Simon's problem
In the computational complexity theory and quantum computing, Simon's problem is a computational problem that can be solved exponentially faster on a quantum computer than on a classical (or traditional) computer. Simon's problem incorporates the use of a black box. Black box problems give quantum algorithms advantage over classical algorithms.
The problem itself is of little practical value because there are little imaginable realistic settings that would require solving Simon's Problem. However, the problem is still important because it can be proved that a quantum algorithm can solve this problem exponentially faster than any known classical algorithm. This is the first example of a quantum computational problem that can be solved at a polynomial time on a quantum computer.
The problem is set in the model of decision tree complexity or query complexity and was conceived by Daniel Simon in 1994. Simon exhibited a quantum algorithm, usually called Simon's algorithm, that solves the problem exponentially faster than any deterministic or probabilistic classical algorithm, requiring exponentially less computation time (or more precisely, queries) than the best classical probabilistic algorithm. In Simon's algorithm a linear number of queries are needed for the quantum algorithm rather than an exponential number of queries that are needed for the classical probabilistic algorithm. This problem yields an oracle separation between the complexity classes BPP and BQP, unlike the separation provided by the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm, which separates P and EQP. The separation is exponential (relative to an oracle) between quantum and bounded error classical query complexity. Simon's problem does not prove , rather demonstrates that there exists an oracle relative to which . The oracle used in Simon's Problem is the black box we consider when computing.
Simon's algorithm was also the inspiration for Shor's algorithm. Both problems are special cases of the Abelian hidden subgroup problem, which is now known to have efficient quantum algorithms.
Problem description
Given a function (implemented by a black box or oracle) with the promise that, for some unknown , for all ,
- if and only if ,
The goal is to identify s from making queries to f(x).
Another common statement of this problem is of distinguishing the case, where the function is one-to-one, from the case, where the function is two-to-one and satisfies .
It is important to remember that the goal of Simon's Problem is to reduce the number of queries to the black box so that we can determine s exponentially fast.
For example, if , then the following function is an example of a function that satisfies the required and just mentioned property:
000 | 101 |
001 | 010 |
010 | 000 |
011 | 110 |
100 | 000 |
101 | 110 |
110 | 101 |
111 | 010 |
In this case, (i.e. the solution). It can easily be verified that every output of occurs twice, and the two input strings corresponding to any one given output have bitwise XOR equal to .
For example, the input strings and are both mapped (by ) to the same output string . and . If we apply XOR to 010 and 100 we obtain 110, that is can also be verified using input strings 001 and 111 that are both mapped (by f) to the same output string 010. If we apply XOR to 001 and 111, we obtain 110, that is . This gives the same solution we solved for before.
In this example the function f is indeed a two-to-one function where .
For a one-to-one function, such that
Problem hardness
Intuitively, this is a very hard problem to solve in a "classical" way, even if one uses randomness and accepts a small probability of error. The intuition behind the hardness is reasonably simple: if you want to solve the problem classically, you need to find two different inputs and for which . There is not necessarily any structure in the function that would help us to find two such inputs: more specifically, we can discover something about (or what it does) only when, for two different inputs, we obtain the same output. In any case, we would need to guess different inputs before being likely to find a pair on which takes the same output, as per the birthday problem. Since, classically to find s with a 100% certainty it would require checking up to inputs, Simon's problem seeks to find s using fewer queries than this classical method.
Overview of Simon's algorithm
The high-level idea behind Simon's algorithm is to "probe" (or "sample") a quantum circuit (see the picture below) "enough times" to find (linearly independent) n-bit strings, that is
such that the following equations are satisfied
where is the modulo-2 dot product; that is, , and , for and for .
So, this linear system contains linear equations in unknowns (i.e. the bits of ), and the goal is to solve it to obtain , and is fixed for a given function . There is not always a (unique) solution.
Simon's quantum circuit

The quantum circuit (see the picture) is the implementation (and visualization) of the quantum part of Simon's algorithm.
A quantum state of all zeros is first prepared (this can easily be done). The state represents where is the number of qubits. Half of this state is then transformed using a Hadamard transform. The result is then fed into an oracle (or "black box"), which knows how to compute . Where acts on the two registers as . After that, part of the output produced by the oracle is transformed using another Hadamard transform. Finally, a measurement on the overall resulting quantum state is performed. It is during this measurement that we retrieve the n-bit strings, , mentioned in the previous sub-section.
Simon's algorithm can be thought of as an iterative algorithm (which makes use of a quantum circuit) followed by a (possibly) classical algorithm to find the solution to a linear system of equations.
Simon's algorithm
In this section, each part of Simon's algorithm is explained (in detail). It may be useful to look at the picture of Simon's quantum circuit above while reading each of the following sub-sections.
