List of oratorios
This is a chronological list of oratorios from the 16th century to the present. Unless otherwise indicated, all dates are those when the work was first performed. In some cases only the date of composition is known. In others, the oratorio has only been performed on a recording.
16th century
17th century
- Pietro della Valle – Oratorio della Purificatione 1640, the earliest documented use of the word "oratorio" to describe a musical composition[1]
- Cornelis Thymenszoon Padbrué – De tranen Petri ende Pauli published 1647 (only partial score survives)[2]
- Giacomo Carissimi – Jephte before 16 June 1648[3][4]
- Giacomo Carissimi – Baltazar mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Diluvium universale mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Dives malus mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Ezechias mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Jonas mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Abramo e Isacco mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Job mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Judicium extremum mid-17th century
- Giacomo Carissimi – Judicium Salomonis before 1669
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Judith sive liberata H 391 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Canticum pro pace H 392 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Canticum in nativitatem Domini H 393 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In honorem Caecilliae, Valeriani et Tiburij canticum H 394 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Pour la fête de l'Epiphanie H 395 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Historia Esther H 396 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Cacillia virgo et martyr Octobre vocibus H 397 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Pestis Mediolanensis H 398 mid 1670s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Prélude pour Horrenda pastis H 398 a 1679
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Filius prodigus H 399 1680
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Prélude pour l'enfant prodigue H 399 a 1681–82
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – L'enfant prodigue H 399 b date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – L'enfant prodigue H 399 c date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Canticum in honorem Beatae Virginis Mariae... H 400 1680
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Extremum Dei judicium H 401 early 1680s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Sacrificium Abrahae H 402
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Symphonies ajustées au sacrifice d'Abraham 402 a date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Le sacrifice d'Abraham H 402 b date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Mors Saülis et Jonathae H 403 early 1680s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Josue prélude H 404 a 1679
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Josue H 404 early 1680s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In resurrectione Domini Nostri Jesu Christi H 405 1681–82
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In circumcisione Domini / Dialogus inter angelum et pastores H 406 1682–83
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Dialogus inter esurientem, sitientem et Christum H 407 1682–83
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Elévation H 408 1683
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In obitum augustissimae nec non piissime Gallorum regina lamentum H 409 1683
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Praelium Michaelis Archangeli factum in cocho cum dracone H 410 1683
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Caedes sanctorum innocentium H 411 1683–85
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Nuptiae sacrae H 412 1683–85
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Caecilia virgo et martyr H 413 1683–85
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi canticum H 414 1683–85
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Caecilia virgo et martyr H 415 1686
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Prologue de la Ste Cécile après l'ouverture : Harmonia coelistis H 415 a 1686–87
