Strategic Trade Advisory Group

The Strategic Trade Advisory Group was created to advise the UK Department for International Trade in the need stakeholders, representing a series of cross - sections of Interests from all part of the United Kingdom.

The Strategic Trade Advisory Group was created in April 2019, after public interest by government in July 2018, and the application and selection process will be assessed through the analysis of a selection of criteria including evidence, relevant experience and expertise[1]

Role, Chair & Structure


STAG’s principal purpose is for the government to engage with stakeholders, helping to shape the United Kingdom’s future trade policy and realise opportunities across all nations and regions of the UK through high level strategic discussion.[2]

Chair and structure

The group is chaired by the Minister for Trade Policy at the Department for International Trade (DIT). The group will nominate a co-chair from the membership in due course.

Secretariat is provided by DIT.

The group will meet as required but approximately quarterly. DIT will make available the dates and times of the meetings.[3]


STAG is composed of 16 core members selected by the Government, with membership of this group reviewed annually. Neither the democratically representative devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and London, nor the city regions in England, have any representation, ex officio or otherwise.

Name of Represent Organisation Position / Area of Representation
Minister for Trade Policy DIT Chair
Professor Holger Breinlich University of Surrey Academia
Carolyn Fairbairn Confederation of British Industry Business Representative Organisation)
Dr Scott Steedman CBE British Standards Institution Standards
Caroline Normand Which? Consumer
Dr Dirk Willem te Velde Overseas Development Institute Developmental
Mark Abrams Trade Finance Global New Entrant
Michael Gidney Fair Trade Foundation Non-governmental organizations
Nick Coburn CBE Ulster Carpets Northern Ireland Business
Denise Valin Alvarez Burberry Regional Business
Liz Cameron OBE Scottish Chamber of Commerce Scottish Business
Sean Ramsden MBE Ramsden International Small And Medium Enterprise
Mike Cherry OBE Federation of Small Business, Small And Medium Enterprise, Business Representative Organisation
Sam Lowe Centre for European Reform Think Tanks
Paul Nowak Trade Union Congress Trade Unions
Prys Morgan Kepak Group Limited Welsh Business

Government officials are also invited to attend, and depending on the topic of discussion the appropriate minister received the invitation to attend.[4][5]


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