List of research vessels by country
Following is a list of research vessels by country

ARA Almirante Irízar, docked in Puerto de la Ciudad, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- RSV Aurora Australis
- RV Franklin
- RV Investigator
- MV Nella Dan
- RV Southern Surveyor
- RV Solander
- RV Cape Ferguson
- RV Meen Shandhani
- CVASU Research Vessel
- RV Professor W. Besnard (1967-2008)
- RV Atlântico Sul (1973-)[1]
- RV Alpha Crucis (2012-)[2]
- BNS H21 Sirius
- BNS H35 Amorim do Valle
- BNS H36 Taurus
- BNS H37 Garnier Sampaio
- BNS H38 Cruzeiro do Sul
- BNS H40 Antares
- ARC Providencia
- ARC Malpelo
- ARC Quindio
- B/I Ancón
See also List of Danish research ships, which includes ships used only for expeditions

RV Pourquoi Pas? harboured in Brest, France.
- RV Jean Charcot (1965-)[3]
- RV Côte d'Aquitaine
- RV Côtes de la Manche
- RV Gwen-Drez
- RV Atalante
- RV Europe
- RV Curieuse
- RV Suroît
- RV Marion Dufresne
- RV Pourquoi Pas?
- RV Thalassa
- RV Thalia
- RV Thethys II

Research ship Planet of the German Navy

RV Elettra of the Italian Navy

RV Galatea of the Italian Navy
- Planet
- FRV Atair
- FRV Capella
- FRV Clupea
- FRV Deneb
- FRV Komet
- FRV Planet
- FRV Solea
- FRV Walther Herwig III
- FRV Wega
- RV Alexander von Humboldt (replaced by Maria S. Merian)
- RV Alkor
- RV Atair
- RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese (ex FGS Schwedeneck)
- RV Haithabu
- RV Littorina
- RV Ludwig Prandtl
- RV Maria S. Merian
- RV Meteor (1915)
- RV Meteor (1964)
- RV Meteor (1986)
- RV Mya
- RV Polarstern
- RV Poseidon
- RV Senckenberg
- RV Sonne
- RV Sonne (2014)
- RV Valdivia

RV Aegaeo (Greece)
- RV Aegaeo
- RV Philia
- RV Árni Friðriksson
- RV Bjarni Sæmundsson
- ORV Sindhu Sankalp
- ORV Samudra Ratnakar
- ORV Sindhu Sadhana
- ORV Sagar Sukhthi
- ORV Sagar Nidhi
- ORV Sagar Manjusha
- ORV Sagar Samrat
- ORV Sagar Paschimi
- ORV Sagar Kanya[4]
- INS Sagardhwani
- FORV Sagar Sampada[5]

RV Celtic Explorer, a multi-purpose research vessel at sea in Galway Bay, Ireland.
- RV Celtic Explorer
- RV Celtic Voyager
- RV Keary
- RV Geo
- RV Tonn
- M.V. Cosantóir Bradán
- RV Andrea
- RV Astrea
- RV Cerruti
- RV Dallaporta
- RV Furetto
- RV Italica
- RV Luigi Sanzo
- RV Maria Grazia
- RV Minerva Uno
- RV OGS Explora
- RV Regione Lazio 1
- RV Tecnopesca II
- RV Trer
- RV Andromeda
- RV Futura

