
Rõmuuta is a fictional place from Robert Vaidlo's influential children's book series. While the books' protagonists are from the drawn city of Kukeleegua, Rõmuuta is primarily inhabited by toys and ruled by marzipan figures in tinfoil.

Officially an island paradise with mandatory joy and free sugar-laden food for everybody, Rõmuuta practices a regime of oppression on both its inhabitants and visitors, and takes special steps to prevent visitors from leaving. For example, the landing quays of the island are made of sugar so, once the visitor arrival celebrations end, they will melt in the seawater leaving boats tied to the quay to drift freely. Accordingly, Rõmuuta has been described as a subtle allegory for Soviet Union.[1]


  1. Eesti Ekspress: 25+5 by Kalev Kesküla and Veiko Märka
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