OER Africa
OER Africa is an initiative of Saide, established in 2008 with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, to collaborate with higher education institutions in Africa in the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER), to enhance teaching and learning. OER Africa's vision is to support the emergence of vibrant and sustainable African education systems and institutions that play a critical role in building and sustaining African societies and economies through free and open development and sharing of common intellectual capital. Currently, OER Africa is undertaking collaborative work to develop the professional competences and skills of stakeholders within African higher education institutions so that they can implement OER practices to improve the quality of teaching and learning. OER Africa is
- Developing and testing effective models of continuous professional development (CPD) for supporting OER practices, and
- Sharing knowledge gained through a range of mechanisms.
- Developing an evidence-based CPD framework comprising a set of inter-related learning pathways on effective OER practices.

The learning pathways developed so far cover Finding Open Content, Adapting Open Content, Publishing using Open Access and Designing for Learning.