Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI) is a long-established anthropological organisation, with a global membership. Its remit includes all the component fields of anthropology, such as biological anthropology, evolutionary anthropology, social anthropology, cultural anthropology, visual anthropology and medical anthropology, as well as sub-specialisms within these, and interests shared with neighbouring disciplines such as human genetics, archaeology and linguistics. It seeks to combine a tradition of scholarship with services to anthropologists, including students.
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Founded | 1871 |
Type | Charitable organisation |
Registration no. | England and Wales: 246269 |
Location | |
Coordinates | 51.523786°N 0.139802°W |
Website | www |
Anthropology |
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The RAI promotes the public understanding of anthropology, as well as the contribution anthropology can make to public affairs and social issues. It includes within its constituency not only academic anthropologists, but also those with a general interest in the subject, and those trained in anthropology who work in other fields.
The institute's fellows are lineal successors to the founding fellows of the Ethnological Society of London, who in February 1843 formed a breakaway group of the Aborigines' Protection Society, which had been founded in 1837. The new society was to be 'a centre and depository for the collection and systematisation of all observations made on human races'.
Between 1863 and 1870 there were two organisations, the Ethnological Society and the Anthropological Society. The Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1871) was the result of a merger between these two rival bodies. Permission to add the word 'Royal' was granted in 1907.
Individuals seeking full Fellowship status are usually required to be proposed by current Fellows who personally know the potential member. Fellowship in the institute is primarily for notable scholars who have professional or academic achievement in the field of the study of humankind or the social sciences. Fellows are elected by the RAI Council, and are entitled to use the honorific post-nominal letters FRAI.
The Institute publishes three journals:
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, formerly Man, is a quarterly journal with articles on all aspects of anthropology, as well as correspondence and a section of book reviews. The Journal provides an important forum for 'anthropology as a whole', embracing social anthropology, archaeology, biological anthropology and the study of material culture. A Special (fifth) issue was inaugurated in 2006. The Special Issue appears annually, is guest-edited or single-authored, and addresses different themes in anthropology from year to year.
Anthropology Today is a bimonthly publication which aims to provide a forum for the application of anthropological analysis to public and topical issues, while reflecting the breadth of interests within the discipline of anthropology. It is committed to promoting debate at the interface between anthropology and areas of applied knowledge such as education, medicine and development; as well as that between anthropology and other academic disciplines.
Anthropological Index Online was launched in 1997. The Index is an online bibliographic service for researchers, teachers and students of anthropology worldwide. Access is free to individual users; institutional users (except those in developing countries) pay an annual subscription. Major European and other languages of scholarship are covered, and new material is added on a continuing basis.
The Indian Antiquary was published under the authority of the Council of the Royal Anthropological Institute from 1925 to 1932.
RAI Collection
The RAI has a unique reference and research collection comprising photos, films, archives and manuscripts.
The photographic library consists of over 75,000 historic prints, negatives, lantern-slides and other images, the earliest dating from the 1860s. The photo library illustrates the great diversity and vitality of the world's cultures as well as the history of photographic image-making itself.
The RAI is actively involved in developing ethnographic film and video, as a mode of anthropological enquiry and as an educational resource. It has an extensive collection of videos, copies of which are available for sale for educational and academic purposes. Films can be studied and previewed onsite.
The archive and manuscript collection spans a period of over 150 years, providing a unique historical record of the discipline and of the Institute itself. Much unpublished textual and visual material entrusted to the RAI over the years is held in the manuscript collection, which is being conserved and catalogued on a continuing basis.
Access to the RAI Collection is free to all RAI Fellows, Members, Student Associates and all undergraduate students by prior appointment. Others may visit the Collection on payment of an access fee.
The RAI has a close association with the British Museum's Anthropology Library, which incorporates the former RAI Library given to the Museum in 1976. The Library is located within the Centre for Anthropology at the British Museum, and is effectively Britain's national anthropological library. All may use the Library on site; RAI Fellows may borrow books acquired by the RAI.