RV Alliance, NATO Research Vessel under Italian Navy flag since January 1, 2016
- RV Alliance A 5345 (NATO vessel, since 1 January 2016 under Italian Navy flag)
- RV Leonardo A 5301 (NATO vessel, since 11 May 2007 under Italian government flag and since 14 May 2010 under Italian Navy flag)
- RV Ammiraglio Magnaghi A 5303
- RV Aretusa A 5304
- RV Elettra A 5340
- RV Galatea A 5308
- RV Vincenzo Martellotta A 5320
- RV Raffaele Rossetti A 5315
- RV Chikyuu
- RV Hakurei Maru
- RV Hakuho Maru
- RV Kairei
- RV Kaiyo
- RV Mirai (formerly, Mutsu)
- RV Natsushima
- RV Shigen (formerly, RV Ramform Victory of Petroleum Geo-Services)
- RV Umitaka Maru
- RV Yokosuka
- RV Nisshin Maru
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force operated vessels
- Shirase
- JS Suma (AGS-5103)
- JS Wakasa (AGS-5104)
- JS Nichinan (AGS-5105)
- JS Shonan (AGS-5106)
- RV Cana cnrs
- RV Almoravide
- RV N´diago
- RV Al Awam
- RV Amrigue

The Pelagia on Texel, 05th of March 2013
- RV Tyro (1979-1993)
- RV Pelagia
- RV Navicula
- RV Stern
- RV Tridens
- RV Isis
- HNLMS Snellius
- HNLMS Luymes
New Zealand

RV Håkon Mosby harboured in Longyearbyen.
- RV G.M. Dannevig
- RV Johan Hjort
- RV Helmer Hanssen (Jan Mayen)
- RV Håkon Mosby
- RV Dr Fridtjof Nansen
- RV Johan Ruud
- RV G.O. Sars
- RV Trygve Braarud
- RV Bjørn Føyn
- RV Lance
- B.I.C. Humboldt
- BAP Carrasco (BOP-171)
- B.I.C. Olaya
- B.I.C. Flores
- BRP Fort San Antonio (AM-700)
- BRP Fort Abad (AM-701)
- BRP Gregorio Velasquez (AGR 702)

RV Oceania, research sailing vessel of Polish Academy of Science

RV Kaszubski Brzeg of The Polish Maritime Museum in Gdańsk
- ORP Arctowski
- ORP Heweliusz
- ORP Kopernik
- RV Baltica
- RV Doktor Lubecki
- RV Kaszubski Brzeg
- RV Oceania
- RV Oceanograf 1
- RV Oceanograf 2
- ORP Planeta (retired)
- ORP Zodiak (retired)
- RV Birkut (retired)
- RV Hydromet (retired)
- RV Pomorzanin (retired)
- RV Professor Bogucki (retired)
- RV Profesor Siedlecki (scrapped)
- RV Wieczno (retired)
Portuguese Navy
- NRP Dom Carlos I
- NRP Almirante Gago Coutinho
- NRP Andrómeda
- NRP Auriga
- NRP Almeida Carvalho (1972-2002)
Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere
- NI Mar Portugal
- NI Noruega
- NI Diplodus
- NI Tellina (2003-2019)
- NI Capricórnio (1994-2008)
University of Azores
- NI Arquipélago
- RV Mare Nigrum
Soviet Union/Russia[7][8]
- RV Aisberg-II (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik A. Karpinsky
- RV Akademik Aleksandr Nesmeyanov (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik Aleksandr Sidorenko (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik Boris Petrov
- RV Akademik Fersman
- RV Akademik Fyodorov
- RV Akademik Ioffe

RV Akademik Ioffe
- RV Akademik Korolyov (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik Kovalevskiy (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik Kurchatov (decommissioned)
- RV Akademik Lazarev
- RV Akademik M.A.Lavrentyev
- RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh
- RV Akademik Nemchinov
- RV Akademik Nikolay Strakhov
- RV Akademik Oparin
- RV Akademik Sergey Vavilov
- RV Akademik Shatskiy
- RV Akademik Shokalskiy
- RV Akademik Vernadskiy(decommissioned)
- RV Akvanavt (decommissioned)
- RV Aleksei Chirikov (decommissioned)
- RV Alexey Maryshev
- RV Amur (decommissioned)
- RV Anatoliy Zhilinskiy
- RV Andrei Vilkitzky (decommissioned)
- RV Arktika (decommissioned)
- RV Artemida (decommissioned)
- RV Atlantida
- RV Atlantniro
- RV Atlas
- RV Atmosfera (decommissioned)

RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the Baltic Sea.
- RV Bar
- RV Belomor
- RV Boris Davidov (decommissioned)
- RV Briz (decommissioned)
- RV Buran (decommissioned)
- RV Dalniye Zelentsy
- RV Dmitriy Ovtsyn
- RV Dmitriy Mendeleev (decommissioned)
- RV Dmitry Peskov
- RV Eduard Tolly (decommissioned)
- RV Faddey Bellinsgausen (decommissioned)
- RV Fyodor Matisen (decommissioned)
- RV Fritiof Nansen
- RV Fyodor Litke (decommissioned)
- RV Gals (decommissioned)
- RV Gelendzhik
- RV Geo Arctic
- RV Geofizik
- RV Geolog Dmitriy Nalivkin

RV Akademik Sergey Vavilov, moored in Bremerhaven.
- RV Gidrobiolog
- RV Gidrolog (decommissioned)
- RV Gidrofizik (decommissioned)
- RV Gigrometr (decommissioned)
- RV Glubina (decommissioned)
- RV Grigoriy Mikheyev
- RV Groza (decommissioned)
- RV Ikhtiandr (decommissioned)
- RV Impuls (decommissioned)
- RV Iskatel-5
- RV Ivan Kireyev
- RV Ivan Kruzenshtern
- RV Ivan Petrov
- RV Jakov Smirnitskiy
- RV Kapitan Dranitsyn

RV Kapitan Dranitsyn, 2006.
- RV Kol'skaja
- RV Kompas (decommissioned)
- RV Leonid Morozov (decommissioned)
- RV Lugovoe (decommissioned)
- RV Mangazeya (decommissioned)
- RV Metan (decommissioned)
- RV Mikhail Verbitskiy
- RV Mikhail Lomonosov (decommissioned)
- RV Miklukho Maklay(decommissioned)
- RV Mirazh
- RV Murmanskaja (decommissioned)
- RV Nikolay Yevgenov (decommissioned)
- RV Okean (decommissioned)
- RV Odissey (decommissioned)
- RV Pamyat Merkuriya (decommissioned)
- RV Pavel Bashmakov (decommissioned)
- RV Pavel Gordienko
- RV Persey (operated between 1922 and 1941, the first Soviet research vessel)
- RV Pomor (decommissioned)
- RV Priboy
- RV Priliv (decommissioned)
- RV Professor Bogorov
- RV Professor Gagarinskiy
- RV Professor Kaganovskiy
- RV Professor Khromov
- RV Professor Kurentsov
- RV Professor Logachev
- RV Professor Molchanov (decommissioned)
- RV Professor Multanovskyi
- RV Professor Polshkov
- RV Professor Rjabinkin
- RV Professor Vodyanitsky
- RV Professor Shtokman
- RV Professor Vladimir Kuztensov
- RV Professor Zubov (decommissioned)
- RV Petr Kottsov
- RV Rift
- RV Roumb (decommissioned)
- RV Semyon Dezhnev
- RV Sergey Kravkov
- RV Shelf (decommissioned)
- RV Smolensk (decommissioned)
- RV Taimyr
- RV Tantal (decommissioned)
- RV Tor
- RV Vadim Popov (decommissioned)
- RV Valentin Shashin (decommissioned)
- RV Valerian Uryvayev (decommissioned)
- RV Viktor Buynitskiy
- RV Vityaz (III) (retired)
- RV Vityaz (IV) (decommissioned)
- RV Vladimir Sukhoskiyv
- RV Vsevolod Timonov (decommissioned)
- RV Vulkanolog Вулканолог (судно) (decommissioned)
- RV Vyacheslav Frolov