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In nativitatem Domini canticum H 416 late 1680s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Dialogus inter Christum et homines H 417 early 1690s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In honorem Sancti Ludovici regis Galliae H 418 early 1690s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Pour Saint Augustin mourant H 419 late 1690s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Dialogus inter angelos et pastores Judae in nativitatem Domini H 420 late 1690s
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – In nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi canticum H 421 1698–99
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Judicium Salomonis H 422 H 422 a 1702
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Dialogus inter Magdalena et Jesu 2 vocibus Canto e Alto cum organo H 423 date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Le reniement de St Pierre H 424 date unknown
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier – Dialogus inter Christum et peccatores H 425 H 425 a date unknown
18th century

First edition of Vivaldi's Juditha triumphans, the only one of his four oratorios to have survived
- George Frideric Handel – Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno 1707
- George Frideric Handel – La resurrezione 1708
- Francesco Maria Veracini – Il trionfo della innocenza da S Niccolò ?1712
- George Frideric Handel – Brockes Passion 1715
- Francesco Maria Veracini – Mosè al mar rosso, ovvero Il naufragio di Faraone ?1715; revised as La liberazione del popolo ebreo nel naufragio di Faraone 1723
- Antonio Vivaldi – Juditha triumphans 1716
- Francesco Maria Veracini – L'incoronazione di Davidde 1717
- Francesco Maria Veracini – La caduta del savio nell’idoltria di Salomone 1720
- Jan Dismas Zelenka – Sub olea pacis et palma virtutis 1723
- Johann Sebastian Bach – St John Passion 1724
- Francesco Maria Veracini – L'empietà distrutta nella caduta di Gerico 1724
- Johann Sebastian Bach – Easter Oratorio 1725
- Johann Sebastian Bach – St Matthew Passion 1727
- George Frideric Handel – Esther 1732
- George Frideric Handel – Athalia 1733
- George Frideric Handel – Deborah 1733
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Il cantico de' tre fanciulli 1734
- Johann Sebastian Bach – Christmas Oratorio 1734
- Johann Sebastian Bach – Ascension Oratorio 1735
- Johann Georg Reutter – Gioas re di Giuda 1735
- George Frideric Handel – Alexander's Feast 1736
- George Frideric Handel – Il trionfo del Tempo e della Verità 1737
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Le virtù appiè della croce 1737
- George Frideric Handel – Israel in Egypt 1738
- George Frideric Handel – Saul 1739
- Giuseppe Bonno – Eleazaro 1739
- Giuseppe Bonno – San Paolo in Athene 1740
- George Frideric Handel – L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato 1740
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Serpentes ignei in deserto 1740
- George Frideric Handel – Messiah 1741
- George Frideric Handel – Samson 1741
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Giuseppe riconosciuto 1741
- Johann Adolph Hasse – I pellegrini al sepolcro di Nostro Signore 1742
- George Frideric Handel – Joseph and his Brethren 1743
- George Frideric Handel – Semele 1743
- George Frideric Handel – Hercules 1744
- Francesco Maria Veracini – L'errore di Salomone 1744
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Ci'l un parantê und parsol scelopgrini 1744
- George Frideric Handel – Belshazzar 1745
- Johann Adolph Hasse – La Caduta di Gerico 1745
- George Frideric Handel – Judas Maccabaeus 1746
- George Frideric Handel – Occasional Oratorio 1746
- George Frideric Handel – Joshua 1747
- Johann Adolph Hasse – Santa Elena al Calvario 1747
- George Frideric Handel – Alexander Balus 1748
- George Frideric Handel – Solomon 1748
- George Frideric Handel – Susanna 1748
- George Frideric Handel – Theodora 1749
- George Frideric Handel – The Choice of Hercules 1750
- Johann Adolph Hasse – La conversione di Sant' Agostino 1750
- George Frideric Handel – Jephtha 1752
- George Frideric Handel – The Triumph of Time and Truth 1757
- Johann Adolph Hasse – S. Petrus et S. Maria Magdalena 1759
- Giuseppe Bonno – Isacco figura del redentore 1759
- Thomas Arne – Judith 1761
- Georg Philipp Telemann – Der Tag des Gerichts 1762
- Johann Georg Albrechtsberger – La passione di Gesù Cristo 1762
- George Frideric Handel – Nabal 1764
- John Worgan – Hannah 1764
- Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf – Isacco figura del Redentore 1766
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots 1767 (Only the first part)
- Francesco Maria Veracini – L'Assalone, ovvero L'infedelta punita before 1768
- Samuel Arnold – Abimelech 1768
- George Frideric Handel – Gideon 1769
