Suzie Navot
Suzie Navot is an Israeli full professor of constitutional law and parliamentary law. She teaches at the College of Management Academic Studies, Striks School of Law, in Rishon Lezion, Israel.

Personal life
Suzie Navot was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, and made aliyah to Israel with her family in 1970. She served in the army at the IDF Spokesperson's Unit foreign liaison office. She studied French language and literature, and later, law, at Tel Aviv University, where she earned an LL.B. cum laude and ranked second in her class. She also received an M.A. cum laude in public policy from Tel Aviv University in 1990 and an LL.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1998. Her doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Claude Klein, deals with parliamentary immunity.[1] She is married to Yoram Navot, a personal-injuries lawyer, and they have three daughters.
Legal and academic career
Navot teaches constitutional law and other courses in public law at the College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS).[2][3] She served in several academic committees at the law school, and served as head of the public law division and head of the teaching committee president of the disciplinary courts at the COMAS.
She was awarded several times the COMAS's Presidents award for excellence in teaching and every year, since 1993, the teaching excellence nomination.
Navot was a visiting professor at various universities and for the last few years is a regular visiting professor at the University of Paris I (Sorbonne).[4] She serves also as a visiting professor at Israel's National Security College where she teaches Constitutional Law to high rank army officers. She teaches also high rank police officers at the Police Academy and at other security institutions. Navot gives regularly selected lectures for public institutions such as Judges, lawyers, and government senior clerks, as well as to different foreign delegations visiting Israel.
She was the Secretary General of the Israeli Association of Public Law and is a member of the Israel Bar Association.
Public activities and professional counseling
Navot was member of several public committees, such as the committee appointed to prepare an ethics code for the Israeli parliament and the committee appointed by the Israeli president for the presidential volunteers' award.
Currently she is a member of the Public Committee appointed by the Israeli President for the Presidential award (among others, U.S. President Barack Obama, former U.S President Bill Clinton and Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were elected for the presidential award).[5] Navot is currently a member of a Committee at the Council for Higher Education in Israel, and a member of the Board of Directors for the Civil Service education program in Israel. She is the Israeli Correspondent for the International Survey of Public Law (Sweet @ Maxwell) and the European Public Law Journal (Kluwer). Navot has prepared many written opinions for the Knesset Committees and other government institutions, and among others on the Referendum Law, the legal aspects of the oath of allegiance by Knesset Members, reform on the electoral system and parliamentary immunities. She has served as a consultant to different branches of government, public institutions as well as private lawyers, in constitutional questions.
She is well known as a senior commentator for the Israeli media on constitutional and political legal issues and publishes regularly in the Israeli newspapers and electronic media. She has been cited in the international media for commentary on Israeli constitutional and parliamentary legal issues.[2][6][7]
Navot speaks fluently English, Hebrew, Spanish and French and has a very good knowledge of Italian. She participates frequently in conferences and seminars in Europe, and has lectured in international seminars at the French National Assembly, at the Belgium Senate, at the Italian Parliament and at the Constitutional Court in Rome.
In 2010 she was awarded the "Ometz" award for special public involvement on the fight against corruption and for the raising of public awareness on proper government. Her doctoral dissertation was awarded the Prize of the Israeli Association for Parliamentarism.
Navot is the author of The Constitutional Law of Israel (Kluwer 2007)[8] and The Constitution of Israel: A Contextual Analysis (Hart 2014). She has also authored chapters in books[9] as well as dozens of legal articles, in different languages.
External links
- Suzie Navot COMAS home page
- Round Table : Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments, YouTube page of Multimedia Center Huji
Some of her papers:
- S. Navot, More of the Same: Judicial Activism in Israel, European Public Law 7, (2001) 355.
- S. Navot, The Supreme Court of Israel and the War on Terrorism, European Public Law, Volume 9 Issue 3, (2003) 323.
- S. Navot Judicial Review of the Legislative Process, Israel Law Review, 39(2), 2006.
- S. Navot, Political Questions in the Court: Is 'Judicial Self-Restraint' a Better Alternative than a 'Non Justiciable' Approach? VII World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law: Rethinking the Boundaries of Constitutional Law, 2007
- S. Navot, Fighting terrorism in the political arena - the banning of political parties, Party Politics 14, 745-762 (2008).
- S. Navot, The governmental commission of inquiry for the Second Lebanon War, 2007 European Public Law 15, 17-33 (March 2009)
- Prof. Suzie Navot - Curriculum Vitae Archived 2015-06-11 at the Wayback Machine
- Edmund Sanders, Israel struggles with free-speech rights, Los Angeles Times, 31 July 2011
- Suzie Navot COMAS home page
- Suzie Navot's page at the Sorbonne
- Algemeiner Advisory Board Chairman Elie Wiesel, Film Director Steven Spielberg to be Awarded Israel’s Presidential Medal of Distinction, The Algemeiner, September 12, 2013
- Olmert Plans Comeback to Challenge Netanyahu, New York Times, 15 October 2012
- `I'm not pledging. What are you going to do about it?', Haaretz, 4 December 2005
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF ISRAEL, Kluwer Law International
- S. Navot, ISRAEL a chapter in the book How Constitutions Change – A Comparative Study (Dawn Oliver and Carlo Fusaro eds) Hart Publishing 2011; S. Navot, Creating a Constitution: The use of foreign precedents by constitutional judges in Israel (1994-2010) –in The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges (edited by Tania Groppi Marie-Claire Ponthoreau) Hart Publishing 2013