List of heritage registers
This list is of heritage registers, inventories of cultural properties, natural and man-made, tangible and intangible, movable and immovable, that are deemed to be of sufficient heritage value to be separately identified and recorded. In many instances the pages linked below have as their primary focus the registered assets rather than the registers themselves. Where a particular article or set of articles on a foreign-language Wikipedia provides fuller coverage, a link is provided.
- World Heritage Sites (see Lists of World Heritage Sites) – UNESCO, advised by the International Council on Monuments and Sites
- Representative list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO)
- Memory of the World Programme (UNESCO)
- Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) – Food and Agriculture Organization
- European Heritage Label (EHL) are European sites which are considered milestones in the creation of Europe. At the end of 2019 there are 48 sites designed with the European Heritage Label[1]
- Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica protected under the Antarctic Treaty System
Andorra: Bé d'interès cultural, as maintained by Patrimoni Cultural = Cultural Heritage of Andorra; (in Catalan) Llista de monuments d'Andorra
Argentina: National Historic Monuments of Argentina; (in French) Monument historique national (Argentine)
Australia: Heritage registers in Australia
- Federal registers
- Australian National Heritage List
- Commonwealth National Heritage List
- Overseas places of historic significance to Australia
- Register of the National Estate (defunct register)
- State and territory registers
- New South Wales State Heritage Register
- Northern Territory Heritage Register
- Queensland Heritage Register
- South Australian Heritage Register
- Tasmanian Heritage Register
- Victorian Heritage Register
- Western Australia State Register of Heritage Places
- Online database of all registers
- The National Heritage Database is a searchable database which includes:[2]
- places in the World Heritage List
- places in the Australian National Heritage List
- places in the Commonwealth National Heritage list
- places in the Register of the National Estate (non-statutory archive)
- places in the List of Overseas Places of Historic Significance to Australia
- places under consideration, or that may have been considered for, any one of these lists.
Austria: Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt, as maintained by the Bundesdenkmalamt
Belgium: National Heritage Site (Belgium); (in Dutch) Lijsten van cultureel erfgoed
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia: List of National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as maintained by the Commission to preserve national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina;[3]
Brazil: List of National Historic Heritage of Brazil, as maintained by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage;[4] (in Portuguese) Listas de patrimônio do Brasil
Canada: The Canadian Register of Historic Places, while it confers no historic designation or protection itself, endeavours to list all federal, provincial, territorial and local sites.[5]
- Federal
- Provincial
- Sites owned and run by the provincial government as a functioning historic site or museum are known as Provincial Historic Sites and Provincial Historic Areas. Buildings and sites owned by private citizens and companies or other levels or branches of government may gain one of two levels of historic designation, "Registered Historic Resource" or "Provincial Historic Resource".[6] Historic designation in Alberta is governed by the Historic Resources Act.[7] The province also lists buildings deemed historically significant by municipal governments on the Alberta Register of Historic Places, which is also part of the larger Canadian Register of Historic Places although this does not imply provincial or federal government status or protection.[8] The Alberta Main Street Program helps to preserve historic buildings in the downtowns of smaller communities.[9] The Heritage Survey Program is a survey of 80,000 historic buildings in Alberta, with no protective status.[10]
New Brunswick
- Places and areas designated under the Heritage Conservation Act (the New Brunswick Register of Historic Places acts as a register of sites designated under the Act)[11]
- Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador designated properties
- Properties designated under the Ontario Heritage Act
- Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec[12]
- Local
- Heritage buildings of Vancouver
- City of Toronto Heritage Property Inventory
- Register of Historic Resources in Edmonton[13]
China: Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level (全国重点文物保护单位), designated by State Administration of Cultural Heritage
- Hangzhou
Sites Protected at the City Level of Hangzhou are districts, artifacts or buildings legally declared to be "protected". According to the "Regularations of historic districts and historic buildings in Hangzhou" effectivated from 1 January 2005, historic buildings are those artifacts or districts that have lasted more than 50 years, and of significant values for history, science, and art study. In Hangzhou, declaring a historic house requires consulting the urban planning administration bureau, and the real estate administration bureau.
