ | ⚟ |
U+26Ax | ⚠ | ⚡ | ⚢ | ⚣ | ⚤ | ⚥ | ⚦ | ⚧ | ⚨ | ⚩ | ⚪ | ⚫ | ⚬ | ⚭ | ⚮ | ⚯ |
U+26Bx | ⚰ | ⚱ | ⚲ | ⚳ | ⚴ | ⚵ | ⚶ | ⚷ | ⚸ | ⚹ | ⚺ | ⚻ | ⚼ | ⚽ | ⚾ | ⚿ |
U+26Cx | ⛀ | ⛁ | ⛂ | ⛃ | ⛄ | ⛅ | ⛆ | ⛇ | ⛈ | ⛉ | ⛊ | ⛋ | ⛌ | ⛍ | ⛎ | ⛏ |
U+26Dx | ⛐ | ⛑ | ⛒ | ⛓ | ⛔ | ⛕ | ⛖ | ⛗ | ⛘ | ⛙ | ⛚ | ⛛ | ⛜ | ⛝ | ⛞ | ⛟ |
U+26Ex | ⛠ | ⛡ | ⛢ | ⛣ | ⛤ | ⛥ | ⛦ | ⛧ | ⛨ | ⛩ | ⛪ | ⛫ | ⛬ | ⛭ | ⛮ | ⛯ |
U+26Fx | ⛰ | ⛱ | ⛲ | ⛳ | ⛴ | ⛵ | ⛶ | ⛷ | ⛸ | ⛹ | ⛺ | ⛻ | ⛼ | ⛽ | ⛾ | ⛿ |
Symbols for Legacy Computing
Symbols for Legacy Computing[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+1FB0x | 🬀 | 🬁 | 🬂 | 🬃 | 🬄 | 🬅 | 🬆 | 🬇 | 🬈 | 🬉 | 🬊 | 🬋 | 🬌 | 🬍 | 🬎 | 🬏 |
U+1FB1x | 🬐 | 🬑 | 🬒 | 🬓 | 🬔 | 🬕 | 🬖 | 🬗 | 🬘 | 🬙 | 🬚 | 🬛 | 🬜 | 🬝 | 🬞 | 🬟 |
U+1FB2x | 🬠 | 🬡 | 🬢 | 🬣 | 🬤 | 🬥 | 🬦 | 🬧 | 🬨 | 🬩 | 🬪 | 🬫 | 🬬 | 🬭 | 🬮 | 🬯 |
U+1FB3x | 🬰 | 🬱 | 🬲 | 🬳 | 🬴 | 🬵 | 🬶 | 🬷 | 🬸 | 🬹 | 🬺 | 🬻 | 🬼 | 🬽 | 🬾 | 🬿 |
U+1FB4x | 🭀 | 🭁 | 🭂 | 🭃 | 🭄 | 🭅 | 🭆 | 🭇 | 🭈 | 🭉 | 🭊 | 🭋 | 🭌 | 🭍 | 🭎 | 🭏 |
U+1FB5x | 🭐 | 🭑 | 🭒 | 🭓 | 🭔 | 🭕 | 🭖 | 🭗 | 🭘 | 🭙 | 🭚 | 🭛 | 🭜 | 🭝 | 🭞 | 🭟 |
U+1FB6x | 🭠 | 🭡 | 🭢 | 🭣 | 🭤 | 🭥 | 🭦 | 🭧 | 🭨 | 🭩 | 🭪 | 🭫 | 🭬 | 🭭 | 🭮 | 🭯 |
U+1FB7x | 🭰 | 🭱 | 🭲 | 🭳 | 🭴 | 🭵 | 🭶 | 🭷 | 🭸 | 🭹 | 🭺 | 🭻 | 🭼 | 🭽 | 🭾 | 🭿 |
U+1FB8x | 🮀 | 🮁 | 🮂 | 🮃 | 🮄 | 🮅 | 🮆 | 🮇 | 🮈 | 🮉 | 🮊 | 🮋 | 🮌 | 🮍 | 🮎 | 🮏 |
U+1FB9x | 🮐 | 🮑 | 🮒 | 🮔 | 🮕 | 🮖 | 🮗 | 🮘 | 🮙 | 🮚 | 🮛 | 🮜 | 🮝 | 🮞 | 🮟 | |
U+1FBAx | 🮠 | 🮡 | 🮢 | 🮣 | 🮤 | 🮥 | 🮦 | 🮧 | 🮨 | 🮩 | 🮪 | 🮫 | 🮬 | 🮭 | 🮮 | 🮯 |
U+1FBBx | 🮰 | 🮱 | 🮲 | 🮳 | 🮴 | 🮵 | 🮶 | 🮷 | 🮸 | 🮹 | 🮺 | 🮻 | 🮼 | 🮽 | 🮾 | 🮿 |
U+1FBCx | 🯀 | 🯁 | 🯂 | 🯃 | 🯄 | 🯅 | 🯆 | 🯇 | 🯈 | 🯉 | 🯊 | |||||
U+1FBDx | ||||||||||||||||
U+1FBEx | ||||||||||||||||
U+1FBFx | 🯰 | 🯱 | 🯲 | 🯳 | 🯴 | 🯵 | 🯶 | 🯷 | 🯸 | 🯹 | ||||||
Notes |
East Asian writing systems
- Bopomofo (Unicode block)
- Bopomofo Extended (Unicode block)
- CJK Unified Ideographs
- CJK Radicals Supplement (Unicode block)
- CJK Strokes (Unicode block)
- CJK Symbols and Punctuation (Unicode block)
- Counting Rod Numerals (Unicode block)
- Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement (Unicode block)
- Enclosed CJK Letters and Months (Unicode block)
- Enclosed Ideographic Supplement (Unicode block)
- Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms (Unicode block)
- Hangul in Unicode
- Hiragana (Unicode block)
- Ideographic Description Characters (Unicode block)
- Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation (Unicode block)
- Kanbun (Unicode block)
- Kangxi Radicals (Unicode block)
- Katakana (Unicode block)
- Kana Extended-A (Unicode block)
- Kana Supplement (Unicode block)
- Katakana Phonetic Extensions (Unicode block)
- Khitan Small Script (Unicode block)
- Lisu (Unicode block)
- Lisu Supplement (Unicode block)
- Miao (Unicode block)
- Modifier Tone Letters (Unicode block)
- Nushu (Unicode block)
- Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong (Unicode block)
- Small Form Variants (Unicode block)
- Small Kana Extension (Unicode block)
- Tai Xuan Jing Symbols (Unicode block)
- Tangut (Unicode block)
- Tangut Components (Unicode block)
- Tangut Supplement (Unicode block)
- Vertical Forms (Unicode block)
- Wancho (Unicode block)
- Yi Syllables (Unicode block)
- Yi Radicals (Unicode block)