FRV Clupea
- RV Yakov Smirnitskiy
- RV Yantar (decommissioned)
- RV Yaroslavets (decommissioned)
- RV Yuzhmorgeologiya
- RV Zapolyarjye
- RV Zenit (decommissioned)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
- BO Sarmiento de Gamboa
- BO García del Cid
- BO Mytilus
Instituto Español de Oceanografía
- BIO Angeles Alvariño
- BIO Ramón Margalef
Secretaría General del Mar
- BIO Miguel Oliver
- BIO Intermares
- BIO Emma Bardán
Taiwan (Republic of China)
Taiwan Ocean Research Institute
- RV Ocean Researcher I (operated by National Taiwan University)
- RV Ocean Researcher II (operated by National Taiwan Ocean University)
- RV Ocean Researcher III (operated by National Sun Yat-sen University)
- RV Ocean Researcher V
- RV Legend
Republic of China Navy
United Kingdom
Natural Environment Research Council
- RV Sepia Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- RV Squilla Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- RV Tamaris Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- OWS Cumulus (Ocean Weather Ship)
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
RRS Discovery (III), retired at the end of 2012 after 50 year's service.
- RRS Discovery
- RRS Discovery (IV)
- RRS James Cook
- RV Callista
- RV Bill Conway
Scottish Association for Marine Science
- RV Calanus
- RV Seol Mara
University Marine Biological Station Millport
(London & Glasgow Universities)
- RV Aora, now University of Washington, USA
- RV Aplysia
Cardiff University
- RV Coda Octopus Guiding Light
PEML, University of Liverpool
- RV Roagan
- RV Marisa of Liverpool
Marine Scotland
- FRV Alba na Mara
- FRV Scotia
Environment Agency
(National Marine Service)
- RV Coastal Guardian
- RV Sea Vigil
- RV Vigilance
- RV Water Guardian
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern Ireland
- RV Corystes (replaced RV Lough Foyle)
Gardline Geoservices Ltd
- RV Coastal Surveyor
- RV Ocean Discovery
- RV Ocean Endeavour
- RV Ocean Observer
- RV Ocean Researcher formerly RRS Charles Darwin
- RV Ocean Seeker
- RV Triton
- RDV 01 Crystal
- RV Aurora Magnetica
- RV Diablo
- RV Song of the Whale
United States
Florida Institute of Oceanography
- RV Bellows
- RV Suncoaster
Oregon State University
R/V Yaquina at sea
- R/V Taani, under construction[9][10]
- R/V Pacific Storm
- R/V Oceanus, formerly Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution[11][12]
- R/V Elakha[13]
- R/V Acona (retired)[9]
- R/V Cayuse (retired)[9]
- R/V Wecoma (retired)[12][14]
- R/V Yaquina (retired)[9]
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- USS Conger (SS-477) (23 August - 5 October 1947)
- RV Vema (1953-1981)
- USNS Robert D. Conrad (1962-1989)
- USNS Eltanin (1962-1974)
- RV Maurice Ewing (1988-2005)
- RV Marcus Langseth (2007-)
Marine Biological Laboratory
- RV Gemma
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
- RV John H. Martin
- RV Point Sur
- RV Sheila B
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA Research Ship Ka'Imimana (R-333).
NOAAS Rainier with her namesake, Mount Rainier, in the background.
- NOAAS Bell M. Shimada
- NOAAS David Starr Jordan (Class IV)
- NOAAS Delaware II (Class IV)
- NOAAS Fairweather (Class II)
- NOAAS Ferdinand R. Hassler (Class II)
- NOAAS Gordon Gunter (Class III)
- NOAAS Hi'ialakai (Class III)
- NOAAS Henry B. Bigelow (Class II)
- NOAAS Ka'imimoana (Class III)
- NOAAS Miller Freeman (Class II)
- NOAAS McArthur II (Class III)
- NOAAS Nancy Foster (Class III)
- NOAAS Okeanos Explorer (Class III)
- NOAAS Oregon II (Class III)
- NOAAS Oscar Dyson (Class II)
- NOAAS Oscar Elton Sette (Class III)
- NOAAS Ronald H. Brown (Class I)
- NOAAS Rainier (Class II)
- NOAAS Thomas Jefferson (Class II)
Ocean Alliance
- RV Odyssey
Schmidt Ocean Institute
- RV Falkor
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- USS Snatch (ARS-27), better known as RV Argo (1960-1970)
- USNS Thomas Washington (T-AGOR-10) (1965-1992)
- RV Melville, sold to the Philippines and now BRP Gregorio Velasquez
- RV New Horizon
- RV Robert Gordon Sproul
- RV Roger Revelle
- RV Sally Ride (AGOR-28)
United States Navy
- USNS Hayes
- RV Knorr
- RV Melville
- RV Thomas G. Thompson (operated by the University of Washington)
- RV Atlantis
- RV Roger Revelle
- RV Kilo Moana (operated by the University of Hawaii)
- RV Neil Armstrong
- RV Sally Ride
- USS San Carlos
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