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – Die Israeliten in der Wüste 1769
- Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf – Davide penitente 1770
- Florian Leopold Gassmann – La Betulia Liberata 1772
- Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf – La Liberatrice del Popolo Giudaico nella Persia, o sia l’Esther 1773
- Giuseppe Bonno – Il Giuseppe riconosciuto 1774
- Joseph Haydn – Il ritorno di Tobia 1775
- Antonio Salieri – La passione di Gesù Cristo 1776
- Antonio Rosetti – Der sterbende Jesu 1785
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Davide penitente 1785
- Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf – Giobbe 1786
- Antonio Rosetti – Jesus in Gethsemane 1790
- Joseph Eybler – Die Hirten bei der krippe zu Bethlehem 1794
- Antonio Casimir Cartellieri – Gioas re di Giuda 1795
- Joseph Haydn – The Seven Last Words of Christ 1796
- Joseph Haydn – The Creation 1798
19th century

Manuscript score of Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius, signed by Elgar and the performers of the premiere in 1900
- Joseph Haydn – The Seasons 1801
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Christ on the Mount of Olives 1803
- Antonio Casimir Cartellieri – La celebre Nativita del Redentore 1806
- Antonio Casimir Cartellieri – La purificatione di Maria Virgine 1807
- Joseph Eybler – Die vier letzten Dinge 1810
- Franz Schubert – Lazarus composed 1820, unfinished
- Louis Spohr – Die letzten Dinge 1826
- Felix Mendelssohn – St. Paul 1836
- Robert Schumann – Paradise and the Peri 1843
- Felix Mendelssohn – Elijah 1846
- Hector Berlioz – La damnation de Faust 1846
- César Franck – Ruth 1846
- Felix Mendelssohn – Christus composed 1847, unfinished (premiered posthumously 1852)
- Robert Schumann – Der Rose Pilgerfahrt 1851
- Robert Schumann – Scenes from Goethe's Faust composed 1853 (premiered posthumously 1862)[5]
- Hector Berlioz – L'enfance du Christ 1854
- Charles Gounod – Tobie 1854
- Charles Gounod – Les Sept Paroles de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ sur la Croix 1855
- Camille Saint-Saëns – Oratorio de Noël 1858
- Charles Sandys Packer – Crown of Thorns 1863[6]
- Franz Liszt – Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth 1865
- Arthur Sullivan – The Prodigal Son 1869
- Franz Liszt – Christus 1873
- Arthur Sullivan – The Light of the World 1873
- Jules Massenet – Marie-Magdeleine 1873
- César Franck – Rédemption 1874
- Jules Massenet – Ève 1875
- Camille Saint-Saëns – Le Déluge 1876
- César Franck – Les Béatitudes composed 1879 (premiered posthumously 1893)[7]
- Arthur Sullivan – The Martyr of Antioch 1880
- Jules Massenet – La Vierge 1880
- Charles Gounod – La rédemption 1882
- Charles Gounod – Mors et vita 1885
- Antonín Dvořák – Saint Ludmila 1886
- Dudley Buck – The Light of Asia composed 1886 (premiered 1887)[8]
- John Stainer – The Crucifixion 1887
- Charles Gounod – Saint Francois d'Assise 1891
- Edward Elgar – The Light of Life (Lux Christi) 1896
- Willard Patton – Isaiah 1897[9]
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Passione di Cristo 1897
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Trasfigurazione di Cristo 1898
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Risurrezione di Lazzaro 1898
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Risurrezione di Cristo 1898
- Lorenzo Perosi – Il Natale del Redentore 1899
- Felix Draeseke – Christus. Mysterium in a Prelude and Three Oratorios 1899
- Lorenzo Perosi – L'entrata di Cristo in Gerusalemme 1900
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Strage degli Innocenti 1900
- Lorenzo Perosi – Mosè 1900
- Jules Massenet – La Terre Promise 1900
- Edward Elgar – The Dream of Gerontius 1900
20th century

- Edward Elgar – The Apostles 1903
- Lorenzo Perosi – Stabat Mater 1904
- Lorenzo Perosi – Il Giudizio Universale 1904
- Lorenzo Perosi – Dies Iste 1904
- Edward Elgar – The Kingdom 1906
- Lorenzo Perosi – Transitus Animae 1907
- Lorenzo Perosi – In Patris Memoriam 1909
- Lorenzo Perosi – Vespertina Oratio 1912
- Lorenzo Perosi – Le Sette Parole di Nostro Signore Gesu' Cristo sulla Croce 1913
- Lorenzo Perosi – La Samaritana 1913
- Camille Saint-Saëns – La Terre Promise 1913
- Lorenzo Perosi – In Diebus Tribolationis 1916
- Erik Satie – Socrate 1920
- Arthur Honegger – Le roi David 1921
- Arnold Schoenberg – Die Jakobsleiter composed 1922 (revised 1944, unfinished)[10]
- Hermann Suter – Le Laudi 1924
- Ralph Vaughan Williams – Sancta Civitas 1926
- Igor Stravinsky – Oedipus rex 1927
- Lorenzo Perosi – Il Sogno Interpretato 1928
