List of cities founded by Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great founded, substantially re-established or renamed several towns and cities.

Map of the Macedonian Empire under Alexander III's command in the Classical antiquity period
They are[1] (with present-day locations):
- Alexandropolis Maedica, in Thrace, modern Bulgaria.
- Alexandria in Troas, modern Dalyan in Turkey.
- Alexandria by the Latmus, possibly Alinda, Turkey.
- Alexandria near Issus; İskenderun in Turkey preserves the name, but probably not the exact site.
- Alexandria, Egypt.
- Alexandria Ariana, now Herat, Afghanistan.
- Alexandria Asiana, in Iran.
- Alexandria Prophthasia, perhaps Farah, Afghanistan.
- Alexandria Arachosia, now Kandahar, Afghanistan.
- Alexandria in the Caucasus, now Bagram, Afghanistan.
- Alexandria Eschate, at or close to modern Khujand, Tajikistan.
- Alexandria on the Oxus, probably Ai-Khanoum, Afghanistan.
- Six cities north of the Oxus, one of which may be Termez, Uzbekistan.
- Alexandria in Margiana, formerly Merv, Turkmenistan.
- Arigaeum, modern Nawagai, Bajaur, Pakistan.
- Nicaea and Alexandria Bucephalous (Bucephala), somewhere in modern Punjab, Pakistan.
- Alexandria on the Hyphasis; In Punjab, India on the western bank of the Beas (Hyphasis) river.
- Alexandria on the Indus, possibly Uch, Pakistan, and another town on the Indus.
- Patala and Xylinepolis, unknown, possibly near Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
- Alexandria in Orietai near Rhambacia, possibly Bela, Pakistan.
- Alexandria Carmania, unknown location in Iran.
- Alexandria in Susiana, later Charax Spasinu, Persian Gulf.
- Alexandria in Opiania, Ghazni, Afghanistan.
- Nikephorion, present day Raqqa in Syria. Isidore of Charax, in the Parthian Stations, wrote that it was a Greek city founded by Alexander the Great.[2][3]
- "Alexander's City Foundations". Retrieved 26 May 2018.
- Isidoros of Charax, Parthian Stations, § 1.2
- Périple de Marcien d'Héraclée, Épitome d'Artemidore, Isidore de Charax, etc., ou, Supplément aux dernières éditions des Petits géographes, p.248
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