List of non-marine molluscs of Vietnam
The non-marine molluscs of Vietnam are a part of the molluscan fauna of Vietnam (wildlife of Vietnam). A number of species of non-marine mollusks are found in the wild in Vietnam.

There are good reasons to suppose that Vietnam, with a surface of 332,000 km2, a large variety of habitats, and many different limestone 'islands' that differ from each other in faunal composition,[1] will have a rich diversity of terrestrial molluscs.[2] Numerous non-marine mollusc species, including more than 850 species of land gastropods,[3] have been described from the country but many others still await discovery and description.[2]
Freshwater gastropods
Freshwater gastropods in Vietnam include:
- Pila polita[4][5]
- Pila conica[5]
- Pila ampullacea[5]
- Pomacea canaliculata[4][5]
- Pomacea insularum (d'Orbigny, 1835)[4][5]
- Cipangopaludina lecythoides[5]
- Idiopoma umblicata[4][5]
- Sinotaia aeruginosa[5]
- Mekongia lithophaga[5]
- Mekongia hainesiana[5]
- Filopaludina sumatrensis[5]
- Angulyagra polyzonata[6][4][5]
- Angulyagra duchieri[5]
- Angulyagra boettgeri[5]
- Adamietta housei[5]
- Adamietta reevei[5]
- Brotia annamita[5]
- Brotia dautzenbergiana[5]
- Brotia hoabinhensis[5]
- Brotia swinhoei[5]
- Sulcospira collyra[5]
- Sulcospira dakrongensis[5]
- Sulcospira hainanensis[5]
- Sulcospira proteus[5]
- Sulcospira quangtriensis[5]
- Sulcospira tonkiniana[5]
- Sulcospira touranensis[5]
- Sulcospira vietnamensis[5]
- Semisulcospira aubryana[5]
- Paracrostoma paludiformis[5]
- Paludomus messageri (Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1900)[5]
Potamididae (brackish water snails)
- Cerithidea sp.[5]
- Melanoides tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774)[7][4][5]
- Neoradina prasongi[5]
- Sermyla requetii[6][5] - synonym: Sermyla tornatela[4][5]
- Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822)[6][4][5]
- Thiara scabra[6][4][5]
- Assiminea brevicula[5]
- Assiminea francoisi[5]
- Assiminea interrupta[5]
- Assiminea obtusa[5]
- Assiminea lutea[5]
- Digoniostoma siamensis[5]
- Parafossarulus striatulus - synonym: Parafossarulus manchouricus[5]
- Alocinma longicornis[5]
- Bithynia misella[5]
- Bithynia fuchsiana[4][5]
- Bithynia goniomphalos[5]
- Wattebledia crosseana[5]
- Neoprososthenia levayi - synonym: Paraprososthenia levayi[5]
- Lacunopsis harmandi[5]
- Tricula ovata[5]
- Tricula similunaris[5]
- Vietricula - 11 species[5]
- Stenothyra divalis[5]
- Stenothyra messageri[6][4][5]
- Stenothyra monilifera[5]
- Stenothyra polita[5]
- Stenothyra cyrtochila[5]
- Stenothyra ovata[5]
- Stenothyra conica[5]
- Stenothyra alba[5]
- Stenothyra schlickumi Brandt, 1968[5]
Iravadiidae (marine/brackish)
- Fluvicingula elegantula (A. Adams, 1861)[5]
- Iravadia cochinchinensis (Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1910)[5]
- Iravadia ornata Blanford, 1867[5]
- Iravadia quadrasi (O. Boettger, 1893)[5]
- Iravadia rohdei (Brandt, 1968)[5]
- Pseudomerelina mahimensis (Melvill, 1893)[5]
- Hyala sp.[5]
- Clea helena (Meder in Philippi, 1847)[5]
- Austropeplea viridis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1832)[8]
- Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) - synonym: Lymnaea swinhoei[8]
- Radix rubiginosa (Michelin, 1831)[8]
- Polypylis hemisphaerula (Benson, 1842)[4]
- Gyraulus convexiusculus (Hutton, 1849)[4]
Land gastropods
Land gastropods in Vietnam include:

- Cyclophorus courbeti Ancey, 1888[9]
- Cyclophorus cucphuongensis Oheimb, 2019[9]