- Lorenzo Perosi – In Fratris Memoriam 1930
- William Walton – Belshazzar's Feast 1931
- Paul Hindemith – Das Unaufhörliche 1931
- Arthur Honegger – Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher 1935
- Lorenzo Perosi – In Transitu Sancti Patris Nostri Francisci 1937
- Lorenzo Perosi – Natalitia 1937
- Franz Schmidt – The Book with Seven Seals 1938
- Ahmed Adnan Saygun – Yunus Emre 1942
- Michael Tippett – A Child of Our Time 1944
- Frank Martin – Le vin herbé 1942
- Frank Martin – In terra pax 1945
- Frank Martin – Golgotha 1949
- Dmitri Shostakovich – Song of the Forests 1949
- Lorenzo Perosi – Il Nazareno 1950
- Sergei Prokofiev – On Guard for Peace 1950
- Heitor Villa-Lobos – Symphony No. 10, Sumé pater patrium: Sinfonia ameríndia com coros (Oratorio) 1952–53
- Léo Ferré – La Chanson du mal-aimé 1954 (revised 1972)
- Bohuslav Martinů – The Epic of Gilgamesh 1958
- Alfred Schnittke – Nagasaki 1958
- Frank Martin – Le Mystère de la Nativité 1960
- Hans Werner Henze – Das Floß der Medusa 1968
- James Furman – I Have a Dream 1970
- Dmitry Kabalevsky – A Letter to the 30th Century, Op. 93, 1972
- Darius Milhaud – Saint-Louis, roi de France 1972
- Charles Wuorinen – The Celestial Sphere 1981
- Mauricio Kagel – Sankt-Bach-Passion 1985
- Peter Schickele – Oedipus Tex composed 1985 (premiered 1986)[11]
- Paul McCartney – Liverpool Oratorio 1991
- Mona Lyn Reese – Choose Life, Uvacharta Bachayim 1994
- Richard Einhorn – Voices of Light 1994
- Kay Gardner – Ouroboros: Seasons of Life 1994
- Elliot Goldenthal – Fire Water Paper: A Vietnam Oratorio 1995
- Samuel Jones – The Temptation of Jesus (Text, Holy Scriptures/Thomas Merton) 1995
- Matthew King – Gethsemane 1998
- John Adams – El Niño 2000
21st century
- Nathan Currier – Gaian Variations 2004
- Sally Lutyens – First Light: An Oratorio 2005
- Ilaiyaraaja – Thiruvasakam recorded 2005[12]
- Paul McCartney – Ecce Cor Meum 2006
- Kaija Saariaho – La Passion de Simone 2006
- Eric Idle and John Du Prez – Not the Messiah (He's a Very Naughty Boy) 2007
- Antony Pitts – Jerusalem-Yerushalayim 2008
- Richard Einhorn – The Origin 2009
- Dinesh Subasinghe – Karuna Nadee recorded 2010[13]
- John Adams – The Gospel According to the Other Mary 2012
- Philip Wilby – The Holy Face 2013; recorded summer 2017; first performance October 2017[14]
- Julia Wolfe – Anthracite Fields 2014
- Jörg Widmann – Arche 2017
- Wadada Leo Smith – Rosa Parks: Pure Love. An Oratorio of Seven Songs 2019
See also
- La passione di Gesù Cristo for a list of composers who have set oratorios to this libretto by Metastasio, originally written in 1730
- Betulia liberata for a list of composers who have set oratorios to this libretto by Metastasio, originally written in 1734
- Der Tod Jesu for a list of composers who have set oratorios to this libretto by Karl Wilhelm Ramler, originally written in 1755
- La Giuditta for a list of composers who have written oratorios based on the Book of Judith
- Howard E. Smither, "Oratorio", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
- Grijp, Louis and Jan Bloemendal, Jan (2011). "Vondel's Theatre and Music", Joost Van Den Vondel (1587–1679): Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age, pp. 150–151. Brill
- Andrew V. Jones, "Carissimi, Giacomo [Jacomo]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
- Randel, Don M. (1996). "Carissimi, Giacomo", The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music, p. 136. Harvard University Press
- Shrock, Dennis (2009). Choral Repertoire, p. 458. Oxford University Press
- Lea-Scarlett, EJ (1974). Packer, Charles Sandys (Stuart Shipley) (1810–1883), Australian Dictionary of Biography, vol. 5, MUP
- Fauquet, Joël-Marie (ed.) (1999). Correspondance de César Franck, pp. 114; 300. Editions Mardaga
- Orr, N. Lee (2008). Dudley Buck, p. 98. University of Illinois Press
- Landon, Robert Tallant (1974). Willard Patton, Friend of Music and Musicians, p. 5, Minnesota Musicians of the Cultured Generation, University of Minnesota
- Simms, Bryan R. (2000). The Atonal Music of Arnold Schoenberg, 1908–1923, p. 169. Oxford University Press
- Ravas, Tammy, (2004). Peter Schickele: A Bio-Bibliography, p. 109. Greenwood
- Parthasarathy, Dhanya (10 July 2005). "Song across cultures". The Hindu. Retrieved 11 May 2013.
- Jayawardana, Ruwini (9 February 2011). "Buddha's life set to music" Archived 2012-07-29 at the Wayback Machine. Daily News. Retrieved 1 May 2013.
- "Concerts (News)". Halifax Choral Society. Retrieved 21 September 2017.
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