Pierre Larivière

Pierre Larivière (1884? -1932) was a French anarchist writer, illustrator and painter.[1]

Prior to the First World War Larivière contributed to several anarchist publications, such as Jean Grave's Les Temps Nouveaux.[2] He was drafted during the war and served in the 27th company of the 369th line regiment. He corresponded with Grave during 914-15, but this stopped in January 1915 when he disagreed with Grave's support for Kropotkin's view that the war was a war of liberation. Rather, he supported the pacifist views of Romain Rolland.[2]

In May 1922 he attended the International Congress of Progressive Artists and signed the "Founding Proclamation of the Union of Progressive International Artists".[3]

Postcards illustrated by Larivière


  1. "Larivière, Pierre (1884 ?-1932) ill. - Bianco : 100 ans de presse anarchiste". bianco.ficedl.info. Fédération internationale des centres d’études et de documentation libertaires. Retrieved 8 December 2018.
  2. "LARIVIERE, Pierre - [Dictionnaire international des militants anarchistes]". militants-anarchistes.info. un dictionnaire international des militants anarchiste. Retrieved 8 December 2018.
  3. van Doesburg, Theo. "De Stijl, "A Short Review of the Proceedings of the Congress of International Progressive Artists], Followed by the Statements Made by the Artists' Groups" (1922)". modernistarchitecture.wordpress.com. Ross Lawrence Wolfe. Retrieved 8 December 2018.
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