Thomas Bell Poole

Thomas Bell Poole (1818–1865) was a lawman in Monterey County, who joined the Knights of the Golden Circle and served as a crewman of the Confederate privateer J. M. Chapman.

Thomas Bell Poole
DiedSeptember 29, 1865
OccupationFarmer, lawman, Confederate bushwhacker


Pool was born in 1820 at Franklin County, Kentucky. He married Mary Caroline (Duff) Davis.

He went to California during the Gold Rush and filed for a homestead in Monterey County. In 1856 he brought his family to Watsonville, California.

In 1858 Pool become an Undersheriff for a Monterey County Sheriff, Henry DeGraw.[1] He became known statewide for the hanging of the convicted murderer Jose Anastasio on February 12, 1858 despite the California Governor John B. Weller's order to postpone the execution. After Weller accused Pool of murder, Pool, supported by Monterey citizens, took part in public spat with the Governor mounting his defense on technicalities. Weller's clemency was mistakenly issued in the name of Anastasio Jesus. However, his two-year term of employment was not renewed by DeGraw.[2]

After his wife died in 1860, Pool took his family to San Francisco and engaged in livery stables business. He joined with the Knights of the Golden Circle there. In 1863, he conspired with Asbury Harpending, Ridgley Greathouse, Alfred Rubery, and other California members of the Knights of the Golden Circle to outfit a 90-ton schooner, J. M. Chapman as a Confederate privateer.[3]

William Law, who was hired as the navigator, informed the authorities, and Pool along with the others was jailed in Alcatraz accused of treason.[4] He was released after Lincoln's amnesty of December 8, 1863.[5]

In 1864 Pool became one of the leaders of Captain Ingram's Partisan Rangers based in the Santa Cruz mountains. He took part in the Bullion Bend Robbery.[6] On the next day Ingram's bushwhackers were apprehended by three lawmen including El Dorado County Deputy Sheriff Joseph Staples. During the gunfight Pool was hit by Staples in the face and went down. Other gunmen returned the fire that killed Staples.[2]

On August 27, 1864 the jury found Pool guilty of first degree murder after fifteen minutes of deliberations. The California Supreme Court upheld the death sentence. Requests for Pool's clemency signed by the sheriffs of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and El Dorado counties were declined by the California Governor Frederick Low.[2]

Pool was hanged at Placerville, California on September 29, 1865.[7]

See also


  1. Dillon, Richard. Wells, Fargo Detective: The Biography of James B. Hume. New York: Coward–McCann, Inc., 1969, p. 98
  2. Reader, Phil. Copperheads, Secesh Men, and Confederate Guerillas: Pro-Confederate Activities in Santa Cruz County During the Civil War. Santa Cruz Public Libraries, 1991. Archived
  4. The Pirate J. M. Chapman, Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 24, Number 3740, 18 March 1863
  5. Robert J. Chandler. The Release of the Chapman Pirates: A California Sidelight on Lincoln's Amnesty Policy, Civil War History, Volume 23, Number 2, June 1977, pp. 129-143
  6. Bullion Bend Robbery
  7. John Boessenecker, Badge and Buckshot: Lawlessness in Old California, University of Oklahoma Press, 1997, pg. 135-136
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