Lublin cuisine
Lublin cuisine is an umbrella term for all dishes with a specific regional identity belonging to the region of Lublin. It is a subtype of Polish and Galician cuisine with many similarities to and signs of the influence of neighbouring cuisines.
List of Lublin dishes
Pastry and baked goods

- Bułka wiejska – lightly salted bread roll[1]
- Całuski pszczelowolskie – small, oval biscuits with honey and beeswax[2]
- Cebulak żukowski – yeast dough with cheese-onion stuffing[3]
- Cebularz lubelski – wheat flat-cake topped with onion and poppy seed[4]
- Golasy izbickie – originating from Gmina Izbica; stuffed with buckwheat, boiled potatoes with cheese and śmietana[5]
- Gryczak janowski – buckwheat grain with milk[6]
- Gryczok godziszowski – grain with sugar, white cheese[7]
- Korowaj – traditional wedding bread, served to the bride the day before marriage[8]
- Paszteciki niedrzwickie z kapustą i pieczarkami – pasty with mushroom and cabbage[9]
- Paszteciki z grzybami (mushroom pasty) – mushroom pasty[10]
- Pączki żakowolskie z powidłami z antonówek – originating from Żakowola; pączki with yeast dough and apple filling[11]
- Piernik lubelski (Lublin gingerbread) – two-layer sponge-fat cake, lightly sweet with an aromatic root smell[12]
- Piernik żydowski (Jewish gingerbread) – sponge-fat cake, topped with dried tropical fruit[13]
- Pieróg biłgorajski, piróg biłgorajski (Biłgoraj pierogi) – roast with Kasza, potato, twaróg, eggs and śmietana[14]
- Racuchy turowskie – oval, puffy yeast cake[15]
- Racuchy z makiem (racuchy with poppy-seed) – poppy seed-yeast cake[16]
- Wafle tortowe suche (dry cake waffles) – waffles; dry and crumbly, with a lightly sweet taste[17]
- Zawijaki wygnanowskie – "twist" with fruit, yeast dough and fruit[18]

- Jabłczanka z Fajsławic – dried apple soup with śmietana and sugar[19]
- Zupa cebulowa z Goraja (Goraj onion soup) –
- Zupa chłopska fajsławicka – soup with potatoes, kluski, fatback and dewlap[20]
- Zupa z karpia (carp soup) – soup with carp, vegetables, ginger and seasonings[21]
- Żur żukowski – żurek with meat, onion and vegetables[22]
Fish dishes
- Karasie z Polesia (Polesia crucian carp) – fish steak with onion-mushroom stuffing[23]
- Karp w śmietanie po poniatowsku – originating from Poniatowa; carp with onion and sour cream[24]
- Kotlety rybne z Sygrów (Fish cutlet from Sygrów) – originating from Gmina Kodeń; cutlets from fresh fish (pike, tench, carp, or catfish) with garlic and seasoning[25]
Pork and beef dishes
Stews, vegetable and potato dishes

- Chodelskie gołąbki z kiszonej kapusty – gołąbki with sauerkraut and kasza, with rapeseed oil[31]
- Flaki piaseckie – tripe with marjoram and cream[32]
- Karczmiskie pierogi z bobru – pierogi with laurel[33]
- Kluski gryczane (Groat kluski) – kasza kluski[34]
- Kulebiak generałowej Kickiej – crescent-shaped roast with lightly spicy mushrooms
- Kulebiak z Perkowic – yeast bake with meat-vegetable stuffing[35]
- Lubelski forszmak – sweet and sour meat and sausage soup[36]
- Parowańce brzozowickie (Brzozowica parowańce) – originating from the village Brzozowica Duża
- Parowańce z serem (Parowańce with cheese) – pampuchy with cheese[37]
- Parowańce z kaszą jaglaną (Parowańce with millet) – pampuchy with millet[38]
- Parowańce żakowolskie (Żakowola parowańce) – pampuchy with lentil[39]
- Pierogi lipniackie (Lipniaki pierogi) – pierogi with cabbage and mushrooms[40]
- Pierogi nowodworskie – pierogi with brown kasza, raisins and minute amount of mint[41]
- Pierogi olszewnickie (Olszewnica pierogi) –
- Pierogi turowskie z soczewicą (Turów pierogi with lentils) –
- Pierogi zosinowskie (Zosinowo pierogi) – pierogi with buckwheat kasza[42]
- Pierogi żakowolskie (Żakowola pierogi) – pierogi from yeast dough with apple [stuffing]][43]
- Podcos – thick viand from cabbage, barley groats, dill and chives[44]
- Pyzy polskowolskie (Polskowola pyzy) – pyzy with meat[45]
- Słodkowska kapusta z grzybami – thick cabbage viand with mushrooms[46]
- Tertuny brzozowickie – originating from the village Brzozowica Duża; kluski-like dish with potato and lentil stuffing[47]
- Werbkowickie placki z soczewicy – flat, oval cakes with lentil stuffing[48]
- Woleńskie kartoflaki – oval kluski with meat, topped with pork rind and roused with fat[49]
- Zawijas nasutowski – "twist" with wheat dough and onion aroma[50]
- Zawijoki janowickie – kluski-like dish with kasza and sauerkraut stuffing[51]

- Baba drożdżowa z jabłkami (Baba with apples) – yeast cake with apples[52]
- Ciasto staropolskie podhoreckie (Old Polish Podhorce cake) –
- Makowiec lubartowski (Lubartów makowiec) – plum-nut makowiec[53]
- Marchwiaki z makiem – carrot rouladen with poppy seed[54]
- Miodownik z Jaszczowka – honey cake[55]
- Pieróg gryczany – kasza bake, sweet or savoury taste dependent on added ingredients[56]
- Pralina z Lublina – raspberry-honey chocolate sweets[57]
- Rudnicki pieróg jaglany – cake with honey and mint filling[58]
- Sernik z kartoflami z Jaszczowa (Jaszczów potato cheesecake) – potato cheesecake[59]
- Sękacz podlaski (Podlaskie sękacz) – pyramid cake, made of many layers; includes butter, egg whites, flour and cream
- Szarlotka józefowska (Józefów charlotte) – charlotte cake with an apple filling[60]
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