As of 31 June 2011, there are 287 declared historic houses in Hangzhou, proclaimed as 5 batches.[15] In the near future, it is going to issue the sixth batch which includes 51 historic houses.
- List of first batch of declared historic buildings in Hangzhou
- List of second batch of declared historic buildings in Hangzhou
- List of third batch of declared historic buildings in Hangzhou
- List of fourth batch of declared historic buildings in Hangzhou
- List of fifth batch of declared historic buildings in Hangzhou
- Harbin
- Harbin Urban and Rural Planning Bureau
- Hong Kong
Colombia: National Monuments of Colombia; (in Spanish) Monumentos Nacionales de Colombia
Czech Republic
Czech: (in Czech) Seznam národních kulturních památek České republiky, (in German) Liste der Nationalen Kulturdenkmale Tschechiens, as featuring on MonumNet[17]
Denmark: National Register of Sites and Monuments, as maintained by the Danish Agency for Culture[18]
Eswatini: National Monuments of Swaziland, as maintained by the Swaziland National Trust Commission[22]
Finland: There are two registers confirmed at the state level:
- Nationally significant built cultural enviroments in Finland (Finnish: Valtakunnallisesti merkittävät rakennetut kulttuuriympäristöt, Swedish: Byggda kulturmiljöer av riksintresse), compiled by the Finnish Heritage Agency[23]
- Nationally valuable landscapes in Finland (Finnish: Valtakunnallisesti arvokkaat maisema-alueet, Swedish: Nationellt värdefulla landskapsområden), compiled by the Finnish Environment Institute[24]
Georgia: The National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia is a government agency responsible for preservation, protection, research and promotion of cultural heritage of the country. The Agency maintains three registers of Georgia's cultural heritage:[26]
- Immovable Cultural Monuments
- Movable Cultural Monuments
- Intangible cultural heritage of Georgia
Germany: The Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz is an organization which facilitates public awareness and protection of heritage sites listed. These lists are kept on the website, which has all German heritage registers ("Denkmallisten") gathered together in one portal.[27]
- Kulturdenkmal
- Bayerische Denkmalliste[28]
Hungary: The Forster Gyula Nemzeti Örökségvédelmi és Vagyongazdálkodási Központ was an organization which facilitates public awareness and protection of heritage sites listed up to 2016.12.31. (There are partial list from 8 county of Hungary). From 2017.01.01. the cultural heritage management is in the competence the Prime Minister’s Office and the Hungarian Academy of Arts.
- Műemlékem is a non official list maintained by a non-governmental organization.
India: National Archives of India, a government agency run by Ministry of Culture
- National level
- List of World Heritage Sites in India
- Monuments of National Importance of India: designated by the Archeological Survey of India and maintained by the union government of India
- National Geological Monuments of India: designated by the Geological Survey of India and maintained by the union government of India
- State level
- State Protected Monuments of India: designated by the Archeological Survey of India and maintained by the state governments of India
Iran: Iran National Heritage List is a register of nationally significant monuments, places, buildings, archaeological sites, events, etc., officially registered under the National Heritage Preservation Act of 1930. According to Article 1 of this law, "All the industrial monuments and buildings that were built up to the end of the Zand dynasty in the country of Iran, including movable and immovable in accordance with Article 13 of this law, can be considered as national heritage of Iran and under the protection and supervision of the state."
Ireland: In the Republic of Ireland, some registers are maintained by sections of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (The National Monuments Service and National Inventory of Architectural Heritage). Others are maintained by the "planning authority": the local council for the county, city, borough, or town where the monument or building is sited.
