Murodo (室堂, Muro-do, IPA: [Murodo ]) is a Volcanic plateau located near Tateyama in Toyama Prefecture, central Honshu, in Japan.

Murodo is a one of mainly highlights of Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route.
Murodo is a important base for climbers, which is near by Mount tate, Mount tsurugi,and others.
There are Snow Wall (Yuki-no-Otani).
Murodo was formed a lot of maar.
Mikuriga-ike pond and Midoriga-ike pond are near Murodo station, which are volcanic ponds.
Snow Wall
The 500m-long snow wall is formed each spring on either side of the highway after snow is cleared for the opening of the Alpine Route. The awe-inspiring snow wall can reach a height of up to 20m (comparable to a seven-story building), One side of the road is designated for pedestrians, allowing you to walk between the walls of snow and enjoy the towering structures to your heart’s content. The walls are still 10m in height even in late June at the end of the season.[1]
- 立山・浄土山を背景に広がる室堂平
- 立山・ミクリガ池・室堂山荘
- パノラマロードから望む大日連峰
- Snow wall
- The trail from Murodo St. to Murodo pleteau.
- Mikuriga-ike pond
- Jigokudani seen from Murodo
- 雷鳥荘
- The trail from Murodo pleteau to Raityo-so (Hotel)
- Raityozawa Camp Site
- Midoriga-ike pond
- Murodo St. near by the stone monument.
- 室堂での雲海
- Snow Wall (Yuki-no-Otani) Toyama