Tuvan Internationale

The Tuvan Internationale (Tuvan: Тыва Интернационал, [tʰɯˈʋɑ intʲeɾnɐtsi.ɐˈnɑɫ]; Russian: Тувинский Интернационал) is a socialist song set to a Tuvan traditional melody. It was composed during the Tuvan People's Republic.[1] It is often incorrectly listed as the Tuvan language version of "The Internationale" despite the two songs having almost nothing in common aside from similar names. With a different melody and different lyrics, the only similarity between the two songs is the fact that they are about a Workers' International. Even then, however, The Internationale is about the First International whereas the Tuvan Internationale is about the Third International.

When the revolutions after the First World War came to a close, communists managed to gain power in only three countries: the Soviet Union, Tuva and Mongolia. After the Soviet Union was formed, it adopted The Internationale as its anthem. In honour of this, composers in Tuva and Mongolia created the Tuvan Internationale and Mongol Internationale. The Mongol Internationale later served as the national anthem of Mongolia from 1924 to 1950.

The song was included on the Huun-Huur-Tu album "60 Horses In My Herd. Old Songs And Tunes Of Tuva".[2]


Tuvan[3][4][5][6]Transliteration[lower-alpha 1]RussianEnglish translation

Кадагааты каргызынга,
Качыгдадып чораан арат
Качыгдалдан чарып алган.
Кайгамчыктыг Интернационал!

Иштикиниң эзергээнге
Эзергэдип чораан арат,
Эзергэктен чарып алган.
Энерелдиг Интернационал!

Бөмбүрзектиң кырынайга
Бүдүүлүкке чораан арат,
Бүрүн эрге тыпсын берген.
Бүзүрелдиг Интернационал!

Үлетпүрчин тараачыннын
Үнүп турар хувускаалын,
Үргүлчү-ле баштап турар.
Үш-ле дугаар Интернационал!

Kadagaatı kargızınga,
Kaçıgdadıp çoraan arat
Kaçıgdaldan çarıp algan.
Kaygamçıktıg Internacional!

Iştikiniñ ezergeenge
Ezergedip çoraan arat,
Ezergekten çarıp algan.
Enereldig Internacional!

Bömbürzektiñ kırınayga
Büdüülükke çoraan arat,
Bürün erge tıpsın bergen.
Büzüreldig Internacional!

Ületpürçin taraaçınnın
Ünüp turar huvuskaalın,
Ürülçü-le baştap turar.
Üş-le dugaar Internacional!

От чужих тиранов,
Страдают гордые крестьяне
Убито злом.
Очаровательный Интернационал!

Внутренне напряженный
Крестьяне гордые угнетенные,
Обременен за счет людей.
Милостивый Интернационал!

Глобальная коррупция
И невежественные люди.
Передавая совершенно новые способы,
Самостоятельный Интернационал!

Пролетарские крестьяне
Создание революционного стенда.
Чтобы длиться вечно,
Третий Интернационал!

From the foreign tyrants,
Suffer proud peasants
Slaughtered by evil.
The alluring Internationale!

Internally strained
The oppressed proud peasants,
Burdened at the expense of the people.
The gracious Internationale!

Global corruption
And ignorant people.
Conveying the complete new ways,
Self-reliant Internationale!

Proletarian peasants
Making a revolutionary stand.
To last for all-time,
The Third Internationale!

See also


  1. Based on pan-Turkic romanization and also loosely based on Nicholas Poppe's scientific transliteration of Turkic used by Russian scholars.


  1. Where Rivers and Mountains Sing: Sound, Music, and Nomadism in Tuva and Beyond, Volume 1. Indiana University Press. 2006. ISBN 0253347157.
  2. "Huun-Huur-Tu – 60 Horses In My Herd. Old Songs And Tunes Of Tuva at Discogs".
  3. Tuvan Internationale Lyrics
  4. "Tuvan Internationale – Huun-Huur-Tu". Shazam. Retrieved 2019-08-09.
  5. "Tuvan Internationale paroles par Huun-Huur-Tu - lyrics". Paroles-Musique (in French). Retrieved 2019-08-09.
  6. Хүн Хүртү – Интернационал текст песни
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