RV Atlantis is operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
- USS Chain (ARS-20) (1958-1977)
- RV Oceanus (now used by the Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences)
- RV Atlantis II (sold in 1996)
- RV Atlantis
- RV Knorr
- RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27) (Launched February 22, 2014. Now in service).

RV Savannah at its home dock at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography.
- FWS Black Douglas
- SSV Corwith Cramer (Sea Education Association)
- RV Cape Hatteras (Marine Technology/Cape Fear Community College)
- RV Coral Reef II (John G. Shedd Aquarium)
- RV Endeavor (URI)
- RV Hugh R. Sharp (University of Delaware Marine and Earth Studies, in service 2005)
- DV JOIDES Resolution
- SSV Robert C Seamans (Sea Education Association)
- RV Savannah (SkIO)
- RV Te Vega (Hopkins Marine Station)
- RV Thomas G. Thompson (University of Washington)
- RV Vantuna (Occidental College)
- RV FG Walton Smith
- RV White Holly (White Holly Expeditions, LLC)
- RV Zephyr Outbound Marine Pacific Northwest (Private ownership, for hire)
- RV Pelican (LUMCON (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium))
- RV Rachel Carson, University of Washington, formerly University Marine Biological Station Millport, UK
- HSV- 6613 Ocean surveillance ship (Giao su, Vien si Tran Dai Nghia)
Survey ships

Argentine Navy survey ship ARA Puerto Deseado.
- ARA Comodoro Rivadavia (1974–present)
- ARA Cormoran
- ARA Puerto Deseado (1978–present)

Royal Australian Navy survey ship HMAS Leeuwin (A 245).
- HMAS Barcoo (K375) (1946-1964)
- HMAS Benalla (J323) (1943-1945)
- HMAS Benalla (A 04) (1990–present)
- HMAS Bungaree (1944)
- HMAS Cook (1973-1998)
- HMAS Diamantina (K377) (1959-1980)
- HMS Fantome (1906-1914)
- HMAS Flinders (1981-1990)
- HMAS Gascoyne (K354) (1959-1966)
- HMAS Kookaburra (1956-1958)
- HMAS Horsham (1944-1956)
- HMAS Leeuwin (A 245) (2000–present)
- HMAS Melville (A 246) (2000–present)
- HMAS Mermaid (A 02) (1989–present)
- HMAS Moresby (1918) (1933-1934, 1935-1946)
- HMAS Moresby (1963) (1964-1999)
- HMAS Paluma (A 01) (1989–present)
- HMAS Shepparton (J248) (1943-1946)
- HMAS Shepparton (A 03) (1990–present)
- HMAS Warreen (1952-1666)
- HMCS Acadia (1919-1923, 1925-1939, 1945-1969)
- HMCS Cartier (1919-1939)
- HMCS Cedarwood (1948-1958)
- AGS 61 Cabo de Hornos (2013)