Simon's algorithm starts with the input , where is the quantum state with zeros.
(The symbol is the typical symbol used to represent the tensor product. To not clutter the notation, the symbol is sometimes omitted: for example, in the previous sentence, is equivalent to . In this article, it is (often) used to remove ambiguity or to avoid confusion.)
So, for example, if , then the initial input is
- .
First Hadamard transformation
After that, the input (as described in the previous sub-section) is transformed using a Hadamard transform. Specifically, the Hadamard transform (the tensor product can also be applied to matrices) is applied to the first qubits, that is, to the "partial" state , so that the composite state after this operation is
where denotes any n-bit string (i.e. the summation is over any n-bit string). The term can be factored out of the summation because it does not depend on (i.e. it is a constant with respect to ), and .
Suppose (again) , then the input is and the Hadamard transform is
If we now apply to the first , i.e. to the state
we obtain
To obtain the final composite quantum state, we can now tensor product with , that is
We then call the oracle or black-box ( in the picture above) to compute the function on the transformed input , to obtain the state
Second Hadamard transformation
We then apply the Hadamard transform to the states of the first qubits of the state , to obtain
where can either be or , depending on , where , for . So, for example, if and , then , which is an even number. Thus, in this case, , and is always a non-negative number.
Intuition behind this inverse Hadamard transformation that is applied here can be found on CMUs lecture notes
Let's now rewrite
as follows
This manipulation will be convenient to understand the explanations in the next sections. The order of the summations has been reversed.
After having performed all previously described operations, at the end of the circuit, a measurement is performed.
There are now two possible cases we need to consider separately
- or
- , where .
First case
Let's first analyze the (special) case , which means that is (by requirement) a one-to-one function (as explained above in the "problem description").
Let's keep in mind that the quantum state before the measurement is
Now, the probability that the measurement results in each string is
This follows from
because the two vectors only differ in the ordering of their entries, given that is one-to-one.
The value of the right-hand side, that is
is more easily seen to be .
Thus, when , the outcome is simply a uniformly distributed -bit string.
Second case
Let's now analyze the case , where . In this case, is a two-to-one function, that is, there are two inputs that map to the same output of .
The analysis performed in the first case is still valid for this second case, that is, the probability to measure any given string can still be represented as
However, in this second case, we still need to figure out what this value of is. Let's see why in the following explanations.
Let , the image of . Let (i.e. is some output of the function ), then for every , there is one (and only one) , such that ; moreover, we also have , which is equivalent to (see "the problem description" section above for a review of this concept).
Hence, we have
Given that , then we can rewrite the coefficient as follows
Given that , then we can further write the expression above as
So, can further be written as
Odd number
Now, if is an odd number, then . In that case,
Consequently, we have
Given that , then we never have this case, that is, no string is seen (after the measurement) in this case.
(This is the case where we have destructive interference.)
Even number
If, instead, is an even number (e.g. zero), then . In that case,
So, we have
Is the case of constructive interference,
. So, in summary, for this second case, we have the following probabilities
Classical post-processing
When we run the circuit (operations) above, there are two cases:
- in the (special) case where , the measurement results in each string with probability
- in the case (where ), the probability to obtain each string is given by
Thus, in both cases, the measurement results in some string that satisfies , and the distribution is uniform over all of the strings that satisfy this constraint.
Is this enough information to determine ? The answer is "yes", provided that the process (above) is repeated several times (and a small probability of failure is accepted). Specifically, if the above process is run times, we get strings , such that
This is a system of linear equations in unknowns (i.e. the bits of ), and the goal is to solve it to obtain . Note that each of the that we obtain after each measurement (for each "round" of the process) is, of course, the result of a measurement, so it is known (at the end of each "round").
We only get a unique non-zero solution if we are "lucky" and are linearly independent. The probability that are linearly independent is at least
If we have linear independence, we can solve the system to get a candidate solution and test that . If , we know that , and the problem has been solved. If , it must be that (because, if this were not so, the unique non-zero solution to the linear equations would have been ). Either way, once we have linear independence, we can solve the problem.
Simon's algorithm requires queries to the black box, whereas a classical algorithm would need at least queries. It is also known that Simon's algorithm is optimal in the sense that any quantum algorithm to solve this problem requires queries.[1][2]
See also
- Koiran, P.; Nesme, V.; Portier, N. (2007), "The quantum query complexity of the Abelian hidden subgroup problem", Theoretical Computer Science, 380 (1–2): 115–126, doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2007.02.057, retrieved 2011-06-06
- Koiran, P.; Nesme, V.; Portier, N. (2005), "A quantum lower bound for the query complexity of Simon's Problem", Proc. ICALP, 3580: 1287–1298, arXiv:quant-ph/0501060,, retrieved 2011-06-06