Volcán Tacaná Biosphere Reserve

The Volcán Tacaná Biosphere Reserve (Spanish: Reserva de Biosfera Volcán Tacaná) (established 2006) is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve at the Tacaná Volcano in Chiapas, Mexico, on the border with Guatemala. The volcano is part of the Central America Volcanic Arc (Nucleo Centroamericano). The 6,378 hectares (24.63 sq mi) reserve contains fragile ecosystems very rich in wild flora and fauna species of cultural, scientific, economic and biological relevance. Its rich biodiversity and high endemism are found particularly in the high mountain ecosystem and landscapes and in the volcanic edifice which presents geophysical features of great scientific and aesthetic value. Average annual rainfall can amount to 2,000–5,000 millimetres (79–197 in), as in the case of Soconusco.[1]

Volcán Tacaná Biosphere Reserve
On the slopes of Volcán Tacaná
LocationChiapas, Mexico
Coordinates15°4′12″N 92°4′48″W
Area6,378 hectares (24.63 sq mi)

Human activities in the reserve include coffee-growing, flower-growing, bee-keeping, agriculture and tourism.[1]

Ecological characteristics

The reserve is a rich reservoir of endemic and other species of Central and South American origin which, in Mexico, are only to be found in this area. The topography is rugged with ecosystems of evergreen medium altitude forests, cloud forests and pine, oak and fir forests. It is the only place in the country where two ecosystems are represented: the Tropical Páramo and the Chusqueal ecosystems.[1]

The Volcán Tacana Biosphere Reserve harbors a rich variety of endemic species of flora (Chusquea martinezi) and fauna (Cyllopsis spp. Limanopoda cinna,Dalla sp. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera). Included among the biota of the volcano are a significant number of charismatic or protected species, such as the Canaco tree (Chiranthodendron derbianus) and the Ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatos). There are innumerable species of orchids and bromeliads.[1]


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