Unveiling of the Gundulić monument
The unveiling of the Gundulić monument in Dubrovnik on May 20, 1893, was a symbolical event in the political history of Dubrovnik, since it brought to the surface the wider tensions between the two political sides of the city, the Croats and the Serb-Catholics in the pre-World War I political struggles in the region.

The preparation
At its session of March 9, 1880, the Municipal Council of Dubrovnik adopted the proposition of the Dubrovnik Serb -Catholics Youth of raising a monument for the 300th anniversary of the birth of Gundulić. The mayor of the city at the time was Rafael "Rafo" Pucić. It was decided that a five-member committee would be nominated to oversee the monument's construction. The members were Medo Pucić, Pero Budmani, Ivo Kaznačić, Mato Vodopić and Luko Zore.
In 1882, it was decided that 11 florins will be required for the monument's erection. The construction was financed by King of Serbia Aleksandar Obrenović and among the others investors were Niko Pucić, who gave 5 florins, and Vlaho DeGiulli, who gave 10 florins.
The monument was erected on May 20, 1893, in Dubrovnik's largest square, Poljana. It was made by the Croatian sculptor Ivan Rendić. The official unveiling was scheduled for the next month.
The unveiling
The unveiling, like all the official celebrations in that period, was not only cultural, but also strongly national and political. The members of the Croatian Party of Rights and the Croatian People's Party together tried to bring to Dubrovnik as many Croats as possible from various Croat regions to give the Croatian national and political character to the celebration. On the other hand, the members of the Serb Party (Serb-Catholics) tried to gather as many Serbs-Catholics as possible to give a Serbian flavor to the celebration.
It was officially revealed on Sunday, July 26, 1893, by the last male member of the family, Baron Frano Getaldić-Gundulić (see House of Gundulić). The celebration included more people from outside Dubrovnik than the citizens.
In Croatian:
- Ivo Perić, Mladi Supilo (Young Supilo), Zagreb, 1996
- Newspaper Crvena Hrvatska (Red Croatia), Dubrovnik, No. 32, August 12, 1893, pp. 1–2.
- Ivo Banac, Dubrovački eseji (Dubrovnik essays), Dubrovnik, 1992