- Yijing Hexagram Symbols (Unicode block)
Southeast Asian writing systems
Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Alphabetic Presentation Forms[1][2] Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF) | ||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | |
U+FB0x | ff | fi | fl | ffi | ffl | ſt | st | |||||||||
U+FB1x | ﬓ | ﬔ | ﬕ | ﬖ | ﬗ | יִ | ﬞ | ײַ | ||||||||
U+FB2x | ﬠ | ﬡ | ﬢ | ﬣ | ﬤ | ﬥ | ﬦ | ﬧ | ﬨ | ﬩ | שׁ | שׂ | שּׁ | שּׂ | אַ | אָ |
U+FB3x | אּ | בּ | גּ | דּ | הּ | וּ | זּ | טּ | יּ | ךּ | כּ | לּ | מּ | |||
U+FB4x | נּ | סּ | ףּ | פּ | צּ | קּ | רּ | שּ | תּ | וֹ | בֿ | כֿ | פֿ | ﭏ | ||
Notes |
Ancient and historic scripts
- Aegean Numbers (Unicode block)
- Anatolian Hieroglyphs (Unicode block)
- Ancient Greek Numbers (Unicode block)
- Ancient Symbols (Unicode block)
- Avestan (Unicode block)
- Carian (Unicode block)
- Caucasian Albanian (Unicode block)
- Chorasmian (Unicode block)
- Cuneiform (Unicode block)
- Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation (Unicode block)
- Cypriot Syllabary (Unicode block)
- Early Dynastic Cuneiform (Unicode block)
- Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls (Unicode block)
- Egyptian Hieroglyphs (Unicode block)
- Elbasan (Unicode block)
- Elymaic (Unicode block)
- Glagolitic (Unicode block)
- Glagolitic Supplement (Unicode block)
- Gothic (Unicode block)
- Hatran (Unicode block)
- Imperial Aramaic (Unicode block)
- Indic Siyaq Numbers (Unicode block)
- Inscriptional Pahlavi (Unicode block)
- Inscriptional Parthian (Unicode block)
- Kharoshthi (Unicode block)
- Linear A (Unicode block)
- Linear B Ideograms (Unicode block)
- Linear B Syllabary (Unicode block)
- Lycian (Unicode block)
- Lydian (Unicode block)
- Manichaean (Unicode block)
- Mayan Numerals (Unicode block)
- Meroitic Cursive (Unicode block)
- Meroitic Hieroglyphs (Unicode block)
- Nabataean (Unicode block)
- Nandinagari (Unicode block)
- Ogham (Unicode block)
- Old Hungarian (Unicode block)
- Old Italic (Unicode block)
- Old North Arabian (Unicode block)
- Old Permic (Unicode block)
- Old Persian (Unicode block)
- Old Sogdian (Unicode block)
- Old South Arabian (Unicode block)
- Old Turkic (Unicode block)
- Palmyrene (Unicode block)
- Phaistos Disc (Unicode block)
- Phoenician (Unicode block)
- Psalter Pahlavi (Unicode block)
- Runic (Unicode block)
- Sogdian (Unicode block)
- Soyombo (Unicode block)
- Ugaritic (Unicode block)
- Yezidi (Unicode block)
- Zanabazar Square (Unicode block)
Notational systems
Sutton SignWriting
- Sutton SignWriting: Sutton SignWriting (Unicode block)
Alchemical symbols
Game symbols
Special areas and format characters
See also
External links
![]() |
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Unicode/Character reference |
- Official web site of the Unicode Consortium (English)
- Unicode-Wiki with images of all 98,884 graphical unicode characters (German/English, full text search)
- Letters with diacritical marks, grouped alphabetically,
- UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters
- Remove Special | Specific Characters From The Text String.
- Unicode® character table