Shaaban Khalil
Shaaban (Said) Khalil (born November 13, 1966) is the founding director of the Center for Fundamental Physics at Zewail City of Science and Technology in Egypt, since 2012. He was the Director-General of Research at Zewail City of Science and Technology from 2015 to 2018. In 2014-2015, Khalil has been nominated by Prof. Ahmed Zewail as a tenured professor. This promotion was based on the evaluation of his research, teaching, and community service by six external professors chosen by professor Zewail himself. He was also the founding director of the Center for Theoretical Physics at the British University in Egypt from 2006 to 2012.

Professor Khalil is a High Energy Physicist in the Middle East. He works to understand new phenomena beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. He also has contributions in the theory of elementary particles, in particular Supersymmetry, and the interface between particle physics and cosmology.

Khalil received his PhD in Supersymmetry Phenomenology under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Masiero (University of Padua) in 1997. He has awarded the Fulbright fellowship at the Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware, from 1999 to 2004 he held positions as a research and postdoctoral fellow at the Physics Department in Madrid University, Sussex University and the Institute of Particle Physics Phenomenology at Durham University. His work enabled him to obtain the DSc degree in 2006 from Ain Shams University, refereed by the Royal Society in the UK. He received the Leverhulme visiting professorship at the Physics Department at the University of Southampton in 2012–2013; he has been a Visiting Professor there since then.
Khalil's research has been widely recognized and he received many international awards, such as the Shoman Award for Arab Physicists in 2001, the International Award of Istanbul University in Science in 2004, and local awards such as Egypt Award for Excellence in Basic Science in 2006, and Misr El-Kheir Award for Most Cited Researchers in 2010. He organized and attended many international conferences; he is a member of the Advisory Committee of the DSU. In 2016, Khalil was invited to give a plenary talk on Probing Supersymmetry/BSM through Flavor Physics at the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2016), on August 3–10, 2016, in Chicago, U.S.
Khalil is the co-author of the book Supersymmetry beyond Minimality: From Theory to Experiment, CRC Press, ISBN 9781498756730, published 2017. He has published more than 200 papers in scientific journals.
Khalil is the Egypt link person in the CMS experiment at the LHC and was the founding team leader of the Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics (ENHEP) at the CMS experiment from 2009 to 2012. In 2017, Khalil became the founding Editor-in-Chief of Letters in High Energy Physics (LHEP) journal published by Andromeda Publishing and Academic Services.[1] He is also a reviewer for many international physics Journals. In 2020, Khalil was appointed as a member of the International Advisory Board of the Indian Journal of Physics(IJP) for five years. In 2020, Khalil has also been nominated as a member at the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Khalil is the chair of the African Academy of Sciences Membership Advisory Committee in the field of Physical Sciences, chair of "Africa Synchrotron Initiative" Committee, a member of the Research Council for Basic Sciences at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and a member of the Executive Board of the Egyptian Network of Nuclear Sciences.
Selected publications
- Rose, L., Khalil, S., King, S., and Moretti, S. (2020). RK and RK∗ in an aligned 2HDM with right-handed neutrinos. Phys. Rev. D 101, 115009.
- Abdallah, W., Hammad, A., Khalil, S., and Moretti S.(2019). Dark matter spin characterization in mono-𝑍 channels. Phys. Rev. D 100, 095006.
- Delle Rose, L., Khalil S., King, S., Moretti, S. (2019).New Physics Suggested by Atomki Anomaly. Front. Phys., 15.
- Rose, L., Khalil, S., King, S., Moretti, S., and Thabt, A.(2019) Atomki Anomaly in Family Dependent U(1)' Extension of the Standard Model. Phys. Rev. D 99, 055022.
- Khalil, S. and Moretti, S. (2017). The B−L supersymmetric standard model with inverse seesaw at the large hadron collider. Reports on Progress in Physics, 80(3), p. 036201.
- Cao, Q., Khalil, S., Ma, E. and Okada, H. (2011). Observable T7 Lepton Flavor Symmetry at the Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review Letters, 106(13).
- Huitu, K., Khalil, S., Okada, H. and Rai, S. (2008). Signatures for Right-Handed Neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review Letters, 101(18).
- Khalil, S. and Kou, E. (2003). Possible Supersymmetric Solution to the Discrepancy between B→ϕKS and B→η′KS CP Asymmetries. Physical Review Letters, 91(24).
- Abel, S., Khalil, S. and Lebedev, O. (2002). Additional Stringy Sources for Electric Dipole Moments. Physical Review Letters, 89(12).
- Abel, S., Khalil, S. and Lebedev, O. (2001). Electric Dipole Moment Cancellations in D-Brane Models. Physical Review Letters, 86(26), pp. 5850-5853.
- Bailin, D. and Khalil, S. (2001). Flavor-Dependent Supersymmetric Phases and CP Asymmetry in B→Xs γ Decays. Physical Review Letters, 86(19), pp. 4227-4230.
- "س و ج مع شعبان خليل عن إصدار دورية علمية". SciDevNet. 13 February 2019.
- Profile page at Zewail City of Science and Technology
External links
- Shaaban Khalil publications indexed by Google Scholar