French Navy survey ship A758 Beautemps-Beaupré.
- A758 Beautemps-Beaupré
- A791 Lapérouse
- A792 Borda
- A793 Laplace
- HS Naftilos (A-478)
- HS Pytheas (A-474)
- HS Strabon (A-476)
- INS Mesh (J34)
- INS Sandhayak (J18)
- INS Nirdeshak (J19)
- INS Nirupak (J14)
- INS Investigator (J15)
- INS Jamuna (J16)
- INS Sutlej (J17)
- INS Darshak (J20)
- INS Sarvekshak (J22)
- Aretusa A5304
- Galatea A5308
- Ammiraglio Magnaghi A5303
- AGS Shonan
- AGS Nichinan
- AGS Suma
- AGS Futami
- HNLMS Willebrord Snellius (1929-1942)[15]
- HNLMS Snellius (A907) (1952-1972)[15][16]
- HNLMS Luymes (A902) (1952-1973)[17]
- HNLMS Tydeman (A906) (10 November 1976 - 3 June 2004), sold and renamed Plancius in 2007[18]
- HNLMS Snellius (A802) (2003-)[19]
- HNLMS Luymes (A803) (2004-)[19]
New Zealand
- SMB Adventure (1998–present)
- HMNZS Lachlan (F364) (1949–1975)
- HMNZS Manawanui (to be commissioned 2019)
- HMNZS Monowai (A06) (1975–1997)
- HMNZS Resolution (A14) (1997-2012)
- HMNZS Takapu (1980–2000)
- RV Tangaroa (1991–present)
- HMNZS Tarapunga (1980–2000)
- HMNZS Tui (T234) (1956–1967)
- HMNZS Tui (1970) (1970–1997)

Republic of Korea
- ROKS Sincheonji
- ROKS Sinsegi
South Africa
- BIO Hespérides
- B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa
- B/O García del Cid
- A-23 Antares
- A-24 Rigel
- A-31 Malaspina
- A-32 Tofiño
- A-91 Astrolabio
- A-92 Escándalo
Taiwan (Republic of China)
United Kingdom - Royal Navy

Royal Navy ocean survey vessel HMS Scott.
- HMS Scott (Antarctic)
- HMS Protector
- HMS Roebuck (Coastal)
- HMS Gleaner (Coastal)
- HMS Magpie (Inshore)
- HMS Echo (Multi-Role Survey Vessel)
- HMS Enterprise (Multi-Role Survey Vessel)
Humber Sentinel
United States
Oceanographic survey ship USNS Pathfinder.
- NOAAS Fairweather
- NOAAS Rainier
- NOAAS Rude
- NOAAS Thomas Jefferson
- USNS Maury and USNS Tanner
- USNS Pathfinder
- USNS Sumner
- USNS Bowditch
- USNS Henson
- USNS Bruce C. Heezen
- USNS Mary Sears
- Other members of the US Navy fleet with "AGS" notation
- USNS Josiah Willard Gibbs (T-AGOR-1) (1958-1971)
- "Novo navio oceanográfico da USP já está a caminho do Brasil"
- "History of the fleet" (in French). Ifremer. Retrieved 2012-01-25.
- "Operating Research Vessels". Russian Unified State Information System on Situation in the World Ocean (in Russian). Retrieved 2012-06-30.
- "European Research Vessels Infobase". EurOceanic. Retrieved 2012-06-30.
- Oregon State University (27 August 2018). "OSU to name new research ship Taani, which means "offshore"". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.
- College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (August 2018). "Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV)". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
- College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (January 2012). "R/V Oceanus". Oregon State University. Retrieved 9 July 2019.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
- News and Research Communications, Oregon State University (January 17, 2012). "OSU To Retire One Research Vessel, Take Over Operation Of Another". Oregon State University. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
- "R/V Elakha". Oregon State University. Archived from the original on December 3, 2010. Retrieved January 4, 2011.
- "R/V Wecoma". Oregon State University. Archived from the original on December 29, 2010. Retrieved January 4, 2011.
- As it was
- "". Archived from the original on 2012-04-26. Retrieved 2012-01-25.
- Fred te Linde
- Navy Inside
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