- Cyclophorus fasciatus Kobelt, 1908[9]
- Cyclophorus jourdyi Morlet, 1886[9]
- Cyclophorus paracucphuongensis Oheimb, 2019[9]
- Cyclophorus phongnhakebangensis Oheimb, 2019[9]
- Cyclophorus subfloridus Ancey, 1888[9]
- Cyclophorus takumisaitoi Hirano, 2019[9]

- Leptacme cuongi Maassen & Gittenberger, 2007[2]
- Oospira pyknosoma Gittenberger & Vermeulen, 2001[10]
- Oospira duci Maassen & Gittenberger, 2007[2]
- Oospira smithi Maassen & Gittenberger, 2007[2]
Streptaxidae - 39 species of Streptaxidae are known from Vietnam[11]
- Discartemon[11]
- Indoartemon[11]
- Perrottetia aberrata (Souleyet, 1852)[11]
- Perrottetia cristatellus (Möllendorff, 1901)[11]
- Perrottetia daedaleus (Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1908)[11]
- Perrottetia dugasti (Morlet, 1892)[11]
- Perrottetia gudei (Fulton, 1915)[11]
- Perrottetia hongthinhae D.-S. Do, 2017[11]
- Perrottetia mabillei (Bavay et Dautzenberg, 1903)[11]
- Perrottetia messageri (Bavay et Dautzenberg, 1908)[11]
- Perrottetia oppidulum (Bavay et Dautzenberg, 1908)[11]
- Perrottetia simonianus (Heude, 1890)[11]
- Stemmatopsis arcuatolabris Do, 2021[12]
- Stemmatopsis nangphaiensis Do & Do, 2015[12]
- Stemmatopsis vanhoensis Do & Do, 2015[12]
- Haploptychius[11]
- Oophana[11]
- Elma Adams, 1866[13][11]
- Huttonella[11]
Plectopylidae - 16 species are known from Vietnam[14]
- Gudeodiscus anceyi (Gude, 1901)[14]
- Gudeodiscus cyrtochilus (Gude, 1909)[14]
- Gudeodiscus dautzenbergi (Gude, 1901)[14]
- Gudeodiscus fischeri (Gude, 1901)[14]
- Gudeodiscus francoisi (Fischer, 1898)[14]
- Gudeodiscus giardi (Fischer, 1898)[14]
- Gudeodiscus hemmeni Páll-Gergely & Hunyadi, 2015[14]
- Gudeodiscus infralevis (Gude, 1908)[14]
- Gudeodiscus messageri (Gude, 1909)[14]
- Gudeodiscus phlyarius (Mabille, 1887)[14]
- Gudeodiscus suprafilaris (Gude, 1908)[14]
- Gudeodiscus villedaryi (Ancey, 1888)[14]
- Gudeodiscus emigrans (Möllendorff, 1901)[14]
- Halongella fruhstorferi (Möllendorff, 1901)[14]
- Halongella schlumbergeri (Morlet, 1886)[14]
- Sicradiscus mansuyi (Gude, 1908)[14]
Freshwater bivalves
Freshwater bivalves in Vietnam include:
See also
- List of marine molluscs of Vietnam
Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:
This article incorporates CC-BY-3.0 text from the reference[2]
- Oheimb, Parm Viktor von; Oheimb, Katharina C. M. von; Hirano, Takahiro; Do, Tu Van; Luong, Hao Van; Ablett, Jonathan; Pham, Sang Van; Naggs, Fred (2018). "Competition matters: Determining the drivers of land snail community assembly among limestone karst areas in northern Vietnam". Ecology and Evolution. 8 (8): 4136–4149. doi:10.1002/ece3.3984. PMC 5916308. PMID 29721286.
- Maassen W. J. M. & Gittenberger E. (2007). "Three new clausiliid land snails from Tonkin, northern Vietnam (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)". Zoologische Mededelingen 81(1): Archived 7 October 2011 at the Wayback Machine
- Raheem, Dinarzarde C.; Backeljau, Thierry; Pearce-Kelly, Paul; Taylor, Harry; Fenn, Jonathan; Sutcharit, Chirasak; Panha, Somsak; von Oheimb, Katharina C. M.; von Oheimb, Parm Viktor; Ikebe, Chiho; Páll-Gergely, Barna; Gargominy, Olivier; Lương, Hào Văn; Phạm, Sáng Văn; Đỗ, Tứ Văn; Đinh, Phòng Thị; Naggs, Manel; Ablett, Jon; Mackenzie Dodds, Jackie; Wade, Christopher M.; Naggs, Fred (2017). An Illustrated Guide to the Land Snails and Slugs of Vietnam. The Natural History Museum, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences & the Zoological Society of London. ISBN 978-0-565-09458-4.