Name | Type | Maintenance |
National Monument | "a monument or the remains of a monument the preservation of which is a matter of national importance by reason of the historical, architectural, traditional, artistic, or archaeological interest attaching thereto"[29] | Owned or managed by the National Monuments Service. The Service's own list of monuments is not definitive.[30] |
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage | "all— (a) structures and buildings together with their settings and attendant grounds, fixtures and fittings, (b) groups of such structures and buildings, and (c) sites, which are of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest"[31] |
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. The NIAH's survey is not yet complete.[32] |
protected structure | "structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest"[33] | Relevant planning authority maintains a list as part of its development plan.[34] |
architectural conservation area | "a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that— (a) is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or value, or (b) contributes to the appreciation of protected structures"[33] |
Planning authority |
special planning control area | "an architectural conservation area [...] of special importance to, or as respects, the civic life or the architectural, historical, cultural or social character of a city or town in which it is situated"[33] | Planning authority |
area of special amenity | "by reason of— (a) its outstanding natural beauty, or (b) its special recreational value, and having regard to any benefits for nature conservation"[33] |
Planning authority |
Database of Historic Gardens and Designed Landscapes | Gardens marked on the first- or second-edition (1850–95) maps of the Ordnance Survey of Ireland.[35] | National Inventory of Architectural Heritage[36] |
Jamaica: Jamaica National Heritage Trust, established in 1958.[41] The organisation maintains a list of National Heritage Sites in Jamaica.[42]
Japan: Cultural Properties of Japan, as maintained by the Agency for Cultural Affairs; see also National Treasures of Japan
Korea (South)
South Korea: National Treasures of South Korea, Historic Sites of South Korea, Important Intangible Cultural Properties of Korea, etc, as maintained by Cultural Heritage Administration
- "The list of state protected monuments of culture", available at . Contains information about 7358 monuments of culture (As of February 2020). The list is maintained by State Inspection for Heritage Protection, a government agency.[43] Full list is available at valsts aizsargājamo kultūras pieminekļu saraksts (in Latvian).
Lebanon: (in French) Monument historique (Liban)
- "Buildings and objects classified as national monuments or listed on supplementary inventory".
The list is maintained by Service des sites et monuments nationaux, a Government agency. The latest version is available here .
See Lëscht vun de klasséierte Monumenter on lb-wiki and commons:Category:Cultural heritage monuments in Luxembourg
Namibia: National Monuments, as maintained by the National Heritage Council of Namibia;[47] (in German) Liste der Nationalen Denkmäler in Namibia
Netherlands: List of Rijksmonuments (Monumentenregister van de Rijksdienst voor het cultureel erfgoed)[48]
New Zealand
New Zealand Rarangi Taonga:[49] The Register of Historic Places, Historic Areas, Wahi Tapu and Wahi Tapu Areas (administered by New Zealand Historic Places Trust.)
North Macedonia
North Macedonia: (in French) Patrimoine culturel de la République de Macédoine
Pakistan: There are several organizations that take care of historic and heritage sites in Pakistan.
- Department of Archaeology and Museums (Ministry of Heritage and National Integration (Pakistan))
- National Archives of Pakistan
- Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, Sindh
- Sindh Building Control Authority
- Directorate General of Archaeology, Punjab
- Directorate of Archaeology & Museums, of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
- Directorate General of Archaeology, Balochistan
- List of cultural heritage sites in Pakistan
Paraguay: El Inventario Nacional de Bienes Culturales, under creation by the Dirección de Catalogación del Patrimonio Cultural[50]
Poland: A list of objects of cultural heritage in Poland (zabytki) is maintained by the National Heritage Board of Poland. It is primarily composed of objects in the register of objects of cultural heritage (rejestr zabytków), objects with the status of Historical Monument (pomnik historii), objects classified as a cultural park (park kulturowy).[51]
Portugal: National Monuments, as maintained by IGESPAR; (in Portuguese) Lista de património edificado em Portugal
Romania: National Register of Historic Monuments in Romania – The list, created in 2004–2005, contains historical monuments entered in the National Cultural Heritage of Romania. It is maintained by the Romanian National Institute of Historical Monuments, part of the Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony in Romania.