Huxley Memorial Medal
The Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture was established in 1900 in memory of Thomas Henry Huxley to identify and acknowledge the work of scientists, British or foreign, distinguished in any field of anthropological research. The highest honour awarded by the Royal Anthropological Institute, it is awarded annually by ballot of the council. The recipient delivers a lecture which is usually published. The recipients are:[1][2]
- 1900 Lord Avebury
- 1901 Sir Francis Galton
- 1902 Daniel John Cunningham
- 1903 Karl Pearson
- 1904 Joseph Deniker
- 1905 John Beddoe
- 1906 W. M. Flinders Petrie
- 1907 Edward Burnett Tylor
- 1908 William Z. Ripley
- 1909 Gustaf Retzius
- 1910 W. Boyd Dawkins
- 1911 Felix von Luschan
- 1912 William Gowland
- 1913 W. J. Sollas
- 1914 none
- 1915 Émile Cartailhac
- 1916 Sir James G. Frazer
- 1917 none
- 1918 none
- 1919 none
- 1920 A. C. Haddon
- 1921 Henry Balfour
- 1922 Marcellin Boule
- 1923 E. S. Hartland
- 1924 René Verneau
- 1925 Sir Arthur Evans
- 1926 Sir William Ridgeway
- 1927 Ales Hrdlicka
- 1928 Sir Arthur Keith
- 1929 Erland Nordenskiöld
- 1930 A. H. Sayce
- 1931 Georg Thilenius
- 1932 Charles Gabriel Seligman
- 1933 John L. Myers
- 1934 Sir Aurel Stein
- 1935 Grafton Elliot Smith
- 1936 Edward Westermarck
- 1937 H. J. Fleure
- 1938 Marcel Mauss
- 1939 R. R. Marett
- 1940 H. J. E. Peake
- 1941 Henri Breuil
- 1942 Sir Leonard Woolley
- 1943 F. C. Bartlett
- 1944 Vere Gordon Childe
- 1945 A. L. Kroeber
- 1946 Miss Gertrude Caton-Thompson
- 1947 Wynfrid Laurence Henry Duckworth
- 1948 Robert H. Lowie
- 1949 James Hornell
- 1950 Julian S. Huxley
- 1951 Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown
- 1952 Kaj Birket-Smith and Sir Peter Buck
- 1953 Morris Ginsberg
- 1954 Henri V. Vallois and Ralph Linton
- 1955 Robert Redfield and Frederic Wood Jones
- 1956 J. B. S. Haldane
- 1957 J. E. S. (Sigvald) Linné
- 1958 Sir Wilfrid Le Gros Clark
- 1959 Raymond Firth
- 1960 Samuel Kirkland Lothrop
- 1961 A. E. Mourant
- 1962 D. A. E. Garrod
- 1963 E. E. Evans-Pritchard
- 1964 G. H. R. von Koenigswald
- 1965 Claude Lévi-Strauss
- 1966 J. E. S. Thompson
- 1967 S. L. Washburn
- 1968 G. H. Rivière
- 1969 Isaac Schapera
- 1970 Cyril Daryll Forde
- 1971 G. P. Murdock
- 1972 L. L. Cavalli-Sforza
- 1973 Klaus Wachsmann
- 1974 J. D. Clark
- 1975 Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff
- 1976 M. N. Srinivas
- 1977 Meyer Fortes
- 1978 Joseph Sidney Weiner
- 1979 Gordon Willey
- 1980 Sir Edmund Leach
- 1981 Fei Hsiao-Tung
- 1982 Paul Thornell Baker
- 1983 Clifford Geertz
- 1984 Junichiro Itani
- 1985 Louis Dumont
- 1986 Lewis Binford
- 1987 Geoffrey Ainsworth Harrison
- 1988 Carleton Gajdusek
- 1989 Fredrik Barth
- 1990 Robert Hinde
- 1991 Colin Renfrew
- 1992 Mary Douglas
- 1993 George Stocking
- 1994 Sidney W. Mintz
- 1995 Jack Goody
- 1996 Phillip Tobias
- 1997 Stanley Tambiah
- 1998 Marshall Sahlins
- 1999 Sally Falk Moore
- 2000 Pierre Bourdieu
- 2001 John Francis Marchment Middleton
- 2002 Jane Goodall
- 2003 Gananath Obeyesekere
- 2004 Marilyn Strathern
- 2005 Peter Ucko
- 2006 Leslie Aiello
- 2007 Adam Kuper
- 2008 Maurice Godelier
- 2009 Ian Hodder
- 2010 Johannes Fabian
- 2011 Bruce Kapferer
- 2012 Alan Macfarlane
- 2013 Howard Morphy
- 2014 Tim Ingold
- 2015 Robin Dunbar
- 2016 Margaret Lock
- 2017 Margaret Conkey
- 2018 Anna Tsing
Rivers Memorial Medal
