Nicla Vassallo
Nicla Vassallo (born 1963), is an Italian philosopher with research and teaching interests in epistemology, philosophy of knowledge, theoretical philosophy, as well as gender and sexuality studies. She is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Genoa, Italy.

Nicla Vassallo studied philosophy at the University of Genoa and at King's College London. After receiving her Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science, she was appointed Research Fellow and then Researcher. In 2002 she qualified as Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Catania, and then in 2004 as Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bergamo. From 2003 to 2008 she taught Epistemology in the Psychology Faculty at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. Since 2005 she has been a Full Professor in the Department of Philosophy (now D.A.F.I.S.T.) at the University of Genova, where she taught Philosophical Propaedeutics, Philosophy of knowledge and Epistemology. She now teaches Theoretical Philosophy, is part of the teaching staff of the Doctorate in Philosophy, and an Associate of Italian Research Council (C.N.R).
The following is a partial list of Vassallo's publications.
Books as author
- (1995), La depsicologizzazione della logica. Un confronto tra Boole e Frege, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- (1997), La naturalizzazione dell'epistemologia. Contro una soluzione quineana, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- (1999), Teorie della conoscenza filosofico-naturalistiche, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- (2002), Conoscenza e natura, De Ferrari Editore, Genova.
- (2003), Teoria della conoscenza, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
- (2007), Filosofia delle donne, with P. Garavaso, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
- (2010), Piccolo trattato di epistemologia, with M.C. Amoretti, Codice Edizioni, Torino.
- (2011), Per sentito dire. Conoscenza e testimonianza, Feltrinelli, Milano.
- (2012), Conversazioni, Mimesis, Milano.
- (2015), Frege on Thinking and Its Epistemic Significance with P. Garavaso, Lexington Books–Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD, Usa
- (2015), Il matrimonio omosessuale è contro natura: falso!, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
- (2015), Breve viaggio tra scienza e tecnologia, con etica e donne, Orthotes Editrice, Napoli–Salerno.
- (2019), Non annegare: meditazioni sulla conoscenza e sull'ignoranza, Mimesis, Sesto San Giovanni (Milan).
- (2019), Contextualism, Factivity and Clousure. A Union That Should Not That Place, with S. Leardi, Springer, New York.
Some edited collections
- (2002), Storia della filosofia analitica, with F. D'Agostini, Einaudi, Torino.
- (2003), La filosofia di Gottlob Frege, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- (2003), Filosofia delle scienze, Einaudi, Torino.
- (2008), Knowledge, Language, and Interpretation. On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, with M.C. Amoretti, Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt.
- (2009), Donna m'apparve, Codice Edizioni, Torino.
- (2012), Reason and Rationality, ed. with M.C. Amoretti, Ontos Verlag, Frankfurt.
- (2016), Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science, ed. with M.C. Amoretti, Springer, New York.
- (2018) La Donna non esiste. E l'Uomo? Sesso, genere e identità, Codice Edizioni, Torino.