Robotic pet
A robotic pet is an artificially intelligent machine made in the image of an animal commonly kept as a pet. There are a variety of robotic pets such as dogs, cats, and birds. Robotic pets may also include things not normally considered pets, like Pleo, a simulation robotic dinosaur. Some people even treat these robots as actual pets. A very popular robotic pet is Tekno the Robotic Puppy. [1]

Robot pets also keep elderly people from being depressed and also keep them active. In New Zealand, a study was conducted on elders to show the impact of robotic pets on their mental well-being and standards of living. The study found that the senior adults who interacted with the pets had a much more beneficial outlook on life, including a more positive mindset.[2] The company Tombot created a prototype robotic pet that is specifically for elders who are lonely and have low-budgets. These pets will promote an easier yet more affordable lifestyle for older adults and a more low maintenance way to have the companionship of a pet.[3] A systematic review of the impact of robotic pets (robopets) in care homes found a largely positive impact on resident well‐being (reduced loneliness and agitation and increased comfort and pleasure) reported by residents and staff, though it is clear that not all residents will choose to engage with them.[4]
See also
- "The New Pet Craze: Robovacs". Wired. 2003-06-16. Retrieved 2008-08-02.
- "Can robot pets comfort like the real thing?". CNN. Retrieved 2019-04-25.
- "Why robotic pets may be the next big thing in dementia care". NBC News. Retrieved 2019-04-25.