The Medal was founded in 1923 by the Council of the Institute in memory of its late President, William Halse Rivers, originally for 'anthropological work in the field'. However, in the 1960s the rules were amended to reflect anthropological work in a broader sense. The Medal shall be awarded for a recent body of work published over a period of five years which makes, as a whole, a significant contribution to social, physical or cultural anthropology or archaeology. Recipients[3] include:
- 2018 Madeleine Reeves
- 2017 Dan Hicks
- 2016 Ruth Finnegan
- 2015 Chris Hann
- 2014 Trevor Marchand
- 2013 Phyllis Lee
- 2012 Nigel Rapport
- 2011 Robert Foley
- 2010 Stephen Shennan
- 2009 Wendy James
- 2008 Daniel Miller and Brian Morris
- 2007 Andrew Whiten
- 2006 Paul Sillitoe
- 2005 Clive Gamble
- 2004 Chris Stringer
- 2003 Robert Hugh Layton
- 2002 Maurice Bloch
- 2001 No Award
- 2000 Adam Kuper
- 1999 Caroline Humphrey
- 1998 Nicholas Thomas
- 1997 James Carrier
- 1996 Ray Abrahams
- 1995 Simon Harrison
- 1994 Michael Herzfeld
- 1993 R. W. Wrangham
- 1992 Ladislav Holy
- 1991 Dan Sperber
- 1990 C. G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor
- 1989 Tim Ingold
- 1988 Alfred Gell
- 1987 No Award
- 1986 John Blacking
- 1985 David Parkin
- 1984 Alan Macfarlane
- 1983 Maurice Bloch
- 1982 Elizabeth Colson
- 1981 No Award
- 1980 Abner Cohen
- 1979 Colin Renfrew
- 1978 Phillip Tobias
- 1977 Peter Ucko
- 1976 Andrew Strathern and Marilyn Strathern
- 1975 J. R. Goody
- 1974 David Francis Pocock
- 1973 S. J. Tambiah
- 1972 John d'A. Waechter
- 1971 No Award
- 1970 Rodney Needham
- 1969 Joseph Sidney Weiner
- 1968 Mary Douglass and Eric Higgs
- 1967 Philip Mayer and Nigel A. Barnicot
- 1966 Philip Gulliver
- 1965 Victor Turner
- 1964 Adrian Mayer
- 1963 Derek Stenning
- 1962 H. Lehman
- 1961 Hilda Kuper
- 1960 J. C. Mitchell
- 1959 J. A. Barnes
- 1958 E. R. Leach
- 1957 Phyllis M. Kaberry
- 1956 Daryll Forde
- 1955 M. N. Srinivas
- 1954 Max Gluckman
- 1953 Donald F. Thomson
- 1952 L. S. B. Leakey and Monica Wilson
- 1951 R. F. Fortune
- 1950 S. F. Nadel
- 1949 C. von Fürer Haimendorf
- 1948 Verrier Elwin
- 1947 Meyer Fortes
- 1946 Ian H. Hogbin
- 1945 J. Eric Thompson and Audrey I. Richards
- 1944 James Hornell
- 1943 Beatrice Mary Blackwood
- 1942 James Philip Mills
- 1941 Diamon Jenness
- 1940 Raymond Firth
- 1939 Isaac Schapera
- 1938 Dorothy Ann Elizabeth Garrod
- 1937 Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
- 1936 Peter H. Buck
- 1935 A. M. Hocart
- 1934 Gertrude Caton-Thompson
- 1933 Brenda Seligman
- 1932 Melville Williams Hilton
- 1931 Reverend E. W. Smith
- 1930 Bronislaw Malinowski
- 1929 John Henry Hutton
- 1928 Sidney H. Ray and Emil Torday
- 1927 Sir W. Baldwin Spencer
- 1926 Edward Westermarck
- 1925 C. G. Seligman
- 1924 A. C. Haddon
RAI events
From time to time, the RAI runs lectures, workshops and other special events on topical issues. Its International Festivals of Ethnographic Film, run every two years in partnership with UK universities and other hosts, are a recognised part of the international ethnographic film calendar. Competitions for the Film Prizes attract entries from film-makers throughout the world.[4]
FRAI (Fellowship of the Royal Anthropological Institute)
This is a prestigious fellowship in the discipline of Anthropology worldwide. Fellows are elected by the Council of the RAI through a rigorous process.
