Paul Silverberg
Paul Silverberg (born 6 May 1876 in Bedburg; died 5 October 1959 in Lugano) was a German industrialist.[1][2][3]

Paul Silverberg, 1930
Paul Silverberg initially worked as a lawyer in the judicial service. In 1903, he became the General Director of Fortuna AG, which later became the Rheinische AG (today Rheinbraun). In 1926 he became part of the company's supervisory board.
In 1934, Silverberg emigrated to Switzerland due to his Jewish origins. Despite Konrad Adenauer's requests and being awarded the honorary presidency of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he refused to return to Germany after 1945. Silverberg was a member of Gustav Stresemann's national liberal Deutsche Volkspartei.
- Appeal, reason for appeal, increase and accrual in inheritance law of the civil code. M. DuMont Schauberg, Cöln 1992, OCLC 252986631 (Dissertation Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Faculty of Law, May 12, 1902, 71 pages).
- Georg Adolf Solmssen and Christian Eckert: How do we create work and bread for the German people? 3 lectures, given in Cologne on March 1, 1926 on the occasion of the general assembly of the Association of Banks and Bankers in Rhineland and Westphalia e. V. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1926, DNB 576448249.
- Georg Müller: Economic and social policy, tax and financial policy. Lectures given at the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Reich Association of German Industry on December 12, 1929 in Berlin (= publications of the Reich Association of German Industry, No. 50). Reich Association of German Industry, Berlin / Volckmar, Leipzig 1930, DNB 365001740.
- Gustav Cassel: The Collapse of the International Monetary System. Lecture at the Industrie-Club Düsseldorf, given on October 26, 1931 by Gustav Cassel, followed by Paul Silverberg's speech. Industry Club, Düsseldorf 1931, DNB 572588038.
- Franz Mariaux (Ed.): Speeches and writings. Cologne University Publishing House, Cologne 1951, DNB 454714165.
- Werner Bührer: Silverberg, Paul. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 24, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-428-11205-0, p. 414 f. (Digitized version).
- Boris Gehlen: Paul Silverberg (1876-1959). An entrepreneur (= quarterly for social and economic history, supplements No. 194), Steiner, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-515-09090-2 (dissertation Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 2005/2006).
- Hermann Kellenbenz, Paul Silverberg (1876-1959), in: Rheinisch-Westfälische Wirtschaftsbiographien, Volume 9, Münster 1967, pp. 103-132.
- Reinhard Neebe: Big Industry, State and NSDAP 1930 - 1933. Paul Silverberg and the Reich Association of German Industry in the Crisis of the Weimar Republic (critical studies on historical science. Volume 45). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1981, ISBN 3-525-35703-6. (Dissertation A University of Marburg, Department of History, 1980, DNB 213227002).
- Paul Silverberg, Internationales Biographisches Archiv 52/1959 of December 14, 1959, in the Munzinger Archive (beginning of article freely accessible)
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