- Dung, B. T.; Madsen, H.; The, D. T. (2010). "Distribution of freshwater snails in family-based VAC ponds and associated waterbodies with special reference to intermediate hosts of fish-borne zoonotic trematodes in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam". Acta Tropica. 116 (1): 15–23. doi:10.1016/j.actatropica.2010.04.016. PMID 20457118.
- Madsen, H.; Hung, N. M. (2015). "Reprint of "An overview of freshwater snails in Asia with main focus on Vietnam"". Acta Tropica. 141 (Pt B): 372–384. doi:10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.10.014. PMID 25446169.
- Phan, V. T.; Ersbøll, A. K.; Nguyen, K. V.; Madsen, H.; Dalsgaard, A. (2010). "Farm-Level Risk Factors for Fish-Borne Zoonotic Trematode Infection in Integrated Small-Scale Fish Farms in Northern Vietnam". PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 4 (7): e742. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000742. PMC 2903470. PMID 20644617.
- Madhyastha A. (2010). Melanoides tuberculatus. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <>. Downloaded on 3 December 2010.
- Dung, B. T.; Doanh, P. N.; The, D. T.; Loan, H. T.; Losson, B.; Caron, Y. (2013). "Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Lymnaeid Snails and Their Potential Role in Transmission of Fasciola spp. in Vietnam". Korean Journal of Parasitology. 51 (6): 657–662. doi:10.3347/kjp.2013.51.6.657. PMC 3916454. PMID 24516270.
- Oheimb, Katharina C. M. von; Oheimb, Parm Viktor von; Hirano, Takahiro; Do, Tu Van; Ablett, Jonathan; Luong, Hao Van; Pham, Sang Van; Naggs, Fred (2019). "Cryptic diversity of limestone karst inhabiting land snails (Cyclophorus spp.) in northern Vietnam, their evolutionary history and the description of four new species". PLOS ONE. 14 (10): e0222163. Bibcode:2019PLoSO..1422163V. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0222163. PMC 6808330. PMID 31644567.
- Gittenberger, E.; Vermeulen, J. J. (2001). "Oospira (O.) pyknosoma spec. nov. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae), an impressive clausiliid species from Vietnam". Basteria. 65: 123–129.
- Sang, Do Duc; Do Duc, Sang (2017). "Checklist of the genus Perrottetia Kobelt, 1905 (Pulmonata: Streptaxidae) of Vietnam, with description of a new species". Folia Malacologica. 25 (2): 95–100. doi:10.12657/folmal.025.009. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
- Do, D.S. (2021). "Two new species of the genus Stemmatopsis J. Mabille, 1887 (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Streptaxidae) from Vietnam and Laos" (PDF). Ruthenica. 31 (1): 21–25.
- Sutcharit, C.; Naggs, F.; Wade, C. M.; Fontanilla, I.; Panha, S. (2010). "The new family Diapheridae, a new species of Diaphera Albers from Thailand, and the position of the Diapheridae within a molecular phylogeny of the Streptaxoidea (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 160 (1): 1–16. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00598.x.
- Páll-Gergely, B.; Hunyadi, A.; Ablett, J.; Luong Van, H.; Naggs, F.; Asami, T. (2015). "Systematics of the family Plectopylidae in Vietnam with additional information on Chinese taxa (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Stylommatophora)". ZooKeys (473): 1–118. doi:10.3897/zookeys.473.8659. PMC 4304041. PMID 25632253.
Further reading
- Do D. S., Nguyen T. H. T. & Do V. N. (2015). "A checklist and classification of terrestrial prosobranch snails from Son La, north-western Vietnam". Ruthenica 25(4): 117–132. PDF.
- Vermeulen J. J. & Whitten T. (1998). "Land and freshwater molluscs of the karst regions ENE of Haiphong and the Cuc Phuong National Park, northern Vietnam". Report of a survey for the Vietnam Programme of FFI 12 pp. (unpublished report).
- Vermeulen J. J. & Maassen W. J. M. (2003). "The non-marine mollusk fauna of the Pu Luong, Cuc Phuong, Phu Ly, and Ha Long regions in northern Vietnam". Report of a survey for the Vietnam Programme of FFI 35 pp. (unpublished report).