The President of the RAI were generally elected for a two-year period:[5]
- 1871–72 John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury
- 1873–74 George Busk
- 1875–76 Augustus Pitt Rivers
- 1877–78 John Evans
- 1879–80 Edward Burnett Tylor
- 1881–82 Augustus Pitt Rivers
- 1883–84 William Henry Flower
- 1885–88 Francis Galton
- 1890–91 John Beddoe
- 1891–92 Edward Burnett Tylor
- 1893–94 Alexander Macalister
- 1895–97 Edward William Brabrook
- 1898 Frederick William Rudler[6]
- 1898–1900 Charles Hercules Read
- 1901–02 Alfred Cort Haddon
- 1903–04 Henry Balfour
- 1905–06 William Gowland
- 1907 Daniel John Cunningham
- 1908–09 William Ridgeway
- 1910 Herbert Hope Risley
- 1911–12 Alfred Percival Maudslay
- 1913–16 Arthur Keith
- 1917–18 Charles Hercules Read
- 1919–20 Everard im Thurn
- 1921–22 W. H. R. Rivers
- 1923–25 Charles Gabriel Seligman
- 1926–27 Harold John Edward Peake
- 1928–30 John Linton Myres
- 1931–33 Thomas Athol Joyce
- 1933–35 Edwin W. Smith
- 1935–37 Herbert Spencer Harrison
- 1937–38 Hermann Justus Braunholtz
- 1939–41 Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
- 1941–43 Hermann Justus Braunholtz
- 1943–45 John Henry Hutton
- 1945–47 Herbert John Fleure
- 1947–49 Cyril Daryll Forde
- 1949–51 E. E. Evans-Pritchard
- 1951–53 James Philip Mills
- 1953–55 Raymond William Firth
- 1955–57 FitzRoy Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan
- 1957–59 John Alexander Fraser Roberts
- 1959–61 Audrey Isabel Richards
- 1961–63 Isaac Schapera
- 1963–65 Joseph Sidney Weiner
- 1965–67 Meyer Fortes
- 1967–69 Maurice Freedman
- 1969–71 Geoffrey Ainsworth Harrison
- 1971–75 Edmund Ronald Leach
- 1975–77 Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf
- 1977–79 Glyn Edmund Daniel
- 1979–83 Michael Herbert Day
- 1983–85 Adrian Curtis Mayer
- 1985–87 Jean La Fontaine
- 1987–89 Michael Banton
- 1989–91 Eric Sutherland
- 1991–94 Ernest Gellner
- 1994–97 Roland Littlewood
- 1997–01 John Davis
- 2001–04 Wendy James
- 2004–07 Alan Bilsborough
- 2007–11 Roy Ellen
- 2011–14 Clive Gamble
- 2014–18 André Singer
- 2018–present Sue Black
See also
- "Huxley Memorial Medal and Lecture: Prior Recipients", Royal Anthropological Institute, accessed 31 March 2012
- Huxley Memorial Lectures (A115), Royal Anthropological Institute, accessed 31 March 2012
- "Rivers Memorial Medal Prior Recipients" Royal Anthropological Institute, Accessed 23rd Feb 2014
- Meloni, Greca N. "16th RAI Film Festival 2019 | Bristol (UK), 27–30 March 2019". Anuac. 8, 1: 259–261.
- "Presidents". Royal Anthropological Institute. 2018. Retrieved 11 February 2018.
- Brabrook, Edward (1915). "Frederick William Rudler, I.S.O.; b. July 8th, 1840, d. January 23rd, 1915; aet.75". Man. Royal Anthropological Institute. 15: 33.