Sandhan is a village on the coast of Gulf of Kutch about thirty miles west of Mandvi, in Abdasa Taluka of Kutch district of Gujarat, India.

The place is probably the Sindhan described by Arabs. It was the Jagir or bhayat(brotherhood in kutchhi language) of 12 villages in princely kutch state. Due to its geographical importance ra (king) Tamachiji of kutch started to built fort of sandhan. Later ra Godji continued the construction of fort. The fort of sandhan is one of the high wall forts of kutch. The sandhan jagir had actively participated under the leadership of kudadharji in the war of zara against the Gulansha kalora, the king of sindh region. The ruins of cannon strike on the fort during the battle can be seen even today.the sandhan jagir has the cannons of gulamsha's army as the proof of winning.the armour of dariyakhan who was senapati of gulamsa kalora, is still provide evidence of victory of sandhan jagir against the king of sindh region. Kantha|url= at the Government Central Press|page=250}}</ref> સાંધાણ ત્રણ ગઢ વાળી નામ થી પહેલા જાણીતી હતી. મુખ્ય રાજવી ત્યારે કચ્છના સુર્ય વંશી ક્ષત્રિય ભાનુશાલી માવ ઉપનામ ( નુખ ) વાળાઓ હતા.કહેવાય છે કે પછી થી વિપરીત પરિસ્થિતિ માં ચન્દ્ર વંશી જાડેજા ઓ ના હાથ માં રાજ આવ્યું. ત્યાર થી લઈને અત્યાર સુધી માવ નુખ ના તે સમય નાં પરિવાર સાંધાણ નું પાણી ત્યજી દીધેલું.
- This article incorporates Public Domain text from Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency: Cutch, Palanpur, and Mahi Kantha. Printed at the Government Central Press. 1880. p. 250.