Russia: Russian cultural heritage register; (in Russian) Списки объектов культурного наследия России; Historical Cities of Russia
Senegal: Sites et Monuments historiques;[52] (in French) Liste des monuments et sites historiques au Sénégal
Cultural Heritage of Serbia (see also: World Heritage Sites in Serbia)
The register is divided into twelve categories:
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone: National Monuments of Sierra Leone, as maintained by the Ancient Monuments and Relics Commission[53]
Slovakia: Cultural Heritage Monuments of Slovakia; (in German) Liste (Kulturdenkmale in der Slowakei)
South Africa
Spain: Monument (Spain) (Monumento histórico or Bien de Interés Cultural)
Sweden: Listed buildings in Sweden, as maintained by the Swedish National Heritage Board; see also (in Swedish) Kulturmärkning i Sverige
Switzerland: Swiss Inventory of Cultural Property (German: Schweizerisches Inventar der Kulturgüter, French: Inventaire suisse des biens culturels). National register of some 8,300 objects of international, national, regional and local significance. Managed by the Federal Office for Civil Protection (see its website).
- There are also cantonal registers of cultural heritage sites.
- See also Category:Heritage registers in Switzerland.
Taiwan: Bureau of Cultural Heritage, which keeps a list on their website.
Tunisia: (in French) Liste des monuments classés de Tunisie
United Kingdom
Heritage, culture, planning and conservation are devolved issues in the United Kingdom, and are dealt with by the governments of the constituent countries. England, which does not have its own devolved government, is covered by an agency of the United Kingdom government.
See also Historic Environment Record (HERs) and Sites and Monuments Record (SMRs) maintained usually at a local government level (archaeological trusts in Wales).
- The Schedule of Ancient Monuments (follows on pre-devolution 1979 Act of Parliament)
- England: English Heritage, an executive agency of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
- The National Heritage List for England (launched May 2011). Contains list of all scheduled monuments, listed buildings, registered parks and gardens, historic wrecks and registered historic battlefields in England[54]
- English Heritage Archive: formerly the National Monuments Record (England)
- Register of Parks and Gardens[55]
- Registered Battlefields (UK)
- Protection of Wrecks Act 1973
- Heritage at Risk Register
- Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Environment Agency, an executive agency within the Department of the Environment
- Scotland:
- Historic Environment Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Executive Education Department
- Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) – executive non-departmental public body
- National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS): the archive formerly known as the Scottish National Buildings Record
- Canmore: a database that is part of the NMRS
- Wales:
- Cadw, an agency of the Welsh Assembly Government
- Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, a Welsh Government sponsored body
- National Monuments Record of Wales (NMRW)
- Coflein: the online database for the NMRW
United States
In the United States, a site is only listed on the National Register of Historic Places on recommendation from the state historic preservation offices in the relevant state. Some states maintain their own state-level historic registers, although in some U.S. states all properties on the state register duplicate the National Register listing. The National Register listing in itself confers no protection to a historic property but may qualify the site for matching grants for historic restoration. Local historic designations in many municipalities provide some limited protection against demolition of historic landmarks.
- National
United States national monuments are a separate register from the National Register of Historic Places[56]
- National Historic Landmarks[57]
- National Natural Landmarks[58]
- State-level and local-level
- California Historical Landmarks[59]
- California Register of Historical Resources[60]
- California Points of Historical Interest[61]
- List of Berkeley Landmarks, Structures of Merit, and Historic Districts
- Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments
- San Francisco Designated Landmarks
Georgia (U.S. state)
- Mississippi Landmarks
New York
Venezuela: Inventario de monumentos, as maintained by the Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural[63]
- Description of the European Heritage Label (EHL)
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